View Full Version : Help Pets and Our Troops overseas! (Not a scam)

05-26-2009, 10:38 AM
IA Members,

I'm going to be doing some pro-bono consulting with an Animal Shelter in Kosovo and would like to ask for you assistance.

A little background
Our troops often witness the poor treatment dogs receive in some of the 3rd World Countries they visit. During their time of service it's not uncommon that they fall for a 4 legged companion and rescue it by bring it back to the barracks. However, bringing them back home to the US can be much more of a logistical nightmare since they must be transported via a private airline and meet the health requirements of every county along the journey back.

On June 3rd I'll be leaving for Kosovo to consult with an entity that has been very supportive of our troops bringing dogs back and will be bringing one back myself (for one of our troops). I'll be there for 5 days teaching them the essential components of operating a shelter and hopefully setting up a small network for them.

If you're interested in helping,
I'm looking for old Laptops operating Windows 98 or newer. I hope to collect between 4-6 and will gladly return anything not being used. Those who help will get pictures of their Laptops at the Shelter and the dogs it will be helping.

About Me
I have been an IA member for almost 5 years now. I know Pablo, Paul, Brett and many others staples of IA who know what I do for a living and can vouche for my efforts. I'd be glad to provide any other references you require.

If you're interested in donating for this cause, PM me your laptop specs and condition. At this time I will not be taking cash donations.