View Full Version : So do you guys like girls that play games.

05-23-2009, 09:40 PM
What I mean by this is, Do like going trying to get with the girl who is playing hard to get. Do yall like going for the challenge. Or does this make you mad and you just go for easy prey.

Explain why and vote too.

05-23-2009, 09:44 PM
playing hard to get = win.

05-23-2009, 09:47 PM
playing hard to get = win.


Just put it this way... We all love stuff we can't have.:king:

Plus it makes you feel better in a relationship.

05-23-2009, 09:53 PM

Just put it this way... We all love stuff we can't have.:king:

Plus it makes you feel better in a relationship.

Troof. Made my BF wait a year before he :idb: it. When he finally did I guess he got excited because he got me pregnant. :ninja:

05-23-2009, 09:53 PM
fuck no..I hate games, Iv got to much shit to worry about in life. Its either the girl likes me or on to the next one i go.

05-23-2009, 09:56 PM
hell mother fuckin no. i hate bitches that make me play games. its annoying as fuck. if i tell you i like you, i mean wtf, that should say something, not make me have to prove it.

05-23-2009, 10:02 PM
Troof. Made my BF wait a year before he :idb: it. When he finally did I guess he got excited because he got me pregnant. :ninja:

I was about to say, the sex is so much better if you wait as well! LOL:boobies:

Because of all those emotions and feelings that build up!

05-23-2009, 10:10 PM
I was about to say, the sex is so much better if you wait as well! LOL:boobies:

Because of all those emotions and feelings that build up!

And I think it helps when u take time to get to know the person instead of hopping in a relationship. I don't like to waste my time, so I like to make sure its worth the risk before I do it. You get time to meet parents without the pressure of trying to impress and you get to meet friends and get aqquainted. I'm just kinda glad I got to know him before we went together because now I'm more tolerant of the things he does or says because I actually "know" him.

05-23-2009, 10:11 PM
If a girl plays hard to get.... fuck it, let some douchebag take her theyll probably fit each other better.. Games are for bitches stuck in high school or high maintence sluts that have nothing better to do.

But thats just my two cents :)

05-23-2009, 10:16 PM
If a girl plays hard to get.... fuck it, let some douchebag take her theyll probably fit each other better.. Games are for bitches stuck in high school or high maintence sluts that have nothing better to do.

But thats just my two cents :)


05-23-2009, 10:22 PM
playing games is immature. teasing is good, but both sexes play some stupid shit

05-23-2009, 10:26 PM
Short answer, no...

05-23-2009, 10:26 PM
IF i wanna take time to get to know the girl and her get to know me then thats fine. But games wouldnt be played. Games are for highschoolers and i dont have the time to play them. If im going to get emotionally involved with someone i want to know there on the same level. open communication and time spent is what it does. Games just frusterate and make me not give a fuck. cause you know for a fact that when a girl plays games and gets burnt shes all pissed off about it and thinks its your fault when she damn well knows its her own for "playing hard to get" or doing some stupid ass mind games. you either want to be with me and get to know me or you dont. but dont waste my time on some dumb shit cause i dont have the time. thats just me though

05-23-2009, 10:28 PM
IF i wanna take time to get to know the girl and her get to know me then thats fine. But games wouldnt be played. Games are for highschoolers and i dont have the time to play them. If im going to get emotionally involved with someone i want to know there on the same level. open communication and time spent is what it does. Games just frusterate and make me not give a fuck. cause you know for a fact that when a girl plays games and gets burnt shes all pissed off about it and thinks its your fault when she damn well knows its her own for "playing hard to get" or doing some stupid ass mind games. you either want to be with me and get to know me or you dont. but dont waste my time on some dumb shit cause i dont have the time. thats just me though
agreed! +1

but then again some ppl arent always looking for relationships..

05-23-2009, 10:28 PM


05-23-2009, 10:42 PM
If its mutual that you dont want a relationship then that should be understood. Im not shallow but i am up front. I dont play games. I tell it how it is and put everything on the table all at once. theres less chance of mixed messages on that. Thats why i said that communication is key in every type of relationship. It doesnt matter if shes your future ex wife/husband. or if ya'll are just each others release. And yes if things grow between the 2 then thats awsome. and if not then it is what it is.. but whats the true point in playing some dumb ass game? cause everyone knows that when it backfires on them they'll be the first one crying and bitching and pissed because it blew up in there face when they know that they were the one that fucked it up. but its whatever.

05-23-2009, 10:58 PM
i said no.......

unless its naked twister

05-24-2009, 01:07 AM
Theres no point if there is no chase. Too easy is no fun. I like working for it and getting it. If she doesnt give it up eventually its YOUR fault, haha

05-24-2009, 02:12 AM
You all have it wrong. Playing hard to get = huge failure

Being hard to get = win

05-24-2009, 02:12 AM
There is a point that the chase is fun, but the fact is either you like me or not.. Im not going to be there just for you to be able to pass the time..

05-24-2009, 02:21 AM
No chasing here, games are for kids and Im too old and too lazy...

600 Double R
05-24-2009, 02:23 AM
f that. hit and quit it. id rather waste my time doing something else then chasing one person in hopes of a good outcome...

05-24-2009, 02:40 AM
f that. hit and quit it. id rather waste my time doing something else then chasing one person in hopes of a good outcome...Male and Female?:gay:

600 Double R
05-24-2009, 02:41 AM
Male and Female?:gay:

female gtfo

05-24-2009, 02:44 AM
female gtfoLIES FRUITCAKE!!!!!

The Ninja
05-24-2009, 05:14 AM
playing hard to get = win.
You don't play hard to get though, you play dumb. :lmfao:

05-24-2009, 09:03 AM
Troof. Made my BF wait a year before he :idb: it. When he finally did I guess he got excited because he got me pregnant. :ninja:

I find it interesting how woman word this one. "He" got "you" pregnant. LOL. My daughter is 5, but I'm gonna make sure that she realizes that it's HER resp not to get prego b/c a man can leave at any point. The law says that a kid can be a dollar amount per month and that's it --- so I'm gonna make sure she is on her A game. :)

As far as playing hard to get... this is how I view it. You (as a woman/man) have to know your worth. For example, in ATL you have to know that the female/male ratio is 17/1. So... if you think that you are HONESTLY one of those women who can "game" a bit and he won't find some1 better the next time he stops for gas --- go for it. But if you're just the average chick -- -you might wanna go ahead and suck him off the 1st day. LOL.

I see all the WRONG chicks tryna play hard-ball and tryna control the situation when they really don't have the smarts/body/clout/wallet/brains/common sense to do so.

I'm 30 years old --- decent looks, a career (vs just having a "job") and wise beyond my years. I don't have time to "game" w/ ANY woman bc there are too many out there. Any woman who thinks she's got THAT much goin' for herself that she can game guys then I wanna see her post up. I'm not saying be a hoe, but I'ma grown ass man --- so she better be bringing a lot to the table if she wants to pretend that there are better men out there on every corner and game me.

And making your "boyfriend" wait a year? For real? I'm SUUURE that in a whole year he got no ass from any1 else right... so was he really "waiting?" :ninja:

My :2cents:

05-24-2009, 09:13 AM
PS: I'm a VERY sexual person. Our connection sexually is HUGE part of the pie... so here I am "waiting" for months and months... I like everything about you ... then I finally give you the dick and you're garbage? GAME OVER! I will still prob like and respect you as a friend... but we won't grow past that.

I'm sure that there are some people out there who aren't as sexual, and can deal w/ a mate that is "blah" in bed... they can take "mediocre" sex and be happy if they connect w/ the person on other levels. I just don't happen to be one of those people.

05-24-2009, 11:02 AM
PS: I'm a VERY sexual person. Our connection sexually is HUGE part of the pie... so here I am "waiting" for months and months... I like everything about you ... then I finally give you the dick and you're garbage? GAME OVER! I will still prob like and respect you as a friend... but we won't grow past that.

I'm sure that there are some people out there who aren't as sexual, and can deal w/ a mate that is "blah" in bed... they can take "mediocre" sex and be happy if they connect w/ the person on other levels. I just don't happen to be one of those people.


05-24-2009, 11:21 AM
I find it interesting how woman word this one. "He" got "you" pregnant. LOL. My daughter is 5, but I'm gonna make sure that she realizes that it's HER resp not to get prego b/c a man can leave at any point. The law says that a kid can be a dollar amount per month and that's it --- so I'm gonna make sure she is on her A game. :)

As far as playing hard to get... this is how I view it. You (as a woman/man) have to know your worth. For example, in ATL you have to know that the female/male ratio is 17/1. So... if you think that you are HONESTLY one of those women who can "game" a bit and he won't find some1 better the next time he stops for gas --- go for it. But if you're just the average chick -- -you might wanna go ahead and suck him off the 1st day. LOL.

I see all the WRONG chicks tryna play hard-ball and tryna control the situation when they really don't have the smarts/body/clout/wallet/brains/common sense to do so.

I'm 30 years old --- decent looks, a career (vs just having a "job") and wise beyond my years. I don't have time to "game" w/ ANY woman bc there are too many out there. Any woman who thinks she's got THAT much goin' for herself that she can game guys then I wanna see her post up. I'm not saying be a hoe, but I'ma grown ass man --- so she better be bringing a lot to the table if she wants to pretend that there are better men out there on every corner and game me.

And making your "boyfriend" wait a year? For real? I'm SUUURE that in a whole year he got no ass from any1 else right... so was he really "waiting?" :ninja:

My :2cents:

I don't care who he was having sex with during that time honestly, because I was around doing my own thing. Because through it all in his mind he knew I was worth being with. Even if I didn't see he was worth it to me at the time. It wasn't like I was running around playing games. We went to dinner, spent time together, worked on my car, etc. The only reason I wouldn't date him at the time was because I was messing around with someone else sexually, but not in a relationship. So he chose to wait on me because he loved the fact I (in his words) had my own car, monies, job, apartment, pretty face, very nice body, taking excellent care of my daughter, and was in college. He was also turned on by the fact that I was in to modding cars. So we were friends during the time he waited, I just didn't really ever give him the time of day. But he knew from the jump what my situation was like with another guy.

As far as the pregnant thing, I know it was OUR (but mostly mine) fault and I admit to it. I have no regrets about it. We had the option to abort and chose not to. I don't run around thinking I'm "the shit", I just have standards and know what I'm worth and refuse to settle for less. I wasn't playing around with him at any point, I was just something unattainable to him at the time...and for some reason, he loved that.

05-24-2009, 11:21 AM
playing games is immature. teasing is good, but both sexes play some stupid shit
So very true!

05-24-2009, 11:28 AM
PS: I'm a VERY sexual person. Our connection sexually is HUGE part of the pie... so here I am "waiting" for months and months... I like everything about you ... then I finally give you the dick and you're garbage? GAME OVER! I will still prob like and respect you as a friend... but we won't grow past that.


Honestly, this isn't to say that you should be easy... but realistically, sex is an incredibly important part of a relationship... to "force" someone to wait for many months/years just for the sake of it is kinda stupid IMHO.

05-24-2009, 12:29 PM
I never really notice.. while chick "A" is thinking she's playing games.. Im with chick "B"...

While I have one GF.... im dating 2 girls on the side ... And Im flirting with 15 on the other end...

Plus- I got other things to worry about... I really dont sweat chicks.. Humans are going to do what they want as far as relationships are concerned.. So im not worried one bit.

Sometimes getting a hooker sounds better then dating......

05-24-2009, 12:31 PM
no i hate girls that play games. I want to just fuck and get it over with and move on

Im here for the gangbang

05-24-2009, 12:36 PM
In all seriousness, im 28, so im older (notice i said OLDER not OLD!). Sex is a part of a relationship. I dont want to force a girl into it obviously, but i dont think there should be a time limit either.

If it feels right, it feels right.

If it happens to be a week, a month, a day, whatever. And i dont think that makes a girl EASY or a whore or anything. Whats wrong with being sexually active? As long as you are safe and you arent sleeping with total strangers i dont see the big deal.

The problem is detatching yourself from feelings. When sex happens its natural to see (at least in my case) people start falling in love and stuff. If i sleep with you, i genuinely like you, but that doesnt mean we need to move in together and be super duper BF/GF.

People dont know how to just DATE anymore. Dating is dating. Everyone has to be TOGETHER or married or have some sort of title. Too many times ive not DATED a girl long enough and just jumped into relationship status. And 3 months later its a bad breakup cause we figure out we really just dont get along.

Now i try to date a girl for at least a month or 2 before i decide if im into her enough, and vice versa, if we are going to move into that "bf/gf" level

.blank cd
05-24-2009, 12:39 PM
I find it interesting how woman word this one. "He" got "you" pregnant. LOL. My daughter is 5, but I'm gonna make sure that she realizes that it's HER resp not to get prego b/c a man can leave at any point. The law says that a kid can be a dollar amount per month and that's it --- so I'm gonna make sure she is on her A game. :)

As far as playing hard to get... this is how I view it. You (as a woman/man) have to know your worth. For example, in ATL you have to know that the female/male ratio is 17/1. So... if you think that you are HONESTLY one of those women who can "game" a bit and he won't find some1 better the next time he stops for gas --- go for it. But if you're just the average chick -- -you might wanna go ahead and suck him off the 1st day. LOL.

I see all the WRONG chicks tryna play hard-ball and tryna control the situation when they really don't have the smarts/body/clout/wallet/brains/common sense to do so.

I'm 30 years old --- decent looks, a career (vs just having a "job") and wise beyond my years. I don't have time to "game" w/ ANY woman bc there are too many out there. Any woman who thinks she's got THAT much goin' for herself that she can game guys then I wanna see her post up. I'm not saying be a hoe, but I'ma grown ass man --- so she better be bringing a lot to the table if she wants to pretend that there are better men out there on every corner and game me.

And making your "boyfriend" wait a year? For real? I'm SUUURE that in a whole year he got no ass from any1 else right... so was he really "waiting?" :ninja:

My :2cents:I like the way you think, sir. :goodjob:

05-24-2009, 12:48 PM
In all seriousness, im 28, so im older (notice i said OLDER not OLD!). Sex is a part of a relationship. I dont want to force a girl into it obviously, but i dont think there should be a time limit either.

If it feels right, it feels right.

If it happens to be a week, a month, a day, whatever. And i dont think that makes a girl EASY or a whore or anything. Whats wrong with being sexually active? As long as you are safe and you arent sleeping with total strangers i dont see the big deal.

The problem is detatching yourself from feelings. When sex happens its natural to see (at least in my case) people start falling in love and stuff. If i sleep with you, i genuinely like you, but that doesnt mean we need to move in together and be super duper BF/GF.

People dont know how to just DATE anymore. Dating is dating. Everyone has to be TOGETHER or married or have some sort of title. Too many times ive not DATED a girl long enough and just jumped into relationship status. And 3 months later its a bad breakup cause we figure out we really just dont get along.

Now i try to date a girl for at least a month or 2 before i decide if im into her enough, and vice versa, if we are going to move into that "bf/gf" level


And to piggy-back on this... Ladies (and emo ass men)... sex is just what it is. Don't think b/c you're getting the goods that it's more. Don't be "that guy" or "that girl" that fucks up the natural progression of shit just b/c you got some pussy/dick.

GIRL: J'son... what are we?
BABYJ: Uhhh, human?:thinking:
GIRL: No silly, we had sex... so what are we?
BABY J: Umm... NOT virgins??:thinking:


Your sex can def suck so bad that I don't wanna be w/ you in a real relationship. But on the flip side, you can't sex me good enough to make me wanna say that I am your man. Chances are I've had better. At 30 years old - it's about that TOTAL package... I've broken up w/ some of the hottest chicks to walk to Earth just b/c they're dumb... and I've dated "okay" chicks for extended periods just b/c it's a better fit. Don't need a trophy girl JUST for the sake of having a trophy girl. So bring more to the table than a good lay.

05-24-2009, 05:44 PM
..I am having to beat girls off with a stick recently...I don't know how but I get all these bitches wanting to chill...atleast it's not a bad problem....I even had one old woman come in today and introduce me to her daughter to take her out I was like wtf are you serious...I have enough on my plate! lol

I'm the only guy I've ever met who plays the game as it should be played. By not getting attached, and by not getting whipped. I'm not an asshole, but I'm also not too nice. All my friends cant get girls because they're too much of an ass, or too nice.

05-24-2009, 05:49 PM
..I am having to beat girls off with a stick recently...I don't know how but I get all these bitches wanting to chill...atleast it's not a bad problem....I even had one old woman come in today and introduce me to her daughter to take her out I was like wtf are you serious...I have enough on my plate! lol

I'm the only guy I've ever met who plays the game as it should be played. By not getting attached, and by not getting whipped. I'm not an asshole, but I'm also not too nice. All my friends cant get girls because they're too much of an ass, or too nice.

So how many guys do u meet -- and where do you pick 'em up at? Maybe try some gay bars and you can meet other guys who play the game right... you kno... since meeting guys seems to be your thing.

05-24-2009, 05:49 PM
Didn't read thread, but this is how it is. Guys supposedly like "girls who don't play games" and girls supposedly like "nice guys who are gentlemen". In actuality, however, it's the complete inverse.

The Ninja
05-24-2009, 05:53 PM
^ Lol!!! Hahhaa Damn dude!! REally??!?! Thats sooo fucking cool!!!!!


On a more serious note, I agree with what Baby J and Vtecckid are saying. Reps to the two of you.

05-24-2009, 05:53 PM
A little sure.

Girls who do it a lot are just stuck up sluts and usually aren't worth shit in my past experiences.

Mike Lowrey
05-25-2009, 09:10 AM
Games are for immature little bitches. I don't have the patience or the time for them.

06-13-2009, 08:42 AM
it just makes it worth it when its all said and done IMO. the easy ones are easy cause they have been around. but it also depends on what kinda games shes playing and how long. ill play for a couple days. then ill whip out the strategy guide and get straight to the point.

06-13-2009, 09:32 AM
I like it hard to get.. Its much more appreciated once you get it..

But it all depends on whether you want a FUCK or a GF..

06-13-2009, 09:49 AM
I agree that its sometimes fun to play hard to get, but most girls just take it way too far. Alot of girls/women play games because they have issues from past bf/gf experiences. So I say "hell no" to games.

06-13-2009, 09:54 AM

Just put it this way... We all love stuff we can't have.:king:

Plus it makes you feel better in a relationship.
Well said.

06-13-2009, 09:59 AM
Why would you wanna work for somethin you don't plan on keeping long term. Aint nobody tryin to fuckin work hard and go all out to fuck a chick one night. If a girl is worth investin a bunch of time into gettin then she is more than just a one hitter quitter.

06-13-2009, 10:17 AM
No woman is worth more than a 1 hitter quitter. Men who get married just decide one day that "this" is the woman that we will take shit from from for the rest of our lives.

Sleeping w/ a man on teh 1st night doesn't dissolve the fact of a GENUINE connection... if it's there then 5 years later you'll still be together. And waiting doesn't mean she is worth it or will be worth it.

06-13-2009, 12:07 PM
I lack the patience.

06-13-2009, 12:14 PM
It depends in which context the "game" is being applied to.
Kids play games. Teenagers play games. Adults shouldn't play games...and I'm speaking of whether it be in the confines of a relationship or even if it's simply during the "courting" process...

06-13-2009, 12:35 PM
No. If you have to play games like 'hard to get' with a girl, then you're pretty much gambling... You might finally get the girl and realize that she is awesome and it was worth it, or you might finally get the girl and realize that shes a crazy bitch and that you should have just forgot about the girl the second you realized she was wanting to play hard to get.

Id rather just be straight up from the beginning so that I know what im actually getting myself into.

06-13-2009, 01:04 PM
If a girl plays hard to get.... fuck it, let some douchebag take her theyll probably fit each other better.. Games are for bitches stuck in high school or high maintence sluts that have nothing better to do.

But thats just my two cents :)
QFMFT! I used to love the thrill of the chase but at this point its just annoying. all these little girls need to grow up and become women.

06-13-2009, 05:20 PM
Clean. GLWS.

06-13-2009, 05:23 PM
Playing "hard to get" and making a guy wait because you can is childish. I can understand being with a woman and not having sex for a year... if the relationship just panned out that way. But doing it on purpose? Grow up.

06-13-2009, 05:25 PM
Yeah --- grow up and get naked. Everybody's doing it.

06-14-2009, 01:40 PM
Playing "hard to get" and making a guy wait because you can is childish. I can understand being with a woman and not having sex for a year... if the relationship just panned out that way. But doing it on purpose? Grow up.
yeah that kinda is fucked up

06-14-2009, 02:22 PM
If a girl plays hard-to-get, I just get the impression she's not interested.

Be up-front and stop playing your stupid games. You don't realize what you're throwing away. You're not 16 years old anymore.

06-14-2009, 09:50 PM
If a girl plays hard-to-get, I just get the impression she's not interested.

Be up-front and stop playing your stupid games. You don't realize what you're throwing away. You're not 16 years old anymore.

I respect a woman so much more if she puts everything out on the table from the get go...

civic gsr
06-15-2009, 12:47 AM

06-15-2009, 12:51 AM
Game recognizes game!!!

06-15-2009, 05:37 AM

Games are just a waste of time because if shit doesn't work, then you're looking like a dumbass in the end because of the fact you let some broad lead you around for x-amount of months.

Now if works out for you...good for you.

But my time is fuckin' expensive and I'm blunt. I'll tell you wants on my mind and how I'm feeling. And if you can't be a adult and communicate with me because you want to play 'hard to get' or whatever lil' bullshit game, better luck with the next dude because I don't have the time nor the patience for it.

But then again, that's just me.

I got alot of shit going on in my life to be dealing with some chick who wants to play a game.

06-15-2009, 02:45 PM
I respect a woman so much more if she puts everything out on the table from the get go...

Yea. Some guys seem to be intimidated by that. :screwy:

06-15-2009, 03:41 PM
Yea. Some guys seem to be intimidated by that. :screwy:
Thats because they themselves arent mature enough to do that either.

06-15-2009, 03:48 PM
It depends on teh girl. The thing about it is, if you chase it for long enough, once you get it you won't have a fucking clue what to do with it.

06-15-2009, 03:57 PM
put out on the first date or GTFO!


06-16-2009, 04:50 AM

Games are just a waste of time because if shit doesn't work, then you're looking like a dumbass in the end because of the fact you let some broad lead you around for x-amount of months.

Now if works out for you...good for you.

But my time is fuckin' expensive and I'm blunt. I'll tell you wants on my mind and how I'm feeling. And if you can't be a adult and communicate with me because you want to play 'hard to get' or whatever lil' bullshit game, better luck with the next dude because I don't have the time nor the patience for it.

But then again, that's just me.

I got alot of shit going on in my life to be dealing with some chick who wants to play a game.

If she playing games, I can too. I get that ass and then....


06-16-2009, 03:52 PM
damn voted before i read the thread o well i kind of like it but if it becomes stressfull then i move on

06-16-2009, 03:58 PM
It depends on teh girl. The thing about it is, if you chase it for long enough, once you get it you won't have a fucking clue what to do with it.

or you realize that you did all that chasing for something you really didn't want. I'm too busy to play games