View Full Version : Horrible Day..What do You think?

05-04-2009, 09:51 AM
Ok So a couple of days ago i was off from school and work so i slept in late.As i woke up i hat the shower and got dressed and since My car car is getting worked on i called my Friend to pick me up so he says "Yeah cool ill stop by".So like 10 mins later he picks me up we headed to the Southside to go look at a car he was going to trade for. So as we are headed downthere we get pulled over. The reason was because they tought the car we were in was stolen and so a couple of detectives show up to investigate and well they wanted to put us in Handcuffs..At the end they were cool and let us go because the car was good.So we leave thinking ok everythings cool now but, as soon as we say that the car starts Overheating Nasty and we pulled over in the middle of the ghetto and everyone is looking at us really weird and theres nowhere we could go.Ok so after 30 mins of suffering the car slows down and we can finally get on 285 to continue our trip and as soon as we get on 285 one of the tires randomly blows up due to some nails on the road as we get out of the car we're thinking this day couldnt get any worse this was about 11:00pm already and as we are standing on the side of the road SOME FUCKING ASSHOLES THREW A KETCHUP SANWICH at us getting us dirty as hell..we called someone to pick us up took them like an hour and we just went home what a FAILURE...!!

05-04-2009, 09:55 AM
your story is fail.

someone post the "we all liked your little story" jpeg.

05-04-2009, 09:55 AM
I started reading this , but my eyes started saying fuck this shit.

05-04-2009, 09:57 AM
Bet you won't pick on homeless people anymore, will you?

05-04-2009, 09:59 AM

05-04-2009, 09:59 AM
a ketchup sandwich? WTF

teh bri
05-04-2009, 10:11 AM
you think you're having a horrible day? ha! Sweetheart.. i have you beat by a mile.

DJ Maestro
05-04-2009, 11:03 AM
Ok So a couple of days ago i was off from school and work so i slept in late.As i woke up i hat the shower and got dressed and since My car car is getting worked on i called my Friend to pick me up so he says "Yeah cool ill stop by".So like 10 mins later he picks me up we headed to the Southside to go look at a car he was going to trade for. So as we are headed downthere we get pulled over. The reason was because they tought the car we were in was stolen and so a couple of detectives show up to investigate and well they wanted to put us in Handcuffs..At the end they were cool and let us go because the car was good.So we leave thinking ok everythings cool now but, as soon as we say that the car starts Overheating Nasty and we pulled over in the middle of the ghetto and everyone is looking at us really weird and theres nowhere we could go.Ok so after 30 mins of suffering the car slows down and we can finally get on 285 to continue our trip and as soon as we get on 285 one of the tires randomly blows up due to some nails on the road as we get out of the car we're thinking this day couldnt get any worse this was about 11:00pm already and as we are standing on the side of the road SOME FUCKING ASSHOLES THREW A KETCHUP SANWICH at us getting us dirty as hell..we called someone to pick us up took them like an hour and we just went home what a FAILURE...!!

I............must..............correct. :eek:

Two days ago I had a day off from both school and work. I allowed myself to sleep in late seeing as how I had absolutely nothing
important to do with my life. Upon rising from my extended slumber I proceeded to cleanse myself in the shower. I was sure to rinse and
repeat because I follow instructions all the time. Once I had finished with my full body scrub I left the shower and dryed off. I then
dressed myself in my favorite Apple Bottom Jeans, boots with the fur, and "I'm With Stupid" t-shirt. Now, seeing as how I did not have a
functioning automobile (I am waiting on my three SR20's and fifty weight), I placed a phone call to an aquaintance of mine to come by
and pick me up. The call went like so, "Good day my dear friend, would you be so kind as to come by and pick me up?" "Certainly my friend, for you
I would do anything." I waited around ten minutes and upon his arrival we bumped chests and departed in his car. We traveled south with the
intention of inspecting an automobile. My good friend wished to look upon the car to determine if it was something worthy of trading his current
conveyance for. He felt that his status would change to baller if this exchange were to occur. During our transit there we were pulled over
by the local law enforcement. The officers informed us that they believed the car we were in was stolen. A pair of detectives were called in
to investigate whether the vehicle we had just been traveling in was in fact not the property of my close aquaintance. The law enforcement officals
desired to place us within restraints due to our unscrupulous appearance. In time the situation was diffused and we were allowed to continue
on our way. We proceed on to our destination with the thoughts that everything will be well now. Upon our having said thought the car begins to
overheat. The overheating is not of desirable nature. My friend and I were forced to stop for a moment to allow the car to cool down. We stopped
in a part of town where the street lights were all shot out and the local population was comprised of those of a darker complextion. We immediately
began stereotyping the people around us, even though none of them were paying us no attention, due to our ignorance and contempt of those different
than ourselves. Eventually the car cooled down and we continued on our way, thankful to be alive. We merge onto Interstate 285 and are quickly met
with further misfortune. One of the tires on the car rapidly deflates in what seems a random occurence, but is clearly in fact a deliberate and
calculated attack upon our very lives by Mexican carpenters. My friend steers the car into the emergency lane so as to position the vehicle in a
safe location to commence the changing of the tire. We lament our lack of good luck and question God above as to if this day could contain anymore
negative happenings. As we are standing in the emergency lane coming up with a surefire plan to change the ill fated tire we are presented with yet
another test of our resolve. A hooligan, with the intention of causing us physical and mental distress, hurls a ketchup sandwich at us. His aim is
steadfast and his execution is spot on as he successfully targets us both. My friend and I stand there soiled by a single ketchup sandwich that
was launched from a vehicle moving at a high rate of speed. Now, seeing as how neither my friend or I had an operating vehicle, we called yet
another aquaintance of ours to come extract us from the side of the interstate. It takes this third individual nearly an hour to arrive due to the
fact it is past 11:00pm at night. We resign ourselves to the fact that our original plan for the evening is a total and complete failure. With that
in mind we simply go home.

05-04-2009, 11:05 AM
Bet you won't pick on homeless people anymore, will you?

What he said.
Just sayin'.

teh bri
05-04-2009, 11:06 AM

05-04-2009, 11:09 AM
sorry to hear that man.

05-04-2009, 11:17 AM
I think I got stupider from reading that.

Yep, I just said stupider.

teh bri
05-04-2009, 11:17 AM
ohh rachel! ;)

05-04-2009, 12:04 PM
lol @ ketchup sandwich .... lol if you're gonna throw something at someone it better be a ketchup sandwich from now on....

thats just about the most random thing that one can throw

DJ Maestro
05-04-2009, 12:16 PM
lol @ ketchup sandwich .... lol if you're gonna throw something at someone it better be a ketchup sandwich from now on....

thats just about the most random thing that one can throw

And so the Ketchup Sandwich Wars began. :duel:

05-06-2009, 02:33 AM
Bet you won't pick on homeless people anymore, will you?

SO IT CAME BACK... :cry:

05-06-2009, 02:34 AM
I............must..............correct. :eek:

Two days ago I had a day off from both school and work. I allowed myself to sleep in late seeing as how I had absolutely nothing
important to do with my life. Upon rising from my extended slumber I proceeded to cleanse myself in the shower. I was sure to rinse and
repeat because I follow instructions all the time. Once I had finished with my full body scrub I left the shower and dryed off. I then
dressed myself in my favorite Apple Bottom Jeans, boots with the fur, and "I'm With Stupid" t-shirt. Now, seeing as how I did not have a
functioning automobile (I am waiting on my three SR20's and fifty weight), I placed a phone call to an aquaintance of mine to come by
and pick me up. The call went like so, "Good day my dear friend, would you be so kind as to come by and pick me up?" "Certainly my friend, for you
I would do anything." I waited around ten minutes and upon his arrival we bumped chests and departed in his car. We traveled south with the
intention of inspecting an automobile. My good friend wished to look upon the car to determine if it was something worthy of trading his current
conveyance for. He felt that his status would change to baller if this exchange were to occur. During our transit there we were pulled over
by the local law enforcement. The officers informed us that they believed the car we were in was stolen. A pair of detectives were called in
to investigate whether the vehicle we had just been traveling in was in fact not the property of my close aquaintance. The law enforcement officals
desired to place us within restraints due to our unscrupulous appearance. In time the situation was diffused and we were allowed to continue
on our way. We proceed on to our destination with the thoughts that everything will be well now. Upon our having said thought the car begins to
overheat. The overheating is not of desirable nature. My friend and I were forced to stop for a moment to allow the car to cool down. We stopped
in a part of town where the street lights were all shot out and the local population was comprised of those of a darker complextion. We immediately
began stereotyping the people around us, even though none of them were paying us no attention, due to our ignorance and contempt of those different
than ourselves. Eventually the car cooled down and we continued on our way, thankful to be alive. We merge onto Interstate 285 and are quickly met
with further misfortune. One of the tires on the car rapidly deflates in what seems a random occurence, but is clearly in fact a deliberate and
calculated attack upon our very lives by Mexican carpenters. My friend steers the car into the emergency lane so as to position the vehicle in a
safe location to commence the changing of the tire. We lament our lack of good luck and question God above as to if this day could contain anymore
negative happenings. As we are standing in the emergency lane coming up with a surefire plan to change the ill fated tire we are presented with yet
another test of our resolve. A hooligan, with the intention of causing us physical and mental distress, hurls a ketchup sandwich at us. His aim is
steadfast and his execution is spot on as he successfully targets us both. My friend and I stand there soiled by a single ketchup sandwich that
was launched from a vehicle moving at a high rate of speed. Now, seeing as how neither my friend or I had an operating vehicle, we called yet
another aquaintance of ours to come extract us from the side of the interstate. It takes this third individual nearly an hour to arrive due to the
fact it is past 11:00pm at night. We resign ourselves to the fact that our original plan for the evening is a total and complete failure. With that
in mind we simply go home.


05-06-2009, 02:34 AM
I think I got stupider from reading that.

Yep, I just said stupider.


DJ Maestro
05-06-2009, 08:08 AM

Fear not my grammatically challenged friend, when English is threatened you can always count on the......



05-06-2009, 09:28 AM
After doing 3 lines of coke and getting trashed on PBR, i didn't think my morning could get any worse. Then i opened this thread. ...

DJ Maestro
05-06-2009, 09:30 AM
After doing 3 lines of coke and getting trashed on PBR, i didn't think my morning could get any worse. Then i opened this thread. ...

Do you feel as if your IQ dropped just a bit after reading this thread? :thinking:

05-06-2009, 09:31 AM
:thinking: SO.....WTF did you do in life that Karma came back to nom you in the ass that bad all in one day?...hmmmmmmm????

05-06-2009, 09:36 AM
Do you feel as if your IQ dropped just a bit after reading this thread? :thinking:

oh yeah..i def. can't brain anymore.I has the dumb now

DJ Maestro
05-06-2009, 09:38 AM
oh yeah..i def. can't brain anymore.I has the dumb now

Oh noes!! Walker's got the dumb now! Call the CDC!!! :eek:

05-06-2009, 11:31 AM
Fear not my grammatically challenged friend, when English is threatened you can always count on the......



lol i typed it in a hurry..But thanks.. :cheers:

05-06-2009, 11:33 AM
:thinking: SO.....WTF did you do in life that Karma came back to nom you in the ass that bad all in one day?...hmmmmmmm????

IDK :thinking: i must of done something bad...