View Full Version : Write a Java program for money/reps

04-23-2009, 11:38 AM
Alright I need a simple java program (Intro to Java) written ASAP. Paypal and reps are in order.


"Find the calss StringBuffer in java API, and find appropriate methods in the class to do the following:

Finding all matches of a substring in a given string, the substring and the string must be inputted from the keyboard.

The output should be the starting index numbers of the matches. For example, if the substring is "ab" and the string is "xabbnabz" then the output is 1 and 5, the indices of the two matches from left."

I KNOW we have some java monsters in our midsts.

04-23-2009, 11:39 AM
fuuuuuuuuuuck that.

04-23-2009, 11:40 AM
fuuuuuuuuuuck that.

x2. It'd be easy for someone who knows the ins and outs though.

04-23-2009, 11:42 AM
true lol.

04-23-2009, 11:42 AM
man 3 years ago when i was taking java hardcore i could do it but i forgot it all. if you cant get it done by tonight i'll give it a try.

04-23-2009, 11:43 AM
man 3 years ago when i was taking java hardcore i could do it but i forgot it all. if you cant get it done by tonight i'll give it a try.

Need it by 1:45 lolz...

04-23-2009, 11:57 AM
ah. good luck.

04-23-2009, 12:09 PM
I forgot java but... can you input the string as an array, loop through blocks of letters to find the query?

say the input block is "bobwehadababyitsaboy" (length 20)
You are searching for "had".
had = 3 length.

make the program loop through the array from 1 to 20-3.
Select 3 letters and see if those 3 match "had".
Record the positions where you get a match and your output will be "5"

Hope that helps.

04-23-2009, 12:10 PM
if you woulda posted up earlier it would be no problem. I'll see what I can do

04-23-2009, 12:14 PM
Is it done yet fcman? Tick tock! lol

04-23-2009, 12:18 PM
Got it gentlemen, thanks anyway. If any of you were working on it, here's one of the things it could look like:

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class nurvspecii {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String subString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Sub String: ");
String mainString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Main String: ");

StringBuffer x = new StringBuffer(mainString);

for(int i=0; i<=mainString.length()-subString.length(); i++) {

String temp = x.substring(i,(i+subString.length()));
if (temp.equals(subString)) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, i);

04-23-2009, 12:55 PM
Fuuuckkkkkk Java......although I am relearning it, lol.

VB anyone? lol