View Full Version : Question about O.C.D.

09-27-2005, 08:18 AM
I was watching this show called "Intervention" on TV last night. It's a show where they trick an addict into thinking they are doing some kind of documentary about addictions, but later they do an "intervention" to get them into some type of treatment.

It got me to thinking about something:

I think just about everyone is a tiny bit OCD about something. It may be your car, your kids, your job, etc. But I think everyone goes a little overboard about something sometime in their life. That, to me, is normal.

My question is this:

#1 What is it that YOU O.C.D. about?

#2 (and this is the more serious question) How can people with serious O.C.D. problems KNOW they have O.C.D. yet be powerless to stop it?

In last night's documentary, this lady was addicted to Vicodin and gambling. Her husband was an enabler. He made $100k/yr working, but they struggled to pay their $550/mo mortgage because she spent crazy amounts of money on pills and gambling. The thing was that she was like a drug addict chasing around these pills and everything from horse racing to bingo to lottery tickets only to then calmly start crying and admit she had a problem. This is the part that confuses me a little bit and it's probably that I'm ignorant to this situation hence the question. If she knows she's screwing up, why keep doing it?

I'm asking in this forum due to traffic.

09-27-2005, 08:21 AM
its kinda like how ppl CANT omit that they are wrong......

09-27-2005, 08:28 AM
OCD is just that.. some know & some don't know what the problem is and can't stop it. its like people who wash their hands constantly to stay clean. i think those who know have more serious issues than those who don't.

09-27-2005, 08:50 AM
there's also a difference in an addiction, a compulsive behavior, and a hobby.

The DSM gives a more exact description of OCD

09-27-2005, 09:06 AM
I think Carlos Mencia has a perfect treatment for OCD, ADD, AHDD, and all that other jazz.

just go buy Carlos Mencia (Not For The Easily Offended)

and he will take you step by step on how to treat those people/kids.

09-27-2005, 09:15 AM
I'm OCD about the way I get ready in the mornings.. I do everything a certain way every morning.

09-27-2005, 10:03 AM
I think sometimes most of our lifestyles become OCD, but in a way we like it that way so we dont have to encounter something different that changes the rest of our day. thats why a lot of people get pissed off when something happens that normally doesnt happen on a normal day...its changed there routine of what they do on a regular basis.

09-27-2005, 12:25 PM
i have to align canned good a certain way...and towels...and anything that can be arranged.....right after i got outta the navy, i was back here chillin outside my friends condo with a buncha friends and without knowing (fuck!! they noticed!!) i put all of our beer bottles in columns of 3. embarrasing when they pointed that shit out.

09-27-2005, 12:45 PM
A lot of good points, but don't yall think that IF you recognize yourself that there is a problem.....shouldn't you be able to work your way thru it?

I'm not trying to be ugly to anyone because Lord knows I have my O.C.D. moments too, but if you come down off the "high" and realize there's a problem, isn't that the hardest part to recovery (recognizing there's a problem)?

I know there are true O.C.D. people, and I also know that sometimes it's probably a true inbalance mentally. But I just don't quite understand the rationale someone goes thru when experiencing this.

It's like smoking.

I was a smoker for many many many years. I wanted to quit, but never made up my mind to. When I did, I'd LET myself fall right back to it. I tried everything; the patch, the gums, the pills, etc. Nothing did it for me permanently. I'd loose my temper once or twice and voila, right back to smoking again. You know what finally got me to quit? I lost a bet with my daughter Jacqueline. I told her that if she made straight A's in school, that I'd quit smoking. I'll be doggone if she didn't. It was literally painful to quit cold turkey, but I did. Haven't smoked in over 2 yrs now, maybe even longer (I can't remember). I still crave them every once in a while, but I haven't touched one since.

Point? Smoking is one of those addictions that is not only psychological but also physiological. It can be overcome thru sheer will. Why can't being O.C.D.? It is more often times less physically distructive than straight up drug addictions. Why can't people curb their own behavoir then?

I'm not trying to belittle anyone suffering from this at all. I have a Goddaughter that her parents swear has A.D.D. I think she's just L.A.Z.Y. ;) I just know from my experience with these types of ailments that people can also often work themselves out of it if they really set their minds to it. Don't you?

09-27-2005, 12:51 PM
OCD.... hmm...i tink it is something that could be an issue if the persone that has it hates what they are doing. i think everyone has a little OCD-ism and it may be seen as a problem when people around them are annoyed with the persons actions that may have OCD. we all have our little quirks, i mean if BRETT likes to sniff dirty panties, that's him i could care less....that is until i see him in my girlfriends hamper getting a nose full. then GINA will kick his ass.

09-27-2005, 01:26 PM
I think your right Jaime..its all about how your mental state is. You can stop anything you want if your mind set is right, or let the shit keep happening.

09-27-2005, 02:00 PM
Jaime, I believe that it is all about the mental mindset that you have. You were able to make the conscious choice to quit smoking. You were of a sound mind when you did that. Yes, you were craving it both psychologically and physically, but your mind was able to overcome those two things by using reason and logic. I think that in the case of someone who is O.C.D, their mind is compromised and even if they know it is wrong, they just don't have the mental capacity to override that part of them that causes them to keep acting in destructive ways.

09-27-2005, 02:03 PM
its kinda like how ppl CANT omit that they are wrong......

Alot of people admit they are wrong. Only the assholes think they never are. ;)

And not everyone is clinically OCD.

If you MUST flick the light switch 10 times everytime you enter and leave a room, you are OCD. :D

You ever see that movie "As Good as it Gets"? Jack Nicholson's character orgainized his M&Ms per color into different jars. That is OCD.