View Full Version : Tea Party

04-14-2009, 01:18 PM
So the question is who's going and who is interested?

My only concern is that how will (each) local law enforcement handle the nation wide tea parties?

04-14-2009, 01:38 PM
If I didn't have to work I'd definitely be going to one. But be careful, Homeland Security will probably be there taking pictures of all the "Rightwing Extremists"...

http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009...n-the-country/ (http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009...n-the-country/)

http://www.thelibertypapers.org/wp-c...m-09-04-07.pdf (http://www.thelibertypapers.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/hsa-rightwing-extremism-09-04-07.pdf)

04-14-2009, 02:02 PM
I will be there

04-14-2009, 02:43 PM
where exactly is ours at?

04-14-2009, 04:29 PM
State capital building

04-14-2009, 04:48 PM
i will be there gotta find my fairtax sign from the last rally i went to

04-14-2009, 05:04 PM
Im am going with a Liberty or Death/ dont tread on me Banner.

04-14-2009, 08:34 PM
I may be there, but I still havent finalized plans.

04-14-2009, 09:15 PM
State capital building

realized that after i posted that:doh:

04-14-2009, 09:17 PM
I am curious to see how may of us actually show up.

04-14-2009, 09:19 PM
tea party?

did i miss the thread?

04-14-2009, 09:25 PM
LOL I can see it now. All the hatches parked in a semi circle while everyone taking pics with their tripods preventing the protests.

04-14-2009, 09:31 PM
tea party?

did i miss the thread?

tea party downtown tomorrow evening. Hannity is supposed to be doing his show from there.

04-14-2009, 09:33 PM
tea party downtown tomorrow evening. Hannity is supposed to be doing his show from there.


thats what im confused on

04-14-2009, 09:35 PM

thats what im confused on

Think Boston tea party! No taxation without representation, Don't tread on me, Etc.

04-14-2009, 09:37 PM
Think Boston tea party! No taxation without representation, Don't tread on me, Etc.

that is what im thinking

they dumped tea in protest back then

just figured if it was called a tea party then we would be dumping something

04-14-2009, 09:37 PM

04-14-2009, 09:38 PM
that is what im thinking

they dumped tea in protest back then

just figured if it was called a tea party then we would be dumping something

not quite just a protest pretty much but beware, i don't think it will be well recieved!!

04-14-2009, 09:40 PM


04-14-2009, 09:42 PM
not quite just a protest pretty much but beware, i don't think it will be well recieved!!
Actually the Dept of Home Land Security is warning police Depts about the rise in " radical Right wing fanatical activities" And is now stating that returning soldiers are " ripe for the picking" for the cause...WTF Over???

04-14-2009, 09:43 PM

Figured that was easier than trying to explain myself.

04-14-2009, 09:44 PM
Should you believe the transnationalist Obama/Peolsi plan is the correct path, then enjoy your tax day as you'll be looking forward to receiving your tax refund (interest free loan to the Feds for a whole year - very smart. Some will receive a tax refund although they paid no Federal income taxes - thats like a buffett comp after losing $7000 at a blackjack table).

If you see this disaster for what it is, take the time and show some support. These are not anarchists lunutic right wing nut cases although those idiots may turn out since they have nothing better to do. There needs to a bstrong showing of normal people so the left wing media doesn't portray this as a bunch of skinheads and Glenn Beck tin haters. Regular Americans who play by the rules, get up everyday and go to work, contribute to their society and care about their children and grandchildren's futures should take the time to show their support for moving away from this disasterous course and back to the way the Founders envisioned our Social Contract (absent a few era specific social policies - (i.e., women should be allowed to vote, black people should not be slaves or viewed as only 2/3rds a human, they should be allowed to vote etc...).

For the rest of us, now is a time to honor the millions of Americans who have made the ultimate sacrifice so we can be free to pursue individual life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness( no guarantees, though). Its only a few hours of your time and doesn't costs a dime. But, then again, Desparate Housewives or American Idol might be on and God forbid missing those shows.

Anyone who voted for this Admisntration and Congress needs to go to everyone they meet under age 30 and over age 55 and apologize. When a US President bows to a King and gives the Queen of our greatest ally an Ipod, and the Prmise Minister 25 DVD movies, and then artiificially prints over a trillion dollars and spends another 4 trillion in 60 days while bailing out companies with taxpayer funds for decades to come, effectively nationalizes teh banking system, begins passing laws that open up the doors to us being attacked and increase taxation on the only group of Americans that can create jobs, then anyone remotely rsponsible for this, owes a huge apology.

Another way to show that you give a damn, is to show up for tax protest, get involved in the political process, and take this country back from those who live an idealistic life rather than one grounded in fact. It doesn't cost money - just effort!

Failure to do so will result in ruin within the life time of those under age 30, those over 55 and even those who currently pay for this insanity.

Hope to see you there!

04-14-2009, 09:49 PM
^^ Well Said sir.

04-14-2009, 09:54 PM
As much as i feel this the tea party is a good idea, i hate Hannity for being there. I feel he makes people that don't support Obama look as ignorant as he is.

04-14-2009, 09:56 PM
Well Its Like Neil Boortz He makes all us libertarians look like ass holes, Most of us are but still.

04-14-2009, 10:02 PM
Well Its Like Neil Boortz He makes all us libertarians look like ass holes, Most of us are but still.

But Neil has common sense. Hannity is just out to get everyone that doesn't fit into his closed box of a world.

04-14-2009, 10:08 PM
tea party downtown tomorrow evening. Hannity is supposed to be doing his show from there.

I think its funny how these "tea parties" are presented as being "grass roots" but in reality they are funded by politicians and corporate lobbyists and promoted by the likes of Hannity and the other conservative shills at Fox News. I guarantee you that there is no grass roots movement behind any of this... its all brought to you by Rupert Murdock (the owner of Fox News) and the leaders of the Republican party. The two biggest sponsors are "Americans for Prosperity" (aka Next Gingrich) and "Freedom Works" (aka former House Majority leader Dick Armey).

Go to the state capital tomorrow, get a good teabagging from Hannity. See country music star John Rich - the man behind such classy hits as "save a horse ride a cowboy". Meet Joe the Plumber (if he even decides to attend, given that he'll be paying less taxes under Obama).

But be aware... the people who are bringing you this event are the people behind the past 8 years of deficit spending and toxic assets. :goodjob:

04-14-2009, 10:14 PM
^^ Actually the whole issue we are in now was started by your wonderful Bill Clinton, further more why is it ok for the liberal left to go out and chant " CHANGE " on the side of the god damn street but its not ok for people who are pissed off at what the change is to go out and state our opinion.

04-14-2009, 10:15 PM
But Neil has common sense. Hannity is just out to get everyone that doesn't fit into his closed box of a world.
This is true

04-14-2009, 10:17 PM
^^ Actually the whole issue we are in now was started by your wonderful Bill Clinton, further more why is it ok for the liberal left to go out and chant " CHANGE " on the side of the god damn street but its not ok for people who are pissed off at what the change is to go out and state our opinion.

So true. We can't make our side of the story heard but yet it is okay for the likes of every Obama supporter in the world tell everyone they run into whether they want to hear it or not how they feel about their new president. And I use the term president VERY loosely here.

04-14-2009, 10:20 PM
I think its funny how these "tea parties" are presented as being "grass roots" but in reality they are funded by politicians and corporate lobbyists and promoted by the likes of Hannity and the other conservative shills at Fox News. I guarantee you that there is no grass roots movement behind any of this... its all brought to you by Rupert Murdock (the owner of Fox News) and the leaders of the Republican party. The two biggest sponsors are "Americans for Prosperity" (aka Next Gingrich) and "Freedom Works" (aka former House Majority leader Dick Armey).

so because someone supports the tea parties and not your "god" obama they are they are sheep?

Go to the state capital tomorrow, get a good teabagging from Hannity. See country music star John Rich - the man behind such classy hits as "save a horse ride a cowboy".

once again what's wrong with these two for standing against obama and acorn??

But be aware... the people who are bringing you this event are the people behind the past 8 years of deficit spending and toxic assets. :goodjob:

Yes the past eight years were full of spending

but then again the first 100 days of this administration have been spending on steroids! but that makes me the bad guy for trying to make your president look bad right???

04-14-2009, 10:21 PM
I think its funny how these "tea parties" are presented as being "grass roots" but in reality they are funded by politicians and corporate lobbyists and promoted by the likes of Hannity and the other conservative shills at Fox News. I guarantee you that there is no grass roots movement behind any of this... its all brought to you by Rupert Murdock (the owner of Fox News) and the leaders of the Republican party. The two biggest sponsors are "Americans for Prosperity" (aka Next Gingrich) and "Freedom Works" (aka former House Majority leader Dick Armey).

Go to the state capital tomorrow, get a good teabagging from Hannity. See country music star John Rich - the man behind such classy hits as "save a horse ride a cowboy". Meet Joe the Plumber (if he even decides to attend, given that he'll be paying less taxes under Obama).

But be aware... the people who are bringing you this event are the people behind the past 8 years of deficit spending and toxic assets. :goodjob:
You can make associations with who you want but us "conservatives" could care less about any of the people you posted. The fact of the matter is the Obama policy is the issue and the reason people are attending. Not cause some hick is singing a song.

04-14-2009, 10:22 PM
Here is a fun fact, Obamas projected spending will surpass every presidents spending from George Washington all the way up until George W. Bush...COMBINED!!!!

He makes Bill Clinton look like a GOD!

04-14-2009, 10:25 PM
haven't there are already been several tea parties before this one??

04-14-2009, 10:30 PM
haven't there are already been several tea parties before this one??
yes there have been. there was one here in atlanta a couple of months ago.

04-14-2009, 10:35 PM
Can you blame Bill Clinton for this situation when he left office with a huge surplus and a balanced budget? All W. had to do was stick with Clinton's budget and he'd have been balanced, with a massive surplus in the event it was needed for some catastrophe (like 9/11). Do you not give W any accountability for his 8 years of failure?

Its OK for you to state your opinion, in fact Rupert Murdoch and the GOP and Dick Armey have applied for the proper permits etc for you to have a lovely afternoon protesting in Peidmont Park (err... I mean the State Capitol) :lmfao:

04-14-2009, 10:36 PM
yes there have been. there was one here in atlanta a couple of months ago.

So if there were several before this one with out corporate sponsors and with out big name backing wouldn't that make it a grass root effort?

04-14-2009, 10:36 PM
haven't there are already been several tea parties before this one??

I'm pretty sure there was one in Boston this one time...;)

04-14-2009, 10:40 PM
YES but the TOXIC ASSETS you keep referring to are a direct result of clintons deregulation of the market. Personally i can't stand good ole W. I vote Libertarian 9/10 times. But I do feel that credit should be given where credit is due. all Clinton did was shoot missiles at them and miss when we were hit the first time around, and Now Obama wants to talk to the two countries that will not only lie to us but support anti-American sentiments, one of which harbors the people that were directly responsible for 9/11 in the first place.

04-14-2009, 10:41 PM
So if there were several before this one with out corporate sponsors and with out big name backing wouldn't that make it a grass root effort?

yes but don't tell Homeland security,Obama,Acorn or the Obama Militia that will show up at these "parties" tomorrow to make it look "racial".(or obama sheeples)

04-14-2009, 10:42 PM
HMM any one remember any of the Nazi propaganda?

04-14-2009, 10:44 PM
Can you blame Bill Clinton for this situation when he left office with a huge surplus and a balanced budget? All W. had to do was stick with Clinton's budget and he'd have been balanced, with a massive surplus in the event it was needed for some catastrophe (like 9/11). Do you not give W any accountability for his 8 years of failure?

Its OK for you to state your opinion, in fact Rupert Murdoch and the GOP and Dick Armey have applied for the proper permits etc for you to have a lovely afternoon protesting in Peidmont Park (err... I mean the State Capitol) :lmfao:

ummmmmm, you don't read too well do you?? i admitted that W fucked it up also, there are many to blame not just one, however Obama is fucking it up worse than the others and faster too!!

But it's okay you can read what you want, you'll twist it your way no matter what i say.

04-14-2009, 10:50 PM
HMM any one remember any of the Nazi propaganda?

I'm sure there will be some folks there at the Tea Party with some brochures for you.



04-14-2009, 10:51 PM
Not only was that un called for, they actually fall closer in with your political beliefs. oops

04-14-2009, 10:54 PM
I'm sure there will be some folks there at the Tea Party with some brochures for you.



you must be the one on the left huh?
you are a poor excuse for a "man" . i vote ban hammer for you sir!!!

04-14-2009, 10:56 PM
I was actually referring to the fact that between the "leaked" DHS report amongst other things and the Sheep like you. Chances are there will be violence at one of these events but not caused by the people who are there for the cause, but by a few seeds placed by the liberal left to cause violence it happens all the time at the G20 summit.

04-14-2009, 10:57 PM
Not only was that un called for, they actually fall closer in with your political beliefs. oops

No, those guys all fall solidly in the GOP column when it comes to social issues. Ask them what they think about gay rights or illegal immigration. Seriously, ask them because I bet you'll see them there :ninja:

04-14-2009, 11:02 PM
No, those guys all fall solidly in the GOP column when it comes to social issues. Ask them what they think about gay rights or illegal immigration. Seriously, ask them because I bet you'll see them there :ninja:
Actually their beliefs on those specific issues could be classified in the Neo Nazi party. They share some similar feelings ( and thats a stretch) with the GOP. Just as Obama shares many of his political ideals of taxation and running the government with Hitler.

04-14-2009, 11:07 PM
Anyone remember what the The Reichstag fire was and what it did for the Nazi party?

Allow me to paint a little worst case scenario picture for you...

This report alerting local authorities about an increase in "right-wing extremeist activities" makes you angry right? (if your a conservative/libertarian/whatever) Now we all get hyped up at the big tea parties with this report fresh in our minds because it was convieniently "leaked" just a few days before hand. Now have one Obama maniac show up to the event and there is a much greater likelyhood for violence. Lets say something does happen big or small. It will be plastered all over the news and give Obama a serious implcation to subdue the right. That is how Hitler established his absolute control by setting up the fire and blaming the Communist party for it clearing his path.

04-14-2009, 11:08 PM
^^ thank you.


04-14-2009, 11:14 PM
Anyone remember what the The Reichstag fire was and what it did for the Nazi party?

Allow me to paint a little worst case scenario picture for you...

This report alerting local authorities about an increase in "right-wing extremeist activities" makes you angry right? (if your a conservative/libertarian/whatever) Now we all get hyped up at the big tea parties with this report fresh in our minds because it was convieniently "leaked" just a few days before hand. Now have one Obama maniac show up to the event and there is a much greater likelyhood for violence. Lets say something does happen big or small. It will be plastered all over the news and give Obama a serious implcation to subdue the right. That is how Hitler established his absolute control by setting up the fire and blaming the Communist party for it clearing his path.

The problem is that it's not a matter of if but when. Even though the facts are there but they don't exactly want to admit that they elected the next socialist/facist/communistic dictator. No AMERICAN (which obama is not) wants to admit it but some of us have realized it and are scared and concerned.

04-14-2009, 11:16 PM
Well we have already been classified as potential terrorists ( that is new Jew or communist for those unfamiliar with Nazi part)

04-14-2009, 11:28 PM
cool let's hide in dc like osama so they won't find us. We'll become Obama clones to blend in like he did

04-14-2009, 11:38 PM

04-14-2009, 11:40 PM
yeah i know but what the hell i gotta take my shots at him before we are silenced for good. Communistic leaders don't really like it when we don't obey them!

04-14-2009, 11:43 PM
Technically he is still socialist but we are headed in that direction. lol

04-15-2009, 12:14 AM
Here is a sight to get used to Don't blink you might miss it's conception tomorrow!!!!!!!!

04-15-2009, 12:20 AM

04-15-2009, 12:33 AM
Bwahaha you guys are rich.

I suppose Timmy McVeigh and Eric Robert Rudolph were really just commie pinkos who were sent out by Bill Clinton to stir up popular sentiment against the grass-roots libertarian movement?

You guys have fun with Dick Armey tomorrow. I'll be at work and my tax dollars will continue supporting the critically underfunded public schools that social-promote and grade-inflate you idiots through what passes for an education nowadays.:taun:

04-15-2009, 12:40 AM
Anyone remember what the The Reichstag fire was and what it did for the Nazi party?

Allow me to paint a little worst case scenario picture for you...

This report alerting local authorities about an increase in "right-wing extremeist activities" makes you angry right? (if your a conservative/libertarian/whatever) Now we all get hyped up at the big tea parties with this report fresh in our minds because it was convieniently "leaked" just a few days before hand. Now have one Obama maniac show up to the event and there is a much greater likelyhood for violence. Lets say something does happen big or small. It will be plastered all over the news and give Obama a serious implcation to subdue the right. That is how Hitler established his absolute control by setting up the fire and blaming the Communist party for it clearing his path.

That hadn't really occurred to me, but it makes absolutely perfect sense and would actually be a brilliant tactic on their part. We can only hope that no one falls for it and does anything too stupid at any of the rallies.

04-15-2009, 02:22 AM
This thread really should be in the whoreslounge due to the amount of ignorance in here.

lol, Obama as a fascist/communist/socialist. Whats the difference Mr Namnori, economically and politically? I see these terms thrown around a bunch these days and completely misused/misunderstood.

And nice reference to Locke's Social Contract up in the first post, I hope you understand the historical importance of it. Read a book about it, dont just wikipedia your political research. If nothing else Obama is fulfilling the contract moreso than any president has in a long time.

04-15-2009, 07:12 AM
This thread really should be in the whoreslounge due to the amount of ignorance in here.

I second that.

04-15-2009, 08:02 AM
Socialism is the State (The community as a whole) ownership of property, capital and industry, This is what Obama is doing in a round about way through the bail out. Now the Gov't owns large majorities of a good number of companies. It also is the control of the banks and this theory of gov't also hinges on what they term social reform which included gov't run healthcare which our wonderful allies across the pond have proven is a mistake. This theory of gov't also likes to pander to groups IE-the so called " green movement" which is another thread entirely.

Communism is complete state ownership of everything, you house, you beloved cars, jobs and what ever else you can think of. This theory of Gov't is extremely oppressive almost totalitanistic. They control the media ( That happens now) religion, and god help you if you speak poorly or have views that are different than the States.

There some other finite details that i wont really go into, but that is the gist of it. I don't think this should be moved, this thread was started about a political rally taking place today. There was no asking for an opinion, or political views, the arguing did not start till after Total_blender decided to come in and attack us and we ( now classified as the radical right wing extremist by the DHS) felt we had to defend ourselves. Which is ok for the sheeple to defend their fearless leader but god forbid we (the right wing) voice our opinion because we are ignorant for doing so. This was more a less a role call thread similar to the threads that you all do in to groups/events header. If need be I can start a "roll out" thread to the Tea Party. If you have a problem with this thread don't post or stay the fuck out.

04-15-2009, 09:03 AM
If need be I can start a "roll out" thread to the Tea Party. .

Do it! By all means I want you guys to go and report back. But you better hurry because it is today and thats a pretty short notice.

But yeah, the whole idea of the "tea party" is just a new viral marketing package for the same old GOP crap that got us into the mess we are in now. There's no direction, no coordinated agenda... its just a forum for you guys to show up in numbers and voice your general malaise about Obama.:lmfao:

04-15-2009, 09:55 AM
Actually on the agenda for discussion tonight is the Fair Tax.

04-15-2009, 10:22 AM
Actually on the agenda for discussion tonight is the Fair Tax.

Among other discussions of opposition to everything Obama is doing. Nothing on Freedomworks' site for the Atlanta tea party says anything about the FairTax


04-15-2009, 10:33 AM
That was all the talk on the radio this morning and late last night on Fox News, which I really don't care for.

04-15-2009, 12:47 PM
Among other discussions of opposition to everything Obama is doing. Nothing on Freedomworks' site for the Atlanta tea party says anything about the FairTax


We all know where you get your information/ news/ etc., keep watching your left wing craptastic news channels and just wait and see. You must of drank the obama piss water. Because you obvious can't see past his speeches of change. How many more lies do you like to hear? There obviously will be change whether you like it or not.

Most of the time when you open your mouth this is all I hear..... :blah: :blah: :blah:

Do some research.......
Next please............

04-15-2009, 12:59 PM
An old bumper sicker that I always loved.

"I will keep my guns, money and religion. You can keep the change."

04-15-2009, 01:05 PM
Do some research.......
Next please............

I looked for the info on the freedomworks site. Freedomworks is throwing the tea party, they should have the info on what the official agenda is. If Freedomworks or the organizers of this event wanted to promote the "fair"tax in any way, they would advertise it on their crap-tastic site for their shit-tacular event.

Enjoy your teabgagging with Dick Armey. I heard the next big GOP event is going to be called "Anal Felching" and its going to be hosted by Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback. :lmfao:

04-15-2009, 01:11 PM
I looked for the info on the freedomworks site. Freedomworks is throwing the tea party, they should have the info on what the official agenda is. If Freedomworks or the organizers of this event wanted to promote the "fair"tax in any way, they would advertise it on their crap-tastic site for their shit-tacular event.

Enjoy your teabgagging with Dick Armey. I heard the next big GOP event is going to be called "Anal Felching" and its going to be hosted by Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback. :lmfao:

I really do think you are intelligent, but whats sad is that you really cant see past a name can you? Obama means everything good, republican, bad.

If Obama came out today and said he was going to raise taxes 100% on every working american and use that money to pay off every suffering mortgage in the country you would probably applaud he generosity and his stand against the evils of wall street.

04-15-2009, 01:12 PM
Here is what I don't get...

Bush Administration put us TRILLIONS in debt after starting w/ a surplus most of you were bandwagoning his heroic efforts over the years and now that he is out we are concerned w/ spending? WTF

Obviously the problem w/ this country is the lack of intelligent people voting. I'm not sure if any of you follow the news but past month have shown a glimmer of light in the downward spiral we have been on for years.

04-15-2009, 01:24 PM
Here is what I don't get...

Bush Administration put us TRILLIONS in debt after starting w/ a surplus most of you were bandwagoning his heroic efforts over the years and now that he is out we are concerned w/ spending? WTF

I had no problems with the war spending, and the deficit we ran pretty well paralelled those costs. Also add in spikes in fed spending after Katrina and Rita.

Dems also jumped all over Bush for his spending, but Obama is so far beyond Bush was with spending that its like putting a little league team in Yankee Stadium. We havent heard anything from dems about Obama's spending have we? At his current pace Obama's plans would add an addition 8-10T to the debt in 4 years.

Obviously the problem w/ this country is the lack of intelligent people voting. I'm not sure if any of you follow the news but past month have shown a glimmer of light in the downward spiral we have been on for years.

My stocks have done well for about the past week, even though they are pulling back a little today. I wouldnt really attribute that to Obama though considering that the first bright signs with Citi and BoA were coming out well before the first dollar of his pork plan was spent.

04-15-2009, 01:36 PM
I had no problems with the war spending, and the deficit we ran pretty well paralelled those costs. Also add in spikes in fed spending after Katrina and Rita.

Dems also jumped all over Bush for his spending, but Obama is so far beyond Bush was with spending that its like putting a little league team in Yankee Stadium. We havent heard anything from dems about Obama's spending have we? At his current pace Obama's plans would add an addition 8-10T to the debt in 4 years.

My stocks have done well for about the past week, even though they are pulling back a little today. I wouldnt really attribute that to Obama though considering that the first bright signs with Citi and BoA were coming out well before the first dollar of his pork plan was spent.

from the estimations i've seen bush gave us 7-10 trillion in debt so again i think actions of the sore losers is evident. besides i would love to know the % of leeches in these rally's specially considering education levels of the red states and high % of people not paying taxes ;)

market is built upon perception - market is doing good b/c steps gov is taking or working on not b/c it is just time for them to turn around.

04-15-2009, 01:51 PM
from the estimations i've seen bush gave us 7-10 trillion in debt so again i think actions of the sore losers is evident. besides i would love to know the % of leeches in these rally's specially considering education levels of the red states and high % of people not paying taxes ;)

I know full numbers from Bush's last 2 years are not available yet, but if those number are correct, then Obama is just as bad as the evil Bush. All of this is even before we see the real cost of Obama's socialized healthcare also which I am expecting to top 1T in the first year and not the 687B over 10 years that Obama is talking about.

market is built upon perception - market is doing good b/c steps gov is taking or working on not b/c it is just time for them to turn around.
I agree, that is why we see the market tumble every time Obama or Giethner give a speech about the economy. Yesterday was a perfect example. BoA was trading up about a dime before the speech, and started to tumble immediately after it. It closed about 0.90 down.

Crazy Asian
04-15-2009, 03:18 PM
Im waiting with a baseball bat and running to my neighbors to help him get ready just in case things get out of hand.

04-15-2009, 03:44 PM
I really do think you are intelligent, but whats sad is that you really cant see past a name can you? Obama means everything good, republican, bad.

Armey used the joke himself (he is known for his inappropriate jokes). He is also one of the main instigators of the false claims that Obama is a Muslim because of his name ...


According to Mike Luckovich, a cartoonist for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the following exchange occurred:

"Are you really Dick Armey?" Barry asked.

Armey replied, "Yes, I am Dick Armey. And if there is a dick army, Barney Frank would want to join up."

I have plenty of disagreements with Obama, however, he's lowered my taxes and some of his programs in the stimulus will be of great benefit to my particular occupational sector, so all in all I can't complain about his spending too much.

I think that the money spent on the banks might have been better spent on something more economically circulative like health care or what have you, but at the same time as the government stands to benefit from be interest payed back by the banks I don't think the spending on the banks is bad enough of a grievance that I need to protest.

Three things I do disagree with Obama on:

1.) He has not immediately shut down Guantanamo and processed the detainees there through some sort of military tribunal.

2.) His continued support of the wiretapping practices of the Bush administration. (but I don't think there's any kind of NWO conspiracy behind this)

3.) His appointment of lobbyists/former lobbyists to cabinet posts (which is probably hard to avoid as most people who are good in a particular area work with lobbies at some point in their careers). At least he did pass legislation stating that they cannot work for lobbies while they serve their posts.

04-15-2009, 04:07 PM
Armey used the joke himself (he is known for his inappropriate jokes). He is also one of the main instigators of the false claims that Obama is a Muslim because of his name ...


Dont know much about armey outside of his name and I couldnt care less.

I have plenty of disagreements with Obama, however, he's lowered my taxes

How much has be lowered you taxes? $10 a week? WOW, what a guy. What about when he raises them $20 a week after he allows the Bush cuts to expire? ill you still applaud him? How about those evil rich top 10% that earn about 50% of wages yet only pay 75% or so of the total tax burden? They definitely need to pay more.

and some of his programs in the stimulus will be of great benefit to my particular occupational sector, so all in all I can't complain about his spending too much.

At whose expense? As you probably remember, I was, and still am, against ANY form of govt intervention in the free market. Obama most definitely stepped over the line with pushing out the CEO of GM.

1.) He has not immediately shut down Guantanamo and processed the detainees there through some sort of military tribunal.

First he tried to block military tribunals, then he wants to try to try them in american criminal courts. Trying these people in open court will most likely result in all or most of them being found not guilty by a truely unbiased jury. Can an unbiased jury be found though?

2.) His continued support of the wiretapping practices of the Bush administration. (but I don't think there's any kind of NWO conspiracy behind this)

I dont agree with the wire tapping, but I also know that I will never show up on those taps. Also, not widely known, that anything off of those taps cannot be turned over to civilian police unless it is of a terrorism matter.

3.) His appointment of lobbyists/former lobbyists to cabinet posts (which is probably hard to avoid as most people who are good in a particular area work with lobbies at some point in their careers). At least he did pass legislation stating that they cannot work for lobbies while they serve their posts.

This was a complete lie on his part. Then we also have the man that isnt intelligent enough to use turbotax as the Sec. Tres.

I do agree that the lobbiest legislation is a step in the right direction, but I still dont think it goes far enough.

04-15-2009, 04:16 PM

thats what im confused on

you OBVIOUSLY need a history lesson!!!!

i mean damn dude, does the Boston TEA Party ring any bells????

04-15-2009, 04:23 PM
I think its funny how these "tea parties" are presented as being "grass roots" but in reality they are funded by politicians and corporate lobbyists and promoted by the likes of Hannity and the other conservative shills at Fox News. I guarantee you that there is no grass roots movement behind any of this... its all brought to you by Rupert Murdock (the owner of Fox News) and the leaders of the Republican party. The two biggest sponsors are "Americans for Prosperity" (aka Next Gingrich) and "Freedom Works" (aka former House Majority leader Dick Armey).

Go to the state capital tomorrow, get a good teabagging from Hannity. See country music star John Rich - the man behind such classy hits as "save a horse ride a cowboy". Meet Joe the Plumber (if he even decides to attend, given that he'll be paying less taxes under Obama).

But be aware... the people who are bringing you this event are the people behind the past 8 years of deficit spending and toxic assets. :goodjob:

ACTUALLY the liberal morons in office thought EVERYONE should own a home and pressured the banks to give out loans to delinquents, people with BAD credit and people with NO jobs. This is what led us down this path that were on now.....

and how can you say that only the BUSH admin. has a history of defecit spending and toxic assets..... Who was it that just asked for a 4 trillion dollar budget FOR THIS YEAR ALONE!!!!!

Since when did the "Right" side become the bad guys? sounds like some propaganda BS by the left side....

04-15-2009, 05:44 PM

Whats your source for the 4 trillion number? The numbers I have are between 876 billion and 1 trillion.

And it is a lot of money, but its needed to increase circulation and to make the needed changes in areas like energy, infrastructure, and education that keep us competitive in the global market. It takes money to make money, as they say.

Bush's idea of a stimulus (throwing people a $600 check every 2 years) did little to address the fundamental issues behind the lack of growth.

Obama has a tax plan of his own when the Bush cuts expire. It is pretty much the same as the Bill Clinton era. The rich were still rich then, I don't remember anyone complaining about their tax burden. If I get taxed $5-$10 more a week that will be understandable considering the times we are in. I wouldn't mind paying a little more in taxes for the security of knowing that my job is stable.

04-15-2009, 05:53 PM
Arguments between the left and the right are so remarkably retarded on this forum (and often in general). When Bush was president, some of the left side compared him to a dictator. Now that Obama is president, some of the right side is comparing him to Hitler. Both feel completely justified in this, and think the other side is stupid for not agreeing. People are arguing that on this thread "Oh so it's not alright to voice our opinion because we're not liberal? Now we're labeled as right-wing extremists." The same shit was happening 5 years ago with the war in Iraq. "Oh it's not alright to voice our opinion because we aren't Republican. Now we're labeled as anti-American."

Everyone with this bullshit mentality of "my party is completely right, yours is completely wrong" or "my party is the victim" needs to shut the fuck up. Both sides have their fair share of sheep, faults, idiots and hypocrisy.

[/end rant]

This not aimed at everyone in this thread. People, on both sides have made legitimate posts in here, and that's awesome. It is possible to have intelligent debate between the two parties as I've seen many of you demonstrate. I'm also sorry that this thread has veered off-topic. However, I just could not let some of the stupidity in here to continue unchecked.

That being said, enjoy the tea party. I hope that no idiots (left or right) turn it into a mockery/tragedy.

Sorry for multiple edits. Hopefully no one has quoted this yet :)

04-15-2009, 11:14 PM
If I didn't have to work I'd definitely be going to one. But be careful, Homeland Security will probably be there taking pictures of all the "Rightwing Extremists"...

http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009...n-the-country/ (http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009...n-the-country/)

http://www.thelibertypapers.org/wp-c...m-09-04-07.pdf (http://www.thelibertypapers.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/hsa-rightwing-extremism-09-04-07.pdf)

so you have seen that too. that puts a lot of people in this country in that category, and people think im paranoid. WTF

04-15-2009, 11:16 PM
Arguments between the left and the right are so remarkably retarded on this forum (and often in general). When Bush was president, some of the left side compared him to a dictator. Now that Obama is president, some of the right side is comparing him to Hitler. Both feel completely justified in this, and think the other side is stupid for not agreeing. People are arguing that on this thread "Oh so it's not alright to voice our opinion because we're not liberal? Now we're labeled as right-wing extremists." The same shit was happening 5 years ago with the war in Iraq. "Oh it's not alright to voice our opinion because we aren't Republican. Now we're labeled as anti-American."

Everyone with this bullshit mentality of "my party is completely right, yours is completely wrong" or "my party is the victim" needs to shut the fuck up. Both sides have their fair share of sheep, faults, idiots and hypocrisy.

[/end rant]

This not aimed at everyone in this thread. People, on both sides have made legitimate posts in here, and that's awesome. It is possible to have intelligent debate between the two parties as I've seen many of you demonstrate. I'm also sorry that this thread has veered off-topic. However, I just could not let some of the stupidity in here to continue unchecked.

That being said, enjoy the tea party. I hope that no idiots (left or right) turn it into a mockery/tragedy.

Sorry for multiple edits. Hopefully no one has quoted this yet :)

i think from bush sr to obama has been hitler/dictators. where do you think the dept of homeland security came from. germany. the presidents are just puppets to me and i dont support either side b/c they are all full of shit.

04-15-2009, 11:24 PM
market is built upon perception - market is doing good b/c steps gov is taking or working on not b/c it is just time for them to turn around.

Im sorry, is that bullshit i smell? :D

04-15-2009, 11:28 PM
Anyone remember what the The Reichstag fire was and what it did for the Nazi party?

Allow me to paint a little worst case scenario picture for you...

This report alerting local authorities about an increase in "right-wing extremeist activities" makes you angry right? (if your a conservative/libertarian/whatever) Now we all get hyped up at the big tea parties with this report fresh in our minds because it was convieniently "leaked" just a few days before hand. Now have one Obama maniac show up to the event and there is a much greater likelyhood for violence. Lets say something does happen big or small. It will be plastered all over the news and give Obama a serious implcation to subdue the right. That is how Hitler established his absolute control by setting up the fire and blaming the Communist party for it clearing his path.

you are the only other person who has mentioned the fire. remember after 9/11 we had the patriot act and katrina wasn't enough to do that, but the steps have been in the works since carter was in office.

04-15-2009, 11:36 PM
Do it! By all means I want you guys to go and report back. But you better hurry because it is today and thats a pretty short notice.

But yeah, the whole idea of the "tea party" is just a new viral marketing package for the same old GOP crap that got us into the mess we are in now. There's no direction, no coordinated agenda... its just a forum for you guys to show up in numbers and voice your general malaise about Obama.:lmfao:

dude when are you going to realize that there is nor ight or left anymore. they claim that for elections but they are all abt the same shit. i call this a republocrat b/c they are none of the above and neither party care about us at all anymore. very few do but if you follow them and live in missouri you are a domestic terrorist.

04-15-2009, 11:49 PM
I know full numbers from Bush's last 2 years are not available yet, but if those number are correct, then Obama is just as bad as the evil Bush. All of this is even before we see the real cost of Obama's socialized healthcare also which I am expecting to top 1T in the first year and not the 687B over 10 years that Obama is talking about.

I agree, that is why we see the market tumble every time Obama or Giethner give a speech about the economy. Yesterday was a perfect example. BoA was trading up about a dime before the speech, and started to tumble immediately after it. It closed about 0.90 down.

bush did spend a lot on the war in iraq, but most people forget that last sept he pushed through 700B for toxic assets. now mr henry paulson was in charge of the money and it was funneled in the front door of AIG and out the back to goldmans sach. sadly everyone that is in charges of our financial crap came from goldmans sachs, and all our past folks too. sadly all this mon ey goin g out winds up in wall street and that is where the fingers are being pointed and the paper trail is running there too. bush's 700B was the first nail in the coffin. obama's 3 trillion was the last 10 nails for us. they all work for wall street, every damn cabinet member upwards does. nobody else remembers that mr obama promised that EVERY BILL that went through congress would be posted on the web for 5 days for the public to review and our congressman, well he lied there too b/c we have spent 4 trillion and that was done in less than 24hrs start to finish. the new boss is starting to look like the old boss. go figure.

04-16-2009, 01:45 AM
bush did spend a lot on the war in iraq, but most people forget that last sept he pushed through 700B for toxic assets. now mr henry paulson was in charge of the money and it was funneled in the front door of AIG and out the back to goldmans sach. sadly everyone that is in charges of our financial crap came from goldmans sachs, and all our past folks too. sadly all this mon ey goin g out winds up in wall street and that is where the fingers are being pointed and the paper trail is running there too. bush's 700B was the first nail in the coffin. obama's 3 trillion was the last 10 nails for us. they all work for wall street, every damn cabinet member upwards does. nobody else remembers that mr obama promised that EVERY BILL that went through congress would be posted on the web for 5 days for the public to review and our congressman, well he lied there too b/c we have spent 4 trillion and that was done in less than 24hrs start to finish. the new boss is starting to look like the old boss. go figure.

Yea, what ever happened to that "transparency?" I tried to log onto that site during his inauguration but the actual content pages weren't up yet... just the homepage...

04-16-2009, 07:21 AM
We just need to replace the entire house and senate. Vote no to re-elect. I like that idea.

04-16-2009, 07:31 AM
We just need to replace the entire house and senate. Vote no to re-elect. I like that idea.

why wait for re-election thats 4 years from now. Vote them out now.... a lot of shit can happen in 4 years

04-16-2009, 07:43 AM
Here is what I find so disturbing is all of the Right support on this why haven't these supporting republicans stood up and put pressure on their Governors on the stimulus money? I guarantee every RED state is taking a gov check and is eager to spend it.

Kinda hypocritical when supporters of this are using Gov excess spending :lmfao:

04-16-2009, 07:50 AM
Im sorry, is that bullshit i smell? :D

Then please explain market Ups? b/c it isn't because of old policy or that we have bottomed out. Market is still very highly controlled by perception - people think we are moving forward they spend; even companies like mine are seeing some good numbers considering the slow past few quarters.

04-16-2009, 08:33 AM
why haven't these supporting republicans stood up and put pressure on their Governors on the stimulus money? I guarantee every RED state is taking a gov check and is eager to spend it. Kinda hypocritical when supporters of this are using Gov excess spending :lmfao:

I know GA needs it's stimulus check pretty bad... over the past 2 fiscal years our operating budget has dropped 20%. If the state doesn't get a lot of the stimulus pie, layoffs could be a possibility. I know a lot of state contracts with private contractors are not getting renewed.

so you have seen that too. that puts a lot of people in this country in that category, and people think im paranoid. WTF

You wonder why the gov't is making reports about rightwing extremists and then somebody posts something like this:

why wait for re-election thats 4 years from now. Vote them out now.... a lot of shit can happen in 4 years

The House and Senate were voted in by the American people and the only seats up this year will be the 3 democratic seats of House members Obama selected for his cabinet. Even if they lose all 3 seats they still have a majority. So when you say "vote them out now" I assume you are insinuating some sort of coup. DHS is watching this type of chatter (because stupid idle threats like these are all over the internets) and they issue documents just to inform their staff as to whats going on.

We have similar memos that circulate where I work about homeless people who come in and use the restrooms. Doesn't mean we have an agenda against the homeless, we're just staying informed about the potential for trouble...

04-16-2009, 09:08 AM
Here is what I find so disturbing is all of the Right support on this why haven't these supporting republicans stood up and put pressure on their Governors on the stimulus money? I guarantee every RED state is taking a gov check and is eager to spend it.

Kinda hypocritical when supporters of this are using Gov excess spending :lmfao:
i 100000% agree.

Both sides are wrong, dirty, crooked ,etc. We need new blood. Who that is, i dont know.

04-16-2009, 09:11 AM
Then please explain market Ups? b/c it isn't because of old policy or that we have bottomed out. Market is still very highly controlled by perception - people think we are moving forward they spend; even companies like mine are seeing some good numbers considering the slow past few quarters.
Have you looked at the trends and what is going on? This is not a recovery. Obama says hes going to "save the banks" and the stocks go up. Citi Bank posts a profit and stocks go up.

Geitner says he has no idea what to do to save the housing market stocks plummet.

This is purely emotion driven and has NOTHING to do with out economic might or lack there of.

The DOW will teeter up prob to around 9000 then the bottom is going to come out from under it.

The next big bubble we have is the bond market and its about to explode.

One thing is for damn sure, NONE of the money Bush or Obama has spent, has helped the econommy AT ALL.

04-16-2009, 09:14 AM
I know GA needs it's stimulus check pretty bad... over the past 2 fiscal years our operating budget has dropped 20%. If the state doesn't get a lot of the stimulus pie, layoffs could be a possibility. I know a lot of state contracts with private contractors are not getting renewed.

You wonder why the gov't is making reports about rightwing extremists and then somebody posts something like this:

The House and Senate were voted in by the American people and the only seats up this year will be the 3 democratic seats of House members Obama selected for his cabinet. Even if they lose all 3 seats they still have a majority. So when you say "vote them out now" I assume you are insinuating some sort of coup. DHS is watching this type of chatter (because stupid idle threats like these are all over the internets) and they issue documents just to inform their staff as to whats going on.

We have similar memos that circulate where I work about homeless people who come in and use the restrooms. Doesn't mean we have an agenda against the homeless, we're just staying informed about the potential for trouble...


Gimme a fucking break, what he said was no worse than Pelosi wanting to give amnesty to Illegals lol

I respect your opinion, and i can see that nothing i say will change your mind, so im just going to leave it at that.

You seem to be FAR left, good luck with that

04-16-2009, 10:33 AM

I don't think the DHS report was quite as much "ZOMG HIDE THE FERTILIZER!!!1!" as it was just a heads up that as it was just a heads up that activity from these fringe groups may be on the rise given the current economic/political climate. The talking heads on the right are over-reacting and blowing it way out of proportion.

If any of you had read it you would have noticed the excessive use of the words "may," "might" etc. The report contains nothing that anyone with half a brain can't find on their own in 2 minutes using wikipedia.

04-16-2009, 10:39 AM
Have you looked at the trends and what is going on? This is not a recovery. Obama says hes going to "save the banks" and the stocks go up. Citi Bank posts a profit and stocks go up.

Geitner says he has no idea what to do to save the housing market stocks plummet.

This is purely emotion driven and has NOTHING to do with out economic might or lack there of.

The DOW will teeter up prob to around 9000 then the bottom is going to come out from under it.

The next big bubble we have is the bond market and its about to explode.

One thing is for damn sure, NONE of the money Bush or Obama has spent, has helped the econommy AT ALL.

oh we are defiantly not in recovery my point was we have a volatile market based on perception, but i do believe Obama in office gives off better vibes to the economy than Bush or even McCain could of. i know for a fact that the stimulus money hasn't helped us nor has it had a chance to take effect. some good signs are now starting to show though b/c money is now being promised to local gov't and they are starting to plan spending which means people will keep their jobs in many markets and many new ones will be created. investing in infrastructure is the smartest thing we can do right now; its needed, usefull to most, and puts people to work while saving jobs. (even though it is in only a few sectors)

but new blood is needed i think on all fronts dems/reps; i'm sorry but our representation is weak.

04-16-2009, 10:44 AM
Well how did it go?

04-16-2009, 11:08 AM
oh we are defiantly not in recovery my point was we have a volatile market based on perception, but i do believe Obama in office gives off better vibes to the economy than Bush or even McCain could of. i know for a fact that the stimulus money hasn't helped us nor has it had a chance to take effect. some good signs are now starting to show though b/c money is now being promised to local gov't and they are starting to plan spending which means people will keep their jobs in many markets and many new ones will be created. investing in infrastructure is the smartest thing we can do right now; its needed, usefull to most, and puts people to work while saving jobs. (even though it is in only a few sectors)

but new blood is needed i think on all fronts dems/reps; i'm sorry but our representation is weak.
I dont think Mccain would have done any better FYI. I like to think he would have been more fiscally responsible, but that has not proven to be the case, especially with all the republicans going along with the spending bills too.

I think its hard to harp on BUSH spending when Obama has doubled BUSH spending in 4 months.


04-16-2009, 11:32 AM

The war in Iraq has little, if anything to do with terrorism. Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, on the other hand...

04-16-2009, 11:49 AM
. i know for a fact that the stimulus money hasn't helped us nor has it had a chance to take effect. .

This is very true... most of the stimulus money is still unspent as of right now. I know the higher ups here at the university are having meetings and trying to find projects for the stimulus money, and our state/local officials are as well. But there's a lot of red tape involved concerning how the money can be used... which is not necessarily a bad thing as they are trying to target the money to projects that will stimulate growth.

04-16-2009, 11:58 AM
The war in Iraq has little, if anything to do with terrorism. Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, on the other hand...

jesus im not going to go through this again.

04-16-2009, 12:01 PM
I dont think Mccain would have done any better FYI. I like to think he would have been more fiscally responsible, but that has not proven to be the case, especially with all the republicans going along with the spending bills too.

I think its hard to harp on BUSH spending when Obama has doubled BUSH spending in 4 months.


i think we lost focus on Afghanistan and moved to iraq to finish daddies work so i'm all about us leaving there b/c we should of never went there to begin w/. again that is republican stance where we should meddle in other peoples affairs and justify it on fear. we should of gone to Afghanistan and laid waste to the country - women/children die first b/c if you can't breed then we are insuring long term stability :goodjob:

this should also be considered on the rest of the world that burdens us :lmfao: (i drive a VW what do you expect - we are the superior make)

04-16-2009, 12:06 PM
i think we lost focus on Afghanistan and moved to iraq to finish daddies work so i'm all about us leaving there b/c we should of never went there to begin w/. again that is republican stance where we should meddle in other peoples affairs and justify it on fear. we should of gone to Afghanistan and laid waste to the country - women/children die first b/c if you can't breed then we are insuring long term stability :goodjob:
but i thought we were evil for killing women and children in Iraq?

I dont really think going to iraq was a means to finish dads work, maybe 1% played into it.

but i believe it was because we laid waste to the taliban in 4 airstrikes. They had no army, no govt, nothing was there. Bin Laden was on the run. Iraq was the only real country in our sights we could turn democratic. It was begging for regime change, and Saddam had defied the UN for 12 years.

Im not going to say we SHOULDNT gave gone in, at the time we were looking for a way to exert our power, and to tell the muslim extremeists to fuck off.

Iraq qwas the only one that fit that bill and could be turned democratic.

Taking over afghanistan would have done nothing but , and still will do nothing.

IMO of course

04-16-2009, 12:07 PM
if 10 years from now,Iraq is prosperous and supplying us with oil and their deomcracy infects IRAN and it turns, this is all a moot point.

But thats a long ways away

04-16-2009, 12:16 PM
if 10 years from now,Iraq is prosperous and supplying us with oil and their deomcracy infects IRAN and it turns, this is all a moot point.

But thats a long ways away

oh by all means but if history repeats itself in the middle east it is a lost cause and no matter how much intervention/$ is dumped into it we are screwed. regime or not iraq bin ladin connections were never there and we know that.

04-16-2009, 01:34 PM
But there's a lot of red tape involved concerning how the money can be used... which is not necessarily a bad thing as they are trying to target the money to projects that will stimulate growth.

There is no reason to believe that infrastructure projects will stimulate growth in anything. At the very best it will prevent more drawbacks but even that is debatable.

04-16-2009, 01:40 PM
There is no reason to believe that infrastructure projects will stimulate growth in anything. At the very best it will prevent more drawbacks but even that is debatable.

Ask people in Boston how they feel about the Big Dig. Whether or not it stimulated growth, it was sorely needed. A similar project in Atlanta would be great.

04-16-2009, 01:44 PM
Ask people in Boston how they feel about the Big Dig. Whether or not it stimulated growth, it was sorely needed. A similar project in Atlanta would be great.

It doesnt seem to be going over all that well actually. We arent talking about what makes people feel good either. We are talking about stimulating the economy.


I guess 50% cost overruns are good for the local and state economies. Also no money for other projects which mean no more people are going to work than before. There is just less being done.

Massachusetts spends 38 percent of its highway budget on debt, more than any other state. The state also pays almost 80 percent of its highway workers with borrowed money, the Globe reported.

Widmer said the state will be forced to either add "user fees" on certain highways or raise the state's gas tax, both politically unpopular alternatives.

04-16-2009, 06:44 PM
The House and Senate were voted in by the American people and the only seats up this year will be the 3 democratic seats of House members Obama selected for his cabinet. Even if they lose all 3 seats they still have a majority. So when you say "vote them out now" I assume you are insinuating some sort of coup. DHS is watching this type of chatter (because stupid idle threats like these are all over the internets) and they issue documents just to inform their staff as to whats going on.

We have similar memos that circulate where I work about homeless people who come in and use the restrooms. Doesn't mean we have an agenda against the homeless, we're just staying informed about the potential for trouble...

unless something has changed i thought that people could vote out elected officials if they were unhappy with them..... :???: :???: has something changed

04-16-2009, 07:50 PM
so i'm sitting in traffic today and i'm listening to talk radio (which is something i don't normally do) and i can't believe some of the things i heard from the callers and the utter and complete lack of respect for the participants of the tea parties. When people were holding anti-war rallies and someone were to speak ill of them the media went nuts about it but since the party goers were going against the holy Obama they are free game? WTF? Who is anyone to sit here and say theses psople are wrong for thier beliefes. yes i disagree with people on here for thier stances on politics, but we are talking about being overtaxed overabused and underappreciated. Sorry for the rant but it was needed.

04-17-2009, 08:14 AM
unless something has changed i thought that people could vote out elected officials if they were unhappy with them..... :???: :???: has something changed

Very true but you have to wait until there is an election to do that... you can't just "vote them out right now". And from what I have read any GA seats are up for grabs until 2012. We do have early voting, but not that early. :lmfao:

GA's senate seats are republican anyway so its not like you would make any change there. And out of the 13 house seats, 7 are republican. So the best the GOP can hope for in congress is to get 6 house seats... and some of those seats are down in South GA and as far as I know no one in this thread is from Americus or Macon or Statesboro. And I really doubt you guys will get the 5th and 13th districts.

So like it or not, you're stuck with Obama and Pelosi for a while. Unless you want to secede from the union, stage a coup, or whatever else kind of veiled threats are in the Alex Jones rhetoric.

04-17-2009, 06:00 PM
“Let’s be very honest about what this is about,” she said. “It’s not about bashing Democrats, it’s not about taxes, they have no idea what the Boston tea party was about, they don’t know their history at all. This is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up. That is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks.”

So do all liberals think that hating Obama's policies make you a racist redneck?

04-17-2009, 07:28 PM
So do all liberals think that hating Obama's policies make you a racist redneck?
Not all liberals, but if you watched the coverage from cnn during the tea party you'd see the Obama is the saviour that we've been told about since Jesus was crucified. If you don't admit that Obama is the second coming then yes you will be considered a racist and a biggot' but then again I don't agree with most of Obama's point of views so I'm in the same boat as you.

04-17-2009, 08:24 PM
So when do we get to wear our white sheets?

04-17-2009, 08:27 PM
So when do we get to wear our white sheets?

Lol. Don't we have to wait until after memorial day? The only reason i ask is because the Obama's are the center of facism oops fashion. Damn i get those two confused alot.

04-17-2009, 08:51 PM
Lol, How did the Tea party go I couldn't make it i had some family stuff come up.

04-17-2009, 09:42 PM
Lol, How did the Tea party go I couldn't make it i had some family stuff come up.

got called in to work to get some stuff ready for our new sales brochures(sp?) so i didn't go, however i am planning on going to the freedom festival this summer that is planned... so atleast i got to follow it on t.v. at work. Really surprised at how big of a turnout there was. I think the final tally was 15-20k.

04-18-2009, 12:37 AM
I know GA needs it's stimulus check pretty bad... over the past 2 fiscal years our operating budget has dropped 20%. If the state doesn't get a lot of the stimulus pie, layoffs could be a possibility. I know a lot of state contracts with private contractors are not getting renewed.

You wonder why the gov't is making reports about rightwing extremists and then somebody posts something like this:

The House and Senate were voted in by the American people and the only seats up this year will be the 3 democratic seats of House members Obama selected for his cabinet. Even if they lose all 3 seats they still have a majority. So when you say "vote them out now" I assume you are insinuating some sort of coup. DHS is watching this type of chatter (because stupid idle threats like these are all over the internets) and they issue documents just to inform their staff as to whats going on.

We have similar memos that circulate where I work about homeless people who come in and use the restrooms. Doesn't mean we have an agenda against the homeless, we're just staying informed about the potential for trouble...

damn you don't even know that in our own constitution the people have the right to give any elected official the boot. it is our right. we don't need to vote or even shed any blood either, it is our right, so put that in your pipe and smoke it. but here is the kicker, everyone is to caught up in BS TV shows and showing up to work to pay DEBT so nobody really does anything and recently more people are getting the picture.

04-18-2009, 12:40 AM
Have you looked at the trends and what is going on? This is not a recovery. Obama says hes going to "save the banks" and the stocks go up. Citi Bank posts a profit and stocks go up.

Geitner says he has no idea what to do to save the housing market stocks plummet.

This is purely emotion driven and has NOTHING to do with out economic might or lack there of.

The DOW will teeter up prob to around 9000 then the bottom is going to come out from under it.

The next big bubble we have is the bond market and its about to explode.

One thing is for damn sure, NONE of the money Bush or Obama has spent, has helped the econommy AT ALL.

the bad part is we are following FDR's roadmap, and it did not work until WW2 came along. seriously everything obama is doing FDR did and there was a temporary gain but the bottom fell out even furthur. look it up it's history repeating itself.

04-18-2009, 12:42 AM
The war in Iraq has little, if anything to do with terrorism. Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, on the other hand...

opium production has risen since we have been in afghanistan, do the math on that one.

04-18-2009, 12:50 AM
oh by all means but if history repeats itself in the middle east it is a lost cause and no matter how much intervention/$ is dumped into it we are screwed. regime or not iraq bin ladin connections were never there and we know that.

amen someone in this state finallysees that. the folks i used to work with swore iraq was behind 9/11, they didn't even know osama was in afghan, they thought he ruled iraq,

04-18-2009, 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Paul
oh by all means but if history repeats itself in the middle east it is a lost cause and no matter how much intervention/$ is dumped into it we are screwed. regime or not iraq bin ladin connections were never there and we know that.

amen someone in this state finallysees that. the folks i used to work with swore iraq was behind 9/11, they didn't even know osama was in afghan, they thought he ruled iraq,

But the kicker is that no matter who is on whos side all hell will break loose sooner or later.The rason that the middle east will stay that way for all time is because you have Islamic extremists trying to rid the world of everyone who doesn't believe thier ideals to a t. I don't care who you are you pay close attention to the Iran nuclear movement and to the Korean nuclear movement because that's where the real problems are going to come from and kill our economy! Yes the financial meltdown has weakend us but it will be an outside source the breaks the camels back.(no pun intended)

04-18-2009, 11:53 PM
But the kicker is that no matter who is on whos side all hell will break loose sooner or later.The rason that the middle east will stay that way for all time is because you have Islamic extremists trying to rid the world of everyone who doesn't believe thier ideals to a t. I don't care who you are you pay close attention to the Iran nuclear movement and to the Korean nuclear movement because that's where the real problems are going to come from and kill our economy! Yes the financial meltdown has weakend us but it will be an outside source the breaks the camels back.(no pun intended)

yea look at isreal at the moment. i remember bush giving a televised speech and said "saddam" instead of osama talking about the WTC. i was like WTF?

04-20-2009, 12:38 AM
damn you don't even know that in our own constitution the people have the right to give any elected official the boot. it is our right. we don't need to vote or even shed any blood either, it is our right, so put that in your pipe and smoke it. .

Explain where it is in the constitution that you can do anything other than vote to remove an elected official from office. Provide text from the actual document and cite it properly. As far as I know according to article 2, section 2, clause 5, only the Senate can carry out proceedings for impeachment of members of Congress, the President/VP, or Supreme Court and federal judges. And only once has a member of Congress ever been impeached (TN senator William Blount in 1798), and even then the impeachment was thrown out.

You guys can't do anything other than kick rocks untill the people you disagree with are up for election (and like I said its gonna be a while), and even then you can't do anything unless you happen to live in their district. You might not like Nancy Pelosi or Ted Kennedy, but their constituents apparently do because they keep voting for them. And none of you are their constituents. :doh:

04-23-2009, 05:32 PM
Explain where it is in the constitution that you can do anything other than vote to remove an elected official from office. Provide text from the actual document and cite it properly. As far as I know according to article 2, section 2, clause 5, only the Senate can carry out proceedings for impeachment of members of Congress, the President/VP, or Supreme Court and federal judges. And only once has a member of Congress ever been impeached (TN senator William Blount in 1798), and even then the impeachment was thrown out.

You guys can't do anything other than kick rocks untill the people you disagree with are up for election (and like I said its gonna be a while), and even then you can't do anything unless you happen to live in their district. You might not like Nancy Pelosi or Ted Kennedy, but their constituents apparently do because they keep voting for them. And none of you are their constituents. :doh:

if i remember correctly if the people are not happy with an official then we can boot em, but as you know the rules change everyday.

04-23-2009, 05:43 PM
if i remember correctly if the people are not happy with an official then we can boot em, but as you know the rules change everyday.

How can you boot them before the election? That is what I am asking.

04-23-2009, 10:19 PM
How can you boot them before the election? That is what I am asking.

if we scream loud enough and enough people get involved it would happen, but if that were the case you know martial law would be declared. think of all the unemployed and millions of others basically stopping working and protesting peacefully about the waste of 3 trillion and bankrupting this country and i thought somewhere in the constitution it is for the people and we can make a change.

basically it takes a lot of support even from people in high enough spaces. B/C of the homeland security memo on right wing extremists which a congressman stated tonight covers 2/3 of americans was put out last week enough of a buzz has been made to call for the head of the DHS to resign. napalatano or whatever her name is.

there are 600,000 houses that the banks have had hidden on paper from the balance sheets labeled as foreclosures and the loans are still being "serviced". wait til that flood hits the market and everyone home value's will drop even more causing more debt and upside down folks which will make the markets go down even further. if that happens i say we the people take back our gov't, and honestly with the web and other tools now good ideas can be found for the mess, like open up the patent office and other agencies for energy, fuels, and other good stuff.

I'm sorry but throwing money at the problem did not work last time and will not work this time. i really don't think housing has hit the bottom yet. and guess what FDR served 4 terms and created a lot of the useless mass budget programs we have today in our government. some of these agencies do no good for the citizens either.

04-23-2009, 10:31 PM
How can you boot them before the election? That is what I am asking.

Its called a Recall election, BUT a while back they removed the ability for the public to remove federal officials. Now the only people who can remove a president or other Federal Elected official is congress, though I do not see that happening in the next few years.

04-24-2009, 05:20 PM
Its called a Recall election, BUT a while back they removed the ability for the public to remove federal officials. Now the only people who can remove a president or other Federal Elected official is congress, though I do not see that happening in the next few years.

hmm go figure they made an amendment so we have no power anymore instead of it being the way it is supposed to be. everyday they take away the voice and power of the sheeple, i mean people.