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View Full Version : Sony A100

04-10-2009, 03:14 PM
ive been wanting a dslr for six months now and its hard gettin money w/o a job but i found a sony A100 and im wondering if anyone here uses it and if they can give me some feedback.....

04-10-2009, 03:26 PM

04-10-2009, 04:47 PM

04-10-2009, 05:44 PM
I use the A200 and I LOVE it!!! Its a little noisy as far as the shutter but the low light, high iso Really helps. The kit lens, in my opinion, is better than the nikon and the canon cause instead if stopping at 55mm it goes to 70mm. If you have the money I would pick up the 200 over the 100 but from what I have heard the 100 is decent as far as an entry DSLR. Again, my 2 cents.

04-10-2009, 07:03 PM
if you don't have a job, and its your first dslr, i think i would find a really solid P&S before I went and spent a ton of money. Priorities! thats just me though

Mr. Clean
04-10-2009, 07:34 PM
i gots one a dem. takes decent shots, but it really needs another lens.

it's just a sony version of the d40 (err visa versa, idk) i think the d40 takes crispier pics and has a little better light detection... but w/e...

depends on what price you're gettin' it at.

04-10-2009, 08:01 PM
The specs make it seem like a decent camera. On par with the Canon Xs or XTi.

Unfortunately, with DSLR cameras... joe blow won't notice much of an improvement over a point & shoot camera until:
1. He learns to work the settings
2. After learning to work the settings, he learns the limitations of his lenses.

In short: The camera is fine... but what you gonna do with it?

04-10-2009, 08:43 PM
but what you gonna do with it?

probably take pictures of ducks, cars at night with no fill, birthday parties, and stuff that a point and shoot definitely wouldn't handle. lol :rolleyes:

04-10-2009, 08:48 PM
Photos of ducks = run of the mill. Photos of people fighting with ducks = awesome.

If you are going to do night shots of cars. You will need a tripod, a flash, and a lens with a big aperture

04-10-2009, 09:00 PM
Photos of ducks = run of the mill. Photos of people fighting with ducks = awesome.

If you are going to do night shots of cars. You will need a tripod, a flash, and a lens with a big aperture

uhhh....right. you realize im not the OP right?

04-10-2009, 09:54 PM
if you don't have a job, and its your first dslr, i think i would find a really solid P&S before I went and spent a ton of money. Priorities! thats just me though

well im 18 so not many priorities here and i already have a point and shot

i gots one a dem. takes decent shots, but it really needs another lens.

it's just a sony version of the d40 (err visa versa, idk) i think the d40 takes crispier pics and has a little better light detection... but w/e...

depends on what price you're gettin' it at.

yea i wanted a d40 but i found an A100 for super cheap so thats my reasoning

The specs make it seem like a decent camera. On par with the Canon Xs or XTi.

Unfortunately, with DSLR cameras... joe blow won't notice much of an improvement over a point & shoot camera until:
1. He learns to work the settings
2. After learning to work the settings, he learns the limitations of his lenses.

In short: The camera is fine... but what you gonna do with it?

well im already taking high school classes and plan to continue them after i graduate, of course ill be takin pics of cars but i also love nature and scenery, i havent really found what i want to focus on more but as of right now i just love taking pics in different perspectives ....just what evers seems cool at the moment

.blank cd
04-11-2009, 07:24 AM
If you DO get a DSLR, i find it much easier to find lenses for Nikon than Sony.

04-11-2009, 09:06 AM
If you DO get a DSLR, i find it much easier to find lenses for Nikon than Sony.

eh, they have a decent lineup....however, I haven't seen too many locally if that's what you mean:



sony: (don't forget you can use minolta):

Mr. Clean
04-11-2009, 09:52 AM
yeah i would rather have a nikon or canon now (nikon preferably)... but the sony was a good camera for what i was doing. i mean i could spend the money on a lens and see what that does for me, but i think i just want to get a d90 or something.

04-11-2009, 10:52 AM
well the guy from c/l backed out, so back to saving for the d60.

i love nikon, ive been using my friends d60 and its awesome so i guess ill have to wait a little longer

04-11-2009, 01:34 PM
Nikon D5000 will come out in couple months to replace D40/D60. The price won't be that much more. This is real. They already shot the commercial for it. Save up for it.


04-11-2009, 07:11 PM
Photos of ducks = run of the mill. Photos of people fighting with ducks = awesome.

If you are going to do night shots of cars. You will need a tripod, a flash, and a lens with a big aperture

not entirely true..tripod yes..if you know what your doing, u can shoot without a flash)all depends on the ambient light u got doing on)..flash should only be used(in most cases) if u have a way to distribute light evenly/gently. and from what i've seen from some of you guys: don't know shit about lighting and always get a huge Flash glare on every reflective service on the car.

but people fighting ducks..truly awesome

04-12-2009, 12:36 AM
not entirely true..tripod yes..if you know what your doing, u can shoot without a flash)all depends on the ambient light u got doing on)..flash should only be used(in most cases) if u have a way to distribute light evenly/gently. and from what i've seen from some of you guys: don't know shit about lighting and always get a huge Flash glare on every reflective service on the car.


04-12-2009, 02:38 AM
+1 for Sony. I have an a100 with over 25,000 pics on it and a new a700 with almost 15,000.

I loved my a100, but outgrew it shooting weddings and such. A few years back, it was Popular Photography's Camera of the Year. In bright light, it works AMAZING and was one of the sharpest sensors in the industry. Above ISO 400 though, it fell flat and was just terrible.

The a350 is a perfect amateur/hobbyist dSLR. It makes the transition really easy with the Live-view and the tilting LCD.

It got great reviews from all the photo mags last year.

All of Sony's DSLRs have the ability to use pretty much all of Minolta's lenses and the Anti-shake is the best in the industry. No need to buy VR lenses... the VR is in the camera body!

I am now shooting with an a700 and it is awesome. Although, I am using much nicer glass this year too, which makes HUGE difference. It has a better sensor, and I can shoot at ISO6400 with no problems. It has a faster auto-focus and is a MUCH nicer camera. I bought it as a body-only from KEH for $850 in September of last year.

I still have my a100 and use it as a 2nd body at the races and a back-up camera for my wedding stuff.

Its a good work-horse camera, but needs a nice shoe-mount flash to help it out in low light.

There are several good lenses out there, but here is what I shoot with:

MInolta 11-18mm
MInolta 50mm f1.4
Sigma 24-60mm f2.8
MInolta 80-200mm f2.8 APO (High Speed AF)
Kenko Teleplus 2x Converter
Sony HVL-56AM High Power Flash
Sony Vertical Grip
Sony External Battery Pack

If you have a Sony Question, Ask me. I'll put it against ANY Nikon or Canon in the same price range.

Also, check out the forums over at www.dyxum.com

Thats the Sony/Minota Shooters Mecca.

04-12-2009, 02:43 AM
I 'll take some shots of my rig here in the next few days.

04-12-2009, 02:54 AM
Some highlights of my coverage from Petit LeMans Last year...


04-12-2009, 05:06 PM
thanks for the knowledge "atlantamx3"
after playing around with several dslr's nikon is definately my favorite, but if another sony comes up for the right price ill definately jump on it.

04-12-2009, 05:12 PM
Some highlights of my coverage from Petit LeMans Last year...


those pics are awesome!

04-12-2009, 09:53 PM
All shot with the a100, a700 and the glass I listed. Mainly the 80-200 2.8! LOL