View Full Version : Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck G.O. 1

04-02-2009, 02:04 AM
So, yeah, it sucks!! Especially 2.c and 2.d...

Thank some nameless god for the Red Light District!! Everything else is blocked, and the next day after I find a proxy it is blocked also..

I feel sorry for the lady friend when I get back home. It's gonna be constant :idb: and :cheers: for while!!


04-02-2009, 07:00 AM
So, yeah, it sucks!! Especially 2.c and 2.d...

Thank some nameless god for the Red Light District!! Everything else is blocked, and the next day after I find a proxy it is blocked also..

I feel sorry for the lady friend when I get back home. It's gonna be constant :idb: and :cheers: for while!!

http://www.3ad.com/history/gulf.war/general.order.1.htmInteresting code of war...collecting "souvenirs" is apparently a common issue, or was anyways.

04-02-2009, 07:15 PM
Yeah, that is mostly like "War Trophies"

I believe the theory behind it, started back when GIs were killing non hostiles just to take something they had; instead of taking them prisoner.