View Full Version : So I had to kick two gay dudes out of JeJu yesterday.

03-25-2009, 09:24 PM
It was an interesting day at work yesterday. Some of you may or may not know, but I work at Jeju Sauna, its a pimp ass bath house/sauna/spa here in Gwinnett.

anyways I am working here at the front counter an this Korean guy comes out pissed as hell on his way out. Saying things like

"this gay fucker followed me even to the private shower and was looking at me staring at me with a hard dick, that gay fucker, stupid fucker"

He Said fucker plenty of more times and then walked out.

about 30mins later, Mr. Yoo one of Body Scrub employees comes out, and says in broken english of course:

"Two homos in sleeping room, *starts making kissing sounds*"

he hands me a flash light and and I walk in there and BOOM catch those fucks in the act, one was a bald headed white dude, with a gay voice, the other guy was a Habbibbi mother fucker taxi driver bald head and mustache, probably has a wife and a few habbibbi kids at the house as well. These two fucks were making out and feeling each other up in our sleeping room, they both were fucking hard too on top of that. I sent them packing and both of them got out of here with a quickness and with a look of total shame in thier eyes.

lol this shit is gross, why the fuck would a habbibbi durka mother fucker be engaged in homosexual acts here in JeJu.

lol for fuck sakes the world today is fucked up.

end story

03-25-2009, 09:28 PM
wow, thats really fucking nasty.

03-25-2009, 09:31 PM

03-25-2009, 09:35 PM
homosexuality is wrong and disgusting. Homosexuals should either be discreet it about it or die.

03-25-2009, 09:39 PM
homosexuality is wrong and disgusting. Homosexuals should either be discreet it about it or die.

People can do what ever the fuck they wanna do on thier own time and in their own place.

Why some one would bring that shit to a public place is beyond me.

I just find it funny how a Durka Durka habbibbi motherfucker likes getting his shit pushed in.

thats just fucking nasty and rolfacopter funny at the same time.

03-25-2009, 09:49 PM
crazy shit!

03-25-2009, 09:52 PM
wow, thats really fucking nasty.

Probably fabricated. Later, QD.

03-25-2009, 09:54 PM
homosexuality is wrong and disgusting. Homosexuals should either be discreet it about it or die.

You're an idiot. You prove, once again, that what is said about you is true. You're a spineless, brainless fuck.

As I said yesterday, there are four things in this world that people do NOT want to be:

1) Black
2) Gay
3) Black AND Gay
4) You

Bottom of the food chain. How does it feel? Later, QD.

03-25-2009, 09:55 PM
Probably fabricated. Later, QD.

its not man, I am not one for bullshit.

i may talk some shit, but no reason for me to lie. Im not here to try to inflate my E-ego

03-25-2009, 09:55 PM
You're an idiot. You prove, once again, that what is said about you is true. You're a spineless, brainless fuck.

As I said yesterday, there are four things in this world that people do NOT want to be:

1) Black
2) Gay
3) Black AND Gay
4) You

Bottom of the food chain. How does it feel? Later, QD.

bahaha,ill hit u with my major phat fuckin tittastic reps

03-25-2009, 09:56 PM
I repped the mullet. I must be in a great mood.

03-25-2009, 09:57 PM
its not man, I am not one for bullshit.

i may talk some shit, but no reason for me to lie. Im not here to try to inflate my E-ego

Hard to believe, but if you're not BS-ing, that's crazy shit. Later, QD.

03-25-2009, 09:59 PM
Hard to believe, but if you're not BS-ing, that's crazy shit. Later, QD.

it is some crazy and pretty disgusting shit.

03-25-2009, 10:03 PM
LOL @ habbibbi

Awesome story!

03-25-2009, 10:04 PM
I repped the mullet. I must be in a great mood.

how many jews u got in ur ash tray today?

Crazy Asian
03-25-2009, 10:23 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA Koreans absolutely hate gay people. With the utmost hatred. Our culture really looks down upon that. If you were in Korea, and they caught you doing that crud, you'd be an outcast. Profit, you need therapy lesson soon?

03-25-2009, 10:37 PM
lol nah Im good, I just found this whole situation funny as hell.

03-26-2009, 12:17 AM
homosexuality is wrong and disgusting. Homosexuals should either be discreet it about it or die.

Well, Rick, have a big fuck you. :2up:

03-26-2009, 12:21 AM

03-26-2009, 01:45 AM
LOL get em Emmmy.. btw when are you gonna bake some more of those cookies???!!! :D

03-26-2009, 08:11 AM
This made me EL OH EL!!!!!!

03-26-2009, 08:14 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHA Koreans absolutely hate gay people. With the utmost hatred. Our culture really looks down upon that. If you were in Korea, and they caught you doing that crud, you'd be an outcast. Profit, you need therapy lesson soon?

Too bad everyone else isnt like that! LOL