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View Full Version : My thoughts on Alex Jones and "The Obama Deception"

03-18-2009, 04:26 PM
1.) Jones is not a journalist. He is a community college dropout. And it shows in his work.

He will make blanket statements like "The Arabs who own Hollywood all believe :blah:"

There are a few problems with that statement. Who are the Arabs that "own Hollywood"? Are there any published studies of what their agenda is? What does he offer you that proves to you that Hollywood is owned by Arabs and those Arabs have any kind of shared agenda?

Anyone who has ever taken a course on Journalism can see that Jones breaks pretty much every rule in the A.P. Stylebook in his videos.

2.) Jones does not attribute any of his "facts" to sources.

He will tell you about "secret documents" but he won't give you any information that will allow you to find these documents. He will tell you about pending "martial law" legislation but he will not give you the names of specific bills.

3.) The footage he uses is often shown out of context.

Ever wonder why he uses so many short clips? Thats because its easy to take a bunch of soundbites and edit them together and make something that sounds scary. If you cut and pasted some clips the right way, you could make anything look bad. Most of what you see are people saying one, maybe two sentences. You are not given enough info to really tell what they are saying, you just see what Jones wants you to see.

You see video's of police in riot gear and hear him babble on about "martial law". What he's not telling you is that these cops are traning for 9/11 type scenarios and responses to events like Columbine and the VA Tech shootings. The same people who would say "We need to train our cops in counterterrorism" 4 years ago... are freaking out now that we are doing just that.

4.) He conjures up bullshit.

I don't know where he is getting this bullshit from about FEMA turning military bases into concentration camps. He says a lot about H.B. 645.

Well here is a link to the full-text of HR. 645 (FEMA using military bases) nothing about detainment or martial law of any sort is listed, it just says that the areas will be used as command centers for coordination of Federal/State/Local humanitarian efforts in the event of disaster. This bill is meant to give federal/state/local authorities places to coordinate their responses to emergencies so that we don't have another situation bungled Katrina was.



If you hang around construction sites taking pictures and shit it looks pretty sketchy. Given the recent rise of theft of building materials and tools from construction site I'm guessing most construction crews don't take very kindly to guys creeping around taking video/pictures without permission.

And in the wake of 9/11 I'm guessing most military bases don't like people creeping around taking pictures either.

6.) What will the agenda of the "New World Order" be once it is created? What do they want to do with it?

I really don't see what the purpose of a "New World Order" would be. The powers that be are making tons of dough right now playing countries off of each other. Defense contractors like Halliburton, Blackwater, and Carlisle are raking in the dough from Iraq etc. If they consolidate the world, there would be no war, no competition among different countries/markets for control of resources.

Anyhow, those are my thoughts on the situation. Sure, the economic crisis is bad and yes, there are a lot of political changes going on right now. But people like Alex Jones are just taking advantage of the situation and trying to create an atmosphere of panic so that they can benefit from it. Jones has gone from a public access channel (think Wayne's World) to about 60 radio stations. He's got advertizing dollars from radio and he's got video's that sell for $30 a pop. He has a lot to gain from people buying in to his garbage.

03-18-2009, 04:49 PM
Interesting. :goodjob:

03-18-2009, 05:04 PM
Glad you watched it, like i said dont take everything to heart. he does tend to get riled up and does skip over some stuff. Heres my .02

There is ALOT of truth to the topics he covers, maybe not by his SLANT, but in principle. Things you CANNOT deny:

1) The Federal Reserve Agenda
I could spend 10 hours showing you stuff, but you have to do your own research. Youtube MONEY MASTERS or buy the DVD. LOTS of facts in it, and it will explain our fractional reserve banking system, and how, it is controlled by people with more power than the president. Its over 3 hours long so best to watch it in segments

2) The Obama Administration is HARD LEFT
The clips of Emmanuel are REAL, go look them up for yourself. He is a supporter of disarming the civilian population, and he is for BIG BROTHER govt. He is for NOT SELLING ARMS to people put on the NO FLY list.

Now, Heres the problem with this, the same group of people BITCHING about GItmo and how those people have no rights or oversight because its outside USA jurisdiction, this is the EXACT SAME THING. THe "NO FLY LIST" has no oversight, most people on it have never been convicted of a crime, felon, done any terrorist activity, etc. I mean Obama associated with Bill Ayers, FACT, but its no big deal. But a no fly list, OOOOOOOO YOURE A TERRORIST!

THe double standard is retarded.

Holder wrote a paper about how the entire civilian population should have no arms, only the military should be allowed weapons. Look to England friends, you take away the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS (something this country was founded on) you think the criminals are going to stop carrying weapons?

Read this article, Gun Control doesnt=Less Crime

Geittner is the one that WROTE the contracts for AIGs bailout, yet now we want to sit here and CRUCIFY AIG for doing what they were ALLOWED to do?

COngress is yelling about giving back the bonuses, when it was CONGRESS THAT STRIPPED A PROVISION OUT OF THE BAILOUT THAT WOULD HAVE PREVENTED AIG FROM PAYING BONUSES. I mean thats like saying its ok to shoot someone, then putting them in jail when they do it.

3) The Left/Right Paradigm is ending
We are increasingly seeing is there is no difference in the LEFT versus the RIGHT. They are ALL CROOKS. you really think it would have been different if Mccain got in? What you have to realize is that it doesnt matter, Left, RIght, they are all the same cause they work for SOMEONE ELSE. See FED RESERVE. They are all working their own agendas with no regard to what is best for the people.

This is all about powerplays, who can do what to get elected next. The Dems want to ENSLAVE the working class to DEPEND upon the govt so they can stay in power, the Repubs want to make the rich richer so they keep employing people and stay in power.

In the end its bad for EVERYONE because you hurt business people one way, or you hurt the middle class the other. At the end of the day, both ways fail.

i could keep going but see what your response is too all of that

03-18-2009, 05:14 PM
Glad you watched it, like i said dont take everything to heart. he does tend to get riled up and does skip over some stuff. Heres my .02

There is ALOT of truth to the topics he covers, maybe not by his SLANT, but in principle. Things you CANNOT deny:

1) The Federal Reserve Agenda
I could spend 10 hours showing you stuff, but you have to do your own research. Youtube MONEY MASTERS or buy the DVD. LOTS of facts in it, and it will explain our fractional reserve banking system, and how, it is controlled by people with more power than the president. Its over 3 hours long so best to watch it in segments

2) The Obama Administration is HARD LEFT
The clips of Emmanuel are REAL, go look them up for yourself. He is a supporter of disarming the civilian population, and he is for BIG BROTHER govt. He is for NOT SELLING ARMS to people put on the NO FLY list.

Now, Heres the problem with this, the same group of people BITCHING about GItmo and how those people have no rights or oversight because its outside USA jurisdiction, this is the EXACT SAME THING. THe "NO FLY LIST" has no oversight, most people on it have never been convicted of a crime, felon, done any terrorist activity, etc. I mean Obama associated with Bill Ayers, FACT, but its no big deal. But a no fly list, OOOOOOOO YOURE A TERRORIST!

THe double standard is retarded.

Holder wrote a paper about how the entire civilian population should have no arms, only the military should be allowed weapons. Look to England friends, you take away the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS (something this country was founded on) you think the criminals are going to stop carrying weapons?

Read this article, Gun Control doesnt=Less Crime

Geittner is the one that WROTE the contracts for AIGs bailout, yet now we want to sit here and CRUCIFY AIG for doing what they were ALLOWED to do?

COngress is yelling about giving back the bonuses, when it was CONGRESS THAT STRIPPED A PROVISION OUT OF THE BAILOUT THAT WOULD HAVE PREVENTED AIG FROM PAYING BONUSES. I mean thats like saying its ok to shoot someone, then putting them in jail when they do it.

3) The Left/Right Paradigm is ending
We are increasingly seeing is there is no difference in the LEFT versus the RIGHT. They are ALL CROOKS. you really think it would have been different if Mccain got in? What you have to realize is that it doesnt matter, Left, RIght, they are all the same cause they work for SOMEONE ELSE. See FED RESERVE. They are all working their own agendas with no regard to what is best for the people.

This is all about powerplays, who can do what to get elected next. The Dems want to ENSLAVE the working class to DEPEND upon the govt so they can stay in power, the Repubs want to make the rich richer so they keep employing people and stay in power.

In the end its bad for EVERYONE because you hurt business people one way, or you hurt the middle class the other. At the end of the day, both ways fail.

i could keep going but see what your response is too all of that

i usually wont read something that long on here, but it was worth it. nicely stated!!!

03-18-2009, 05:22 PM
I havent even GOTTEN to Pelosi or Reid or Frank yet.

This is from CNN

This is Pelosi saying that Illegals are patriotic and the raids done by FEDERAL AGENTS to track down and deport illegals, are UNPATRIOTIC


ANd dont say its biased, thats them TALKING in their own words

Its so clear its in your face whether you want to believe it or not, they are now going after the hispanic vote, and they dont give a FUCK about you, me, or anyone else

03-18-2009, 06:05 PM
Glad you watched it, like i said dont take everything to heart. he does tend to get riled up and does skip over some stuff. Heres my .02

There is ALOT of truth to the topics he covers, maybe not by his SLANT, but in principle. Things you CANNOT deny:

1) The Federal Reserve Agenda
I could spend 10 hours showing you stuff, but you have to do your own research. Youtube MONEY MASTERS or buy the DVD. LOTS of facts in it, and it will explain our fractional reserve banking system, and how, it is controlled by people with more power than the president. Its over 3 hours long so best to watch it in segments

2) The Obama Administration is HARD LEFT
The clips of Emmanuel are REAL, go look them up for yourself. He is a supporter of disarming the civilian population, and he is for BIG BROTHER govt. He is for NOT SELLING ARMS to people put on the NO FLY list.

Now, Heres the problem with this, the same group of people BITCHING about GItmo and how those people have no rights or oversight because its outside USA jurisdiction, this is the EXACT SAME THING. THe "NO FLY LIST" has no oversight, most people on it have never been convicted of a crime, felon, done any terrorist activity, etc. I mean Obama associated with Bill Ayers, FACT, but its no big deal. But a no fly list, OOOOOOOO YOURE A TERRORIST!

THe double standard is retarded.

Holder wrote a paper about how the entire civilian population should have no arms, only the military should be allowed weapons. Look to England friends, you take away the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS (something this country was founded on) you think the criminals are going to stop carrying weapons?

Read this article, Gun Control doesnt=Less Crime

Geittner is the one that WROTE the contracts for AIGs bailout, yet now we want to sit here and CRUCIFY AIG for doing what they were ALLOWED to do?

COngress is yelling about giving back the bonuses, when it was CONGRESS THAT STRIPPED A PROVISION OUT OF THE BAILOUT THAT WOULD HAVE PREVENTED AIG FROM PAYING BONUSES. I mean thats like saying its ok to shoot someone, then putting them in jail when they do it.

3) The Left/Right Paradigm is ending
We are increasingly seeing is there is no difference in the LEFT versus the RIGHT. They are ALL CROOKS. you really think it would have been different if Mccain got in? What you have to realize is that it doesnt matter, Left, RIght, they are all the same cause they work for SOMEONE ELSE. See FED RESERVE. They are all working their own agendas with no regard to what is best for the people.

This is all about powerplays, who can do what to get elected next. The Dems want to ENSLAVE the working class to DEPEND upon the govt so they can stay in power, the Repubs want to make the rich richer so they keep employing people and stay in power.

In the end its bad for EVERYONE because you hurt business people one way, or you hurt the middle class the other. At the end of the day, both ways fail.

i could keep going but see what your response is too all of that

very good points indeed, the federal reserve has to go. and to the one world currency and bank, look in the mainstream news it's all over the place now and it's "the answer to the economic crisis" and you wonder how they will benefit. they will not have to have wars to make money if everyone on the planet is in debt to them. the rockefeller family financed both sides of the war, and in WW there was a special additive that hitlers planes needed to fly and the standard oil company held the patent. or that prescott bush was involved with the union bank corp that also financed the war"makes you wonder abt our presidents agenda". those are facts that can be found in the library of congress. yes alex does scream BS on some things, but look through his BS and there is some truth to it. watch the news now and you will see a lot of countries saying one world financial system to prevent this from happening again. polotics is in a way a form of acting.

03-18-2009, 06:23 PM
they are OPENLY talking about the North America Union now, hell the immigration bill does everything but say it. I mean why else would you give amnesty to all illegals?

03-18-2009, 07:43 PM
I agree with post #3.

03-18-2009, 08:25 PM
Mr.Kidd I so glad you came around, before you was against this type of talk, video,what have you. Zeitgeistthemovie.com

03-18-2009, 09:50 PM
Alex Jones is a fool. He draws the laziest conclusions about what's going on in the world. I mean, granted there's a lot of fucked up things going on, and there are a lot of sinister people out there.

But to just round them all up under one simple conspiracy theory and decide that you've got it all figured it out is just simple-minded and lazy.

Humankind and its motivations are a lot more complicated and intricate than that guy wants us to believe. It's the same thing as organized religion answering the universe's most profound spiritual questions with a handful of fairy tales and ghost stories. It's motivated by fear of the unknown.

03-18-2009, 10:15 PM
they are OPENLY talking about the North America Union now, hell the immigration bill does everything but say it. I mean why else would you give amnesty to all illegals?

they have been talking about this and the amero for years, and not a damn soul believes me on that one. obama promised to get rid of nafta when he really wasn't, and why deport them when the border will fall anyways. bastards. bush i know for sure had closed door north american union meetings. and look at the BS tarrifs mexico are talking about right now b/c of the trucking issue. it's a bunch of BS from mexico to take our guns too!! thanks eric holder attorney genereral.

03-18-2009, 10:19 PM

i think this boring ass old man has more knowledge of whats going on than alex, it was recorded in oct 07 too.

03-18-2009, 10:31 PM
Alex Jones is a fool. He draws the laziest conclusions about what's going on in the world. I mean, granted there's a lot of fucked up things going on, and there are a lot of sinister people out there.

But to just round them all up under one simple conspiracy theory and decide that you've got it all figured it out is just simple-minded and lazy.

Humankind and its motivations are a lot more complicated and intricate than that guy wants us to believe. It's the same thing as organized religion answering the universe's most profound spiritual questions with a handful of fairy tales and ghost stories. It's motivated by fear of the unknown.
to be fair, Jones has done 334892048329 movies that all previously touch on or explain things he MENTIONS in the OBama deception.

You would have to watch a handful of his videos to understand what he is REALLY talking about.

I watched Money Masters before i watched the Obama Deception, so i didnt need him to go into detail about the Fractional Reserve Banking. I already knew it, but, if you didnt know anything about it, it could look like he is passing off some type of "conspiracy" theory.

Facts are that many americans just cant FATHOM what is going on. They are more interested in why Chris Brown beat Rhianna.


Dont like the Rhetoric, fine, but the numbers DO NOT LIE PEOPLE.

03-18-2009, 10:38 PM
Alex Jones is a fool. He draws the laziest conclusions about what's going on in the world. I mean, granted there's a lot of fucked up things going on, and there are a lot of sinister people out there.

But to just round them all up under one simple conspiracy theory and decide that you've got it all figured it out is just simple-minded and lazy.

Humankind and its motivations are a lot more complicated and intricate than that guy wants us to believe. It's the same thing as organized religion answering the universe's most profound spiritual questions with a handful of fairy tales and ghost stories. It's motivated by fear of the unknown.

Wait..So how did you just make a thread saying it was interesting and you want to buy it and now say its a bunch of BS? :thinking:

03-18-2009, 10:40 PM
Whether you believe it or not, this is even more shocking



Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists

Kurt Nimmo
March 12, 2009

Alex Jones has received a secret report distributed by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) entitled “The Modern Militia Movement” and dated February 20, 2009. A footer on the document indicates it is “unclassified” but “law enforcement sensitive,” in other words not for public consumption. A copy of the report was sent to Jones by an anonymous Missouri police officer.
featured-stories - Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists featured-stories - Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists
featured-stories - Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists featured-stories - Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists
featured-stories - Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists featured-stories - Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists
featured-stories - Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists featured-stories - Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists
Click on above thumbnails to see larger images.

The MIAC report specifically describes supporters of presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr as “militia” influenced terrorists and instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties.

“Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) provides a public safety partnership consisting of local, state and federal agencies, as well as the public sector and private entities that will collect, evaluate, analyze, and disseminate information and intelligence to the agencies tasked with Homeland Security responsibilities in a timely, effective, and secure manner,” explains the MIAC website. “MIAC is the mechanism to collect incident reports of suspicious activities to be evaluated and analyzed in an effort to identify potential trends or patterns of terrorist or criminal operations within the state of Missouri. MIAC will also function as a vehicle for two-way communication between federal, state and local law enforcement community within our region.”

MIAC is part of the federal “fusion” effort now underway around the country. “As of February 2009, there were 58 fusion centers around the country. The Department has deployed 31 officers as of December 2008 and plans to have 70 professionals deployed by the end of 2009. The Department has provided more than $254 million from FY 2004-2007 to state and local governments to support the centers,” explains the Department of Homeland Security on its website. Missouri is mentioned as a participant in this federal “intelligence” effort.

Last month, the ACLU issued a news release highlighting the activity of a fusion center in Texas as the “latest example of inappropriate police intelligence operations targeting political, religious and social activists for investigation,” in particular “Muslim civil rights organizations and anti-war protest groups.”

The MIAC report does not concentrate on Muslim terrorists, but rather on the so-called “militia movement” and conflates it with supporters of Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr, the so-called patriot movement and other political activist organizations opposed to the North American Union and the New World Order. The MIAC document is a classic guilt by association effort designed to demonize legitimate political activity that stands in opposition to the New World Order and its newly enshrined front man, Barack Obama.

In September of 2008, Missouri sheriffs and prosecutors organized truth squads to intimidate people opposed to Obama and threatened to arrest and prosecute anybody who ran “misleading television ads.” Missouri governor Matt Blunt eventually denounced the use of “police state tactics” on the part of the Obama-Biden campaign.

MIAC claims members of a “rightwing” militia movement organized in the 1990s — generally in response to the Oklahoma City bombing and the events at Waco — “continuously exploit world events in order to increase participation in their movements. Due to the current economical and political situation, a lush environment for militia activity has been created” and supposedly exploited by “constitutionalists” and “white supremacists,” the latter an oft-employed canard used to demonize activists as dangerous and potentially violent lunatics.

MIAC notes many of the political issues cited by the so-called patriot movement — the Ammunition Accountability Act, the impending economic collapse of the government, the possibility of a constitutional convention, the North American Union, Obama’s “Universal Service Program,” and the implementation of RFID, issues that are not limited to the patriot movement but are shared by a wide array of political activists.

The MIAC document includes a map of the North American Union not dissimilar from one released by NASCO, the North America SuperCorridor Coalition (see the NASCO map here).

The MIAC report is similar to one created by the Phoenix Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Joint Terrorism Task Force during the Clinton administration (see page one and page two of the document). The FBI document explicitly designates “defenders” of the Constitution as “right-wing extremists.” The MIAC report expands significantly on the earlier document.

again there is some political conjecture in there, but its been verified this was a real report put out, and other states are doing the same thing.

Basically the govt knows there is civil unrest ................

03-18-2009, 11:31 PM
mrkidd QD is going to come in here and call BS on it, i posted a link to this info last week. some people thinks it's BS, if you think it is call the number and ask them a few questions.

03-19-2009, 08:35 AM
Wait..So how did you just make a thread saying it was interesting and you want to buy it and now say its a bunch of BS? :thinking:
Just because it's BS does not mean it's not interesting.

Some people may not know about Alex Jones and anything about what's going on in this country - by saying it's 'interesting' people might get curious and actually see it and perhaps even buy it(the DVD). :D

to be fair, Jones has done 334892048329 movies that all previously touch on or explain things he MENTIONS in the OBama deception.

You would have to watch a handful of his videos to understand what he is REALLY talking about.

I watched Money Masters before i watched the Obama Deception, so i didnt need him to go into detail about the Fractional Reserve Banking. I already knew it, but, if you didnt know anything about it, it could look like he is passing off some type of "conspiracy" theory.

Facts are that many americans just cant FATHOM what is going on. They are more interested in why Chris Brown beat Rhianna.

http://www.resistnet.com/video/the-stimulus-skyrocket (http://www.resistnet.com/video/the-stimulus-skyrocket)

Dont like the Rhetoric, fine, but the numbers DO NOT LIE PEOPLE.
Well it looks like I have some catching up to do and some movies to watch. :)

03-19-2009, 08:37 AM
That "secret MIAC document" Vteckidd posted is pretty much common knowledge that anyone can find on youtube or wikipedia. Its a pretty common thing for law enforcement to pass out materials like this for training purposes. There are similar documents on "how to identify gang members" that discuss how some of the bigger gangs formed and who their suspected leaders are. Or "how to identify drug traffickers" etc etc

I mean when an officer sees a truck and its got RP and Stormfront stickers all over it, the plate number is "skn hed", and the 4 passengers are all wearing fatigues but none of them are active Military... it might be a good idea to call for backup before pulling them over for speeding.:lmfao:

03-19-2009, 09:28 AM
That "secret MIAC document" Vteckidd posted is pretty much common knowledge that anyone can find on youtube or wikipedia. Its a pretty common thing for law enforcement to pass out materials like this for training purposes. There are similar documents on "how to identify gang members" that discuss how some of the bigger gangs formed and who their suspected leaders are. Or "how to identify drug traffickers" etc etc

I mean when an officer sees a truck and its got RP and Stormfront stickers all over it, the plate number is "skn hed", and the 4 passengers are all wearing fatigues but none of them are active Military... it might be a good idea to call for backup before pulling them over for speeding.:lmfao:

so you are saying you agree with profiling whether racial or political?

I mean if you do thats fine, i believe in it to a POINT because lets face it stereotypes exist for a reason.

THe document isnt that scary to me in terms of its overall content. YOu are right, there are tons of active programs like this in the military and in the police for training purposes.

What is scary is the names they mention, and to the extremes its going . I mean come on , Ron Paul? Bob Barr? Chuck Baldwin? so if you voted for them you are suspect? thats ALOT DIFFERENT than being a skinhead

03-19-2009, 10:40 AM
This is from CNN

This is Pelosi saying that Illegals are patriotic and the raids done by FEDERAL AGENTS to track down and deport illegals, are UNPATRIOTIC

ANd dont say its biased, thats them TALKING in their own words

1.) It is widely known that Lou Dobbs is all for draconian policies on illegal immigration. He's not exactly a neutral source.

2.) I don't particularly like Pelosi. That being said, I think FOX NEWS presented her speech about immigration out of context. If you watch the video, its like I was talking about before, they just edited some 2 second soundbites together and made her say what they wanted her to say.

From what I can tell is that she was saying that raiding houses and splitting up families with young children kind of goes against the American spirit of social justice and that there should be a process that is a little more humane and in keeping with human rights.

Have you looked at the full text of H.R. 264? I don't know that it is the immigration bill, but it seems to be the one you are describing, its from democrat representative Sheila Jackson-Lee from Texas. Although it does include provision that seem to make it easier for immigrants to gain citizenship, it also increases the funding and capabilities of the Border Patrol

body armor for all agents
1 vehicle for every 3 agents
additional detention/deportation facilities
etc etc

The thing about "letting criminals and gang members into our country"... most people don't openly admit to being gang members. Unless the guy has a visible tattoo that says "Mad Tyte MS-13 Yo" or something theres really no way to tell, even in legal immigration. That being said, they did ease some restrictions and make it to where people who have served less than 1 year in prison are no longer excluded. I would think any violent crime would get more than a 1 year sentence.

Anyway, heres the full text to HR264:


03-19-2009, 10:43 AM
Pelosi out of context LOL

I mean if thats what you think theres no point in any more debate because our opinions are so far apart we will just start saying the same thing over an over again.

03-19-2009, 11:23 AM
1.) It is widely known that Lou Dobbs is all for draconian policies on illegal immigration. He's not exactly a neutral source.

2.) I don't particularly like Pelosi. That being said, I think FOX NEWS presented her speech about immigration out of context. If you watch the video, its like I was talking about before, they just edited some 2 second soundbites together and made her say what they wanted her to say.

From what I can tell is that she was saying that raiding houses and splitting up families with young children kind of goes against the American spirit of social justice and that there should be a process that is a little more humane and in keeping with human rights.

Have you looked at the full text of H.R. 264? I don't know that it is the immigration bill, but it seems to be the one you are describing, its from democrat representative Sheila Jackson-Lee from Texas. Although it does include provision that seem to make it easier for immigrants to gain citizenship, it also increases the funding and capabilities of the Border Patrol

body armor for all agents
1 vehicle for every 3 agents
additional detention/deportation facilities
etc etc

The thing about "letting criminals and gang members into our country"... most people don't openly admit to being gang members. Unless the guy has a visible tattoo that says "Mad Tyte MS-13 Yo" or something theres really no way to tell, even in legal immigration. That being said, they did ease some restrictions and make it to where people who have served less than 1 year in prison are no longer excluded. I would think any violent crime would get more than a 1 year sentence.

Anyway, heres the full text to HR264:


dobbs makes it very clear he wants border security and illegals out. he will also say whats on his mind despite the political party they are with. i actually noticed if you put cnn on all day you see the same BS until dobbs comes on, then you get to finally see different stories and ideas.

03-19-2009, 11:25 AM
so you are saying you agree with profiling whether racial or political?

I mean if you do thats fine, i believe in it to a POINT because lets face it stereotypes exist for a reason.

THe document isnt that scary to me in terms of its overall content. YOu are right, there are tons of active programs like this in the military and in the police for training purposes.

What is scary is the names they mention, and to the extremes its going . I mean come on , Ron Paul? Bob Barr? Chuck Baldwin? so if you voted for them you are suspect? thats ALOT DIFFERENT than being a skinhead

lets not forget if you were homeschooled, fly the flag, have bumper stickers(btw a cop checked my bumper at a road block the other night) if you talk abt zeitgeist.

heres a link to all the documents, included is a phone number at the bottom, check it out.

03-19-2009, 11:28 AM
"U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar

LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - A U.N. panel will next week recommend that the world ditch the dollar as its reserve currency in favor of a shared basket of currencies...

Central banks hold their reserves in a variety of currencies and gold, but the dollar has dominated as the most convincing store of value -- though its rate has wavered in recent years as the United States ran up huge twin budget and external deficits.

Some analysts said news of the U.N. panel's recommendation extended dollar losses because it fed into concerns about the future of the greenback as the main global reserve currency, raising the chances of central bank sales of dollar holdings."

03-19-2009, 03:59 PM
"U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar

LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - A U.N. panel will next week recommend that the world ditch the dollar as its reserve currency in favor of a shared basket of currencies...

Central banks hold their reserves in a variety of currencies and gold, but the dollar has dominated as the most convincing store of value -- though its rate has wavered in recent years as the United States ran up huge twin budget and external deficits.

Some analysts said news of the U.N. panel's recommendation extended dollar losses because it fed into concerns about the future of the greenback as the main global reserve currency, raising the chances of central bank sales of dollar holdings."

check out the video the energy non crisis, it talks about bankrupting the opec nations, and if you remember last summer that had a meeting to try and ditch to dollar too.

03-19-2009, 04:41 PM
GLen Beck is reporting the MIAC Report right now

03-20-2009, 08:31 AM
I like Glenn Beck, he seems pretty honest. Seems as if Fox News is trying to stay clear of the leftists and seems to be the better choice for news.
Here's glenn talking about domestic terrorists:
glenn (http://www.foxnews.com/video/index.html?playerId=videolandingpage&streamingFormat=FLASH&referralObject=3868886&referralPlaylistId=f909db77f0ad31bbfd35cb7e6a04f50 204809c04)

03-20-2009, 08:44 AM
GLen Beck is reporting the MIAC Report right now

Glenn Beck is like Stephen Colbert without the irony. Its a lot funnier IMO because he takes himself seriously.

03-23-2009, 02:08 PM
to be fair, Jones has done 334892048329 movies that all previously touch on or explain things he MENTIONS in the OBama deception.

You would have to watch a handful of his videos to understand what he is REALLY talking about.

I watched Money Masters before i watched the Obama Deception, so i didnt need him to go into detail about the Fractional Reserve Banking. I already knew it, but, if you didnt know anything about it, it could look like he is passing off some type of "conspiracy" theory.

Facts are that many americans just cant FATHOM what is going on. They are more interested in why Chris Brown beat Rhianna.


Dont like the Rhetoric, fine, but the numbers DO NOT LIE PEOPLE.

I agree

I can't really call it with A. Jones. His motive seems positive, though he covers in a small amount of time, most of the stuff he reports on seem legit. I feel he puts a little more initiative into his reporting, per say, to get his point across, but only because he feels he's talking to a sleeping populace of people. It's also weird, however, that he's only one of very very few that talk about that particular type of message content in a seemingly open minded community of Americans. Ron Paul also seems very legit on his stance in congress and basically talks down to the so called "elite" powers that pass these bills through in a rushed fashion. If you're a person that wouldn't mind sitting down and peering at the pre-edited so called "real time" footage of a C-span congressional bill passage you can actually see bullying from the president down to the senators.

I may not gobble up "everything" he has to say as truth, because I can form my own opinion, but I do find his subjects to inquire more thought on my side to better inform myself. Someone who doesn't look at all aspects may quickly disapprove of someone like A. Jones, but I appreciate the topics he brings up as it only gives me something actually interesting to search into more. :cheers:

03-23-2009, 02:11 PM
Also, I HIGHLY advise you don't use A. Jones as one pure source because that will only construct your views to be one-sided. Research involves multiple angles.

03-23-2009, 04:17 PM
If by "initiative," you mean making shit up then yes, Alex puts a lot of initiative into his reporting.

You should never use anyone as your primary source for news... I watch as much Fox as I watch CNN.

Its technically correct that Jones has some truth to his arguments, but all the best lies are about half truth and half bullshit. OJ Simpson told the truth maybe 90% of the time. But its that 10% that makes all the difference.

Its that and his methods. The way he doesn't give context for his quotes or attribute sources.

Glenn Beck and Ron Paul admit they cannot prove that FEMA concentration camps exist (but they're going to talk about them anyway):


just so you GB and RP fans know.

03-23-2009, 05:04 PM
Also obviously in respects for A. Jones, if he had absolute truth to all that he talked about he could very well destroy the "elite" he consistently talks about. If he could do that, then I'm sure he'd be a billionaire himself, and sell the infowars name and assets to his many followers. But the truth is what we don't have.......soo on to tomorow!

I too find it funny that most need an official source to make things a reality like things can't be hidden from us, no matter how much C-Span, Cnn, Fox (whatever corporation controlled media outlet of your choice) says. The only two things that can dictate truth to me is seen from day to day actions and time. Everything else is BS... :blah:

03-23-2009, 05:21 PM
If by "initiative," you mean making shit up then yes, Alex puts a lot of initiative into his reporting.

You should never use anyone as your primary source for news... I watch as much Fox as I watch CNN.

Its technically correct that Jones has some truth to his arguments, but all the best lies are about half truth and half bullshit. OJ Simpson told the truth maybe 90% of the time. But its that 10% that makes all the difference.

Its that and his methods. The way he doesn't give context for his quotes or attribute sources.

Glenn Beck and Ron Paul admit they cannot prove that FEMA concentration camps exist (but they're going to talk about them anyway):


just so you GB and RP fans know.

Sigh* see you are just as bad as people that think everything Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh says is truth. You are too blinded by "this guys is a moron" to look beyond stuff to figure it out on your own.

Like we have ALL said in this thread, the topics he covers there is TRUTH to it. NOt necessarily his SLANT on the subject. Remember he is like RUSH he is an entertainer and an activist.

YOu cannot sit there an tell me that this is all by accident and everything is a bunch of coincidences.

So you are telling me the FEDERAL RESERVE is GOOD and knows what it is doing, the trilater comission is false, Rothchild is innocent, etc etc etc

FEMA Concentration camps i dont believe in, i think they are strategically placed supply camps around the country for natural disasters when they occur. However you cannot deny that the military and local police have BEEN TRAINING FOR CIVIL UNREST if there is complete economic collapse. That is FACT.

See what i mean, Concentraion Camps is the extreme notion, but there is some truth to its PRINCIPLES

03-23-2009, 05:25 PM

03-23-2009, 05:30 PM

03-23-2009, 07:09 PM
I want to get a discussion going on the google video "The Esoteric Agenda"

03-23-2009, 11:32 PM
Alex Jones is occasionally worth listening too. But he gets too worked up for me to listen to on a regular basis. Comparing him to Rush is fair I think, although I think he has better intentions.

I stopped reading about all the conspiracy theories, because as abstract and wacky as they seem portions of what they're saying, seem to be materializing before my eyes.

I woke up this morning and found a clip of Glenn Beck going batshit over how much money the Federal Reserve just printed. Something to the tune of a trillion dollars. I guess it would make sense to disarm a population if you're planning on destroying their currency, forcing them into poverty, and feeding them propaganda.

The really grand illusion I think, is this right vs left nonsense. Deliberately getting people to think in terms of generalizations. However, a lot of people have caught onto the fact that most of what has been going on in America has nothing to do with partisan beliefs. A lot of people are starting to realize what a distorted sham this "electoral process" is when it's being constantly undermined by the biggest god damned propaganda machine the world has ever known.

However I'm done with getting all caught up in the hype and mania that surrounds these issues. There is no way for anyone to really discern the political reality of America anymore. Just talking points, and perspectives. The majority of the American people are so misinformed that it's reached a point of almost comedic complacency. We're watching the lemmings being led to the cliffs. I have optimistic hopes, but pessimistic expectations.

03-24-2009, 12:17 AM
well said ^^^

I firmly believe there are MINOR differences to the RIGHT vs the LEFT when it really gets down to ACTION. Principles are different, but the outcome is usually the same.

That beck clip about the Fed was actually pretty dead on. He was talking about hyperinflation and that the only way to combat deflation is to have inflation. The problem is the inflation usually comes NATURALLY over time, the FED is trying to artifically control this to get us out of it. Problem with that is they artificially controlled the markets the last 15 years and look how that wound up........

what makes you think they can do better?

03-24-2009, 12:22 AM
China calls for new reserve currency
By Jamil Anderlini in Beijing

Published: March 23 2009 12:16 | Last updated: March 24 2009 00:06

China’s central bank on Monday proposed replacing the US dollar as the international reserve currency with a new global system controlled by the International Monetary Fund.

In an essay posted on the People’s Bank of China’s website, Zhou Xiaochuan, the central bank’s governor, said the goal would be to create a reserve currency “that is disconnected from individual nations and is able to remain stable in the long run, thus removing the inherent deficiencies caused by using credit-based national currencies”.

03-24-2009, 12:38 AM

the only problem i see with his analogy is that you are assuming the fed will be willing to loan out 100% of the value of the asset.

Lets say the bank has a $100 toxic asset, $60 in debt, $40 in equity. In his first example the Private Investor pays $60 for the asset ( what the bank wanted to sell it for even though market value is $30)

In his second example, the Bank sells it to itself through the back door at $100, clearly i hope the Fed and the treasury arent stupid enough to loan out money at 100 cents on the dollar.

I think what they are going to do is basically negotiate down to the point where they think the banks pretty much break even (cause either break even or go under) and that will be at pennies on the dollar.


03-24-2009, 12:45 AM
Lately all this talk about Obama lowering taxes doesn't mean shit so long as the fed keeps that money printing press going...which is where the real problem is IMO.

Funny how easily the hidden tax through inflation is forgotten. "Inflation" means one thing to an economist and another to the Joe Public. Economist talk about how inflation is an increase in the money supply. We "inflate" the money supply by creating money, either through a printing press, through the fractional reserve banking system, or the actions of the federal reserve, or a combination of all three. Only 3-5% of the dollars are minted, printed and coined(And no, it's not a conspiracy). The rest exists in cyberspace

Personally that is one of the things I like about the gold standard...granted no system is perfect but I think it's better than what we have now. When a country's money supply is fully redeemable in gold, there is a built in discipline as to how much money can be created. If a govt. knows it might lose its gold by redeeming too much paper money, the politicians should(in theory) be very careful how much money they spend and paper they print. Eventually it becomes the goal in all paper money systems to get rid of the gold standard and establish a fiat money so that more money can be created and more and more "benefits" can be "given" to its citizens to earn the gratitude of the voters. It's amazing how you always hear about what politicians wanna do for ya, but never what they DON'T wanna do for ya. There was only one candidate who mentioned what he didn't wanna do for us but I'll leave that for another thread..

I remember one of my teachers telling me that free and open societies fail when "the majority of the people discover they can vote themselves benefits from the public treasury. That's the truth behind democracy and why it's never mentioned in The Constitution." This is not likely as long as there is the discipline of gold-backing. Gold...that "old relic of barbarism" is shunned by big spenders and politicians because it's their enemy.

Hell, it was no surprise as to why Nixon closed the gold window in 71 because by that time it had become apparent that our govt had put too much frikkin money into they system and foreigners were draining Fort Knox! Once that window was shut it was party time for the govt. and guess who's gonna be stuck with the clean up bill?

Here's a simple analogy...If we all went to an antique auction and we all had $1k to bid, the highest price for which the antiques could be sold is $1k. But let's say You, ActiveAero and Johnny were somehow able to get your hands on additional $100 in cash or credit... then the price of the antiques would go up because you'd now have more money to bid with. You three guys would be the successful bidders because you had access to the extra cash. In the meantime the purchasing power of all the money in the room goes down as the prices for the items would "rise." The antiques didn't change, but our ability to buy them had decreased.

So in effect, when any govt creates money outta thin air and spends it into existence by bestowing it upon its favored groupies, their purchasing power is increased for a little while but mine and Joe Public's is diminished, because this new money "trickling" into the free market auction place creates buying demand and bids up the price of everything. And people wonder why prices are going up!? Prices aren't going up...your purchasing power is going down.

So people can go on and on about how Obama wants to give the lower and middle class a "tax break" and "raise the minimum wage" but the truth is it doesn't mean shit so long as he backs a bullshit monetary policy...all controlled by The Federal Reserve. Even those of us who have a cost of living escalator clause in our work contracts are getting that big red white and blue dick shoved up our asses because of the runaway inflation. We can't even put our money away in savings anymore because the value of it is being chewed away faster than it can build interest! Inflation transfers your purchasing power to the govt..no different than if it were to literally steal money from your wallet and spent it in front of your face. . . but we're so stupid we actually buy the bullshit and as for the govt... it's business as usual.

This is a big issue for me because it directly effects how I live and what I can do with my money. We already know that we don't have any money as a nation. We're broke. Will you at least acknowledge that?

There are people on this board who believe we need inflation and that the economy is just too damn complicated to understand and that it's an imperfect science that needs to be closely monitored and controlled. So instead of the govt taxing us, they inflate the **** outta the currency and rob us.. and the best part is that we don't even realize it.

Why would the govt secretly wanna rob you of your wealth, which is what it does when the fed expands the supply of money = creating inflation and diminishing your purchasing power? "Oh NO! Not the govt! They'd never steal from the people!" Right?

In 1966 Alan Greenspan said in an essay called "Gold and Economic Freedom" said that inflation was "a scheme for the hidden confiscation of wealth." On August 16th, 2006 Fed Reserve Governor Richard Fisher, in a speech titled "An Update on The Status of the Economy and It's Implications of Monetary Policy" said "Inflation is a sinister force that has the capacity to charm and romance the heck out of you, but in the end only wreaks havoc"

It's easy to see why politicians love inflation.
1. It makes the national debt more manageable because it can be repaid with cheaper dollars.
2. In a democracy(supposed to be republic)full of personally indebted voters, the government will pursue monetary policies hospitable to debtors even as it accomodates the special interests that lend to them.
3. Inflation finances social programs that voters demand but avoids the politically unpopular alternative of higher taxes, allowing uncle sam to play santa clause or messiah.
4. Inflationary spending is confused with economic growth, which is confused with economic health.
5. Inflation causes nominal asset prices to rise, such as those of stocks and real estate, instilling in the minds of voters the illusion of wealth creation even as the purchasing power of their assets fall.

So you can understand why I am so bothered at the idea of cutting taxes, yet there's no sign of cutting departments we don't need and programs that are totally flawed and exploited.

Many economists(among them Milton Friedman and Arthur Burns) say that money supply should be expanded at the same rate of the expansion of goods and services, so these 2 factors will balance out and it would not be inflationary...right?? That's theoretically very sound. However in the real world, and human nature being what it is is, and politicians being what they are, govt cannot resist the temptation to buy votes and with their encouragement, the citizens vote themselves benefits from the public treasury.

The politicians are unwilling to take the heat of voting to directly tax you to pay for all of it, so they create budget deficits, and Uncle Sam creates the needed money through the Federal Reserve, and the money supply increases at a rate faster than the real wealth. The net effect is an increase in the prices, or more properly, a decrease in the purchasing power of each dollar. The net result is that you have been taxed to pay for the deficit. The inflation tax is hidden and not understood, which makes it the favorite of govt.

The avg person doesn't have the slightest idea who causes inflation, so the govt can blame big business and big labor when they respond to the govt created inflationary spiral by trying to keep their purchasing power or profits up to snuff. Wages rise, then prices are boosted to cover wages, and higher wages are demanded to keep up with increased prices, and they play a game of leapfrog that no one can win because there is no damn finish line.

But it's our fault because 1. Our ignorance. The people in general don't understand it so we turn a blind eye and let them get away with it.
2. Even if we understood the process we would still like our personal benefits because they give us money to spend we didn't have before, especially if you fall into one of the govt groupies upon which govt bestows it's "generosity." And because your increased income gives you more borrowing power , you can increase your debt and spend more. And then you are one of the Joneses, living on borrowed money and borrowed time...of course you're not about to give back your benefits.

I find it kinda funny how everyone talks about real change but when real change is proposed right away people are like "Well, yeah...but not THAT kinda change. We need the kinda change that won't change things too much." Talk about gridlock and buck passing

03-24-2009, 08:47 AM
Alex Jones is occasionally worth listening too. But he gets too worked up for me to listen to on a regular basis. Comparing him to Rush is fair I think, although I think he has better intentions.

I stopped reading about all the conspiracy theories, because as abstract and wacky as they seem portions of what they're saying, seem to be materializing before my eyes.

I woke up this morning and found a clip of Glenn Beck going batshit over how much money the Federal Reserve just printed. Something to the tune of a trillion dollars. I guess it would make sense to disarm a population if you're planning on destroying their currency, forcing them into poverty, and feeding them propaganda.

The really grand illusion I think, is this right vs left nonsense. Deliberately getting people to think in terms of generalizations. However, a lot of people have caught onto the fact that most of what has been going on in America has nothing to do with partisan beliefs. A lot of people are starting to realize what a distorted sham this "electoral process" is when it's being constantly undermined by the biggest god damned propaganda machine the world has ever known.

However I'm done with getting all caught up in the hype and mania that surrounds these issues. There is no way for anyone to really discern the political reality of America anymore. Just talking points, and perspectives. The majority of the American people are so misinformed that it's reached a point of almost comedic complacency. We're watching the lemmings being led to the cliffs. I have optimistic hopes, but pessimistic expectations.

03-24-2009, 08:52 AM
Mike is speaking the gospel.

People fail to realize that inflation is a direct result of the Fed fucking around with the money supply. It's not that the price of ordinary goods got higher, it's that the value of the got lower.

I want to know who made off with all the gold...

03-24-2009, 10:25 AM
Mike is speaking the gospel.

People fail to realize that inflation is a direct result of the Fed fucking around with the money supply. It's not that the price of ordinary goods got higher, it's that the value of the got lower.

I want to know who made off with all the gold...

GW's puppeteers!!!!

03-24-2009, 10:27 AM