View Full Version : What do you think is about to happen.

03-16-2009, 03:20 PM

America not the land of the free anymore....

Martial Law is coming....

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4Ib...feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4IbxUMWu8Q&feature=related)

Yes they are from youtube, but, some times the truth is not as hard to find as some like to think....

03-16-2009, 03:29 PM

interesting site.

03-16-2009, 03:30 PM

03-16-2009, 03:48 PM

03-16-2009, 05:10 PM
I've watched about 4 links and none of them have any attribution to any sources.

Most of the exercises the news agencies are showing in their articles are as a response to Columbine/VA Tech/what happened last week in Alabama. Even here in Atlanta... when that guy Brian Nichols went on a rampage, the cops were caught with their pants down. So it makes sense that different law enforcement agencies are training together for that kind of crap, training for 9-11 scenarios, etc.

You all know that before this election terrorism/Al Qaeda was a big threat and everyone needed to be vigilant.

Then you have Alex Jones or whoever who uses panic about Obama and spins the footage of this training into a youtube video on martial law, and all of the sudden he's got a radio show and making crazy bank from advertising etc.

Its time for some of you guys to log off of Stormfront and start looking at things in context instead of handing the package of BS you get from Jones and other conspiracy nuts.

03-16-2009, 05:31 PM
sure thing. but you are blind to possibilities. you must not have really payed attention to some of the things they were saying. everyday something else falls into place.

03-16-2009, 05:34 PM
you have the same mind set that most americans have. total ego trip. WE ARE INVINCIBLE CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED NEVER BE BROUGHT DOWN YADDA YADDA YADDA. Maybe not our gov.'t, but us. thats a different story.

03-16-2009, 05:38 PM
i say no matter what happenes we are all gonna get fucked in the ass.

im not saying martial law is gonna happen and im not saying its not gonna happen. A lot of things have been said about what the future holds but not one thing said has been positive. No one is sure about what is gonna happen but im sure its not gonna be good.

03-16-2009, 05:55 PM
there have been documents that heve been declassified from the white house under the bush admin about martial law, etc. it's not bush or obama, its the world bamk, IMF that worry me, considering they have financed us, and all the wars in history for both sides. i have statded amny times before that some stuff out there is pure BS, but even that BS has some truth to it, there are more places than alex jones website to find this info hel i read a bill in the senate the other day that would kill organic farming, and its worded to include backyard gardens and sush, so we don't have the right to grow fresh tomato's anymore

thats the senat version, i do believe the other id HR645 which ironically enough has been deleted.

03-16-2009, 06:42 PM
i read a bill in the senate the other day that would kill organic farming, and its worded to include backyard gardens and sush, so we don't have the right to grow fresh tomato's anymore

Going to look at that when I get home if I have time. I'm sure its a response to all the E.coli outbreaks in the food supply (like this latest one with peanuts and previous one with tomatoes and spinach).

The USDA and the FDA have been really de-regulated over the past 8 years with horrible results. Something has to be done to make food producers accountable.

03-16-2009, 07:06 PM
Going to look at that when I get home if I have time. I'm sure its a response to all the E.coli outbreaks in the food supply (like this latest one with peanuts and previous one with tomatoes and spinach).

The USDA and the FDA have been really de-regulated over the past 8 years with horrible results. Something has to be done to make food producers accountable.

my mother works for the usda, there was a congress version and i can't remember the bill name but the link i had was no good, it was worse than this bill. check it out b/c i have not fully read it myself, the congress bill is the one everybody says was created by mass food producer lobbyists and i can't find it anymore. it could possibly ban organic farming and gardens in your yard, which would be complete BS

03-17-2009, 06:49 PM
lol i used to help my grandparents with their little garden. most older people who farm their own small gardens take pride in it. hell all farmers do. nothing is 100% people need to understand that shit.

03-17-2009, 07:32 PM
there have been documents that heve been declassified from the white house under the bush admin about martial law, etc. it's not bush or obama, its the world bamk, IMF that worry me, considering they have financed us, and all the wars in history for both sides. i have statded amny times before that some stuff out there is pure BS, but even that BS has some truth to it, there are more places than alex jones website to find this info hel i read a bill in the senate the other day that would kill organic farming, and its worded to include backyard gardens and sush, so we don't have the right to grow fresh tomato's anymore

thats the senat version, i do believe the other id HR645 which ironically enough has been deleted.

Its obvious that you didnt read that bill either. It said nothing about growing your own food. It only applies to people that sell their register their food as interstate commerce. It also says nothing about orgonaic foods. It only proscribes accurate record keeping of where their food was sold to.

03-17-2009, 11:56 PM
Its obvious that you didnt read that bill either. It said nothing about growing your own food. It only applies to people that sell their register their food as interstate commerce. It also says nothing about orgonaic foods. It only proscribes accurate record keeping of where their food was sold to.

try to find the congress version, thats the one that has "tricky wording" to it. this was the only version that had a good link, the congress one did not have a good link or it was removed.

03-18-2009, 01:23 AM
try to find the congress version, thats the one that has "tricky wording" to it. this was the only version that had a good link, the congress one did not have a good link or it was removed.

If the bill is dead then who cares? Congressman and senators routinely submitt retarded bills.

03-18-2009, 04:17 AM
martial law,ss,geustapo, all the same thing. these "bullies" have been around forever, but what is interesting is that someone sitting in a homeland security office right now is trying to find out everything about anyone in here who has posted something of relevance. how about this for you theories, i drive a truck locally in norcross, just recently ive noticed some construction at an office park on my route one day these bright orange placards pop up " GOVT FACILITY NO TRESSPASSING" i think nothing of it. a few days later two wierd white cylinders are on the roof, nothing most people would notice but i took a closer look having done hvac work before, the hvac units were still visible behind the cylinders, the next day i snapped some pics of said cylinders so i could cross reference them online , found them but everytime i clicked on the link i lost mt internet connection. btw snapped some pics of the two jackasses that followed me for almost an hour afterwards too. norcross is the newest hub for HS, our ss, time to leave this place kids its getting way too wierd for me!!

03-18-2009, 04:59 AM
I'll say what I am thinking and just call you a liar. Dont bother trying to convince me otherwise either as you will simply lie some more.

03-18-2009, 08:33 AM
i think nothing of it. a few days later two wierd white cylinders are on the roof, nothing most people would notice but i took a closer look having done hvac work before, the hvac units were still visible behind the cylinders, the next day i snapped some pics of said cylinders so i could cross reference them online , found them but everytime i clicked on the link i lost mt internet connection. btw snapped some pics of the two jackasses that followed me for almost an hour afterwards too. norcross is the newest hub for HS, our ss, time to leave this place kids its getting way too wierd for me!!

You do know that when you snoop around on construction sites and take pictures and shit it looks highly suspicious, right? Those guys following you were probably the construction crew thinking you were staking them out to come back and steal their building supplies and tools and shit.

I mean you can't even leave a spool of copper wire or a stack of 2x4's laying around on a construction site nowadays without someone coming by at 3am and driving off with it. :ninja:

03-18-2009, 12:11 PM
If the bill is dead then who cares? Congressman and senators routinely submitt retarded bills.

the bill very well could have been killed and from what i saw of it damn should be.