View Full Version : Random excessive police force

03-16-2009, 01:10 AM

this may be a repost but ohh well.. it has police brutality, and a good 2 minute rant on why most cops that are bad might be the way they are. alsos people are areested and ticketed for doing something in our 1st amendment right which really sucks.

03-16-2009, 01:35 AM

03-16-2009, 01:38 AM
Thats an eye opener for sure...

03-18-2009, 07:02 PM
The only thing that I agree w/on that video is when the woman has the pistol in her hands and the cops took her down. You never know with people these days because a weapon in the hands of the elderly is just as dangerous if it were in the hands of middle-aged or youth, and the cops didn't know if she had intent on using it or not. What they did is just a safety precaution for her and for the cops.

03-19-2009, 01:07 AM
The only thing that I agree w/on that video is when the woman has the pistol in her hands and the cops took her down. You never know with people these days because a weapon in the hands of the elderly is just as dangerous if it were in the hands of middle-aged or youth, and the cops didn't know if she had intent on using it or not. What they did is just a safety precaution for her and for the cops.

how the hell do you figure?? the way she was holding it there is no way it could have been fired!! all they had to do was ask her to put it down. she was in her home allsoo, she has every right to bare arms in her home she never pointed it at the oficer and did not seem like she had any want to do soo. soo i would like for you to explain to me how they were correct in doing that?

03-19-2009, 07:42 AM
That video is fucking stupid. Just a bunch of liberal assholes who don't show the WHOLE picture so they look like the good guys.

The lady with the sign, they didn't show the whole story. Her and her bunch of looney loser friends were probably protesting and getting rowdy and disrespectful.

The old lady, she had a gun. Cops #1 priority is to take down a person with a deadly weapon. Again, they didn't show the WHOLE story. Just the guy tackling her. They prob asked her to drop the weapon like they always do and she prob waved it around trying to convince the cops it wasn't loaded or some bs.

If you resist arrest, cops will use force to sustain the perp and arrest him.

This video is fucking stupid.


03-19-2009, 07:54 AM

03-19-2009, 08:02 AM
That video is fucking stupid. Just a bunch of liberal assholes who don't show the WHOLE picture so they look like the good guys.

The lady with the sign, they didn't show the whole story. Her and her bunch of looney loser friends were probably protesting and getting rowdy and disrespectful.

The old lady, she had a gun. Cops #1 priority is to take down a person with a deadly weapon. Again, they didn't show the WHOLE story. Just the guy tackling her. They prob asked her to drop the weapon like they always do and she prob waved it around trying to convince the cops it wasn't loaded or some bs.

If you resist arrest, cops will use force to sustain the perp and arrest him.

This video is fucking stupid.

-Ant.so in other words cops feel they are above the law. doesnt matter how its sugar coded lots of right was violated in that vid.

03-19-2009, 08:11 AM
so in other words cops feel they are above the law. doesnt matter how its sugar coded lots of right was violated in that vid.
No, again I am saying those videos do not show the WHOLE truth. There are a bunch of cops that get away with murder...literally.

The one part where the cop was strangling the reporter, unnecessary. He was prop fined and suspended for that.


03-19-2009, 05:00 PM
The old lady, she had a gun. Cops #1 priority is to take down a person with a deadly weapon. Again, they didn't show the WHOLE story. Just the guy tackling her. They prob asked her to drop the weapon like they always do and she prob waved it around trying to convince the cops it wasn't loaded or some bs.

Thank you for explaining that to helcat17 for me.

03-19-2009, 05:59 PM
No, again I am saying those videos do not show the WHOLE truth. There are a bunch of cops that get away with murder...literally.

-Ant.i understand where your coming from.

The one part where the cop was strangling the reporter, unnecessary. He was prop fined and suspended for that.i hope but u never know.

03-19-2009, 06:32 PM
That video is fucking stupid. Just a bunch of liberal assholes who don't show the WHOLE picture so they look like the good guys.

That's what I figured it would be. As soon as I saw a title word "demon" I clicked back off the video. I knew then it was just going to be some bullshit, one-sided video concocted by yet another "fan" of the police. Later, QD.

03-19-2009, 06:54 PM
Stupid video.

Liberals ftl

jdm eg99
03-20-2009, 02:02 AM
OMG only in america ! thats an eye opener !

Master Shake
03-22-2009, 12:13 PM
i can understand using some force in certain circumstances where it would be needed.

but the one part of the vid, where the cop turns the camera off, and it comes back on, why was the woman laying there in a puddle of her own blood? she was cuffed, and not a lot she could really do.

or the vid that was posted a while back of the 15 yr old girl who got a beat down for kicking off her shoes?

personally, in some cases, excessive force is NOT needed, but the cops feel they can do it anyway, just cause they can. i would understand the woman with the gun, i mean, fuck, she had a gun. but tackling her down, and giving an ass whooping, isn't much better over just taking the gun from her.

Got Milk?
03-22-2009, 03:32 PM

03-22-2009, 06:46 PM
I actually might be riding along with one of my cop friends tonight. Shit might be fun!

03-27-2009, 08:01 PM
That video is fucking stupid. Just a bunch of liberal assholes who don't show the WHOLE picture so they look like the good guys.

The lady with the sign, they didn't show the whole story. Her and her bunch of looney loser friends were probably protesting and getting rowdy and disrespectful.

The old lady, she had a gun. Cops #1 priority is to take down a person with a deadly weapon. Again, they didn't show the WHOLE story. Just the guy tackling her. They prob asked her to drop the weapon like they always do and she prob waved it around trying to convince the cops it wasn't loaded or some bs.

If you resist arrest, cops will use force to sustain the perp and arrest him.

This video is fucking stupid.


actually there is a whole version of the lady with the 38 revolver, and the lady with the sign, a 61 yr old librarian, we have the right to peacefully assemble and protest, i doubt she was out ther punching people in the face.

03-27-2009, 08:05 PM
Thank you for explaining that to helcat17 for me.

let me find the full video of the old lady with the 38 revolver i think i have it bookmarked, it was after katrina and the longer vid i saw had other people rich, poor and middle class in it too. it's like the girl that gets tacked, it doesn't show both sides, what about the people in handcuffs getting beat up, if that were me lawsuit on that county fo sho.

03-27-2009, 08:10 PM
That's what I figured it would be. As soon as I saw a title word "demon" I clicked back off the video. I knew then it was just going to be some bullshit, one-sided video concocted by yet another "fan" of the police. Later, QD.

i don't have a problem with the police, my grandfather was a cop, i have a problem with abuse from certain police officers, i have met plenty and only had problems with a few, which 2 days later i get an apology from the LT in barrow county.

03-27-2009, 08:58 PM
The end of man is through us destroying ourselves. They make sure this happens by putting us against each other through means of mainly power, education, race, and religion (whatever can give one man the edge over the other). They know humans naturally are inclined to "Survival of the Fittest". The Willie Lynch letters explain it best, through means of how to control a slave. Google the Willie Lynch letter. Then realize we're ALL the slaves.....modern slavery through means of false and controlled freedoms.

Will it stop, no. The people who control this circus know what makes a man tick and they know what makes a man happy. They control the happiness you "think" you can have through material things such as money, assets, etc, and they make you tick through controlling the very same. Its pretty obvious actually...but whatever, I'm going out shooting first, and answering to God later :cheers:

03-28-2009, 12:41 AM
The end of man is through us destroying ourselves. They make sure this happens by putting us against each other through means of mainly power, education, race, and religion (whatever can give one man the edge over the other). They know humans naturally are inclined to "Survival of the Fittest". The Willie Lynch letters explain it best, through means of how to control a slave. Google the Willie Lynch letter. Then realize we're ALL the slaves.....modern slavery through means of false and controlled freedoms.

Will it stop, no. The people who control this circus know what makes a man tick and they know what makes a man happy. They control the happiness you "think" you can have through material things such as money, assets, etc, and they make you tick through controlling the very same. Its pretty obvious actually...but whatever, I'm going out shooting first, and answering to God later :cheers:

it's true on that. i know a lot of people who have a pissing contest when it comes to toys, $ , and other BS. i drive a 10yr old car that i love, and sometimes get ragged on it, but who cares that even applies to the folks on here who think i may be crazy. i don't want to keep up with the jones's. thank god my girl is the same way, thrift shopper and doesn't care what other people think. we have been slaves since 1913 in america since the FED was introduced, but it goes back hundreds of years to england.

03-28-2009, 02:42 AM
I'm just saying.......considering the fact that every state has requested, and has been granted additional funding for a bigger police force, and how every department throughout the country has been getting new training for riot and citizen/crowd control, shit ain't looking lovely in the near future. Obviously someone up top knows something is about to go down cause I live in the sticks 40miles South of Atl and the three cops out here openly admitted to a lot of new pamphlets, dvd's, and gear for riot training. Everyone else can sit at home and play dumb like everything's lolly dolly but not this mofo. When you see how just SOME of these guys act on a day to day basis with excessive force, add in the fact they NEED to feed their families with the ONLY job they have, then add in the possibility of some kind of event to where they're getting ready for rioting.......2+2=4 not 0

Not to sound like I'm over here ready for WWIII, but mom didn't raise no fool, and she definitely didn't raise no fag, so why in the hell get caught with my pants down lol?

"The wise man stayed prepared, and in case his preparations were for nothing, the wise man would just already be prepared for the next preparation" :yes:

Plus, I feel like if you're too ignorant to ignore all the plain as day clues given to you of what might be on the horizon and you haven't done anything at all to prepare you and your family for any and if any, "what if" situation, then whatever happens to you and yours from poor planning was well deserved :doh:

I'm still praying for ya though :goodjob:

03-28-2009, 08:41 AM
Plus, I feel like if you're too ignorant to ignore all the plain as day clues given to you of what might be on the horizon and you haven't done anything at all to prepare you and your family for any and if any, "what if" situation, then whatever happens to you and yours from poor planning was well deserved :doh:

I'm still praying for ya though :goodjob:

So I'm "ignorant" because I don't believe in all the ramblings of government conspiracy fabricators? Can I say you're an idiot for actually believing that crap? Doesn't make a lot of sense. And what is praying going to do for me?

On that same note that you're preaching, there is a "well-known" field here in Covington that is home to thousands of casket liners that is known through conspiracy leaders to be part of a mass grave system for when the government supposedly wipes us all out. But don't pay attention to the factory (that was keenly left out of all mentioning of this) literally right next door to the field that..........hold it....HOLD IT!!!!!......actually makes these liners and stores them in the field. Who da thunk it? It's shit like that that makes all these lavish thoughts of Martial Law so UNbelievable. I also know of a yard that is storage to a shitload of bricks. Now (on this part) don't quote me, but I wonder if these mass bricks are going to be used to wall us all in some sort of concentration camp? OOOpppsss. Don't know if I should have posted that. Hope The Man isn't reading this post. Lolol. Later, QD>

03-28-2009, 02:42 PM
The government conspiracies are only mere brain food or entertainment to the possibilities of the real situations that could actually lead to civil unrest. All I'm saying is, if you don't realize what would happen in the instance of this economy falling, and you are not prepared, YES, you are ignorant (my biased opinion). Warning signs are EVERYWHERE, yet you still question and/or throw any possibility of anything happening out of the window because of {insert answer here as I don't know why you personally don't see ANY reason to why anything catastrophic might not happen in the next few years]?

See QD, as avid of a fan as you are of oldschool hip-hop, which had a huge part in talking about political and police corruption amongst many other things, I'm surprised you don't question anything that is going on. I cannot absolutely say you don't as I don't know your stance, but damn bro, is everything just peachy on your side of the fence or are all the news reports (not online news by the way) I'm seeing just for ratings and and fear-mongering drama? Fill me in on your view of everything because it's easy to point fingers and say you're crazy for thinking this or you're ignorant for not thinking that. Unless you're one of the many but few (on a large scale) that just rather live their lives in peace and stay as positive as possible while protecting their family (which I highly agree with amist all the BS ranting me and someone like "prefferedduck" may do).

My head is where its at from listening to and observing all the old heads (pre-1980 for me) so I'd take more interest in hearing something from your stand-point rather than of someone my age.

03-28-2009, 03:39 PM
All I'm saying is, if you don't realize what would happen in the instance of this economy falling, and you are not prepared, YES, you are ignorant (my biased opinion).

See my opinion is that if you believe all this crap that you see where the government is out to kill us all and place us in mass graves, then, just like you can say (think) I'm ignorant, I can say you're insane. Who are you to call me ignorant over something that you don't even know is 100% yourself?

Warning signs are EVERYWHERE,

How do you know this for fact? Seriously? Are you privy to inside government workings? Or are you just going by Youtube videos and what people on the street are telling you? If you don't have specific proof, then you don't know. The ONLY way I'll change my mind is if I see concrete evidence from a trusted person that would know.

See QD, as avid of a fan as you are of oldschool hip-hop, which had a huge part in talking about political and police corruption amongst many other things, I'm surprised you don't question anything that is going on.

Talk about apples and basketballs. I've never heard of any hiphop song (today or yesterday) that discussed Martial Law. Even the old school tracks were only talking about the police watching them for the hood they lived in or whatever. SO I don't see anything relative.

is everything just peachy on your side of the fence

that just rather live their lives in peace and stay as positive as possible while protecting their family (which I highly agree with amist all the BS ranting me and someone like "prefferedduck" may do).

Yes, as a matter of fact, it is "peachy." I own my cars outright. I own my home outright. My family is healthy and everybody is happy under my roof. I have no complaints at all about my life. My life now, that is.

My head is where its at from listening to and observing all the old heads (pre-1980 for me) so I'd take more interest in hearing something from your stand-point rather than of someone my age.

Old heads were speaking on race relations between whites or police and black folks. Not government conspiracies.

Like I said, it will take a lot, lot more than a couple of people (or anyone) on IA posting videos of police "brutality" to convince me we're in trouble. But it seems that you believe what you see/read/hear so much that if one doesn't agree with you, that person is automatically ignorant. That seems ignorant in itself, yes? Later, QD.

03-28-2009, 06:05 PM
See my opinion is that if you believe all this crap that you see where the government is out to kill us all and place us in mass graves, then, just like you can say (think) I'm ignorant, I can say you're insane. Who are you to cal me ignorant over something that you don't even know is 100% yourself?

I personally don't believe the government is trying to kill us, and towards the =mass graves thing, though an interesting topic on its on (with your side adding a more realistic P.O.V), I never brought that up in a discussion. I'm fully aware of that subject however but those are the conspiracy theories that I consider entertainment for the brain.

How do you know this for fact? Seriously? Are you privy to inside government workings? Or are you just going by Youtube videos and what people on the street are telling you? If you don't have specific proof, then you don't know. The ONLY way I'll change my mind is if I see concrete evidence from a trusted person that would know.

My proof is in history and with the present. Even though these theories are of great interest to me (as I have no T.V) the bulk of my information is provided via CNN, Fox, C-Span, NYPost, and other similar and main outlets of information. The only information I find valid enough to talk about is that of a main news outlet and those of history. I'm adding in everything from border patrol, to Korea, to our obvious economy failure, to the FED, and SPECIFICALLY to the laws put in place by former presidents (including our current) to ensure them tyrannical powers over the citizens in case something of mass cataclysms happen. I am in no way your Aluminum Foil head covered conspiracy theorist by any means. A lot of the stuff I look at is OFFICIAL and publicly broad casted over television for everyone to see but not fully understand. I just try and understand. Also, I'm willing to make a thread with solid evidence (even possibly previously posted info) to show an imminent threat to reasonably have caution over the next 10yrs.

Talk about apples and basketballs. I've never heard of any hiphop song (today or yesterday) that discussed Martial Law. Even the old school tracks were only talking about the police watching them for the hood they lived in or whatever. SO I don't see anything relative.

Dude, WHAT? lol

The Disposable Heroes of Hiphopcrisy - Television, The Drug of the Nation

Grandmaster Flash - The Message

Public Enemy - 911 is a Joke

Public Enemy - Fight the Power

like 75% of public enemy songs lol

(Nefertiti, common (sense), KRS-ONe, Mos Def, Poor Righteous Teachers, etc)

and shit, the more modern you get in rap, the more that message was talked about and the more that message was faded the fuck out for love of being a thug and shit. Then when people like Pac start to talk too much about an organization, much like the conspiracy theorists main enemy (the illuminati), he ends up dead with a believable but highly questionable plot of him leaving death row with all his money and masters....

This list is ridiculously long and marked one of the biggest peaks in hip hop as a subject. With that associated peak, gangsta rap infiltrated the scene (thought they were both present at the same time) and basically destroyed one of the biggest and best voices of the people from mere cool and respect points from being a gangsta :doh: Come the fuck on man........Fight the power alone was one of the biggest songs that informed people on the BS...Though most of the mainstream music did involve a message established more on hating on black people alone, a lot of the content discussed is no longer relevant, as its happening across the board to everyone now.....

Yes, as a matter of fact, it is "peachy." I own my cars outright. I own my home outright. My family is healthy and everybody is happy under my roof. I have no complaints at all about my life. My life now, that is.

Honestly, I'm happy to hear this man. But at the same time, the more Americans that take this stance, the more the government takes control. It's not about them killing us now. I don't know WTF their intentions are. But when you see things that are taking place in the present that show unjustifiable evidence of the government constraining our constitution. Shit THAT"S FUCKING ENOUGH evidence. It's like damn.


*Powerful group of people distinguished through a bloodline that goes back to England and Scottish Royalty

*Powerful group of people have been strategically "placing" bloodline of family members in high positions of office for over a century.

*These family members are relatives of the same people who also own ALL of the major corporations of America.

These big boy corporations have been gobbling up smaller corporations for years so they can in turn control the market and the content in that market

*9/11 happens and is supposedly orchestrated by men who live in caves over 10.000miles away and who presumably attacked the U.S once and possibly twice before (first trade center bombing in basement) and attack on USS Naval ship where a small boat loaded with charges ran into the side of USS ship.

These cave men have loads of funding and even though the IRS can track little ole me down for skipping out on paying $15 back they can't find the source of funding for these so called terror groups

*President Bush enlists a shit load of new laws right after 9/11 that supress information from the press about said terror groups and even a good grand law that takes away some of our constitutional rights and even gives them the authority to spy on us through use of Telephone (even when you aren't talking on it), internet, and a super cool new sattelite and land camera 3-D realtime imaging system (guess who agreed to follow up that project Google Earth)

Group of powerful people plan to take over all forms of government and religion and influence a new standard monetary system.

Some big new event must happen that will enable these powerful people to take over government and its money system with the American people begging for them to do so, because if they did it outright Americans would revolt (we see the revolt part may be a bunch of BS now though)

*From about 04 and heavy into 08 banks started giving out crazy amounts of loans to anybody (hell I even got a nice loan with no fucking sign of past credit) even if those given the loan couldn't have a means of even paying them back

*Gas rises and the Economy out of no where starts to plummet (even though it was a POS before) with the value of a dollar dropping in the worldwide market.

Now if we can't figure out the crazy event that will end up giving these guys control over the people......we all need glasses.

* - Indicates topics I will follow up with facts in a following thread to pretty extensive detail

Also, I'm sure everyone is fully aware of the Patriot Act Bush literally bullied through congress, in light of 9/11, which was pretty similar to the way Obama pushed the bailout through congress in 24hrs.

Just Wiki the Patriot Act....

Notice how it basically gives the president Authoritative Powers over ALL branches of government in wake of another natural, terrorist, or biological disaster. Also notice how much it talks about citizen control from rioting and civil unrest.

Then I'll show you a bill that Obama passed that basically re-wrote the Patriot Act, and added in a couple more Authoritarian Powers in case of an event such as those listed.....


Lets atleast remember Katrina. Lets remember how a shit load of locals described hearing a bomb going off when the concrete and steel levees actually gave way. *Then I'll show you how the police came into areas not affected by the flood and forcibly tried to remove weapons from citizens shacked in their houses. Practice situation for Martial Law? Who knows who knows......

Too much shit just falls into place to not look right. Obama, from out of no where comes up with three times as much funding for his campaign than anyone. And funding from who, why all the major corporations of course, or in politics they call them "special interest groups". We give you the money to take the election then you make sure you pay us back once that bailout is pushed through aighttt homie :cheers:

There's too much information to be talked about in one post man. If any of it is real, they win just because America is too lazy to pay attention, or do any research on it on their own. Then half of the information you find out there sounds sooo outlandish that the common person passes it off as a dumb conspiracy theory because it "Just can't be true" :insert favorite O rly picture here:

It's probably just all one big coincidence though so i'll just go back to sitting on the couch, and posting on IA, eating my potato chips and shit...

(Really though, I'll be working on that thread for you and i'll quote this whole post for ease of discrediting myself as anyone sees fit) And before I even make this shit QD a lot of it WILL be through Youtube videos. But of video's recorded of news broadcasts. If you ever get interested, which for some reason I doubt you will (you're a hard head like myself), i'll further link you onto other interesting video's that merely question things a bit more in depth than a corporation controlled news station will likely broadcast.......

03-28-2009, 06:12 PM
Like I said, it will take a lot, lot more than a couple of people (or anyone) on IA posting videos of police "brutality" to convince me we're in trouble. But it seems that you believe what you see/read/hear so much that if one doesn't agree with you, that person is automatically ignorant. That seems ignorant in itself, yes?

And man, I could care less if anyone agreed with me, it'd be un-human to NOT question the validity of this shit. It's some pretty outlandish shit. But, no ignorance on my part, quite the contrary. I said if people continuously ignore the warning signs, then something DOES happen and they weren't prepared, then whatever their fate is from poor preparation is their ignorance. Nothing there that indicates ignorance on my part.

   /ˈɪgnərənt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ig-ner-uhnt] Show IPA
1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
3. uninformed; unaware.
4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.

Yea, I'm quite the contrary on all counts there :lmfao:

03-28-2009, 06:18 PM
O and a quote from Thomas Jefferson to stay on topic

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.

Thomas Jefferson

A lot of the presidents pre-hoover had something to say about events that have all happened since their death (also a coincidence right). Many good reads for any history buff or knowledge head like myself....

03-31-2009, 01:18 AM
damn, that sums up a lot of shit. QD you don't have to believe anything we say or post, but if some scenario like this happens you will think twice abt getting on a fema train. i am a very positive person and enjoy everyday. i watch some news, read on the web and decipher from there. hr 645 can pretty much control every aspect of our lives, and all the president ha to do is sign his name. hell we already have military showing up for shootings where swat, gbi, LEO's should only be seen, not army MP's. look on the mainstream news abt how gun violence in mexico is caused by the US having guns. it's not the politicians bad, they just don't want to wind up like kennedy did b/c i fear the president is just a puppet to the IMF/world bankers and these bailouts really bankrupted us. cmon china was wanting to ditch the dollar, along with opec countries and wanted to make sure we could pay our debt. might i add that the only 2 countries that did not join opec was iraq and iran, notice we occupy one and have tension with the other. there are even some ex-cia folks who tell in detail how things were handled in south america in the early 80's, mazingly he is not dead but everyone who watches the video is deemed "crazy" by everyone else. my dad is retired military, served 23yrs, worked in the pentagon and he even sees something larger going on. im prepared somewhat if shit gets bad, i still need more ammo though, but if nothing happens it will get used at the range.

03-31-2009, 11:55 AM
fucking PIGS thats all i have to say

JR VQ 30 de
03-31-2009, 10:00 PM
this is the type of shit that makes me not like cops

03-31-2009, 10:04 PM
this is the type of shit that makes me not like cops

Those are edited clips. They don't show the whole episode, dude. Your reaction is why these videos are made this way. Later, QD.

04-02-2009, 09:14 AM
These video's don't directly give me reason to be mad at the police, the many good ones, or the few bad. I'm only mad at the fact you can't do anything back without getting killed or laughed at. The only real situations showing a bad cop is when you get 1-8 of them beating some dudes ass and its all caught on tape and posted on youtube. Other than that people don't really care.

04-09-2009, 08:35 PM
this is the type of shit that makes me not like cops
