View Full Version : What do you think is the # 1 issue gov should focus on right now?

03-11-2009, 08:53 AM
What do you think is the # 1 issue gov should focus on right now?

For me it is immigration - the influx of undocumented people in the US creates a massive amount of issues yet to even be discussed by are govt:

- security
- drain on the economy
- loss of taxes
- higher healthcare cost
- higher drug/crime rates
- higher social program cost

We have become so liberal in this country we extend rights to people that aren't even American citizens. Our country isn't setup to support such and I think we are heading to a boiling point on this issue. We can't even secure our borders so beginning to fix immigration is far from ever happening.

03-11-2009, 08:57 AM
Economy nothing else matters if the economy doesnt improve

03-11-2009, 09:16 AM
Focus on the economy, but also encompassing the many issues that drive the economy. Trying to focus soley on one aspect is NOT going to fix the issue. There are too many things that play a vital role in it.

03-11-2009, 09:27 AM
You can see my opinion here

03-11-2009, 09:57 AM
In the words of Bill, "It's the economy, stupid."

03-11-2009, 10:52 AM
I have 3 things.

1. Budget.
Get the buidget under control and at least get it close to balanced. Fiscal responsibility in govt right now will bleed into the private sector and help the markets to regain confidance.

2. Borders.
I wont say immigration because that is only a part of the problem. If we cang et the borders secured it will lead to less illegals in the country. Drugs will be harder to get into the country. Most important to me, there may be a day where someone carrying something much more dangerous than heroin tries to come over the border. We need to stop him, before he can get to mainstreet USA.

3. Economy.
This isnt my #1 because I want as little involvement from the govt as possible. The govt can create more jobs by increasing the size of the border patrol. The govt can also create alot of work by building a real border. We dont need the berlin wall, but a chainlink fence is not enough.

03-11-2009, 11:26 AM
FairTax would be a good one too:goodjob:

03-11-2009, 11:42 AM
(not mentioned)

Accountability. Those people in govt who screw up should be punished, just like me and you would be if we screwed up our businesses. Our govt is failing left and right, yet very few (if any) people seem to loose thier job or go to jail because of their mistakes.

Some of the mistakes govt depts (people) make would land a normal person in jail or at least fired with no benefits.

Just a thought, but IMO when people are held accountable for their actions you end up with a more effective and efficient system.

03-11-2009, 01:16 PM
(not mentioned)

Accountability. Those people in govt who screw up should be punished, just like me and you would be if we screwed up our businesses. Our govt is failing left and right, yet very few (if any) people seem to loose thier job or go to jail because of their mistakes.

Some of the mistakes govt depts (people) make would land a normal person in jail or at least fired with no benefits.

Just a thought, but IMO when people are held accountable for their actions you end up with a more effective and efficient system.

no i 100% agree but we only hold accountable people w/ no worth... you/i and the rest of the average joes; million-billion dollar decision makers live by a different code :2up:

03-11-2009, 01:19 PM
no i 100% agree but we only hold accountable people w/ no worth... you/i and the rest of the average joes; million-billion dollar decision makers live by a different code :2up:

I sure would like a bailout from my credit card debt. I am sorry for my misguided spending, and I promise never to do it again. Plus, I will become a better consumer and stimulate the economy with more pointless purchases.

Mai i haz pwease?

03-11-2009, 02:13 PM
no i 100% agree but we only hold accountable people w/ no worth... you/i and the rest of the average joes; million-billion dollar decision makers live by a different code :2up:

Yep. But wouldn't you if after you run your business into the ground you get a raise? (referencing stimulus). To me, with all these bailouts they are telling people/businesses its ok to screw up, we are here to catch you. And its utter bullshit imo.

03-11-2009, 02:51 PM
Yep. But wouldn't you if after you run your business into the ground you get a raise? (referencing stimulus). To me, with all these bailouts they are telling people/businesses its ok to screw up, we are here to catch you. And its utter bullshit imo.

i think bailouts are acceptable if we hold them accountable but it isn't going to happen.

03-11-2009, 03:03 PM

03-11-2009, 03:11 PM
i think bailouts are acceptable if we hold them accountable but it isn't going to happen.

We may be seeing a turnaround at Citi though. A memo released to employess said they ran at a profit for the last 2 months. If that continues through the end of March and we see that fact in their quarterly statements I think it might be the first inkling of a recovery.

What about home buyer though? Obama's plan says the bailout is for people who lied about income on their applications. IMO those people should lose their house with no questions. They should also be liable for any losses the bank takes on the principle after the house sells through foreclosure. That bailout should goto people like my brother in law who's wife up and left him less than a year into the marriage. When they were together they could afford the house easily and had a ton of cash left over. Now the bank wont talk to him until his house is in the foreclosure process.

03-11-2009, 03:16 PM
We may be seeing a turnaround at Citi though. A memo released to employess said they ran at a profit for the last 2 months. If that continues through the end of March and we see that fact in their quarterly statements I think it might be the first inkling of a recovery.

What about home buyer though? Obama's plan says the bailout is for people who lied about income on their applications. IMO those people should lose their house with no questions. They should also be liable for any losses the bank takes on the principle after the house sells through foreclosure. That bailout should goto people like my brother in law who's wife up and left him less than a year into the marriage. When they were together they could afford the house easily and had a ton of cash left over. Now the bank wont talk to him until his house is in the foreclosure process.

ya citi news would be awesome for wallstreet!

no bailout money should go to any home owners... its is the breaks of life of making bad decisions. if you buy something you can't afford then you need to be able to face the consequences... if you own a home w/ a spouse and she files for divorce or dies these are factors you need to think about when buying a home/auto,etc

03-11-2009, 10:48 PM
no bailout money should go to any home owners... its is the breaks of life of making bad decisions. if you buy something you can't afford then you need to be able to face the consequences... if you own a home w/ a spouse and she files for divorce or dies these are factors you need to think about when buying a home/auto,etc

I agree with you about no bailouts at all, but when the hell would you help someone that lied on their application? They also want to give them a 5k bonus to pay down principle. This is a classic example of rewarding bad behavior. I cannot believe ANYONE would think this is good for anyone. If your kid steals a candy bar do you give them money to buy another one or do you smack them and have them work off their 'debt'?