View Full Version : 1 in 4 U.S. kids under 5 is Latino

03-05-2009, 12:20 PM
Hispanics, the nation's largest and fastest-growing minority group, now account for about one in four children younger than 5 in the United States, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates released today.

The increase from nearly one in five in 2000 has broad implications for governments, communities and schools nationwide, suggesting that the meteoric rise in the Hispanic population that demographers forecast for midcentury will occur even sooner among younger generations.

The newly released figures show that the nation's Hispanic population grew by 1.4 million in 2007 to reach 45.5 million people, or 15.1 percent of the total U.S. population of 301.6 million. African-Americans ranked as the second-largest minority group at 40.7 million people.

Overall, the nation's 102.5 million minorities accounted for 34 percent of the U.S. population, a new milepost on America's inexorable journey toward greater diversity and a harbinger of the growing political clout of non-Whites.

"Hispanics have both a larger proportion of people in their child-bearing years and tend to have slightly more children," said Jeffrey Passel, senior demographer at the Pew Hispanic Center and co-author of a recent study predicting the Latino population will double from 15 percent today to 30 percent by 2050.

"So this means that in five years, a quarter of the 5- to 9-year-olds will be Hispanic, and in 10 years a quarter of the 10- to 14-year-olds will be Hispanic. It's just going to move up through the age distribution with each successive cohort being slightly more Hispanic," Passel said.
The census figures showed a slight drop in immigration to the United States by Hispanics from July 1, 2006, to July 1 vs. the previous 12-month period. That suggests the U.S. economic slowdown might have had some impact on immigration. For nearly a decade, U.S. births have accounted for a far greater share of the growth in the Hispanic population than immigration.

Nonetheless, many researchers warn that the higher-than-average poverty rate of U.S.-born Latino children and the fact that many are raised by immigrant parents pose particular challenges to their education and integration.

"Based on what we know, many in this population may not be growing up speaking English in their homes," said Margie McHugh, co-director of the National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy at the Migration Policy Institute in Washington. In a recent study, McHugh found that 75 percent of limited-English-proficient students in Los Angeles County elementary schools were born in the United States.

Adding to the difficulties facing such children, McHugh said, is the fact that Latinos are increasingly moving to states and counties where they have not been historically concentrated.

"Because of the accountability requirements in the No Child Left Behind law, many of these states and localities have already been thinking hard about how to serve these children," she said. "But the gap between the services they have in place and what's needed is quite large."
The shifts in focus and resources that local school systems make to address the needs of growing Latino and immigrant populations can arouse concern and resentment among other residents, said Audrey Singer, a researcher with the Brookings Institution who has studied new immigrant gateway states.

"Schools are often on the frontline for debate in communities because they are on the leading edge of change," Singer said. "People who might not otherwise have an opinion take notice when the schools begin to change."

Yet, the increasing number of Latino youths might enrich mainstream U.S. culture in unexpected ways, Singer said.
"A lot of popular culture comes from youth culture, and we already see the effect of the newest demographic waves in current music and new media," she said.

The rise in the Latino population has been accompanied by significant, if slower, growth among African-Americans and Asians. Minorities account for one-third of the U.S. population.


America, the new Mexico... maybe sometime in the future we'll even have a hispanic president! Ai caramba - better learn your Español, bitches. :D

03-05-2009, 12:32 PM
no we will not.we already went too far with obama.:ninja:

03-05-2009, 12:39 PM
no we will not.we already went too far with obama.:ninja:

your sigs awesome :goodjob:

03-05-2009, 12:43 PM
your sigs awesome :goodjob:

:Dlol i finally found one ppl approve of.

03-05-2009, 12:44 PM
AHAHAHAHA my plan is working perfectly!:ninja: :ninja: :ninja: in all seriousnous(sp?) though. i wouldnt mind having a president that was hispanic, because they always look out for their families first then everyone else. total opposite of what seems to be going down in dc. hold on that might sound wrong. let me put it this way, i think we need to fix whats wrong with our country now as opposed to helping other countries. i think thats what i mean.

03-05-2009, 12:51 PM
AHAHAHAHA my plan is working perfectly!:ninja: :ninja: :ninja: in all seriousnous(sp?) though. i wouldnt mind having a president that was hispanic, because they always look out for their families first then everyone else. total opposite of what seems to be going down in dc. hold on that might sound wrong. let me put it this way, i think we need to fix whats wrong with our country now as opposed to helping other countries. i think thats what i mean.

lol and you think a latino is gonna do that?idk one latino that is a big time politician,big enough to be considered for president anyway..

its blasphemy i tell you!lol

03-05-2009, 12:55 PM
lol and you think a latino is gonna do that?idk one latino that is a big time politician,big enough to be considered for president anyway..

its blasphemy i tell you!lol
give me................................................ .............19 years and ill promise you can count on me, because i care about the common needs of every citizen of the United States of Amerixo :goodjob: :ninja:

03-05-2009, 12:56 PM
did you mean to say that "1 in 4 U.S. under 5 kids ARE latino"?

03-05-2009, 12:56 PM
Well considering for each hispanic family that comes here, 13-19 kids will pop out, I'm not surprised.

03-05-2009, 12:57 PM
no thank you lol.

jk...you have exactly 19 years.:ninja:

03-05-2009, 12:58 PM

03-05-2009, 01:00 PM
Well considering for each hispanic family that comes here, 13-19 kids will pop out, I'm not surprised.
wow you just made yourself look stupid.

03-05-2009, 01:01 PM
wow you just made yourself look stupid.

Can u believe he didnt even try ? lol

03-05-2009, 01:02 PM
wow you just made yourself look stupid.

but i lol'd nonetheless.

i mean they do shoot out alot, as do our race as well

03-05-2009, 01:03 PM
im 1 of 1.

cactuseg- it IS IA after all :rolleyes:

03-05-2009, 01:03 PM
It would be kewl if we could kick out everyone who is white, black, or douchbaggery.

We'd fuck up this country in a min LOL gotta keep a few asians too just in case we fuck up some nuke's coordinates. It would be better if we kick out all of the lazy wetbacks though. I'd still be here 'cause I ain't lazy! I'd keep this one mexican who works at the McDonalds near my work who sometimes works drive through, dude looks like Tattoo from fantasy island. He's soooo cute!

03-05-2009, 01:04 PM
but i lol'd nonetheless.

i mean they do shoot out alot, as do our race as well

if the are catholic they dont believe in contraceptives, or that shit just feels better with out it...

03-05-2009, 01:06 PM
It would be kewl if we could kick out everyone who is white, black, or douchbaggery.

We'd fuck up this country in a min LOL gotta keep a few asians too just in case we fuck up some nuke's coordinates. It would be better if we kick out all of the lazy wetbacks though. I'd still be here 'cause I ain't lazy! I'd keep this one mexican who works at the McDonalds near my work who sometimes works drive through, dude looks like Tattoo from fantasy island.
lulz at Tattoo. http://www.madcowprod.com/fi04.jpg

03-05-2009, 01:08 PM
In a few years every white man's wife, sisters, daughters, mothers will have pussy juices with a little spice at the end.


03-05-2009, 01:09 PM
In a few years every white man's wife, sisters, daughters, mothers will have pussy juices with a little spice at the end.

03-05-2009, 01:10 PM
if the are catholic they dont believe in contraceptives, or that shit just feels better with out it...

i love the BC where you can raw dog it and bust in the middle w/o worries of a yeast youngin popping out when you arent ready:lmfao:

03-05-2009, 01:11 PM

03-05-2009, 01:12 PM

03-05-2009, 01:12 PM

reps :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

03-05-2009, 01:17 PM
will double from 15 percent today to 30 percent by 2050

this is b/c they don't know what birth control is - i would love to know the % of illegals in that 1/4

03-05-2009, 01:34 PM
this is b/c they don't know what birth control is - i would love to know the % of illegals in that 1/4
i think if they are catholic it doesnt matter if they know what it is or not. they cant take it. not sure on that though.

03-05-2009, 01:35 PM
i think if they are catholic it doesnt matter if they know what it is or not. they cant take it. not sure on that though.

does that mean they cant pull out?

03-05-2009, 01:38 PM
does that mean they cant pull out?

03-05-2009, 01:48 PM
looks like imma have to start merkin ******.

03-05-2009, 01:57 PM
looks like imma have to start merkin ******.

looks like imma have to assist you on that one.:ninja:

03-05-2009, 02:04 PM
wow you just made yourself look stupid.

What's funny is that had he made a comment about blacks, you would have
been next in line to say something BUT because he said something about Hispanics, you get offended. Fucking hypocrite.

Evil Goat
03-05-2009, 02:13 PM
i wonder what the avg # of latinos per househould is vs. every other race...

this doesnt surprise me though, just about each city surrounding macon, including macon, has a place that is dubbed "little mexico", chickens running around, apc stickers everywhere, and one hellatious stinch

03-05-2009, 02:23 PM
Overtaking a country illegally and draining it of its resources and destroying it is really something to brag about. For serious.

03-05-2009, 02:27 PM
What's funny is that had he made a comment about blacks, you would have
been next in line to say something BUT because he said something about Hispanics, you get offended. Fucking hypocrite.
have you ever seen me make a racist remark or agree with someone who was bashing on black people? i think not, next time know your facts about what your talking about before you open your mouth.

03-05-2009, 02:29 PM
have you ever seen me make a racist remark or agree with someone who was bashing on black people? i think not, next time know your facts about what your talking about before you open your mouth.

I've seen plenty of posts that you've made concerning blacks, in a negative light....and secondly boy wonder, how does one open or shut their mouth on the internetz? :thinking:

03-05-2009, 02:37 PM
I've seen plenty of posts that you've made concerning blacks, in a negative light....and secondly boy wonder, how does one open or shut their mouth on the internetz? :thinking: Show me. oh, and, pardon me for not being as literal as i should be (you mispelled internet, it should be with an "s" and be singular on top of that) . ask anyone that truly hangs out with me im not racist, nor do i hang out with people who are racist. thanks.

03-05-2009, 02:41 PM
Show me. oh, and, pardon me for not being as literal as i should be (you mispelled internet, it should be with an "s" and be singular on top of that) . ask anyone that truly hangs out with me im not racist, nor do i hang out with people who are racist. thanks.


I MISSpelled the word internetz on purpose, as I was using the internet lingo version however in your attempts to correct me, you have managed to misspell the word MISSPELL....good job!:boobies:

Got Milk?
03-05-2009, 03:26 PM
lol at Hispanics taking over. I thought having a black president was bad enough, I guess i was wrong.

03-05-2009, 03:31 PM

03-05-2009, 03:40 PM

It won't ever happen because some ppl will be allowed to get away with it, while some others won't....Not to mention all the dbl standard bullshit....

03-05-2009, 03:44 PM
haahaha hispanics will take over!!!....they do all the jobs that americans dont wanna do so they will stay!!! .......1

03-05-2009, 03:47 PM
haahaha hispanics will take over!!!....they do all the jobs that americans dont wanna do so they will stay!!! .......1

Yea....a bunch of ppl around to do menial labor = takeover....We should be scared.:boobies:

03-05-2009, 03:49 PM
Yea....a bunch of ppl around to do menial labor = takeover....We should be scared.:boobies:

heheeh....someones gotta do it!!!....1

Evil Goat
03-05-2009, 04:00 PM
anchor babies ftl...

03-05-2009, 04:03 PM
did you mean to say that "1 in 4 U.S. under 5 kids ARE latino"?

lol good attempt, but fail. Go read it again. He is grammatically right.

ONE in 4 US kids under 5 IS latino. The "IS" refers to the ONE in 4.

You would have been right, if it had been "2 out of 4 US kids". Then it would be "2 out of 4 US kids ARE latino. '

one out of four IS
two out of four ARE

03-05-2009, 04:07 PM
lol good attempt, but fail. Go read it again. He is grammatically right.

ONE in 4 US kids under 5 IS latino. The "IS" refers to the ONE in 4.

You would have been right, if it had been "2 out of 4 US kids". Then it would be "2 out of 4 US kids ARE latino. '

one out of four IS
two out of four ARE

haha burn bitch!!!!!!! :lmfao:....1

03-05-2009, 04:12 PM
Yea....a bunch of ppl around to do menial labor = takeover....We should be scared.:boobies:

1 over the leeches on welfar ?

03-05-2009, 04:21 PM
:Dlol i finally found one ppl approve of.
Hey, how'd my girl get on your screen?

03-05-2009, 04:30 PM
Well considering for each hispanic family that comes here, 13-19 kids will pop out, I'm not surprised.

wow you just made yourself look stupid.

this is b/c they don't know what birth control is - i would love to know the % of illegals in that 1/4

i think if they are catholic it doesnt matter if they know what it is or not. they cant take it. not sure on that though.

my roommate is a deputy and works in the jail where they get alot of illegals and one of them told him they love America because they can come here, have babies for free, and they are born US citizens.

03-05-2009, 04:34 PM
1 over the leeches on welfar ?

If it means there will be 5 people available to clean my house instead of 1 and I dont have to pay extra then I'm all for it.

03-05-2009, 04:35 PM
my roommate is a deputy and works in the jail where they get alot of illegals and one of them told him they love America because they can come here, have babies for free, and they are born US citizens.

And that surprises you?:lmfao:

03-05-2009, 04:35 PM
but i lol'd nonetheless.

i mean they do shoot out alot, as do our race as well

Thank you for not being an uptight little bitch, and understanding THE FUCKING JOKE YOU CRYBABIES

03-05-2009, 05:35 PM
It smells like burritos and watermelon in here.

03-05-2009, 07:27 PM
Hey, how'd my girl get on your screen?

i have no idea of what you're referring to sir "your girl".i have papers that gives me full ownership of her...lol

03-05-2009, 07:55 PM
We shouldn't have stopped at Texas. We should have taken their land all the way down to Panama

03-05-2009, 08:35 PM
lol at Hispanics taking over. I thought having a black president was bad enough, I guess i was wrong.

bitch please. he's as black as my white ass. get the fuck out.

03-05-2009, 08:45 PM
bitch please. he's as black as my white ass. get the fuck out.

:D +1:love:

03-05-2009, 08:59 PM
I think I heard it on the radio or something, but according the census Lations have an average of like 5.5 kids, blacks have 3, and whites and asians are less than half.

03-05-2009, 09:15 PM
I think I heard it on the radio or something, but according the census Lations have an average of like 5.5 kids, blacks have 3, and whites and asians are less than half.


03-06-2009, 02:36 AM
Didn't read through this thread, but hate the fucking shit out of that stat.

I like black people. Latins are just fucking annoying.

03-06-2009, 12:21 PM
Overtaking a country illegally and draining it of its resources and destroying it is really something to brag about. For serious.

Ummm... Kinda like how the USA got started?

03-06-2009, 12:22 PM
ORALE :goodjob:

03-06-2009, 02:01 PM
Hell Yeah We Takin Over..!!!!!

eg mike
03-06-2009, 02:08 PM
I just google'd Mexican and heres what I got


03-06-2009, 02:11 PM
no you're not...

not if i have anything to do with it :ninja:

03-06-2009, 02:17 PM
HAHA..its reality Homie we"re the Major Minority..!!

03-06-2009, 02:24 PM
I just google'd Mexican and heres what I got

This is fucking lame. Just because he's obese and mexican - then that automatically means everyone else is too?! Bitch he lives in Mexico NOT AMERICA where, if you didn't know, has the highest percentage of obesity this side of the globe! REALLY! Google up 'obese.' And lemme know how many pictures of fat shit-infested American fucks pop up.

03-06-2009, 02:37 PM
HAHA..its reality Homie we"re the Major Minority..!!

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

03-06-2009, 02:49 PM
This is fucking lame. Just because he's obese and mexican - then that automatically means everyone else is too?! Bitch he lives in Mexico NOT AMERICA where, if you didn't know, has the highest percentage of obesity this side of the globe! REALLY! Google up 'obese.' And lemme know how many pictures of fat shit-infested American fucks pop up.

Considering that guy eats 3/4 of the country's yearly food production I think he should be mentioned.

As for Americans being fat. No country works more hours per week than the average employed american. We also spend the most time commuting to and from work. This means alot more fast food or food out of a box. Add to that that american kids are just plain lazy these days and would rather play NCAA 09 on their PS3 than get a friend and play football for real.

03-06-2009, 02:58 PM
As for Americans being fat. No country works more hours per week than the average employed american. We also spend the most time commuting to and from work. This means alot more fast food or food out of a box. Add to that that american kids are just plain lazy these days and would rather play NCAA 09 on their PS3 than get a friend and play football for real.
I'm just another dumb hispan who knows nothing about the country that he has been living in for 21 years - who had NO idea this was the reason why this country is the way it is. Thanks for educating me on why the majority of Americans are overweight.

03-06-2009, 05:10 PM
hispanics are the problem.

Crime is bad because of black people? Sometimes. Because of hispanics? All the time, and sometimes not even reported because so many are fucking illegal.

No other group of people are so stubborn to learning english or changing things when they get here, to the country they love, like hispanics are. They have this high and mighty attitude, and sequester themselves in little areas and slowy start expanding and taking over. Not speaking english anywhere they go.

Fuck them and their language.

03-06-2009, 06:13 PM
hispanics are the problem.

Crime is bad because of black people? Sometimes. Because of hispanics? All the time, and sometimes not even reported because so many are fucking illegal.

No other group of people are so stubborn to learning english or changing things when they get here, to the country they love, like hispanics are. They have this high and mighty attitude, and sequester themselves in little areas and slowy start expanding and taking over. Not speaking english anywhere they go.

Fuck them and their language.

yea thats why i say FUCK YOU TOO :2up:

03-06-2009, 08:34 PM
hispanics are the problem.

Crime is bad because of black people? Sometimes. Because of hispanics? All the time, and sometimes not even reported because so many are fucking illegal.

No other group of people are so stubborn to learning english or changing things when they get here, to the country they love, like hispanics are. They have this high and mighty attitude, and sequester themselves in little areas and slowy start expanding and taking over. Not speaking english anywhere they go.

Fuck them and their language.

EVERYONE commits a crime. Blacks, whites, Hispanics--and yes you are right, that majority of the time is b/c of a latino.

There are some hispanics that strive to learn the american language, BUT prefer to speak in their native tongue. ALOT of other races do that.
The reason why we have a 'Farmers Market' or 'Jalisco Supermarket' or 'El tapatio' is b/c alot of people fucking like mexican food; someone might want to learn how to cook mexican food tonight and are in need of mexican condiments/recipes/etc.

Stop shopping at the hispanic stores and maybe ya'll can run them out of business..


03-06-2009, 08:40 PM
I mean... we DO have a New Mexico anyway :dunno: (misc.php?do=getsmilies&wysiwyg=1&forumid=7#)

03-07-2009, 02:02 AM
yea thats why i say FUCK YOU TOO :2up:

Piss off Jose/Carlos/Juan.

Float back to whatever shithole you came from, please.

03-07-2009, 01:33 PM
hispanics are the problem.

Crime is bad because of black people? Sometimes. Because of hispanics? All the time, and sometimes not even reported because so many are fucking illegal.

No other group of people are so stubborn to learning english or changing things when they get here, to the country they love, like hispanics are. They have this high and mighty attitude, and sequester themselves in little areas and slowy start expanding and taking over. Not speaking english anywhere they go.

Fuck them and their language.
There are a lot of dumb fucks in this thread - TheGodfather being on the top of the list before the other hispans in this thread. Seriously... wake up you fucking sheep, just because your hick mother happened to shit you out on one side of the imaginary line in the dirt doesn't entitle you or us to shit. All it entitles you to is to get strong armed into paying taxes that don't improve your station in life.

Are the Mexicans really fucking shit up in America? Really?!! Think about this and if you actually believe this to be truth then please provide some actual facts just so you don't look like a moron after I come back and completely disprove your 'theory' about illegal immigrants BY PROVIDING REAL FACTS.

Shit, I bet you espouse the virtues of freedom in America too huh? What is it about walls and armed security over an imaginary line the screams freedom to you?

The truth is no Mexican or even groups of Mexicans have any effect on the prosperity of your ignorant life. They have merely become a focal point for you to project your own short-comings in life. Have you heard one happy, successful person bitch and moan about the Mexicans?


Here's two interesting videos that some of you might enjoy:

Ignorant posts only further prove that Americans are fat, lazy and stupid... unlike a lot of illegal immigrants who learn a second language and work hard for their money. And to the dumbasses in this thread, by illegal immigrants I mean ALL TYPES OF IMMIGRANTS NOT JUST LATINOS.

And before somebody thinks that they 'actually don't learn English - which is why you go out to, lets say walmart and see everything in Spanish translated to English underneath a lot of house hold items.' You are right. Those translations are for the illegal immigrants... even though they are illegal, we still want them to be able to read the signs at walmart. After all, it is unthinkable that anyone else might actually speak Spanish. Right?

03-07-2009, 01:41 PM
I often ask myself how does a rich fat white American become rich if he's fat and lazy? If he's fat and lazy then how the fuck did he become so goddamn rich. Then I tought and came up with a simple answer: Generally their parents busted their ass, earned the money and then died, but the fat lazy mothafucker pretends he earned that money.

God, I love this country!

03-07-2009, 01:49 PM
I often ask myself how does a rich fat white American become rich if he's fat and lazy? If he's fat and lazy then how the fuck did he become so goddamn rich. Then I tought and came up with a simple answer: Generally their parents busted their ass, earned the money and then died, but the fat lazy mothafucker pretends he earned that money.

God, I love this country!My parents are still alive. In my case I worked hard when I was younger, now I have the experience to boss you younger folk around. There is nothing I would tell you to do that I have not done a 1,000,000,000 times before. Shut your pie-hole and put some fucking work into it. Second generation Mexicians FTL...

03-07-2009, 01:56 PM
Something else that I feel like I have to add. And that is that not all illegal immigrants are dirty filthy scumbags. Most in this thread speak of illegal immigrants as dirty, smelly, non-English speaking aids-infested shit for brains. I'm just pointing out that the issue is much more complex than that.

What a lot of people don't understand is that a lot of families come to the US illegally because they were literally starving to death. There are no jobs, no money and no hope where they come from. That's not our fault, but it's not their fault either. Mexico sucks - this I'm sure everyone knows. If there is anything that can be simplified in this matter, it's that. When your family is involved, you will do just about anything to save them.

No matter what race.

America doesn't owe these people shit. America doesn't have to let these people in - but to have people scream and yell about how nobody deserves anything and that those illegal wetbacks are stealing all our jobs, etc, etc, is just ignorant. Crackin' jokes is fun - really meaning it and going passed the line isn't. Marinate on that you fucking faggots.

03-07-2009, 01:58 PM
My parents are still alive. In my case I worked hard when I was younger, now I have the experience to boss you younger folk around. There is nothing I would tell you to do that I have not done a 1,000,000,000 times before. Shut your pie-hole and put some fucking work into it. Second generation Mexicians FTL...
Watta joo talkin' bout, son?

Haha, I admit that I'm not as of a hard worker as my dad but I am still a hard worker. Been working since I was 14. Earning my money with my brown hands. :D

03-07-2009, 02:12 PM
Watta joo talkin' bout, son?

Haha, I admit that I'm not as of a hard worker as my dad but I am still a hard worker. Been working since I was 14. Earning my money with my brown hands.

My wife earns my money with her brown hand too... But that's another story. Every generation works a little less. It's every parents dream for their kids to not have to work as hard as they did. We white folk just have a couple generations on ya'll that's all. No need to hate, just congratulate.

03-07-2009, 02:15 PM
No need to hate, just congratulate.
Maybe if you forwarded me some of those fancy reps I'd consider it. :D

I is a smart hispan!

03-07-2009, 08:34 PM
Piss off Jose/Carlos/Juan.

Float back to whatever shithole you came from, please.

lol u think thats going to stop of taking over? u fucking pussy!:lmfao:

03-08-2009, 01:42 AM
Not gonna take the time to read about your green card hold smelly friends maniac and boosted.

Latins are ruining this country daily. They try and blame black people, but I see alot more black people working hard than hispanics.

I don't want to hear their stupid language, I don't want to see their food stamps I pay for, or their kids that go to school thanks to my tax dollars.

I want to see truckloads and boatloads of those dirty immigrants leaving this place. Immigration used to be a good thing, now the latins have destroyed it.

My family had to work hard and learn english to get by. Now you guys don't have to work for shit! It's horrible.

When one of your spanish speaking morons tries to talk to me, I either yell in english or ignore them. I don't have time to translate in my country. GTFO seriuosly.

Complain about Americans all you want, but funny you guys want to be here so bad and love us so much. If not, please leave and unpollute my beautiful country.

03-08-2009, 12:42 PM
^^Va te faire enculer, fils de pute.

03-08-2009, 05:41 PM
Not gonna take the time to read about your green card hold smelly friends maniac and boosted.

Latins are ruining this country daily. They try and blame black people, but I see alot more black people working hard than hispanics.

I don't want to hear their stupid language, I don't want to see their food stamps I pay for, or their kids that go to school thanks to my tax dollars.

I want to see truckloads and boatloads of those dirty immigrants leaving this place. Immigration used to be a good thing, now the latins have destroyed it.

My family had to work hard and learn english to get by. Now you guys don't have to work for shit! It's horrible.

When one of your spanish speaking morons tries to talk to me, I either yell in english or ignore them. I don't have time to translate in my country. GTFO seriuosly.

Complain about Americans all you want, but funny you guys want to be here so bad and love us so much. If not, please leave and unpollute my beautiful country.

u dont have time to translate but u have time to be on some internet forums ?

putting all this bullshit about what u like and dont like?

u make me :lmfao:

nothing u will say will stop us...

so stop wasteing your time on here saying u hate us

03-08-2009, 06:52 PM
And the award for the stupidest post of March 2009 goes to:

TheGodfather, the poster child of village idiots everywhere and the only man to ever manage to get his tongue stuck to the inside of a freezer while cleaning the stove that his partner in crime, Jim ordered him to do.

He's been able to display his impressive ability to say incredibly stupid things as soon as he learned to speak.

Says his mother Claire.

Through constant practice coupled with natural talent, he has perfected the craft of saying stupid things to the level of an art form that only botched lobotomy patients and those suffering from gangrene of the brain stem can come close to equaling. When asked for a comment, he replied; 'My bottom is sore from sitting on it.'

u dont have time to translate but u have time to be on some internet forums ?

putting all this bullshit about what u like and dont like?

u make me :lmfao:

nothing u will say will stop us...

so stop wasteing your time on here saying u hate us

His trolling is laughable.

It's adorable how he's trying to get a rise outta us wetbacks lol. :D

03-08-2009, 09:35 PM
^^Va te faire enculer, fils de pute.

:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

03-08-2009, 11:43 PM
im a proud latino and i hate the way people talk shit about our racer, theylabel us as mostly gangsters, no english speakin parents, dont pay taxes, alot of kids, alot of you need to get ur facts right.....most of us are not gangsters, matter of fact thats likme if i said all white people are coke addicts.... see how stupid i sound..... most people that have been leaving on these country long enough learns the language and pays their taxes..... my whole family was born out of the usa and yet we speak both languages at the house and most latino families do.....some latinos night have lots of kids but there is also alot of white, black families that have lots of kids......go to the ghuetto, u dont see 1 latino askin for money or leaving free with government checks, our families came over here to work, to help their families which if u guys didnt have a job andall the government help u do here and u can get a job in england or somewherev else and improve your families life u know damn well u going........

03-09-2009, 12:52 AM
The only one of you nasty illegals that can half way spell is maniac. And his insults are as tired as Patrick Swazey.

When people speak of pollution, I think of latinos. They are trying to expand mexico into the USA.

I really can't think of any other nationality that hates the idea of speaking english so much as you bastards. If you are here for a job, at least learn the fucking language for the love of God.

My family is a damn great english speaking hard working family. Harding working than you lazy latins who won't even learn the fucking language of the country you live?!?!

What kind of stupid person goes to Germany and doesn't know any German, and hangs around and segregates themselves refusing to conform and speak the language? No one does that. Just you guys.

And do the guy above me, who can't spell for shit. LOL at you saying you don't see latinos "leaving." when you meant living for free. Which they do alot! Those illegal bastards are living off of hard working honest Americans. Every other latin I see has food stamps. It's hilarious!

HeLLo iM iZzY
03-09-2009, 01:14 AM
LOL @ TheGodfather's ignorance.

I don't give a fuck what you say, there are no harder working people than Mexicans. Those motherfuckers WORK. Some might not pay taxes but thanks to your "hard working, tax paying, HONEST Americans," they have a under the table paying job. Just take a look around you, half of you fucks are struggling in your own damn country. Its eating you alive that a non speaking, illegal, border hoppin, Mexican is living better than half of the country. Once again you can thank your "hard working, tax paying, HONEST Americans," for that.

And since when was it cool to lie about where you live? You don't like telling people that you live in Athens? Your Acura Legend to cool to be in your signature?

Fuck your fake ass.

03-09-2009, 01:19 AM
LOL @ TheGodfather's ignorance.

I don't give a fuck what you say, there are no harder working people than Mexicans. Those motherfuckers WORK. Some might not pay taxes but thanks to your "hard working, tax paying, HONEST Americans," they have a under the table paying job. Just take a look around you, half of you fucks are struggling in your own damn country. Its eating you alive that a non speaking, illegal, border hoppin, Mexican is living better than half of the country. Once again you can thank your "hard working, tax paying, HONEST Americans," for that.

And since when was it cool to lie about where you live? You don't like telling people that you live in Athens? Your Acura Legend to cool to be in your signature?

Fuck your fake ass.

Hahahahahah, I don't know who the fuck you think you are moron. Ignorance is not the same thing as anger at a group of people who insult my ancestors by refusing to conform to this wonderful country.

Mexicans are NOT hardworking. Some, maybe. Lazy for the most part. And if you support illegal immigration, shame on you. Your tax dollars pay for felons, hope that's ok with you.


03-09-2009, 01:20 AM
thats what im saying,go ahead, talk shit about my spelling, my nationality, but its not just mexicans, latinos is a hard working race, u aint gonna see a latino bum, even though is harder for us to get a job....we still figure out a way to get it and support our families.....we just dont stand around and wait on our government checks, and for your information buddy, in order for you to get food stamps you have to have a social security number.......

03-09-2009, 01:23 AM
And by the way, no where in the United States constitutuon does it state that english is the main language..... so therefore you cant make anybody speak it, yes it is the most spoken language here but not by law............

03-09-2009, 01:27 AM
Hahaha, you're shitty spelling and inability to properly piece together a sentence makes your post not worth replying to.

HeLLo iM iZzY
03-09-2009, 01:31 AM
Hahahahahah, I don't know who the fuck you think you are moron. Ignorance is not the same thing as anger at a group of people who insult my ancestors by refusing to conform to this wonderful country.

Mexicans are NOT hardworking. Some, maybe. Lazy for the most part. And if you support illegal immigration, shame on you. Your tax dollars pay for felons, hope that's ok with you.

AND HAHAHAHAHAH AT ME APPARENTLY LIVING IN ATHENS YOU STUPID FUCK. HAHAHA.Fuck you fag. Who the fuck do you think you are? Fucking white trash. Fuck you. Fuck your ancestors as well. Wonderful country? Struggling for a dollar in country doesn't make it wonderful one bit. Yeah shame on me, I don't give a shit. If it wasn't for a Hispanic, you wouldn't even have a house probably, cause I'm sure as hell no trash is gonna build a house in the Ga summer. And since when didn't your tax dollar pay for felons? If it wasn't for YOUR MONEY as well, who the fuck would be feeding the prisoners? Is that ok with you as well? Hmm, shut the fuck. You obviously have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Athens or not, I know you're not living in no fucking NY, so shut that shit up. Got nothing to say on the Legend comment, eh? I'm pretty sure you live in Athens :goodjob:

HeLLo iM iZzY
03-09-2009, 01:33 AM
My family is a damn great english speaking hard working family. Harding working than you lazy latins who won't even learn the fucking language of the country you live?!?!

What kind of stupid person goes to Germany and doesn't know any German, and hangs around and segregates themselves refusing to conform and speak the language? No one does that. Just you guys.The one's that due go to Germany try to learn it. Why learn a fucking language that's not even the official language for the country? HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

03-09-2009, 01:36 AM
Fuck you fag. Who the fuck do you think you are? Fucking white trash. Fuck you. Fuck your ancestors as well. Wonderful country? Struggling for a dollar in country doesn't make it wonderful one bit. Yeah shame on me, I don't give a shit. If it wasn't for a Hispanic, you wouldn't even have a house probably, cause I'm sure as hell no trash is gonna build a house in the Ga summer. And since when didn't your tax dollar pay for felons? If it wasn't for YOUR MONEY as well, who the fuck would be feeding the prisoners? Is that ok with you as well? Hmm, shut the fuck. You obviously have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Athens or not, I know you're not living in no fucking NY, so shut that shit up. Got nothing to say on the Legend comment, eh? I'm pretty sure you live in Athens :goodjob:

Hahahahah, what shit hole country are you from carlos?

Fuck my ancestors?!?! AHAHAHAHAH. My ancestors helped make this country the great place it is today. Not like you and your worthless illegal family.

I'm far from white trash, ahahah. Nice try.


I AM in New York ese, and I have an Acura Legend in addition to some other cars. So again, nice try jose.

Get your facts straight juan before you come back in this thread again.

03-09-2009, 01:37 AM
Oh and for all you idiots living in GA.

Georgia enacted official English legislation in 1986 & 1996. The proposed bills, H.B. 533 and S.B. 67, are pending in the Georgia legislature to strengthen the existing official English law. Click on the bill number below to view a copy of the legislation pending. Use the information below to contact your state representatives at their Capitol offices and ask for their support of the bill.

Bills: H.B. 533
S.B. 67

Law: Code Ann. § 50-3-100

HeLLo iM iZzY
03-09-2009, 01:44 AM
Hahahahah, what shit hole country are you from carlos?

Fuck my ancestors?!?! AHAHAHAHAH. My ancestors helped make this country the great place it is today. Not like you and your worthless illegal family.

I'm far from white trash, ahahah. Nice try.


I AM in New York ese, and I have an Acura Legend in addition to some other cars. So again, nice try jose.

Get your facts straight juan before you come back in this thread again.You can play that shit all you want but I know 100% that you live in GA, fuck face. I just happen to know someone who knows your dumbass. Talk about backfire, eh? And since you're tough and shit on the internet, come around the Riverside meets sometimes so I can slap the shit out of you with my fucking citizenship, social security, and passport, fucking ignorant douchebag.

And this is why you are ignorant. I'm not Jose, nor Juan, nor fucking Carlos. Nor am I a fucking Hispanic.

You're fucking trash.

03-09-2009, 01:49 AM
You can play that shit all you want but I know 100% that you live in GA, fuck face. I just happen to know someone who knows your dumbass. Talk about backfire, eh? And since you're tough and shit on the internet, come around the Riverside meets sometimes so I can slap the shit out of you with my fucking citizenship, social security, and passport, fucking ignorant douchebag.

And this is why you are ignorant. I'm not Jose, nor Juan, nor fucking Carlos. Nor am I a fucking Hispanic.

You're fucking trash.


Hahahahahahhahah, you have no idea how stupid you sound telling me you know 100% where I live when you have no fucking clue.

White trash redneck piece of shit, go put a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger so your worthless hick parents don't ever have to hear from your adopted ass ever again.

HeLLo iM iZzY
03-09-2009, 01:51 AM

Hahahahahahhahah, you have no idea how stupid you sound telling me you know 100% where I live when you have no fucking clue.

White trash redneck piece of shit, go put a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger so your worthless hick parents don't ever have to hear from your adopted ass ever again.There you go again with the ignorance.

I fucking love Americans.


03-09-2009, 01:53 AM
thats what im saying, if you are in atlanta next varsity meet look out for the low riders, im the 97 lincoln town car and come say all this shit to our faces, i guarantee you that you are getting decked.....

03-09-2009, 01:53 AM
There you go again with the ignorance.

I fucking love Americans.


You really think I give a shit about your worthless ass?

(I don't. Really, not even one bit.)

03-09-2009, 01:55 AM
thats what im saying, if you are in atlanta next varsity meet look out for the low riders, im the 97 lincoln town car and come say all this shit to our faces, i guarantee you that you are getting decked.....


And I would say it to anyones face, I'm not scared to voice my opinion. This is America. I have that right.

HeLLo iM iZzY
03-09-2009, 01:58 AM
thats what im saying, if you are in atlanta next varsity meet look out for the low riders, im the 97 lincoln town car and come say all this shit to our faces, i guarantee you that you are getting decked.....He wont. Cause he's a fucking pussy. This is why he chooses to say that he is in NY because that way he can talk all that shit that he wants and not have people coming up to him at the meets. Even tho I know a dude that knows him and he says he lives in Athens, but ok, lol.

It's all good though.

03-09-2009, 02:00 AM
He wont. Cause he's a fucking pussy. This is why he chooses to say that he is in NY because that way he can talk all that shit that he wants and not have people coming up to him at the meets. Even tho I know a dude that knows him and he says he lives in Athens, but ok, lol.

It's all good though.





HeLLo iM iZzY
03-09-2009, 02:08 AM

03-09-2009, 02:16 AM
same here bro.......

03-09-2009, 02:25 AM
Then drive your stupid asses up here.

I'm not going anywhere.

Queens side of the Queensboro bridge ladies?

03-09-2009, 09:43 AM
Then drive your stupid asses up here.

I'm not going anywhere.

Queens side of the Queensboro bridge ladies?

mother fucker then why are u on importATLANTA? to talk shit knowing u cant come down here to shut us up?

i was born in queens, new york, and lived on corona avenue, u dont even belong there, thats where they have nothing but COLOMBIANS like me and puerto ricans, i dare u do go downtown and say fuck hispanics, thats the hood , they'll beat your ass to death! LOL!!!!! :lmfao:

03-09-2009, 10:22 AM
Wow, I just read all 6 pages.

No comment.......

03-09-2009, 12:17 PM
The key to understanding TheGodfather is that his online persona allows him to role play the type of confident, competent, man that he wants to be. The reason he wants to be this person is because the person that he is has been hurt and damaged. Obviously by some mexicans. He feels that if he can be this person that he won't have to face the sorrow that he faces daily as the person he really is.

If he wasn't such a miserable mutant-freak, I'd probably feel sorry for him. But he is, so I don't. And, to be honest, even if he wasn't, I probably still wouldn't.

03-09-2009, 01:32 PM

03-09-2009, 03:02 PM
mother fucker then why are u on importATLANTA? to talk shit knowing u cant come down here to shut us up?

i was born in queens, new york, and lived on corona avenue, u dont even belong there, thats where they have nothing but COLOMBIANS like me and puerto ricans, i dare u do go downtown and say fuck hispanics, thats the hood , they'll beat your ass to death! LOL!!!!! :lmfao:

Hahaha you stupid prick. Atlanta is a place I've frequented before and know alot of people. So off my nuts boy.

And I was born in Corona you stupid fuck, it used to be ALL ITALIANS, when the hood was still nice. But now it's a shithole full of all you dirty rotten non english speaking latin fucks.

I live in Ozone Park now, with quite a few white people you illegal fuck, and frequent Flushing and Howard Beach.

I've gone back to my old house in Corona wearing a shirt that says speak english or die, an SOD band shirt, and not one person said shit.


Alot of NY was founded by Irish, Italians, and some Germans, now the idiot illegal population is taking over and ruining my great state and my great city.

I really want to put all of you people on a boat and ship you over to Africa so they can have some slaves and stop being mad at whitey.

Sidenote: you are all illegals and all mexicans to me. I don't give a shit what kind of mexican you think you are.

03-09-2009, 03:16 PM
Sidenote: you are all illegals and all mexicans to me. I don't give a shit what kind of mexican you think you are.

You know how ignorant you sound and most likely are by saying that, thats like if i said that all white english speaking people were from england oy ufucking dumbass

03-09-2009, 03:20 PM
Sidenote: you are all illegals and all mexicans to me. I don't give a shit what kind of mexican you think you are.

You know how ignorant you sound and most likely are by saying that, thats like if i said that all white english speaking people were from england oy ufucking dumbass

Not the same. Remember my people came here and learned the language.

No need to lump them all together.

Plus, all you people look the same.

Irish and German people for example look very different.

Europe > Central and South America. (btw jose, that > sign means greater than.)

03-09-2009, 03:25 PM
Question TheGodFather: Maybe I missed it, but what is your ethnic background?

03-09-2009, 03:26 PM
Question TheGodFather: Maybe I missed it, but what is your ethnic background?

Italian. Half Sicilian, quarter Milano, and a quarter Napoli.

03-09-2009, 03:27 PM
Italian. Half Sicilian, quarter Milano, and a quarter Napoli.

Ah ok, cool.

03-09-2009, 03:29 PM
Ah ok, cool.


I am all for a pleasant discussion and you seem to be quite levelheaded. I just hate how hard my family had to work to get by, and how easy latins have it today.

03-09-2009, 03:53 PM
Godfather, my granparents are from sicily, they migrated to Argentina during the world war, thats why my name is Martinelli, and to this day my grandparents speak more italian than spanish.....i dont see anything wrong with it, obviously my parents and my family now live in the united states but does not mean we need to forget our roots.....

03-09-2009, 03:57 PM
Godfather, my granparents are from sicily, they migrated to Argentina during the world war, thats why my name is Martinelli, and to this day my grandparents speak more italian than spanish.....i dont see anything wrong with it, obviously my parents and my family now live in the united states but does not mean we need to forget our roots.....

I love my heritage and wish I could speak some Italian to communicate with my family.

But being the USA means conforming and learning the language. And seeing so many hispanics that don't do it pisses me off, when my Italain relatives worked hard to learn english and get a job.

They didn't have the courtesy of signs in stores being in Italian and English like hispanics get today.

03-09-2009, 04:02 PM
i undestand that man, but that doesntmean life is easy, i mean my whole family speaks english and spanish, being that we are italian descent we dont look latinos but we conseder ourselves latinos, that doesnt make us trash and that we dont work hard for our shit, we busted our asses just like ur ansestors, we now own business, and like i said earlier, i own a lowrider, i represent my race to the fullest wether people like it or not man..... not trying to bash you or nothing but you gota open up ur mind man....

03-09-2009, 04:05 PM
i undestand that man, but that doesntmean life is easy, i mean my whole family speaks english and spanish, being that we are italian descent we dont look latinos but we conseder ourselves latinos, that doesnt make us trash and that we dont work hard for our shit, we busted our asses just like ur ansestors, we now own business, and like i said earlier, i own a lowrider, i represent my race to the fullest wether people like it or not man..... not trying to bash you or nothing but you gota open up ur mind man....

Yeah I hear ya. What I said in this thread was extreme and not fully my feelings of latino people.

I just see so many that seem to have it so easy, and it frustrates me they speak spanish in front of me when I don't know what they are saying.

Being proud of your heritage is a great thing. But when I feel overcrowded and all in your face with hispanic stuff, it bothers me in a way.

I know you work hard and are alot of decent people, hell most hispanics share my Catholic faith. But the way Miami is and alot of New York has become just annoys me.

03-09-2009, 04:09 PM

03-09-2009, 04:14 PM

I am all for a pleasant discussion and you seem to be quite levelheaded. I just hate how hard my family had to work to get by, and how easy latins have it today.

The exact percentage I am unsure of; Black, Caucasian, and Cherokee Indian.

*Disclaimer: This is not a shot at anyone. This is not an essay, so it may skip a bit. I may elaborate more later. These are my thoughts and opinions about this thread topic.*

I mean, as I read this thread, I remember the racial threads about black people. Like Maniac said, there is an imaginary line that divides the "funny" jokes from the offensive ones. I am not of any hispanic descent so I cannot attest to the mentality/reasoning/feelings of the people in this thread who are of Hispanic descent. I feel as though entering this country illegally is not fair to the American citizens, nor the immigrants here legally obtaining citizenship. The arguement can be made that many of them do take the laborious work that many Americans choose not to do, or do the work for less pay, which in turn destroys the market as such. Then again, Americans have exploited Hispanics in regards to labor until government stepped in to regulate the "under the table" practices by big/small business. Explotation of a problem does nothing to solve it, yet it encourages it.

In regards to the respect factor that Hispanics deserve, they are humans. I am not sure of anyones beliefs or religious followings (other than Maniac's crazy ass, lol), but they are just like us. To generalize and say that all Hispanics are all the derogatory names that were mentioned earlier in this thread is just not right. There are bad rotten ass apples in EVERY race. Find me a race that is 100% goody2shoe and I will......yeah ;) . Threads like this is why I get so pissed in the threads against black people. If you were wronged by a person, don't blame the race. The whole race did not tell or influence Tyrone, Billy, Juan, George Bush, etc. to do the dumb/senseless shit that they do.

As far as illegal anybody in America, it does screw up or economic system. Same goes for the people claiming welfare, because they chose to have children they could not afford, or made overall bad decisions. It frustrates me that many of the illegals do immediately join gangs. It is a fact, from the east to west coasts. It is a fact that many do commit crimes to make ends meet, especially since businesses can receive hefty fines for allowing them to work. I am not sure how the citizenship process works, but I wish that they would just do it the right way. If I pay taxes to live/work/play here, so should everyone else.

Rules are rules, and if you are in the country illegally then you are a part of the problem. Whether you came here to save your family or not. I wish there was a way to help, but the government gets the last call. Purposely jumping a fence is bullshit. They know before hand that they are commiting a crime and be penalized for it. To get angry for breaking a law is stupid. That goes for people IN America as well. There is no excuse.

Not sure if I made any sense, but its my rant :D

03-09-2009, 04:16 PM
Oh, and I hope this thread sheds a little light on why black people feel the way they do about most whites. Think hard before you post.

03-09-2009, 04:17 PM
So I have a few thoughts I'd like to articulate without being attacked for...

So, I understand feelings on both sides of the argument.

I am Latino/Black but I am a legal American citizen, first and foremost....
I understand that people may have desires to make a better life for themselves and their families...That notion is totally understandable....However, many ppl have issues with the fact that Hispanics do not make their plight, if you will, any easier by not comforming to life here, i.e, speaking the language, obeying laws, etc. and then to feel entitled to rights afforded to Americans?

In an almost simplistic way of explaining it, I would like to present an analogy...

Say for instance someone breaks into my home....Am I going to or should I treat said person as I would a guest or a family member? Why should I give you access to my house and my food and my money if you aren't supposed to be in my home to begin with?

Assimilation is the name of the game. You come here, go through the proper channels that would ensure you the rights that you believe you're entitled to, you study, work hard, learn the language, and no one can fault you for being here..

You come here illegally, have children because that's your shot at having the life that you have been dreaming of since the thought of coming to America has been in your brain. You have no desire to learn English because everywhere you go, business establishments and goverment offices have made it easy on you by translating everything for you or having someone around that will. You have no qualms with being here illegally, driving illegally, and uninsured. Why is all this ok?

There are immigrants that come to this country daily. Russians, Koreans, Italians, Germans, etc....Why don't they have an easy button too? Do you see everything translated for them? Do they have an option to speak to someone in their native tongue when they call to speak to someone at a company for whatever reason? NO....

So why're you so special?

When other foreigners come here on visa's that expire, guess what happens? They are sent back home with the quickness....Why shouldn't a person who has no tangible or legal reason to be here be treated the same?

You want to be in this country so bad yet you will protest in the streets by the hundreds of thousands, waving the flag of your home country...but you expect ppl to be sympathetic to your cause?

03-09-2009, 04:29 PM
and also, if you hate "fat, lazy Americans" so much then wouldn't you be better suited being back in Mexico, living among all your hard working compadres?

I just don't get it...You come to this country and bitch and protest about rights you have no entitlement to but you won't protest by the hundreds of thousands like you did here ,in your own country, so that life there would be improved....Irony at its finest, if you ask me.

03-09-2009, 04:35 PM
Airmax, I read that and respect it. Makes sense.

And bobbyfresh, your analogy is excellent. And I just don't get why they are how they are. Illegal doesn't entitle you to any rights.

03-09-2009, 04:39 PM
Airmax, I read that and respect it. Makes sense.

And bobbyfresh, your analogy is excellent. And I just don't get why they are how they are. Illegal doesn't entitle you to any rights.

Thanks. I respect your position, as well a BobbyFresh, and I agree.

Finding a solution is more frustrating, because whatever it is, American citizens will end up forking the bill.

03-09-2009, 04:48 PM
Thanks. I respect your position, as well a BobbyFresh, and I agree.

Finding a solution is more frustrating, because whatever it is, American citizens will end up forking the bill.

Exactly....and bragging about taking over a country illegally is not a good look....

I will say however, that the problem does not only involve Mexicans....It just so happens that, and I'm not sure on any factual numbers, Mexi's probably account for a good portion of illegals in America...

03-09-2009, 05:15 PM
To anyone who doesn't see what is being said here.....Let me come to your house, because I feel like your house is better than mine and I'm going to do it uninvited....and sleep in YOUR bed, eat up all your food, make a fucking mess through out, run your electric bill sky high, and tell you that there isn't shit you can't do about it and tell me you wouldn't want me to get the fuck out.

03-09-2009, 06:29 PM
i'm just curious...has anyone taken a look at the "sample questions" for the citizenship test???


both sides have created some decent arguments, so i just started searching google for what it takes to get citizenship. i'll have to admit...i doubt 50% of the ADULT population who were born/raised/schooled in america could pass that test.

anyhow...airmaxx, bobbyfresh, and other fellow brown people...save your strength. who knows when we'll be back on the frontlines. :ninja:

maniac, gsrcrx, and other hispanics...good luck, and godspeed!

03-09-2009, 06:37 PM
i'm just curious...has anyone taken a look at the "sample questions" for the citizenship test???


both sides have created some decent arguments, so i just started searching google for what it takes to get citizenship. i'll have to admit...i doubt 50% of the ADULT population who were born/raised/schooled in america could pass that test.

anyhow...airmaxx, bobbyfresh, and other fellow brown people...save your strength. who knows when we'll be back on the frontlines. :ninja:

maniac, gsrcrx, and other hispanics...good luck, and godspeed!

I could easily.

Funny thing is, there is a new one they started using in Oct 08 that gives multiple correct answers! What a scam, if anything make it harder.

They should be required to read a few pages, write a few pages, and speak a few sentences in english too.

03-09-2009, 07:14 PM
Hahaha you stupid prick. Atlanta is a place I've frequented before and know alot of people. So off my nuts boy.

And I was born in Corona you stupid fuck, it used to be ALL ITALIANS, when the hood was still nice. But now it's a shithole full of all you dirty rotten non english speaking latin fucks.

I live in Ozone Park now, with quite a few white people you illegal fuck, and frequent Flushing and Howard Beach.

I've gone back to my old house in Corona wearing a shirt that says speak english or die, an SOD band shirt, and not one person said shit.


Alot of NY was founded by Irish, Italians, and some Germans, now the idiot illegal population is taking over and ruining my great state and my great city.

I really want to put all of you people on a boat and ship you over to Africa so they can have some slaves and stop being mad at whitey.

Sidenote: you are all illegals and all mexicans to me. I don't give a shit what kind of mexican you think you are.

im not going to say nothing about your pussy ass anymore, you're just a joke until u prove me wrong, u started talking shit so imma wait till you come down here...how the fuck do we know your in new york? what if u tell us to go and u not there?

im always at the thursday meet and its proven by pics...so whenever your ready to talk to "illegal" people, PM me...now thats a bet imma wait for!!! :lmfao:

03-10-2009, 09:16 AM
I could easily.

Funny thing is, there is a new one they started using in Oct 08 that gives multiple correct answers! What a scam, if anything make it harder.

They should be required to read a few pages, write a few pages, and speak a few sentences in english too.

I could easily too. :D

And reading/writing/speaking a few sentences in English would be super easy for me!

i'm just curious...has anyone taken a look at the "sample questions" for the citizenship test???

http://usgovinfo.about.com/blinstst.htm (http://usgovinfo.about.com/blinstst.htm)

both sides have created some decent arguments, so i just started searching google for what it takes to get citizenship. i'll have to admit...i doubt 50% of the ADULT population who were born/raised/schooled in america could pass that test.

anyhow...airmaxx, bobbyfresh, and other fellow brown people...save your strength. who knows when we'll be back on the frontlines. :ninja:

maniac, gsrcrx, and other hispanics...good luck, and godspeed!

Thanks, Stephen.

I'm going to be getting started on my whole illegal status REAL SOON. :) I'm so excited!

and also, if you hate "fat, lazy Americans" so much then wouldn't you be better suited being back in Mexico, living among all your hard working compadres?

I just don't get it...You come to this country and bitch and protest about rights you have no entitlement to but you won't protest by the hundreds of thousands like you did here ,in your own country, so that life there would be improved....Irony at its finest, if you ask me.

Fuck mexicans.

I hate my own kind. Haha, I'm one of the whitest mexicans around - I'd get ass raped and skull fucked if I were to go back to Mexico! I'd get made fun of for not speaking spanish either lol.

Say for instance someone breaks into my home....Am I going to or should I treat said person as I would a guest or a family member? Why should I give you access to my house and my food and my money if you aren't supposed to be in my home to begin with?

I've never liked this analogy. Because although it's technically correct the United States can NOT be compared to a one story home. If someone wants to compare it they have to get atleast a little bit more realistic with it.