View Full Version : Probation question/rant/opinions needed

03-02-2009, 01:31 PM
Ok, so i have a lady friend with a crazy ex....

He is on probation for "trespassing" (i don't know the details)..

Either way he is non stop harassing her... I'm tired of it... She's tired of it... We just want to get it done and over with..

Now YES i'd love to go throw him into a car windshield then take his mother out to a nice seafood dinner and never call her again! BUT lets be realistic... I don't want to be in any legal trouble... And hurting/attacking/destroying his property would all get me in trouble... or would just cause more problems for her with his threats...

So, back to him... He's harassing/threatening her with the typical crazy ex bull shit.. Apparently he has some form of media whether it be pictures/videos.. something.. i don't know.. i don't care... but he's saying he's gonna either post it up some where (yeah here's where everyone on this site will say "nudes or GTFO"... i know.. i know.. but i'm not laughing right now..) or sell it or whatever...

Obviously this isn't legal... and he's on probation...

what's ya'lls opinion... again, be adults about it.. not the typical gangster bullshit... I'd rather turn him in and take care of it legally/and lawfully as i feel it's the best way to handle the situation...

BUT i wouldn't really no where to start.. i doubt the local police would do much.. is there a way to find out who his probation officer is???

Now the lady friend has the messages he's sent her with the threats.. that would be proof enough to handle this right??

reps to those that give truthful helpful answers...

thanks Ia!

03-02-2009, 01:37 PM
1st. PM me with who it is. ~crosses fingers~
2nd. If there are nudes, and she allowed him to take them. I believe they're his property. However, distributing them is different.
3. Restraining order maybe?

03-02-2009, 01:41 PM
1st. PM me with who it is. ~crosses fingers~
2nd. If there are nudes, and she allowed him to take them. I believe they're his property. However, distributing them is different.
3. Restraining order maybe?

i agree they are his property.. i don't care how much he jerks it to them...

pretty positive distribution and slandering someones name aren't legal..

03-02-2009, 01:41 PM
restraining order, and what is her age, cause if she is under 18 then you can get him in trouble with that, and what type of threat? life threatening? if so, record it, turn it into the cops, that more evidence for the cops to be on your side.

03-02-2009, 01:43 PM
restraining order, and what is her age, cause if she is under 18 then you can get him in trouble with that, and what type of threat? life threatening? if so, record it, turn it into the cops, that more evidence for the cops to be on your side.

no.. she's not underage..

and threats of distribution of the said pics/vids or whatever..

03-02-2009, 01:45 PM
Well if he is on probation already then it will be very very easy as you can just contact the police department or your local probation officer and give them his name and say that you are having issues with his behavior and you need to speak to his po,when you do them his po whats up and they will kill the situation from there trust me

03-02-2009, 01:46 PM
no.. she's not underage..

and threats of distribution of the said pics/vids or whatever..

secretly drug that bitch haha, then gets drug tested for strange behavior and boom goes to jail

03-02-2009, 01:49 PM
Well if he is on probation already then it will be very very easy as you can just contact the police department or your local probation officer and give them his name and say that you are having issues with his behavior and you need to speak to his po,when you do them his po whats up and they will kill the situation from there trust me

that's what i was thinking.. just wasn't sure about how to contact them i guess...

03-02-2009, 01:49 PM
Oh god. I've been through this with a crazy ex. She needs to go to the police station with all of these messages, etc. & file a police report. She will have to have it in writing, so if she doesn't want to sit there and write it all out by hand, tell her to type it. Basically they want it to say "(name here) is frequently harrassing me by doing (acts). He sent me (message) at (time) on (date)" pretty self explanitory.

Usually, an officer will call the person & have a little chat with them, and hope that it stops there. If it doesn't stop, she will need to file ANOTHER report, and then will be able to start the retraining order process.

If a police report is filed against someone, their probation officer is notified asap.

03-02-2009, 01:50 PM
Just find the probation office that handles your city/county. However it could make a difference if his PO is a state PO or a PO that works for a private probabtion company......You'll get more done if his PO is a dept of corrections PO. If its a private PO its a waste of time.

03-02-2009, 01:50 PM
secretly drug that bitch haha, then gets drug tested for strange behavior and boom goes to jail

he's already taking rx drugs... to my knowledge...

ones that aren't prescribed to him... :lmfao:

03-02-2009, 01:50 PM
that's what i was thinking.. just wasn't sure about how to contact them i guess...

Simple in your area research where the misdemeanor or felony probation office is since i dont know which one he is on so try both and when you find the appropriate offices in your county just do as i said they will take care of the situation

03-02-2009, 01:56 PM
nudes or bann

03-02-2009, 01:57 PM
Simple in your area research where the misdemeanor or felony probation office is since i dont know which one he is on so try both and when you find the appropriate offices in your county just do as i said they will take care of the situation

i'm gonna have her contact them for sure... i appreciate it...

what's funnier is i have a "cousin" if you will that is a probation officer... if i really need to i can contact him (but i don't want to be bothersome to family or ask any "favors".. but we'll see)

03-02-2009, 01:57 PM
Its easier than that. Call your countys police department & ask for the probation office.... tell them you'd like to speak to so&so's po because you're concerned with the way they've been acting lately. Simple.

03-02-2009, 01:58 PM
thanks everyone.. i'm looking into the contacts now...

03-02-2009, 01:58 PM
nudes or bannWho the fuck are you?

03-02-2009, 02:09 PM
you dont know who the fuck I am n00b

03-02-2009, 02:12 PM
you dont know who the fuck I am n00bIs this a question or a statement? Do you even know?

03-02-2009, 02:29 PM
it is a statement of the lolvious

03-02-2009, 02:34 PM
found all the number i needed i'm pretty sure...

thanks again for those with mature helpful answers... repped those i could!!

03-02-2009, 02:45 PM
goodluck getting the slandering thing to hold up in court, best bet there if he did distribute would be to file a civil case.

as for him harassing, wait until he trespasses when he shouldn't, makes a physical threat, then just kill him :goodjob:

in the meantime, post nudes if she's hot :D

03-02-2009, 02:51 PM
goodluck getting the slandering thing to hold up in court, best bet there if he did distribute would be to file a civil case.

as for him harassing, wait until he trespasses when he shouldn't, makes a physical threat, then just kill him :goodjob:

in the meantime, post nudes if she's hot :D

the trespassing wasn't on her property... like i said.. idk what that was about.. just know that he's on prob for it...

i just want this nipped in the bud before anything drastic happens...

oh and nudes sent...................................... of me :tongue1:

03-02-2009, 03:25 PM
^^^you would have nudes of yourself ready to send to other guys :gay:

03-02-2009, 03:43 PM

2.then find out which county he lives in and go to that PO office and talk with the supervisor!

03-02-2009, 04:44 PM

2.then find out which county he lives in and go to that PO office and talk with the supervisor!

Even after going through his PO your friend needs to file a police report and start the process for a restraining order. You can get a temp protection order easily just with the phone messages and a statement.

As far as the media goes. There are ways to get them sealed, but I honestly dont know the process to do it. Even after they are sealed if they come out it is only a civil case and I have a strange feeling that he wouldnt be worth the trouble of sueing.

03-02-2009, 04:49 PM
If she has that message take it to the police, he will get in deep shit... I know someone who went to jail for texting threats, they will prob tell you to wait till it happens again but be ready with some way of recording it. They wont let it go on long especially if he is on probation already!!

LMK updated dude, and don't stress over the pics/video~ Is she over 18? If not get his ass for that too!!!

03-02-2009, 04:54 PM
supposedly she warned him that we were ready to call his probation officer and he now claims to have "deleted everything and won't be bothering her again".........

i highly doubt it will stop.. .. .. if it happens again, we're now prepared to call the PO and know what to do.. thanks to ya'll... for his sake i hope he's smart enough to actually shut the hell up..

Master Shake
03-02-2009, 05:49 PM
shit man, since he's on probation, if he has ANY confrontation with the cops are involved, then its straight V.O.P(violation of probation). he is suppose to be on his straight up, top notch, best fucking behavior, no matter what. i know about this shit, i just got off probation.

edit: i see you're taking care of it, lol.

03-02-2009, 06:22 PM
i dont feel like reading all the posts so if someone has said this i apologize but if u take out a harassment warrant on him then his PO will be likely to see it and next time he goes to check in hell be locked up

03-02-2009, 06:29 PM
File a Restraining order. Best way to do it lol. :) I recently got in a fight with a IA member and we cant have ANY contact at all. If im somewhere and he comes, I HAVE to leave lol.

GL man

03-02-2009, 06:35 PM
Not too long ago, a guy kept harassing a girl I was talking to. Wasn't really anything I could do without trouble because the guy was 17 so... Now, my case was a little different than yours but along the same lines, kinda. Get his number.. And post it on every fourm you a part of, etc.. And let people annoy the shit out of him. I did about a month ago and about 40+ different people were calling him. He knew his number was all across Georgia after I told him. He eventually changed his number because it went on for like 3 days. I know its Imature, but its damn funny.

03-02-2009, 10:44 PM
You just want another number to call don't you.

06-23-2009, 11:48 PM
This is a serious question. What is the first letter of the guy's first name?

06-24-2009, 06:01 AM
LOL Niger negged me in thread about Transformers yesterday and this thread is the last time he posted. So I rewarded this dumb Niger with gay porn.

I hate AE's.

06-24-2009, 06:27 AM
Very easy.

Step 1: Call area probation office.
Step 2: Tell the secretary you need to speak to so and so's officer it's a legal matter.
Step 3: Speak.

That's hard...

06-24-2009, 03:33 PM
thread locked per request of the OP.......... lirl...

this has been taken care of.. no need for this thread to be bumped.

mongol... M