View Full Version : tipping at restaurants

03-02-2009, 09:34 AM
so I live in Charlotte, and currently am a server. not gonna state which restaurant, but it's your typical chain restaurant. I am an above average server, and give everybody the same service. but for some reason, time and time again, a majority of black guests I have, leave crappy tips, as in, 10 percent and lower.

I'm the kind of server that will start conversations with people, and have had black people be like "i'm gonna take care of you on your tip" and then leave 5 bucks on a 100 dollar bill.

Now granted, there are plenty black people who do tip, but the ones that don't outnumber them. Even the black people I work with complain about how black people don't tip.

so what's the deal? does it have to do with not knowing that servers only make 2 bucks an hour, or what?

03-02-2009, 09:36 AM
What does it have to do with "black" people? I'm sure white people do it too...

03-02-2009, 09:37 AM
What does it have to do with "black" people? I'm sure white people do it too...

I get crappy people from white people too, but i would say my average tip from white people is 15 percent. my average tips from black people are about 10 percent. Hispanics, about 18 percent.

The Ninja
03-02-2009, 09:38 AM
Repost. Someone delete this.

Also wrong section, should be in Lifestyle.

03-02-2009, 09:38 AM
I worked at a fine restaurant in the town I live in, it was always the old rich people who didn't tip me...

Thread = FAIL... I can feel it lol

03-02-2009, 09:39 AM
What does it have to do with "black" people? I'm sure white people do it too...

What he is saying is that there is a noticeable difference in tips from different races. I'm sure there are plenty of white people who don't tip well too, but w/e.

03-02-2009, 09:39 AM
Stop bitching, atleast they leave something man. :goodjob:

03-02-2009, 09:41 AM
What he is saying is that there is a noticeable difference in tips from different races. I'm sure there are plenty of white people who don't tip well too, but w/e.

I understand that, but why come on ImportAtlanta.com when he lives in NC and bitch about something like this? lol :thinking: o well..

03-02-2009, 09:42 AM
I understand that, but why come on ImportAtlanta.com when he lives in NC and bitch about something like this? lol :thinking: o well..

used to live in Atl

03-02-2009, 09:42 AM
Stop bitching, atleast they leave something man. :goodjob:

haha. most of the time anyways. although 1 dollar on 140 dollar bill doesn't count as much (this coming from saturday night) lol

03-02-2009, 09:43 AM
Hooters Tips well.

03-02-2009, 09:43 AM
Still Waiting (2009)

watch it hehe

03-02-2009, 09:44 AM
Stop bitching, atleast they leave something man. :goodjob:

I'm gonna tell you like I told a Waffle House waitress one night. I had a 6 dollar meal. She came outside and complained cause I only left her a 2 dollar tip. So, I proceeded to tell her, If you don't like it, get another job. So, that's what I'm gonna tell you. Get another job. Quit bitching...And no, I'm not black

03-02-2009, 09:45 AM
bad server bad tip

im a server too. just depends on the person. we all get shitty tips sometimes just deal with it make ur next table better

03-02-2009, 09:45 AM
haha. most of the time anyways. although 1 dollar on 140 dollar bill doesn't count as much (this coming from saturday night) lol

Okay, That sucks! LOL $1 on $140? That's selfish as hell lol.

It doesnt matter on the race. Some black people will leave $20 and some will leave $1 some whites will leave $20 but some will leave $1. lol Just depends on the person and how much $$$ they got.


03-02-2009, 09:45 AM
hahahahaa typical thread.

I leave 20-25% minimum if you saw me you would probably classify me as "black," do i get any credit? probably no right?

I calculate tips in my head and rather do to by increments of 5 or ten and i feel like 15% tips are usually inadequate so my base is 20.

03-02-2009, 09:47 AM
I'm gonna tell you like I told a Waffle House waitress one night. I had a 6 dollar meal. She came outside and complained cause I only left her a 2 dollar tip. So, I proceeded to tell her, If you don't like it, get another job. So, that's what I'm gonna tell you. Get another job. Quit bitching...And no, I'm not black

Shit, $2 tip is good in a $6 meal. x2, if you dont like the tip, get another job. Be happy you left her something.

Should of bitch slapped her. lol

03-02-2009, 09:49 AM
hahahahaa typical thread.

I leave 20-25% minimum if you saw me you would probably classify me as "black," do i get any credit? probably no right?

I calculate tips in my head and rather do to by increments of 5 or ten and i feel like 15% tips are usually inadequate so my base is 20.

now don't get me wrong. i've had people ask me to cover their table bc it was 3 black guys with dreads, gold teeth, etc. so I took it, gave them good service, and they tipped me like, 25 percent.

it just seems like the opposite happens more often.

03-02-2009, 09:52 AM
now don't get me wrong. i've had people ask me to cover their table bc it was 3 black guys with dreads, gold teeth, etc. so I took it, gave them good service, and they tipped me like, 25 percent.

it just seems like the opposite happens more often.

Depends on the person, man. There could be a millionaire and leave $1 but there could be a "Gangsta" that has like $20 in his pocket but he'll leave $5. lol

You would get more tips if you were a girl. :ninja: lol

03-02-2009, 09:54 AM
You would get more tips if you were a girl. :ninja: lol



03-02-2009, 09:55 AM

The race issue was addressed here too I believe. I don't know personally... I have never worked in a restaurant; however, I tip based on service not skin color. Just my $0.02.

03-02-2009, 09:56 AM

The race issue was addressed here too I believe. I don't know personally... I have never worked in a restaurant; however, I tip based on service not skin color. Just my $0.02.

yeah, just saw that thread. reading it now

03-02-2009, 10:38 AM
Still Waiting (2009)

watch it hehe

wtf that movie sucked compared to the first.

03-02-2009, 10:55 AM
i tip 30-50% depending on where i am.

if its a $15 meal, like at Taco Mac, i leave $10. My bill was $27 at Strip on Friday night an i gave him $23 to make it an even $50(he was really good and took 10% off because we were going to Cirque Du Soleil)

I had a $187 tab at TAP for a friends Bday and i left him $40.

I tip big, just because i know how crappy it is to be a server, and hopefully that makes their night. I have been blessed and i believe what comes around goes around.

IF the service is absolutely horrible, which maybe happens MAYBE once a year to me, ill leave 15%

03-02-2009, 11:00 AM
i tip 30-50% depending on where i am.

if its a $15 meal, like at Taco Mac, i leave $10. My bill was $27 at Strip on Friday night an i gave him $23 to make it an even $50(he was really good and took 10% off because we were going to Cirque Du Soleil)

I had a $187 tab at TAP for a friends Bday and i left him $40.

I tip big, just because i know how crappy it is to be a server, and hopefully that makes their night. I have been blessed and i believe what comes around goes around.

IF the service is absolutely horrible, which maybe happens MAYBE once a year to me, ill leave 15%

Need a server at home? lol

03-02-2009, 11:06 AM
Tips were originally for service that was above what was expected.......so.........

but on another note I worked as a server for about two years and you are right to certain degree but everybody has bad nights. That is one of the reasons i quit waiting table I needed a steady paycheck not something that varied from night to night

03-02-2009, 11:18 AM
I hate tippin anyway. Id rather be charged for the take-out tax than tip. However, on occasion, if I have the EXTRA money u do require and u do a decent job, then yull get ur just deserve.

Besides, I cant tip big. I only get the cheap meals are sit down places. No need in paying an extra 13 or so for the meal when all I wanted was the meal. Now if, in the near future, I'm better off, it'll be a non issue

03-02-2009, 12:00 PM
i tip 30-50% depending on where i am.

if its a $15 meal, like at Taco Mac, i leave $10. My bill was $27 at Strip on Friday night an i gave him $23 to make it an even $50(he was really good and took 10% off because we were going to Cirque Du Soleil)

I had a $187 tab at TAP for a friends Bday and i left him $40.

I tip big, just because i know how crappy it is to be a server, and hopefully that makes their night. I have been blessed and i believe what comes around goes around.

IF the service is absolutely horrible, which maybe happens MAYBE once a year to me, ill leave 15%

Yeah, I wish I had money like that lol~ Congrats 2u :rolleyes:

03-02-2009, 12:01 PM
Mexican People Leave Good Tip.

03-02-2009, 12:03 PM
Mexican People Leave Good Tip.

yup. if I get less than 15 percent from hispanic people, I'm shocked. I even had 2 guys come in that couldn't speak english, pointed at the menu, and left me 20 percent.

03-02-2009, 12:09 PM
life isn't fair....no one told u that?

03-02-2009, 12:37 PM
I do not leave a tip based on the percentage of the total bill. The reason for this is if the food sucked its not the servers fault(unless it comes to me cold), so why should it be based on the bill. I base the tip I leave on service. I pretty much use a $10/hour rate excluding the $2.xx/hour rate they get paid. The most I am ever in a restaurant is an hour and that is pushing it. If I am with a group of friends and get charged a gratuity forget me leaving anything extra. To me that means your a shitty server and are resorting to any means necessary to get a tip. It usually pretty sad because looking at the gratuity charge it is usually 50-60% less than what I would have left. All I ask of a server is to make sure my glass does not hit bottom. I have a lack of saliva problem due to radiation treatments back in 2002 and nothing is worse than running out of water to wash the food down.

EDIT: I usually get pretty bad service since I look like a po' bitch most of the time. IN these cases I still tip on service since you should not base a book by its cover.

03-02-2009, 12:38 PM
^Very true.

03-02-2009, 12:41 PM
I understand that, but why come on ImportAtlanta.com when he lives in NC and bitch about something like this? lol :thinking: o well..I live in NC also. I used to live in ATL and have friends on this site. Is that ok with you? :lmfao:

03-02-2009, 01:12 PM
I don't leave anything less than 3 bucks. It doesn't matter if you meal was only 5 bucks - it still took them the same amount of effort to seat you and serve you. 20% is one dollar.

My friend owns a restaurant down south, and for some reason people tip horribly. Up north its way better. Overall I think its true that black folk tip less - I've seen waay too many examples. 14 cents on a 40 dollar tab, 2 dollars on 80 etc etc. It's insane.

03-02-2009, 01:14 PM
i always leave 20% unless they suck then around 10-15%... outstanding service i will definitely leave more. i even tip to go orders if the people are nice.

03-02-2009, 01:18 PM
take it from me....

always leave a KILLER TIP!!!!

03-02-2009, 01:19 PM
Oh one other thing. I never leave a tip in a tip jar. i do not think its really fair if I have a good server and they have to share tips with others that may not be pulling there own weight. If the server was good I will try to sneak there tip to them.

87 Turbo II
03-02-2009, 01:44 PM
Stop bitching, atleast they leave something man. :goodjob:
Yeah but a shitty tip can still leave you UNDER minimum wage at the end of the day.

03-02-2009, 01:45 PM
take it from me....

always leave a KILLER TIP!!!!

select few will understand muh jokes

03-02-2009, 02:37 PM
think it's funny how there's a thread like this at least once every yr...

03-02-2009, 08:32 PM
take it from me....

always leave a KILLER TIP!!!!Bwhahahahahahaha I just had SoCo come out my nose... and not in a good way.

think it's funny how there's a thread like this at least once every yr...Always after Black History Month too...

03-02-2009, 08:40 PM
Always after Black History Month too...
So wrong lol...:lmfao:

I never understood black history month. Its kinda racist in itself.
"Hey look I'm different - so I have my own month where everyone talks about my history" ??

Why try so hard to be different and then bitch when people call you out on it?

03-02-2009, 08:42 PM
There is some validity to what the OP has made his rant about.
It's not an every black person kind of thing but it is something that everyone that has waited tables knows about. AND, don't think they tip black servers more because they don't. I know by experience. Rednecks aren't extraordinary tippers either. Oddly enough, Mexicans tend to tip well whereas Europeans tend to not tip or tip poorly.

03-02-2009, 08:44 PM
So wrong lol...:lmfao:

I never understood black history month. Its kinda racist in itself.
"Hey look I'm different - so I have my own month where everyone talks about my history" ??

Why try so hard to be different and then bitch when people call you out on it?

Ummm..let's not get started on this issue. If you don't get the point, I suggest you educate yourself on the why and the how.

03-02-2009, 08:49 PM
I understand that, but why come on ImportAtlanta.com when he lives in NC and bitch about something like this? lol :thinking: o well..
Why does it matter, I live in Ohio, but I USED to live in Atlanta.

03-02-2009, 08:50 PM
There is some validity to what the OP has made his rant about.
It's not an every black person kind of thing but it is something that everyone that has waited tables knows about. AND, don't think they tip black servers more because they don't. I know by experience. Rednecks aren't extraordinary tippers either. Oddly enough, Mexicans tend to tip well whereas Europeans tend to not tip or tip poorly.

funny you say that , in Europe tipping is considered rude. I know when we lived in Germany, if you went off base to a German restaurant they would run out to you to give you your money back, that probably has something to do with it.

03-02-2009, 08:53 PM
I am an above average server,

You're still a waitress. Being an above average waitress is just like being in a Special Ed class and getting to sit wherever you want. You're still in Special Ed. Later, QD.

03-02-2009, 08:54 PM
funny you say that , in Europe tipping is considered rude. I know when we lived in Germany, if you went off base to a German restaurant they would run out to you to give you your money back, that probably has something to do with it.

In some countries in Europe, a surcharge is added to the price of the meal or the overall cost of the tab and not only that but employers pay their employees decently, as opposed to the $2.13 an hour most servers make here in the US.
Additionally, most restaurants in the US require a practice called tip sharing in which each server gives the restaurant between 1 to 3 percent of their sales to be divided among the hostess, bartender, and a busboy, all the while paying said employees minimally as well.

03-02-2009, 08:54 PM
I guess I'm crappy person as you call it. I don't ever leave anything over $5. I mean damn, all you do is bring out my food. I could give a rats ass if you started a conversation with me.

03-02-2009, 09:00 PM
I Used to deliver Pizza one time.. I did it for about 5 month.. The average black person used to to tip me $1.00 cents...

Indians Usually $0.00

White people $ 5.00 +

Hispanics ( mostly south american ) $8.00 +

So yeah, Indians and Africans... Holly shit... lol..

They are penny pinchers..

I like to tip depending on service....

And honestly if its a chic thats 1/2 way decent looking.. Tip goes up a few bucks...

03-02-2009, 09:01 PM
I guess I'm crappy person as you call it. I don't ever leave anything over $5. I mean damn, all you do is bring out my food. I could give a rats ass if you started a conversation with me.

They bring you food that you were too lazy to cook for yourself. And refill your drinks. Cleaned after the mess you've made because you don't know how to act when you go out to eat and do shit that surely you wouldn't do in your own home....or put up with your shitty ass mood because you've had a bad day and need someone to take it out on.....and the list goes on. If you go somewhere expecting service then you should be prepared to compensate for said service...or not go out....

and...I wasn't speaking of you specifically...more like you and anyone else that shares the same attitude that you hold towards servers...because servers do more than just "bring you your food". Believe me. Been there, done that.

03-02-2009, 09:07 PM
.more like you and anyone else that shares the same attitude that you hold towards servers...because servers do more than just "bring you your food". Believe me. Been there, done that.

My comment, although eliciting none, was only for laughs. It just came to me as a comparative statement and I threw it out there. Later, QD.

03-02-2009, 09:09 PM
when i worked at a restaurant we had a black server as floor manager, and she told me this joke:

"whats the difference between a black man and a canoe? Canoe's tip."

I shit you not. It was awesome.

03-02-2009, 09:09 PM
In some countries in Europe, a surcharge is added to the price of the meal or the overall cost of the tab and not only that but employers pay their employees decently, as opposed to the $2.13 an hour most servers make here in the US.
Additionally, most restaurants in the US require a practice called tip sharing in which each server gives the restaurant between 1 to 3 percent of their sales to be divided among the hostess, bartender, and a busboy, all the while paying said employees minimally as well.
I know in Europe they CHARGE for drinks, no such thing as a free refill. First time we went out, being americans, we ordered coke. I had like 5 glasses at $4 a pop LOL

from that point on my parents limited us to 1 soda per meal

03-02-2009, 09:10 PM
They bring you food that you were too lazy to cook for yourself. And refill your drinks. Cleaned after the mess you've made because you don't know how to act when you go out to eat and do shit that surely you wouldn't do in your own home....or put up with your shitty ass mood because you've had a bad day and need someone to take it out on.....and the list goes on. If you go somewhere expecting service then you should be prepared to compensate for said service...or not go out....

and...I wasn't speaking of you specifically...more like you and anyone else that shares the same attitude that you hold towards servers...because servers do more than just "bring you your food". Believe me. Been there, done that.Hold on there, you CANNOT assume people go out because they're lazy. Are you retarded? That is there job. I've served also, but I'm not an idiot either. I tip depending on service.

03-02-2009, 09:17 PM
oh yea, and im with atlblackz06. My bill at steak and shake the ohter night was $16, i left $5. Im too lazy to wait for change, when my bill is 12-13$ i just leave $20. If it's $45 i just leave $60. However, if the left over amount is not adequate i will leave at least 20-25% at LEAST.

03-02-2009, 09:20 PM
Hold on there, you CANNOT assume people go out because they're lazy. Are you retarded? That is there job. I've served also, but I'm not an idiot either. I tip depending on service.

If you go out to eat then youre choosing to not cook for yourself.
If you go out to eat you're expecting a service ergo, if you expect a service to be performed, and knowing fully well that tipping goes along with the expectation of said service, one should not complain about tipping.

I tip based on performance also, but I tip well and not minimally, as some ppl do.
If you can afford to pay for a $100 meal then you should be able to leave a sufficient tip as well...Same goes for any lower or higher amount.

03-02-2009, 09:21 PM
*que Resevoir Dogs Scene*

03-02-2009, 09:23 PM
If you go out to eat then youre choosing to not cook for yourself.
If you go out to eat you're expecting a service ergo, if you expect a service to be performed, and knowing fully well that tipping goes along with the expectation of said service, one should not complain about tipping.

I tip based on performance also, but I tip well and not minimally, as some ppl do.
If you can afford to pay for a $100 meal then you should be able to leave a sufficient tip as well...Same goes for any lower or higher amount.You really don't believe the only reason people go out to eat is because they don't want to cook, do you? Nobody is complaining about tipping, dumbass.

03-02-2009, 09:29 PM
You really don't believe the only reason people go out to eat is because they don't want to cook, do you? Nobody is complaining about tipping, dumbass.

Your demonstration and expert use of the word "dumbass" makes your argument so much more compelling and highlights your intellect to an epic degree.:rolleyes:

Also, if you would do yourself a favor and read through the posts, specifically what I have quoted and responded to, you will see what it is I'm addressing.

03-02-2009, 09:31 PM
They bring you food that you were too lazy to cook for yourself. And refill your drinks. Cleaned after the mess you've made because you don't know how to act when you go out to eat and do shit that surely you wouldn't do in your own home....or put up with your shitty ass mood because you've had a bad day and need someone to take it out on.....and the list goes on. If you go somewhere expecting service then you should be prepared to compensate for said service...or not go out....

and...I wasn't speaking of you specifically...more like you and anyone else that shares the same attitude that you hold towards servers...because servers do more than just "bring you your food". Believe me. Been there, done that.

I understand your point, and their are some dick heads that give servers shit and what not, but I usually go in eat and leave. I don't make messes and if I do, I clean them up. If I have a bad day, which is very rarely, I don't give shit to other people. After all that, I stated my opinion because thats how I am. I don't care to hear your conversation... I came to eat, not talk. I know that sounds like I'm a dick head, but I a simple go in, do what you went to, and leave. Plain and Simple.

03-02-2009, 09:32 PM
Your demonstration and expert use of the word "dumbass" makes your argument so much more compelling and highlights your intellect to an epic degree.:rolleyes:

Also, if you would do yourself a favor and read through the posts, specifically what I have quoted and responded to, you will see what it is I'm addressing.You're addressing me, since you're quoting me. Dumbass.

03-02-2009, 09:35 PM
You're addressing me, since you're quoting me. Dumbass.

Redundant name calling is redundant.:boobies:

03-02-2009, 09:39 PM
Redundant name calling is redundant.:boobies:Only when it's needed.

03-02-2009, 11:07 PM
ive heard everyone say this at my job, but ive never had a problem with black people tipping me.

03-02-2009, 11:13 PM
ive heard everyone say this at my job, but ive never had a problem with black people tipping me.

are you hot?

03-02-2009, 11:14 PM
My comment, although eliciting none, was only for laughs. It just came to me as a comparative statement and I threw it out there. Later, QD.

I wasn't addressing you in any way, QD...LOL..

Guilty conscience, old man?:lmfao:

03-03-2009, 08:19 AM
I'm gonna tell you like I told a Waffle House waitress one night. I had a 6 dollar meal. She came outside and complained cause I only left her a 2 dollar tip. So, I proceeded to tell her, If you don't like it, get another job. So, that's what I'm gonna tell you. Get another job. Quit bitching...And no, I'm not black

I agree with you, and I am going to go further. To recieve a tip is a privilege, but also a custom in America. I do not have a problem leaving a tip at all, don't get me wrong. The magic 15%-20% is a range that was set as a standard for the restaurant industry. No other profession works like this. You provide a service, at a set fee plus the tax. Why the hell am I EXPECTED to give you something extra for doing your job? If you go to Lowe's and ask a CS rep to help you find an item, do you tip them? NO! If you go to Wendy's to sit and eat, do you tip when the cashier takes your cup for a refill? NO!

All of you waiters with a chip on your shoulder need to shut the hell up and do your job. If a restaurant is paying you ~$2/hr to wait tables, with the expectation of the customers paying the other end of your salary, you should point fingers elsewhere.

America makes me chuckle. If a couple goes to eat at a fine dining establishment, and leaves under 15% on a $100 tab, he/she is seen as cheap because they did not leave more? Ha, bullshit. Maybe its because we are paying a price for a service that already has value added into it.

Funny Story: I was at Applebee's with 3 friends. We ate, got refills, and had a good time. I mention the refills b/c it shows the waiter did more than just drop food, and keep it moving. So he brings our individual bills out and I pay with my checkcard. He runs the bills and drops the reciepts for us to sign. Usually, the waiter walks away at this point, but he hung around. I write on the tip line a ZERO with a line through it, and write the total on the bottom. As I reach for my wallet he says, "Is there a problem? Why did you write a zero?" His tone was far from calm, he was pissed! So I smile at him and laugh. He asks whats so funny. I tell him that I was reaching for my wallet to give you cash for a tip. I then proceed to walk out, still laughing :lmfao:

Moral of the story.......shut the fuck up and do your job. Sometimes you will get a tip, and other times you may not. It's the nature of the business. The industry set the wage/tip system up, not the patrons.

03-03-2009, 08:54 AM
^ funny i like that about the applebees.

anyways, why can't it just be like europe and they do it all together. like the bill is the food, drinks, tip, tax...you just pay that one fee.

thats really how it should be.

03-03-2009, 08:58 AM
^ funny i like that about the applebees.

anyways, why can't it just be like europe and they do it all together. like the bill is the food, drinks, tip, tax...you just pay that one fee.

thats really how it should be.

Thats how I feel. You are providing a service, with the value added in! Why not add in the value of the waiter/waitress? Hell, the cooks don't get tipped, nor does the host/hostess, lol.

I just don't get it.

03-03-2009, 09:13 AM
Thats how I feel. You are providing a service, with the value added in! Why not add in the value of the waiter/waitress? Hell, the cooks don't get tipped, nor does the host/hostess, lol.

I just don't get it.

Cooks typically get paid $10 or more and the hostesses do get tipped....it's called tipshare and it's taken out of the servers hard earned money.

Man, I usually agree with you on most subjects but def not on this one....You should try waiting tables and or speak to ppl who do and maybe your perspective on the subject would change.

03-03-2009, 09:17 AM
it's called tipshare and it's taken out of the servers hard earned money.

well this is probably true because the hostess would seat the "good" customers or "fun" customers in a section. she would probably get better tipshare? :2cents:

03-03-2009, 09:24 AM
well this is probably true because the hostess would seat the "good" customers or "fun" customers in a section. she would probably get better tipshare? :2cents:

Actually in most restaurants tipshare is mandatory. Tipshare involves giving the equivalent of between 1-3% of your sales in addition to turning in whatever money is due to the restaurant. Most establishments have no cap when it comes to tipshare and I can say that when I worked at Applebee's during college, I tipped out as much as 50 bucks of my tip money on more than several occassions.....Need I remind you that hostess typically make anywhere from 6-10 dollars an hour before tipshare? So in effect, the server is left with the shit end of the bargain, almost from beginning (2.13 an hour)to tipshare. Also, servers rarely get checks as they are taxed on not only the hourly wage but tips as well...

03-03-2009, 09:25 AM
Cooks typically get paid $10 or more and the hostesses do get tipped....it's called tipshare and it's taken out of the servers hard earned money.

Man, I usually agree with you on most subjects but def not on this one....You should try waiting tables and or speak to ppl who do and maybe your perspective on the subject would change.

The bold: I had no clue about that. That is bullshit in itself.

Well, I can't argue with that. I have never waited tables a day in my life, but my college roommate and his GF were waiters. Also, I realize some work hard, while others don't. Like I said, I tip all the time. 15% is my minimum, but it still depends on service. I have pulled a Mike and tipped 50%, simply because the service was over-the-top.

My rant was based off the fact that the industry set the wages and tip expectation. Yes, people need jobs, but I chose never to wait tables b/c you are relying on someone else to fill your wage. Its customary in America, but not every country. If someone doesn't tip you can't get upset. I feel servers should get paid more, and never understood WHY they got $2 or so and hour.

My OP did come off assholish, but I stand by it.

03-03-2009, 09:29 AM
Actually in most restaurants tipshare is mandatory. Tipshare involves giving the equivalent of between 1-3% of your sales in addition to turning in whatever money is due to the restaurant. Most establishments have no cap when it comes to tipshare and I can say that when I worked at Applebee's during college, I tipped out as much as 50 bucks of my tip money on more than several occassions.....Need I remind you that hostess typically make anywhere from 6-10 dollars an hour before tipshare? So in effect, the server is left with the shit end of the bargain, almost from beginning (2.13 an hour)to tipshare. Also, servers rarely get checks as they are taxed on not only the hourly wage but tips as well...

See, there is more of my gripe. The restaurant owners pass the duty of filling the wage of the server on to the patron. Being a server is worse than I expected. That's why I tip, regardless of my twisted notion of the concept.

03-03-2009, 09:31 AM
Well, I can't argue with that. I have never waited tables a day in my life, but my college roommate and his GF were waiters. Also, I realize some work hard, while others don't. Like I said, I tip all the time. 15% is my minimum, but it still depends on service. I have pulled a Mike and tipped 50%, simply because the service was over-the-top.

My rant was based off the fact that the industry set the wages and tip expectation. Yes, people need jobs, but I chose never to wait tables b/c you are relying on someone else to fill your wage. Its customary in America, but not every country. If someone doesn't tip you can't get upset. I feel servers should get paid more, and never understood WHY they got $2 or so and hour.

My OP did come off assholish, but I stand by it.

I agree wholeheartedly and if I came off like I was attacking you, I wasn't trying to. Restaurants should pay their employees more but if that was the case, your 15 dollar steak would end up being a 25 dollar steak. At the end of the day someone is getting screwed and it's not going to be the restaurant business....

Also, I think that those of us who have at some point in our lives worked in the service industry, tend to be passionate about the issue for life. Once you have worked in the industry, you gain a greater appreciation for what most consider to be a easy job.

03-03-2009, 10:24 AM
ive dated a few girls that worked as servers, and the good always outweighed the bad. I mean sure they would have a $40 night, but then the next night would be $200. So on and So on. I mean thats the risk you take, its like selling cars, you can make $80k in a month and nothing the next month.

03-03-2009, 12:45 PM
I was a server at one point. I didn't have many black customers in the area, but the ones I did tipped ok.

But I'm more judging now that I was a server. Some bitch the other night took my food before I was even done without asking. So on the tip line I said, DON'T TAKE MY FUCKING FOOD UNTIL I'M DONE BITCH. She hated me.

Also the hotter the waitress, the less I usually tip. If she's hot, and tries to be flirty. Bam, tip goes down. At Hooters and the like, I will usually tip poorly because they think because they are hot with cleavage I'm going to empty my wallet. WRONG. I love looking at ya, but I'm not paying for it bitch, you still have clothes on.

Master Shake
03-03-2009, 01:12 PM
so I live in Charlotte, and currently am a server. not gonna state which restaurant, but it's your typical chain restaurant. I am an above average server, and give everybody the same service. but for some reason, time and time again, a majority of black guests I have, leave crappy tips, as in, 10 percent and lower.

I'm the kind of server that will start conversations with people, and have had black people be like "i'm gonna take care of you on your tip" and then leave 5 bucks on a 100 dollar bill.

Now granted, there are plenty black people who do tip, but the ones that don't outnumber them. Even the black people I work with complain about how black people don't tip.

so what's the deal? does it have to do with not knowing that servers only make 2 bucks an hour, or what?10% and lower? that is just shitty. i try to leave at least a 20% or more when i tip, cause i know about them only making like $2.15/hour. they make that much cause of the tips, but i mean shit, the person is taking my order, makin sure my sweet tea is topped off, and bringin out my food, and taking blame for the food coming out fucked up(when it happens)
servers put up with a lot of shit.

Master Shake
03-03-2009, 01:13 PM
Also the hotter the waitress, the less I usually tip. If she's hot, and tries to be flirty. Bam, tip goes down. At Hooters and the like, I will usually tip poorly because they think because they are hot with cleavage I'm going to empty my wallet. WRONG. I love looking at ya, but I'm not paying for it bitch, you still have clothes on.word!
same here.