View Full Version : Title Change.

02-25-2009, 09:35 PM
Can we change this sections name from Politics to the "Conspiracy/Fear" section? I think it would better fit those who post in here on a regular basis.

02-25-2009, 09:37 PM
Dude, i think you fear of the possibilities that we suggest that could happen far out weigh your judgment on what is right and what is wrong.

02-25-2009, 09:40 PM
Dude, i think you fear of the possibilities that we suggest that could happen far out weigh your judgment on what is right and what is wrong.

No, I listen to what people think COULD happen. It's just overly stupid when every thread turns into a conspiracy or something based on personal thoughts. Some of the things you all say is so out there I actually laugh lol.

02-25-2009, 09:44 PM
But, in door plumbing was once a possibility. By God its a real thing now isn't it? LOL hell people flying in the sky was a laugh just like many other things that we do and use everyday.

02-25-2009, 09:46 PM
But, in door plumbing was once a possibility. By God its a real thing now isn't it? LOL hell people flying in the sky was a laugh just like many other things that we do and use everyday.

...and for what you just said I :lmfao: VERY bad comparison there. :no:

/End thread.

02-25-2009, 09:47 PM
No not rly. considering, people laughed at the thought of the things we do on a daily basis being real at one point in time. just think about it.

02-25-2009, 09:58 PM
for once i actually agree with simon!!!!! :dunno:......could be a CHANGE!!!!! ahahahha :lmao:.....1

02-25-2009, 10:03 PM

02-26-2009, 02:34 PM
I have seen a few conspiracy's in here but most things are actually relevant.
The one's that don't matter are the threads bashing Obama. Every president has a group that swings from his nuts and a group that hates him.

If you don't like the section and don't care about politics, in this country that you live in, that will affect you directly, then gtfo.

Keep living your life believing that all the politicians are good and are here to help you. One day you'll wake up and say, "Where the fuck have I been?"

02-26-2009, 02:39 PM
nobody said all politicians are good. but all the shit about martial law, the police state bullshit, and pending ww3 is all stupid to actually believe that its gonna happen the way half of you guys say it will. the only even remotely plausible theory anyone has talked about in here recently is the ww3 stuff, and even then its sorta far fetched.

02-26-2009, 03:44 PM
Exactly, I am for listening to politics, REAL stuff, I don't think politicians are all good either, or out to help the general American. I am not however a negative person or someone to fear the worse and not even consider anything positive. The recent things I have read in here have been complete opinionated bullshit.

02-28-2009, 10:33 AM
opinionated or are they reading into the fact that everything is cyclical? Just because you dont see it coming doesnt mean its bullshit. In all actuality it is all real, police states martial law,and ww3. Theses are all possible in the future. Will we be alive to see it? Maybe. Will our children be around to see it? Most likely. You have to take the good outlooks for the future with the gloomy ones. Its how you use the toughts and belifes of others to gauge where we might be heading go for a middle path if the truth is too nice or gloomy for your taste but atleast listen and comprehend what others are saying. If youd listen to enough different people who are most likely better educated than you or i you would realize that the doom and gloom is more prevalent than you being able to skip through the flowers cupcake. get off your high fucking horse and open your goddamn eyes shit is going downhill and there aint nothin you can do to stop it. hell most of the people that are starting to realize that thier rose-colored glasses are letting them down. So how good does that "CHANGE" feel? Seems like the same old shit doesnt it? CHANGE! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

02-28-2009, 12:05 PM
Logical thinkers dont like ignoring the possibility of a bad outcome and will explore it to prepare for any outcome favorable or not. As events continue to unfold as of late we are being pushed closer to one of those unfavorable scenarios. I'm a worst case kind of person. I plan for the worst and anything better is icing on my cake. I dont like to run around screaming about gloom and doom but I do take the arguments to heart and consider the results.

02-28-2009, 03:02 PM
People who think logically are not the issue. It's the people who think america is too strong to fall.

02-28-2009, 03:16 PM
People who think logically are not the issue. It's the people who think america is too strong to fall.

Totally agree. Every government fails. What makes people think that ours, the most volatile ever, is safe from that fate?

02-28-2009, 11:58 PM
this reminds me of when we originally broke away from the English to start America. Now look, i am willing to bet, that real soon most states will break away from America.

03-01-2009, 10:17 AM
I think America has failed many years ago, lol, doesn't mean we will die.

If shit is so bad how am I making more money then ever, there are more racing teams and sponsors then ever, and huge new budgets?

03-01-2009, 11:43 AM
Totally agree. Every government fails. What makes people think that ours, the most volatile ever, is safe from that fate?

we've had the worst political figures in the past 30+ years (as far as scandals go) now we have a president who has no real expierence with international affairs, who is really good at getting paid off by crooked corporations that are partly responsible for our current economic problems. The only thing that can solve our problems and fix our government is to revolt against the crooked and revive our country by getting rid of these fat cat politicians that are screwing us over! This land is for the people not the elected. Our rights are being infringed upon every day and there is nothing being done to preserve those rigths that our forefathers gave us to fight tyranny and injustice. Fight for what is yours and fight for your childrens future freedom!

03-01-2009, 11:57 AM
Wow this is by far one of the best threads in this section, props and reps to all that posted in it. But back on topic at this point in time the only way we will see any type of reform in America is by moving to one extreme or the other. By that I mean A). We will move to the Far left ( headed there now) or B). we will move to the Far right. But the possibility for a second civil war is always a very strong. Though in the end we will still end up with the above two situations. Myself I hope for more of the Libertarian approach and get the Gov't out of money and business, but that's just me.

03-01-2009, 12:02 PM
lol! YES!

03-01-2009, 12:05 PM
I think America has failed many years ago, lol, doesn't mean we will die.

If shit is so bad how am I making more money then ever, there are more racing teams and sponsors then ever, and huge new budgets?I know you're not really thinking that everything is gravy because you are making money. Big picture, son. Look at it.

03-01-2009, 01:23 PM
I know you're not really thinking that everything is gravy because you are making money. Big picture, son. Look at it.

Thats really hard for most people to comprehend. If they look at the big picture they can't deny the reality that the majority of the country is living. This is not a picture that most people want to see in front of them daily, for some of us we live it and have to fight with people like them who don't understand how hard it is to make ends meet in these economic times. For most people they dont worry about the money they are making now they worry if they will be able to continue making this money on the future to do thing like feed thier families and keep a roof over thier heads. That is a reality for the majority of the country. That is a fear for most people.

03-01-2009, 02:25 PM
I look at the big picture daily, hard not to when your family is in it and involved in political stuff.

03-01-2009, 03:57 PM
POLITICIANS thats the group of goat fuckers that got us in this mess in the first place. Now i see why you have the train of thought you do!

03-01-2009, 09:46 PM
I had a thought earlier today, So what if Palin runs for president in 2012?

03-01-2009, 09:50 PM
I had a thought earlier today, So what if Palin runs for president in 2012?

/changes house shopping venue to New Zealand

03-01-2009, 10:16 PM
well seriously I think the Republican party realized this election they cant treat shit as the same thing it was 30 years ago, but now I am wondering how they are going to " catch up" to the rest of the world. Cause yeah a woman president would be cutting edge but please not her or Clinton. I believe its time for the libertarians to step up to the plate and take a crack at it.

03-03-2009, 02:12 AM
No, I listen to what people think COULD happen. It's just overly stupid when every thread turns into a conspiracy or something based on personal thoughts. Some of the things you all say is so out there I actually laugh lol.

well you can't change it b/c most of them relate to the gov't. and seriously if you don't think sneaky shit happens well you were a sheltered child, and yes some of the things i have seen and read are bogus, but sometimes truth underlines it, unless they are a cult leader trying to get you.

hey another thing i learned thats pretty cool. a royal bloodline can be traced from pres Bush all the way back to babylon. there are 2 presidents not directly in it but were still in the family., so please explain how the same people always get in the power positions, it doesn't make sense. glad your making money b.c most people i know used to make millions and have sold most of their assets and maybe losing more, and they were not stupid with thier money. most people with great credit can't get a loan until uncle sam stepped in to loan it out. and the market closed below 6800 pts today. fun stuff. it was at 14,000 last year.