View Full Version : Atlanta airport security question.

02-20-2009, 05:49 AM
I have some vacumme sealed fish that was caught in Alaska that I want to take home with me. I am in Atlanta and will be flying to Chicago. My question is, will I be able to get past security with my cooler of fish and DRY ICE? The dry ice will be in a sealed container and shoul be considered a solid. I really don't want to check this as it wouldn't be worth the amount of fish I'm taking home compaired tithe price per checked bag. Any info on this would he great!!! Again, I plan on taking a small cooler through security and on the plane with me that is full of fish and dry ice.

Ps I typed this on my phone please forgive the spelling errors.

Ohh an I leave Sunday morning 10am, prompt responce are needed!!!

02-20-2009, 06:34 AM
I really doubt you will make it

02-20-2009, 07:21 AM
Most airlines will allow dry ice on their planes; however, each one has different standards and regulations.

Example: Delta
Delta will accept packages containing 5.5 lbs. (2.5 kgs) or less of dry ice when used to cool non-hazardous perishables in carry-on or checked baggage. The package must:

Meet carry-on baggage restrictions.
Allow the release of carbon dioxide.
Be plainly marked with: "Dry Ice" or "Carbon Dioxide Solid," the net weight of dry-ice material, and the contents being cooled.
Packages containing more than 5.5 lbs. (2.5 kgs) may not be accepted as carry-on or checked baggage.

If not, just send it via FedEx.

02-20-2009, 11:03 AM
In case you decide to ship it,

I just recently packaged a Dry Ice Package for UPS. They have to be able to take the dry ice out and weigh it. You have to fill a small sheet of paper for what you are sending. Sometimes they won't let you go Air (next day, 2 day, or 3 day), but depending on which place you go to, you can.

The ice has to be inside the cooler. And then the cooler has to be put in a separate box. Then the box will have holes cut inside to release CO2.

I'm guessing since the dry ice can go air in UPS and FedEx, it should be allowed on a plane. Maybe call up the airport and ask about their restrictions on that.

02-20-2009, 11:15 AM
Thx, I called UPS yesterday to talk about it and he said i was fine. from what my dad tells me the dry ice is in a sealed package . I'm not really sure what I should do as far as packing goes. I really dont want to pay to have a cooler shipped (weight) I might to wild wings and get one of their wax lined boxes and make my own box for the fish n ice.