View Full Version : Student arrested for classroom texting

02-18-2009, 12:59 PM
http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive...2samsung1.html (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2009/0217092samsung1.html)

Student Arrested For Classroom Texting
Wisconsin girl, 14, nabbed after refusing to stop messaging

FEBRUARY 17--A 14-year-old Wisconsin girl who refused to stop texting during a high school math class was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, according to police. The teenager was busted last Wednesday at Wauwatosa East High School after she ignored a teacher's demand that she cease texting. The girl, whose name we have redacted from the below Wauwatosa Police Department report, initially denied having a phone when confronted by a school security officer. However, the phone was located after the girl was frisked by a female cop. The Samsung Cricket, the police report noted, was recovered "from the buttocks area" of the teenager. The student was issued a criminal citation for disorderly conduct, which carried "a bail of $298," and had her phone confiscated. The girl, who was barred from school property for a week, is scheduled for an April 20 court appearance on the misdemeanor rap.

Does she deserve punishment? Yes. Suspension, detention, etc..

But arrest and criminal charges???


02-18-2009, 01:04 PM
now thas just fucking stupid.

02-18-2009, 01:05 PM
thats retarded

02-18-2009, 01:06 PM
i say she gets the death penalty. yeah that sounds fair...that school is so damn retarded

02-18-2009, 01:07 PM
Thats dumb unless it was Sammich...

02-18-2009, 01:09 PM
ima melt your face tupperware

02-18-2009, 01:11 PM
I guess after all these school incidents (killings, teachers getting beat up by students or vice versa) teachers and cops have stepped up charges alot to keep students and faculty safe. I say its a good idea. Though just for texting i would say it's a bit much, she should of gotten the phone taken up till after school and gotten detention, BUT... police and schools arent taking shit like that anymore and probably going straight to the cops.

02-18-2009, 01:50 PM
Does she deserve punishment? Yes. Suspension, detention, etc..

But arrest and criminal charges???


Common sense is out the window in this country.

02-18-2009, 02:01 PM
Common sense is out the window in this country.

So is discipline.

If she doesnt want to follow the orders of the teacher then she should be removed from class. Charges are a little severe, but not by much. I dont know what a 14 y/o needs a cell phone for anyways. In the end, suspend her for a week or 2 and confiscate the phone until the end of the year, then her parents can recover it. I can assure you that this policy would either result in less phone usage in class or a huge number of phone donations to local shelters.

02-18-2009, 02:03 PM
I am sure she was acting stupid and disrespectful.

02-18-2009, 02:03 PM
I am sure she was acting stupid and disrespectful.

02-18-2009, 02:05 PM
So is discipline.

If she doesnt want to follow the orders of the teacher then she should be removed from class. Charges are a little severe, but not by much. I dont know what a 14 y/o needs a cell phone for anyways. In the end, suspend her for a week or 2 and confiscate the phone until the end of the year, then her parents can recover it. I can assure you that this policy would either result in less phone usage in class or a huge number of phone donations to local shelters.

i can see a 2week suspension, but not arresting and serving her a citation. thats crazy...although i see where they are getting at. she, first of all, shouldnt be w/ a phone, much less in school with it. second, she should obey teachers orders, but she wanted to be stubborn, so she brought the consequences on herself, but the arresting is a bit extreme

02-18-2009, 02:05 PM
I am sure she was acting stupid and disrespectful.

Come on now, I am sure she was being polite and the perfect lady as they removed the phone from her ass crack.

02-18-2009, 02:06 PM
I am sure she was acting stupid and disrespectful.

wanna say that again?:ninja:

02-18-2009, 05:08 PM
Well depending on her history of class disruption charges may have been justified. Bitch needs to shut the fuck up and get some learnins lol

02-18-2009, 05:46 PM
So is discipline.

If she doesnt want to follow the orders of the teacher then she should be removed from class. Charges are a little severe, but not by much. I dont know what a 14 y/o needs a cell phone for anyways. In the end, suspend her for a week or 2 and confiscate the phone until the end of the year, then her parents can recover it. I can assure you that this policy would either result in less phone usage in class or a huge number of phone donations to local shelters.
I agree, but they have no direct correlation. I would attribute her lack of discipline more towards the parents as she is a child and shouldn't be held to the standards of adults. Arresting a 14yo for a classroom disturbance causes more harm than good. Let her grow up. I was an irresponsible youth, but I'm now a responsible adult. I would hate to have a criminal record over something stupid I did when I was 14, especially something that shouldn't be considered an arrestable offense to begin with. She was definitely acting out and should still be punished but through the school, i.e. detention, suspension, alternative school, etc.

02-18-2009, 05:47 PM
You can tell were hurting bad when cops go to SCHOOL and start arresting students.

02-18-2009, 06:03 PM
So she takes it I.T.B.?

02-18-2009, 09:22 PM
I'm sure she was showing her ass (no pun intended) but still, criminal action wasn't needed. ISS, out of school suspension or expulsion would have done fine.

02-18-2009, 10:50 PM
Seriously, Arested for texting?! C'mon... supension would have been plenty enough. I'm sure she showed her ass, but still... Thats really un-called for.

02-18-2009, 10:54 PM
I'd be willing to bet she was yelling and screaming, causing a disturbance at the least.

Edit: Actually, I just read the report and it seems ridiculous. Says all she did was deny having it, doesn't mention anything else of her acting crazy, etc.

02-18-2009, 11:43 PM
this country is so fucked up. arrested for texting is the stupidiest thing ive heard all week.

02-19-2009, 08:01 AM
wow arresting a 14 year old girl! this country is going to hell i am suprised the cops did not taser her too!

02-19-2009, 08:38 AM
i can see a 2week suspension, but not arresting and serving her a citation. thats crazy...although i see where they are getting at. she, first of all, shouldnt be w/ a phone, much less in school with it. second, she should obey teachers orders, but she wanted to be stubborn, so she brought the consequences on herself, but the arresting is a bit extremeHow else do you propose teaching them a lesson? Suspend them so they have a vacation for a week or two? You actually think that's going to stop anything? She'll probably get pregnant during the suspension with whoever she was texting. She's a minor, it's not going on record anyways.

On T.I's show he's putting life into perspective for people that don't have a clue. You don't teach them consequences then they aren't going to stop, it will only continue to get worse so the younger they are the better. How the hell has a drug dealer in Atlanta not seen a dead body? I'd seen 3 shootouts downtown by the time I was 21...eyes open, pinky size hole in the forehead, blown out the back on the sidewalk with the puddle of blood growing underneath. T.I. takes the hustler to a morgue and he's shaking to the point of crying and couldn't even talk when he's told it's [probably] a hustler laying on the table...lol. Death is a part of life nobody wants to deal with.

Just like teaching a foreign language it's a whole lot easier while someone is young. When I was in elementary school they still allowed corporal punishment in schools. Paddle the 14 year old and I bet she'd stop...or she'd like it, lol!

02-19-2009, 08:59 AM
How else do you propose teaching them a lesson? Suspend them so they have a vacation for a week or two? You actually think that's going to stop anything? She'll probably get pregnant during the suspension with whoever she was texting. She's a minor, it's not going on record anyways.

On T.I's show he's putting life into perspective for people that don't have a clue. You don't teach them consequences then they aren't going to stop, it will only continue to get worse so the younger they are the better. How the hell has a drug dealer in Atlanta not seen a dead body? I'd seen 3 shootouts downtown by the time I was 21...eyes open, pinky size hole in the forehead, blown out the back on the sidewalk with the puddle of blood growing underneath. T.I. takes the hustler to a morgue and he's shaking to the point of crying and couldn't even talk when he's told it's [probably] a hustler laying on the table...lol. Death is a part of life nobody wants to deal with.

Just like teaching a foreign language it's a whole lot easier while someone is young. When I was in elementary school they still allowed corporal punishment in schools. Paddle the 14 year old and I bet she'd stop...or she'd like it, lol!
moral of this post is? lol jk

i see what you're saying, and while i agree to AN EXTENT...i still say its over the line to arrest someone for texting...

02-19-2009, 09:04 AM
So is discipline.

If she doesnt want to follow the orders of the teacher then she should be removed from class. Charges are a little severe, but not by much. I dont know what a 14 y/o needs a cell phone for anyways. In the end, suspend her for a week or 2 and confiscate the phone until the end of the year, then her parents can recover it. I can assure you that this policy would either result in less phone usage in class or a huge number of phone donations to local shelters.

I'm with you on this. Discipline in America is a joke, hands down. There is no one finger to point at this issue. Just a few that come to mind are: Single parent/broken homes, children raising children, teachers not giving 2 shits, parents in denial, etc. When I was in private school for 4 years, the teacher had the consent from my parents to discipline me if I acted out. Then, as soon as my mom or dad came to pick me up I got an ass whooping, followed by one when I got home.

Sorry, but I say ass whoopings need to be an option in schools, lol.

As for the direct issue of the phone in school, the cops may seem extreme, but I don't see an issue with it. I say that because as SpeedMinded said, people need to see the reality of breaking rules. She damn well knew not to have her phone out in class, and when asked to put it away she ignored. Then she lies to police about not having a phone, lol! Yeah, I hope her booking process scared her shitless. Maybe she will think twice about lying and not following directions.

02-19-2009, 09:05 AM
WOW what has this world come to..

02-19-2009, 09:47 AM
I agree that ass-whoopings still need to happen. This was still around when I was in middle school. I can remember getting paddled once for doing something stupid and I never did it again..

Arresting someone for txting? Come on.. I wouldn't have given her out of school suspension because she probably would've taken it as a vacation, but in-school-suspension for a couple of weeks plus a fine might have opened her eyes a bit..Getting your ass kicked would teach you a whole lot more than getting arrested though.

02-19-2009, 09:51 AM
Getting your ass kicked would teach you a whole lot more than getting arrested though.

i wanted to QFT...but some kids take the beating and keep acting a fool..but yea, beating should be reinstated

02-19-2009, 11:48 AM
Common sense is out the window in this country.

Actually. The dumbass was arrested because she kept doing it, then lied about it prompting her to have to go to the office, then she kept on lying and lying until they had to call a female cop in to find the damm phone. Then she laughed at them like it was all a big joke. Thats why she was arrested because she wasted everyones time, disrupted other students who were trying to learn and gave everyone a hard time.

I'm damm glad she got her ass busted. Might save us from another dumb fuck teenager who can't fucking right on a public forum without using Haxxor speech and who might know just where in the hell their state capitol is.

02-19-2009, 11:50 AM
Actually. The dumbass was arrested because she kept doing it, then lied about it prompting her to have to go to the office, then she kept on lying and lying until they had to call a female cop in to find the damm phone. Then she laughed at them like it was all a big joke. Thats why she was arrested because she wasted everyones time, disrupted other students who were trying to learn and gave everyone a hard time.

I'm damm glad she got her ass busted. Might save us from another dumb fuck teenager who can't fucking right on a public forum without using Haxxor speech and who might know just where in the hell their state capitol is.



02-26-2009, 06:43 PM
should of hung her ass.

03-01-2009, 04:16 PM
thats messed up but get this

last year (my sophomore year) a girl sneezed and a few ppl said bless you, you know. well our spanish teacher yells down her fucking ass and said "im gonna write you up if you sneeze that loud again". "its a sneeze, i cant control it" she said. then hes like "i dont care". so she ended up sneezing a few more times and he wrote her up and got her suspended for 3 days for classroom disruption.

i believe he may have been deported a few months ago, though, so its all good. :)

03-01-2009, 04:37 PM
Wow thats just out of control. Whats next ? getting the electric chair for farting in class ?

03-01-2009, 04:40 PM
a total waste of taxpayers money. f-ing redic....