View Full Version : General Chat new car

02-16-2009, 10:52 AM
So im trying to decide on what to get for a new car. I've always been interested in a impreza mainly because its awd and living in maine thats a pretty good thing to have. I like the civic for gas milage. And the tc, mazda 6, and rabbit interest me. Any input would help and any other cars within the 20k or lower range would be nice. Thanks

02-16-2009, 10:59 AM
why an 09, I would suggest getting a used 08 so you do not have to take on the majority of the depreciation(sp owns me). I would get a nice used Luxury Brand car e46 M3's are getting cheaper

02-16-2009, 11:02 AM
why an 09, I would suggest getting a used 08 so you do not have to take on the majority of the depreciation(sp owns me). I would get a nice used Luxury Brand car e46 M3's are getting cheaper Thats not a bad idea. i was just looking into something new.

02-16-2009, 11:06 AM
why an 09, I would suggest getting a used 08 so you do not have to take on the majority of the depreciation(sp owns me). I would get a nice used Luxury Brand car e46 M3's are getting cheaper

I still would be hard pressed to buy an E46 for 20 or less. Plus, at that rate it'll have 60-80k on it. That means it'll need a valve adjustment which is a $500 job +. Around 65k-70k it'll need inspection two, another expensive job. On top of that, brakes are anywhere from $1200-1800 to have done and they typically need to be done 10-20k after the 50k warranty is up. Suddenly they are cheap for a reason. Good one's with all this done are normally fetching way more than 'under 20k' (i.e 15-17 which is the cost of the cars he is looking at).