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View Full Version : General Chat huge problem need answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-05-2009, 08:57 PM
:???: :???: :???: :???: :???: ok so a guy i work with has a 2000 civic si. he works at the body shop at our dealership.so this kid wanted him to fix the car due to a wreck.the body is in bad shape but besides the point.its in bad condition.its still has the engine and some wheels and small bit of other shit.the problem is the kid has never came and got the car cause he couldent affored to pay to fix it.its been at his house for right at 2 years and hes trying to sell it to me.but he has no title no bos.he cant get ahold of the kid doesnt kno his name nothing.i dont need a title cause its not going back of th road.the court judge at the county court house said he could sell the car but if the kid comes back when ever he has the right to sue and we dont want that.they also said that since he doest call back every couple months its not technicaly an abandoned car.need advice please on the best way to get this

02-06-2009, 09:10 AM
Talk to a Lawyer about this because this is a situation that could come back to smack you in your face.

Go with the TRUTH, not the info that you want to hear because it's obvious that you have major doubts even after speaking to the courts.

I know that the Dealer has to get the abandonment paperwork started.

02-06-2009, 10:10 AM
:stupid: YEA Talk to a Lawyer