View Full Version : Right on Red vs U-turn in GA

01-30-2009, 08:39 AM
Ok so I was thinking... on my way to work I make a Right on Red and 2x now the same bitch has almost made a U-turn into me... each time I've come go a complete stop and made sure traffic was clear to make a legal right hand turn and she has whipped her car around coming over two lanes of traffic into my lane almost hitting me. I have not check to see if U-turn is even permited in that intersection but I know that she doesn't have a Green Arrow. Below are the GA laws on U-turn and Right on Red. Post up what you think.

Copyright 2008 by The State of Georgia
All rights reserved.
*** Current through the 2008 Regular Session ***
O.C.G.A. § 40-6-121 (2008)
§ 40-6-121. U-turns

No vehicle shall be turned so as to proceed in the opposite direction:

(1) Upon any curve;

(2) Upon the approach to or near the crest of a grade where such vehicle cannot be seen by the driver of another vehicle approaching from either direction;

(3) Where such turn cannot be made in safety and without interfering with other traffic; or

Copyright 2008 by The State of Georgia
All rights reserved.
*** Current through the 2008 Regular Session ***
O.C.G.A. § 40-6-21 (2008)
§ 40-6-21. Meaning of traffic signals

(a) The following meanings shall be given to highway traffic signal indications, except those on pedestrian signals:

(1) Green indications shall have the following meanings:

(A) Traffic, except pedestrians, facing a CIRCULAR GREEN signal may proceed straight through or turn right or left unless a sign at such place prohibits either such turn. Vehicular traffic turning shall yield the right of way to approaching vehicles. Vehicular traffic must stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the roadway within a crosswalk when the pedestrian lawfully within the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk at the time such signal is exhibited is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedestrian is approaching and is within one lane of the half of the roadway on which the vehicle is traveling or onto which it is turning. For the purposes of this subparagraph, "half of the roadway" means all traffic lanes carrying traffic in one direction of travel;

(B) Traffic, except pedestrians, facing a GREEN ARROW signal, shown alone or in combination with another indication, may cautiously enter the intersection only to make the movement indicated by such arrow or such other movement as is permitted by other indications shown at the same time. Such vehicular traffic shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk to cross the roadway within a crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedestrian is approaching and is within one lane of the half of the roadway on which the vehicle is traveling or onto which it is turning. For the purposes of this subparagraph, "half of the roadway" means all traffic lanes carrying traffic in one direction of travel. Vehicular traffic shall yield the right of way to other traffic lawfully using the intersection; and

(C) Unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian signal, pedestrians facing any green indication, except when the sole green indication is a turn arrow, may proceed across the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk;

(2) Steady yellow indications shall have the following meanings:

(A) Traffic, except pedestrians, facing a steady CIRCULAR YELLOW or YELLOW ARROW signal is thereby warned that the related green movement is being terminated or that a red indication will be exhibited immediately thereafter when vehicular traffic shall not enter the intersection; and

(B) Pedestrians facing a steady CIRCULAR YELLOW or YELLOW ARROW signal, unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian signal, are thereby advised that there is insufficient time to cross the roadway before a red indication is shown, and no pedestrian shall then start to cross the roadway; and

(3) Steady red indications shall have the following meanings:

(A) Traffic, except pedestrians, facing a steady CIRCULAR RED signal alone shall stop at a clearly marked stop line or, if there is no stop line, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if there is no crosswalk, before entering the intersection, and shall remain standing until an indication to proceed is shown, except as provided in subparagraphs (B), (C), and (D) of this paragraph;

(B) Vehicular traffic facing a steady CIRCULAR RED signal may cautiously enter the intersection to make a right turn after stopping as provided in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. Such vehicular traffic shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the roadway within a crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedestrian is approaching and is within one lane of the half of the roadway on which the vehicle is traveling or onto which it is turning. For the purposes of this subparagraph, "half of the roadway" means all traffic lanes carrying traffic in one direction of travel. Vehicular traffic shall yield the right of way to other traffic lawfully using the intersection;

(C) Traffic, except pedestrians, facing a steady CIRCULAR RED signal, after stopping as provided in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, may make a right turn but shall stop and remain stopped for pedestrians and yield the right of way to other traffic proceeding as directed by the signal at such intersection. Such vehicular traffic shall not make a right turn against a steady CIRCULAR RED signal at any intersection where a sign is erected prohibiting such right turn;

(D) Traffic, except pedestrians, facing a steady CIRCULAR RED signal, after stopping as provided in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, may make a left turn from the left-hand lane of a one-way street onto a one-way street on which the traffic moves toward the driver's left but shall stop and remain stopped for pedestrians and yield the right of way to other traffic proceeding as directed by the signal at such intersection. Such vehicular traffic shall not make a left turn against a steady CIRCULAR RED signal at any intersection where a sign is erected prohibiting such left turn;

(E) Unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian signal, pedestrians facing a steady CIRCULAR RED signal alone shall not enter the roadway;

(F) Traffic, except pedestrians, facing a steady RED ARROW signal indication may not enter the intersection to make the movement indicated by such arrow and, unless entering the intersection to make such other movement as is permitted by other indications shown at the same time, shall stop at a clearly marked stop line or, if there is no stop line, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if there is no crosswalk, before entering the intersection, and shall remain standing until an indication to make the movement indicated by such arrow is shown; and

(G) Unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian signal, pedestrians facing a steady RED ARROW signal indication shall not enter the roadway.

(b) In the event an official traffic-control device signal is erected and maintained at a place other than an intersection, the provisions of this Code section shall be applicable except as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application. Any stop required shall be made at a sign or marking on the pavement indicating where the stop shall be made, but, in the absence of any such sign or marking, the stop shall be made at the signal.

01-30-2009, 08:54 AM
i've wondered about the same thing...i always thought the person with any sort of a green light (not necessarily a green turn arrow) had the right of way...

01-30-2009, 09:03 AM
i've wondered about the same thing...i always thought the person with any sort of a green light (not necessarily a green turn arrow) had the right of way...

they do. Right turn on red is giving right of way to ALL traffic on a green light, not just green turn arrows.

01-30-2009, 09:05 AM
i've wondered about the same thing...i always thought the person with any sort of a green light (not necessarily a green turn arrow) had the right of way...

this is normally true but u-turns are kinda gray area - if you yield to oncoming/left traffic you can make a right now u-turn is crossing multiple lanes:
(3) Where such turn cannot be made in safety and without interfering with other traffic; it doesn't spell it out i would assume making right is other traffic. i think if you have a green arrow then you have the right of way but if there is not signal and you are making a left/u-turn you have to yield to traffic :thinking:... let me reiterate I had already stopped and then proceeded to turn right on red if she would of hit me both times she would of hit my rear quarter which would indicate i was at the intersection first. if she is in the intersection i know i have to give her right of way but this isn't the case.

01-30-2009, 09:10 AM
But you also have to yield to all traffic when making a right on red. I think the u-turn would have more of the right of way because they have a green light :???:

01-30-2009, 09:11 AM
But you also have to yield to all traffic when making a right on red. I think the u-turn would have more of the right of way because they have a green light :???:

let me reiterate I had already stopped and then proceeded to turn right on red if she would of hit me both times she would of hit my rear quarter which would indicate i was at the intersection first. if she is in the intersection i know i have to give her right of way but this isn't the case.

01-30-2009, 09:12 AM
I believe it goes a little like this, the person doing the U-Turn has the right a way, and you have to yield to them, when you are taking a right on red, you have to yield, "her" lanes of traffic have a green light (hence you turning right on red) as much as you don't want to hear it, but "she" has the right a way, and you must yield to that traffic...hope this helps

01-30-2009, 09:15 AM
I believe it goes a little like this, the person doing the U-Turn has the right a way, and you have to yield to them, when you are taking a right on red, you have to yield, "her" lanes of traffic have a green light (hence you turning right on red) as much as you don't want to hear it, but "she" has the right a way, and you must yield to that traffic...hope this helps

i don't think you read what i posted... i understand that but if did yeild to traffic and gave all rights of way... there wasn't a car in the left hand turn when i proceeded... incoming vehicle in left lane whips a u-turn almost striking my rear qtr or rear... if they hit my rear that would mean i was already totally facing direction of traffic.

if she struck me on my front/side then obviously i wasn't in the lane and didn't yield.

01-30-2009, 09:27 AM
add pic to explain better...

01-30-2009, 09:29 AM
technically speaking, when you make a left hand turn, or a u-turn, you're supposed to legally turn into the left hand lane ( nobody fucking does this )

Anyways, it's kind of like Initial D in the final episode when the FD vs the GTR do the u-turn around the cone. It's who takes priority in the line first.

If YOU turned before she did and are already turned and in your lane, she's suppose to yield. Whereas vice versa, if she has already initiated her u-turn, you're supposed to yield to her.

Mike Lowrey
01-30-2009, 09:42 AM
Ok so I was thinking... on my way to work I make a Right on Red and 2x now the same bitch has almost made a U-turn into me... each time I've come go a complete stop and made sure traffic was clear to make a legal right hand turn and she has whipped her car around coming over two lanes of traffic into my lane almost hitting me. I have not check to see if U-turn is even permited in that intersection but I know that she doesn't have a Green Arrow. Below are the GA laws on U-turn and Right on Red. Post up what you think.

I have the right away no matter which turn I am making. :D

01-30-2009, 09:44 AM
If your already in the lane and she hits you, i'm guessing it will be her fault. Cause she rear ended you in a way right? Shes suppose to stay on the left lane but came across the road to hit you in the back.

I'm guessing it would be different if she would have hit you in the front. Then that shows that you didn't yield.

Just ask a police officer though if your really wanting to know the correct answer.

01-30-2009, 09:54 AM
I hate gray traffic areas. They've caused far too many uncomfortable situations for me. The one being discussed has happened to me before (me being the right turner). I know if I'm ever thinking of taking a U-turn, I'm always paying attention to everything over there, including the people making a right.

Another one I've had close calls with is when you and the opposite side both have the green. Your turning left, on the other side someone is turning right (so effectively you're merging into the same lanes). Some intersections the person turning right has a yield sign, on some there isn't. It's just a clusterfuck as to who has the right away. I really think they need to do a PSA about that one.

01-30-2009, 10:29 AM
I think it could go either way, but I think admin has the right idea:whoever occupies the lane 1st or is maknig the turn 1st has right of way

01-30-2009, 10:31 AM
let me reiterate I had already stopped and then proceeded to turn right on red if she would of hit me both times she would of hit my rear quarter which would indicate i was at the intersection first. if she is in the intersection i know i have to give her right of way but this isn't the case.
if thats the case, I would say she is at fault, but if she hit you in the front fender or if you hit her, I would say you were at fault.

lol @ "racer x"

01-30-2009, 10:34 AM
next time this happens i'm gonna slam on my breaks get out and slap her w/ a salami

01-30-2009, 11:24 AM
let me reiterate I had already stopped and then proceeded to turn right on red if she would of hit me both times she would of hit my rear quarter which would indicate i was at the intersection first. if she is in the intersection i know i have to give her right of way but this isn't the case.

I gotcha...if you were there first, I'm assuming she would have to yield to you. If she was to hit you, I'm assuming the ticket would be issues based on point of impact :goodjob:

The Ninja
01-30-2009, 01:09 PM
She has the right away. Making a right turn you have to yield to ALL traffic, including U-turns.

01-30-2009, 01:28 PM
Subsection (3)(B) of 40-6-21, which is what you posted gives you your answer. "Vehicular traffic shall yield the right of way to other traffic lawfully using the intersection." If there is not a sign there preventing her from making a u-turn, she has the right of way because she is lawfully using the intersection. For those who say she has to remain in the far left lane leaving the right lane for you to turn into, I say BS. I would like to know what kind of cars you are driving that can make a complete u-turn without going into the right lane.

To quell any arguments, I asked a guy I know who has been a cop for over 20 years and used to teach traffic law at the police academy. He said the driver turning on red must yield to everything. U-turn driver has the right of way on a green light. You would get the ticket and be at fault in the accident.

There you have it.

01-30-2009, 02:45 PM
^^ Thanks.

The U-turn person is under a lot more stress - he has to yield for a lot more stuff already. The red light red guy has time to wait for a green light. I think common sense dictates that the right turn-er should be "nice" to the guy making the U-turn.

That said - I still think this will get judged on a per-incident basis. If you get hit in the scenario above - it'll probably be the u-turner's fault.

01-30-2009, 05:18 PM
might be up to the witnesses, either case, who cares? it's one car...and making a u-turn is a hassle to begin with so don't be the dick and just let them do it :tongue1:

01-30-2009, 06:04 PM
Well if u Georgians would actually look, things like this wouldnt happen eh?

01-30-2009, 06:28 PM
I u-turn into the left hand lane. I say it's her fault for driving a big car :)

01-30-2009, 06:59 PM
If ur turning right and she's U-turning and she hits U it would be her fault no matter what b/c she'd hit u in ur lane! ya'll should be able 2 turn at the same time without a problem unless its not on a 2 lane. then if she has a green light she has the right of way

01-30-2009, 07:10 PM
for some reason im not going to read all that, mainly cause it looks boring.

01-30-2009, 07:15 PM
U turn driver must yield right of way only to oncoming traffic and doesn't need a green arrow unless there's a red arrow on the traffic control device. Person making right turn on red must yield to all traffic.

01-30-2009, 07:59 PM
I thought it was yield if you have a red.

The intersection of pleasent hill and club drive is a good example.

It has a sign that tells the people turning right from club drive onto pleasent hill heading toward 29 to yield to people making a U turn. I cant find a pic of it.

02-02-2009, 01:16 AM
cliff notes?

who has the right of way?

02-02-2009, 01:32 AM
^the person with the bigger car

02-02-2009, 04:50 PM
According to the poll, 43% of the people on here don't know how to drive.