View Full Version : ok so this might sound racist... BUT...

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01-21-2009, 12:32 AM
have you noticed how, ALL the news stations have only took opinions from African-Americans today? Just saying, i have been watching for the past 3 hours and i have yet to see a White persons view. Just saying, it makes you wonder....

01-21-2009, 12:34 AM


01-21-2009, 12:36 AM
how about you go rot in hell?

01-21-2009, 12:37 AM
ok so this might sound true......but you're a RACIST.

Stfu, seriously.

01-21-2009, 12:38 AM
Obama is the president, not a white president, not a black president, the president. Im tired of the massive deal being made of it. The slaves were NOT just freed yesterday. Its be prettey equal for the last 20 years. Hell, I cant get a minority scholarship and a black person can, so in that regarg its unequal in the oppisite way. There are over 30 all black colleges in the U.S. Do you KNOW what would happen if there was an all white college? RIOT.

Not racist at all, just want equality and this is not it. I have a half black lil sis actually.

01-21-2009, 12:38 AM
its not suprising... as him having black in him is the only thing that makes his term "historic". atlesat thats all ive gathered. i dont care personally whether he's black or white if he gets the job done.

01-21-2009, 12:40 AM
ok so this might sound true......but you're a RACIST.

Stfu, seriously.

I know we've had beef before, if you could call it that, but right now I <3 you, no homo. Reps.:lmfao:

01-21-2009, 12:41 AM
Lol. We're cool, as long as you touch me like MJ. :ninja: No homo.

01-21-2009, 12:42 AM
thats all im saying. I am not racist one bit. considering im about to marry a girl with a mixed daughter and she is like my own, i wouldn't think of her as anything different. But what i am saying is if a white person said anything about a black person. it automatically makes them a racist. I ask, how can black people make fun of white people all day and not be considered racist, when a white person criticizes black person about on little thing, then that makes them a instant racist and a considered member of the KKK. IMO black people need to chill the fuck out and see that they were never a part of the SLAVERY. if any black person doesn't like my way of thinking, and this goes for whites, messicans, or anything else you can suck a fat one.

01-21-2009, 12:43 AM
Obama is the president, not a white president, not a black president, the president. Im tired of the massive deal being made of it. The slaves were NOT just freed yesterday. Its be prettey equal for the last 20 years. Hell, I cant get a minority scholarship and a black person can, so in that regarg its unequal in the oppisite way. There are over 30 all black colleges in the U.S. Do you KNOW what would happen if there was an all white college? RIOT.

Not racist at all, just want equality and this is not it. I have a half black lil sis actually.

All white colleges and universities existed way before Historically Black schools.
How do you not know that? Do you even know why Black colleges and universities exist?
Also, considering that at most major universities, minorities account for less than between 5-10 % of the overall make up of the population of students, what's the problem?

01-21-2009, 12:44 AM
its not suprising... as him having black in him is the only thing that makes his term "historic". atlesat thats all ive gathered. i dont care personally whether he's black or white if he gets the job done.thats all i care about. but as it stands, he is no different, other than the color os his skin, in terms of what every person running for pres. has promised. that being false hope.

01-21-2009, 12:45 AM
The problem is Obama is NOT JESUS and people should stop thinking the fucking economy will be perfect tomorrow.

01-21-2009, 12:49 AM
The problem is Obama is NOT JESUS and people should stop thinking the fucking economy will be perfect tomorrow.I feel the same way. they think he is Jesus or the great Messiah coming to save us. WHAT A FUCKING JOKE. he is a person. he will not do anything of what he has promised, nor anything close. He thinks, along with millions of others, that he will walk in, snap his fingers, and everything be perfect. NOT ever gonna happen, no matter if he was white.

01-21-2009, 12:50 AM
You probably feel ''smart'' right now, don't ya? Feels like you're adding things up, huh? LOL

01-21-2009, 12:53 AM
You probably feel ''smart'' right now, don't ya? Feels like you're adding things up, huh? LOLNever did I once say i feel smart. I am simply stating the way i see things. I have never been accused of being racist until Obama. I criticize him, that automatically makes me a racist. Just stating the facts.

01-21-2009, 01:43 AM
You're not just mentioning Obama. You're saying racist things.

"99% of Black people look like fucking gorillas or monkeys. Its fun to see how smart rappers are. Considering the only thing black about Obama is his skin. He's half white and half Kenyan. Maybe the tard Jizzy should of read a little before snorting his "Ice" and writing a song."

How is this not fucking racist? You're a fucking inbred hick, you Golem looking mother fucker. Stfu, give Obama's ''change'' some time, Rome wasn't fucking built in a day. He was fucking inaugurated TODAY. Jesus fucking H Christ.

01-21-2009, 01:50 AM
::sips beer::

01-21-2009, 01:53 AM
Ya its old now time to be more creative with your topics. :goodjob:

01-21-2009, 01:56 AM
You're not just mentioning Obama. You're saying racist things.

"99% of Black people look like fucking gorillas or monkeys. Its fun to see how smart rappers are. Considering the only thing black about Obama is his skin. He's half white and half Kenyan. Maybe the tard Jizzy should of read a little before snorting his "Ice" and writing a song."

How is this not fucking racist? You're a fucking inbred hick, you Golem looking mother fucker. Stfu, give Obama's ''change'' some time, Rome was fucking built in a day. He was fucking inaugurated TODAY. Jesus fucking H Christ.yeah i said it and?

01-21-2009, 01:57 AM
if it MIGHT sound racist, its prob not and should be stated anyways.

01-21-2009, 01:58 AM
It's racist. I've mentioned this in how many posts? Geez. Fucking 'tard. You look like a saltine, because that makes sense. Cracker.

01-21-2009, 02:01 AM
o yeah im racist because i state facts.

01-21-2009, 02:03 AM
Good one, Mr. Science book. :rolleyes:

01-21-2009, 02:04 AM
so, because i said Obama never directly in detail said what he had promise so many times he was gonna change? what makes me a racist and saying i make false statements?

01-21-2009, 02:08 AM
Nothing, it's degrading comments you are making against black people for the color of their skin and appearance. I don't agree with Obama's policies (or McCains for that matter), but the comments you have made have been offending to me, as a white male. I'm sorry that I have that in relation to you.

01-21-2009, 02:12 AM
so, because i said Obama never directly in detail said what he had promise so many times he was gonna change? what makes me a racist and saying i make false statements?
So I googled "What does Obama plan to change" and came up with this. You seem pretty determined to prove your point so how about you read through that and let us know if you can figure by yourself.

01-21-2009, 02:12 AM
LOL, I hate people of all skin color. from Black, white, brown, blue orange, purple, or what have you. I hate the human race, well the stupid ones it.

01-21-2009, 02:13 AM
Dude, i alrea
So I googled "What does Obama plan to change" and came up with this. You seem pretty determined to prove your point so how about you read through that and let us know if you can figure by yourself.I already prove my statement. No one can state what he proved to change.

01-21-2009, 02:14 AM
stop making threads about how racist you are.. dont care. not good topic, just stirs up shit.


01-21-2009, 02:16 AM
newgen i see your edit. He says chance America. but never says directly what he intends to change about America. So what if i wanna be a little racist. big fucking deal. free country.

01-21-2009, 02:17 AM
Woot, it's a fucking slogan. Learn a little bit about advertising. Fucking damn.

01-21-2009, 02:21 AM
Woot, it's a fucking slogan. Learn a little bit about advertising. Fucking damn.exactly, thats my whole point. Obama is nothing more than a pretty boy face slapped full of nice slogans. nothing more. o wow he went to college. knows nothing about war or struglle. just a pretty face for the camera.

01-21-2009, 02:22 AM
Fag, saying a dude looks pretty? I thought he looked like a monkey/gorilla by your standards. Monkey fucker. Just shut up, your brain is inferior to a cell phone.

01-21-2009, 02:25 AM
exactly, thats my whole point. Obama is nothing more than a pretty boy face slapped full of nice slogans. nothing more. o wow he went to college. knows nothing about war or struglle. just a pretty face for the camera.

what do you know about war or struggle that this college educated, smart, president doesn't?

01-21-2009, 02:26 AM
He knows how to install a Pergo hardwood floor and do some so-so sheetrock work.

01-21-2009, 02:28 AM
lol.. that's admirable..

01-21-2009, 02:29 AM
He's got a two year from Lanier Tech, son. Don't be hatin'. Wait until he get's his license back, he's gonna tear yo EM up.

01-21-2009, 02:29 AM
i have a simple solution for war, we have nukes they dont, we need to disarms some nukes so lets do it.

01-21-2009, 02:37 AM
I dont have anything against Obama, infact I pray he lives out his term b-c I do not think the country is ready for him.

A. People excpect too much of him. If he does anything less than cure cancer and get world peace, people will see as nothing but the first black president. Thats bullshit. He should be treated like the past 43. Like a man. An equal man. Not a white man, not a black man, a man. And everyone is making this shit racial because they go on and on and on about him being black. Well guess what racist people? HE IS A MAN, A PERSON. HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM BEING BLACK FOR GOD'S SAKE.

01-21-2009, 02:41 AM
yeah im such a bad person for criticizing a black guy. let me tell you. yeah i said he is a pretty face. meaning his is a smooth talking, convincing guy. sorta like Hitler in his day...

01-21-2009, 02:41 AM
I dont have anything against Obama, infact I pray he lives out his term b-c I do not think the country is ready for him.

A. People excpect too much of him. If he does anything less than cure cancer and get world peace, people will see as nothing but the first black president. Thats bullshit. He should be treated like the past 43. Like a man. An equal man. Not a white man, not a black man, a man. And everyone is making this shit racial because they go on and on and on about him being black. Well guess what racist people? HE IS A MAN, A PERSON. HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM BEING BLACK FOR GOD'S SAKE.
this argument is invalid due to the number of people that voted for him just cause he is half black. just go take a look at that vid that stern did of some people in chicago or whatever it is.

maybe presidential elections should be like it was in the old days when there werent tv's, all over the radio.

01-21-2009, 02:42 AM
That is in fact THE point.lol

01-21-2009, 02:44 AM
The ONLY reason a lot of people are calling this History and making such a big deal about this election is because of his skin color.

01-21-2009, 07:40 AM
wait, are you insinuating white ppl actually voted for obama??? :lmfao:

01-21-2009, 09:53 AM
thats all im saying. I am not racist one bit. considering im about to marry a girl with a mixed daughter and she is like my own, i wouldn't think of her as anything different. But what i am saying is if a white person said anything about a black person. it automatically makes them a racist. I ask, how can black people make fun of white people all day and not be considered racist, when a white person criticizes black person about on little thing, then that makes them a instant racist and a considered member of the KKK. IMO black people need to chill the fuck out and see that they were never a part of the SLAVERY. if any black person doesn't like my way of thinking, and this goes for whites, messicans, or anything else you can suck a fat one.

agreed. people are rediculous.

01-21-2009, 09:55 AM
I dont have anything against Obama, infact I pray he lives out his term b-c I do not think the country is ready for him.

A. People excpect too much of him. If he does anything less than cure cancer and get world peace, people will see as nothing but the first black president. Thats bullshit. He should be treated like the past 43. Like a man. An equal man. Not a white man, not a black man, a man. And everyone is making this shit racial because they go on and on and on about him being black. Well guess what racist people? HE IS A MAN, A PERSON. HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM BEING BLACK FOR GOD'S SAKE.

this is what happens when you make all kinds of promises that you will be unable to keep.

01-21-2009, 10:04 PM
Why does no one get it? Blacks give a fuck what others thinks just like whites don't either. I think its semi-true about blacks and jumping the race gun but for some its a valid argument because its what we have been accustomed to, being treated unfair, be treated as if we were inferior etc etc. I still can't wait till the day akbar and the rest of them mutha fukas would realise that all blacks aren't bad at math and shoudn't be charged 13 cents on the dollar on "mistake" everytime we go in the gas station.Ooh ooh what about being followed around the store you shop at for clothes,ever been passed up on a job by younger whites before, only to have them fired for theft? It's a double standard, like a lil dick dude wanting a bitch with big ass titties. Ill be the first to admit i can be a lil prejudice at times, but at the same time whites need to stop acting like we are just so priveledged to walk amongst them and even tho slavery has been aboloished for some time there is still tension amongst whites/blacks today that still lingers....
What did ya'll do to the rest of Native Americans?

01-21-2009, 10:19 PM
i think the funniest thing ive seen,was on the daily show and they interviewed nothing but black people and ask them what was more important obama being elected or the moon landing....and everyone of them said obama was the end all best thing ever.

01-21-2009, 10:21 PM
only thing i see racist here is how someone can spot some shit like that!!!! :2cents:.......i dont say shit when they get opinions form 63 white guys about something!!!

i hate racism and there aint shit anyone can do about it!!!! its just a part of life!!!! :dunno:....1

01-21-2009, 10:23 PM
Wow this thread really shows some stupidity.

01-21-2009, 11:04 PM
Fuck all the hatas. Every cracka who hates obama says ooohhh the ******* voted obama cuz he black........ Why the fuck did ya'll vote Bush Bitch Ass in twice? Whats ya'll excuse for voting a racist biggot who not only hates blacks but also the working poor and middle class? High gas prices, a war that makes no since, and what? Bush dumber than any black or whatever else... So who the fuck voted for him? Black people? Lets vote... I didn't vote for him did you?
Im not mad at white people, just people who say we only voted cuz he was black when in actuality the only other worthy adversary was a decrepid, Bush dick -riding,two hours from a hear attack,war makes me profit Cheney...GTFOC

01-21-2009, 11:07 PM
Fuck all the hatas. Every cracka who hates obama says ooohhh the ******* voted obama cuz he black........ Why the fuck did ya'll vote Bush Bitch Ass in twice? Whats ya'll excuse for voting a racist biggot who not only hates blacks but also the working poor and middle class? High gas prices, a war that makes no since, and what? Bush dumber than any black or whatever else... So who the fuck voted for him? Black people? Lets vote... I didn't vote for him did you?
Im not mad at white people, just people who say we only voted cuz he was black when in actuality the only other worthy adversary was a decrepid, Bush dick -riding,two hours from a hear attack,war makes me profit Cheney...GTFOC

Lol you're the dumbest son of a bitch on this site. Racist motherfucking cock sucker.

You're in fact the definition of a
hypocritical dumbfuck

01-21-2009, 11:08 PM
its been like that for a while now as i recall

01-21-2009, 11:12 PM
Lol you're the dumbest son of a bitch on this site. Racist motherfucking cock sucker.

You're in fact the definition of a
hypocritical dumbfuck

I lol'ed.

01-21-2009, 11:14 PM
Fuck all the hatas. Every cracka who hates obama says ooohhh the ******* voted obama cuz he black........ Why the fuck did ya'll vote Bush Bitch Ass in twice?
Im white and dont say oohhhh the ********** what ever the fuck you said.

Whats ya'll excuse for voting a racist biggot who not only hates blacks but also the working poor and middle class?
yes cause a guy who hates blacks would have put both Rice and Powell on the payroll

High gas prices, a war that makes no since, and what? Bush dumber than any black or whatever else... So who the fuck voted for him?
yes cause he controls gas prices, if he does why didnt obama lower them today? and dumber than any black? well not sure if your black(think you are) but he appears smarter than you. and i voted for him.

Black people? Lets vote... I didn't vote for him did you?
you would be surprised.

Im not mad at white people, just people who say we only voted cuz he was black when in actuality the only other worthy adversary was a decrepid, Bush dick -riding,two hours from a hear attack,war makes me profit Cheney...GTFOC
hmmm lets see most interview shown made it pretty clear that he was only voted for because he was black. and ummmm Cheney wasnt even on the ballot, so try it again


01-21-2009, 11:29 PM
MCCain Cheney whoever just plain cracka.... Typical honkey if a cracka puts a black man next to him that aint shit, you might as well say hey i have a black friend, who gives a fuck, do you care for the person prolly not fuck rice she wasn't in favor any voter i knew, Faggot ass muthafukas act like bush administration didn't have anything to do wit rising fuel cost or that he didn't send troops to war for bullshit and to fatten haliburton's pockets, How the fuck would i be surprised, first honkeys say we didn't vote now we voted bush too? GTFOC, Cheney was an error cuz he a shit stain sheet bearer too.
And please stop acting like the news and everything else don't twist around peoples word. Im pretty sure the news stopped editing and mixing footage waaaaay before Obama. You all made up excuse after excuse, he got voted cuz Honda funded his campaign, that sounds just as good.
Politics don't matter Bush left this country in shambles and i wouldn't vote for him or any other cracka like him... I can't wait til the first mexican president!!!

And yes im a ******, thats why the white hoes love the wood...

01-21-2009, 11:29 PM
MCCain Cheney whoever just plain cracka.... Typical honkey if a cracka puts a black man next to him that aint shit, you might as well say hey i have a black friend, who gives a fuck, do you care for the person prolly not fuck rice she wasn't in favor any voter i knew, Faggot ass muthafukas act like bush administration didn't have anything to do wit rising fuel cost or that he didn't send troops to war for bullshit and to fatten haliburton's pockets, How the fuck would i be surprised, first honkeys say we didn't vote now we voted bush too? GTFOC, Cheney was an error cuz he a shit stain sheet bearer too.
And please stop acting like the news and everything else don't twist around peoples word. Im pretty sure the news stopped editing and mixing footage waaaaay before Obama. You all made up excuse after excuse, he got voted cuz Honda funded his campaign, that sounds just as good.
Politics don't matter Bush left this country in shambles and i wouldn't vote for him or any other cracka like him... I can't wait til the first mexican president!!!


01-21-2009, 11:31 PM
Thank's Honkey!!!!!!!:goodjob:

01-21-2009, 11:31 PM
MCCain Cheney whoever just plain cracka.... Typical honkey if a cracka puts a black man next to him that aint shit, you might as well say hey i have a black friend, who gives a fuck, do you care for the person prolly not fuck rice she wasn't in favor any voter i knew, Faggot ass muthafukas act like bush administration didn't have anything to do wit rising fuel cost or that he didn't send troops to war for bullshit and to fatten haliburton's pockets, How the fuck would i be surprised, first honkeys say we didn't vote now we voted bush too? GTFOC, Cheney was an error cuz he a shit stain sheet bearer too.
And please stop acting like the news and everything else don't twist around peoples word. Im pretty sure the news stopped editing and mixing footage waaaaay before Obama. You all made up excuse after excuse, he got voted cuz Honda funded his campaign, that sounds just as good.
Politics don't matter Bush left this country in shambles and i wouldn't vote for him or any other cracka like him... I can't wait til the first mexican president!!!

And yes im a ******, thats why the white hoes love the wood...
well you sir are fucking retarded and hopefully wont reproduce. i think a rock would give a better argument that you.

01-21-2009, 11:35 PM
Thank's Honkey!!!!!!!:goodjob:

I've dated more girls that aren't white than you, pretty sure that's not how a 'honkey' 'rolls'.

Nahhh mean?

01-21-2009, 11:39 PM
Im Sure U Agree Cracka... White Power...Whats his argument? ******? Please i ain't phased by you country lil meth head honkeys i gives a fuck....My argument is this Fuck all You racist ass pale faced ass stay at home wit mommy and race they money away honkeys. From a watermelon chitterlings eating ****** down south....Whatever.... You show superior intellect by giving strong arguments on what bush did to benefit us, shit.I don't agree with Obama on many levels so hey ill just say fuck that ****** too. Im a ******...Obama's a ****** and the rest of us coloureds too.Whatever Honkey's

01-21-2009, 11:41 PM
Im Sure U Agree Cracka... White Power...Whats his argument? ******? Please i ain't phased by you country lil meth head honkeys i gives a fuck....My argument is this Fuck all You racist ass pale faced ass stay at home wit mommy and race they money away honkeys. From a watermelon chitterlings eating ****** down south....Whatever.... You show superior intellect by giving strong arguments on what bush did to benefit us, shit.I don't agree with Obama on many levels so hey ill just say fuck that ****** too. Im a ******...Obama's a ****** and the rest of us coloureds too.Whatever Honkey's

Are you done, n i g g e r?

01-21-2009, 11:42 PM
Really i doubt it:rolleyes:...Lil foot gets more black pussy than me:eek: ohhh man... ***** please :D Typical cracker taking his frustrations out on the ****** pussy right? Have fun...:idb:

01-21-2009, 11:43 PM
Yes Pale Face and you? Im a ******:blah:

He says ****** cuz he don't know shit bush did for our country besides fuck it...LOL IM a ******!!!:lmfao: White Power

01-21-2009, 11:44 PM
Really i doubt it:rolleyes:...Lil foot gets more black pussy than me:eek: ohhh man... ***** please :D Typical cracker taking his frustrations out on the ****** pussy right? Have fun...:idb:

You know black isn't the only race besides white, right?

01-21-2009, 11:55 PM
Thank you dude thats the whole fucking point... No one ever gives a fuck about nobody but themselves, What about the Hispanics who are discriminated against cause they have some coming across the border illegally or how about how there considered spicks because they work for whatever they can find. Doesn't matter to most, nobody ever makes a fucking thread saying oh i passed by the fucking gas station and saw 60 hispanics standing in the cold waiting for someone to pick them up for a construction job, nope its always obama bitch ass and some closet ****** joke... Shits wrong.I feel others pain i just don't sympathize with those whose don't do the same... Chupa mi Pita!!!!!

01-21-2009, 11:57 PM
Lol, Evan.

01-22-2009, 12:02 AM
Thank you dude thats the whole fucking point... No one ever gives a fuck about nobody but themselves, What about the Hispanics who are discriminated against cause they have some coming across the border illegally or how about how there considered spicks because they work for whatever they can find. Doesn't matter to most, nobody ever makes a fucking thread saying oh i passed by the fucking gas station and saw 60 hispanics standing in the cold waiting for someone to pick them up for a construction job, nope its always obama bitch ass and some closet ****** joke... Shits wrong.I feel others pain i just don't sympathize with those whose don't do the same... Chupa mi Pita!!!!!

Stop generalizing, stupid motherfucker.

01-22-2009, 12:07 AM
Stop being a cracka how bout this bitch i hate your punk ass and you take it how it is bitcha ass honkey. Generalise them supposed black bitch's u fuck, pussy.... or shall i say ****** hater/****** pussy fucker... :gay: And fuck any honkey who agree wit this lil bitch ass ***** hatin/fucking sissy.Fuck your flat pancake ass white craka momma and your ****** hangin daddies bitches...

***** Please:rolleyes:

01-22-2009, 12:09 AM
god this shit is stupid can a mod lock this by now? its not getting anywhere.

01-22-2009, 12:11 AM
Stop being a cracka how bout this bitch i hate your punk ass and you take it how it is bitcha ass honkey. Generalise them supposed black bitch's u fuck, pussy.... or shall i say ****** hater/****** pussy fucker... :gay: And fuck any honkey who agree wit this lil bitch ass ***** hatin/fucking sissy.Fuck your flat pancake ass white craka momma and your ****** hangin daddies bitches...

***** Please:rolleyes:

Could you please refrain from not speaking english, bastard ass nigger.

01-22-2009, 12:11 AM
ef3001- I have a half black little sister and feel completely confident calling you an ignorant ****** that hopefully another african american will see fit to....silence....you.

01-22-2009, 12:15 AM
ef3001- I have a half black little sister and feel completely confident calling you an ignorant ****** that hopefully another african american will see fit to....silence....you.


01-22-2009, 12:16 AM
Try harder honkey... Try calling one of your black bitch's a ******. I'm a Skinhead ****** hater. lol
lil dick bitch ass internet thug ass mommies money bought me my gsr ass bitch ass honkey ass cracka ass :lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao:Obama supporting klans traitor....
Good Day ****** Hater:lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lm fao:

Whats worst there's no blacks on this mothafuka who stand up to some cracka like u posting ****** all over this bitch....Pathetic

01-22-2009, 12:17 AM
who cares about half anything honkey you can get it too fuck you and your milano ass sister

01-22-2009, 12:18 AM
Rofl,I should introduce you to my grandfather. Once you talked to him, no one would ever hear from you...ever again. I'd be doing the world a favor.

01-22-2009, 12:18 AM
Try harder honkey... Try calling one of your black bitch's a ******. I'm a Skinhead ****** hater. lol
lil dick bitch ass internet thug ass mommies money bought me my gsr ass bitch ass honkey ass cracka ass :lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao:Obama supporting klans traitor....
Good Day ****** Hater:lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lm fao:

Whats worst there's no blacks on this mothafuka who stand up to some cracka like u posting ****** all over this bitch....Pathetic

whos mommy bought them what?

01-22-2009, 12:24 AM

Racist ass muthafuka's may you burn in hell and may all the negroes your klansmen grandpa killed haunt him in his eternal fire too. The ****** has left the building....Later Honkeys(bye ****** bye ****** ) No one says nothing about the lil racist cracka posting ***** all over cuz they in the klan chapter too.hhhhmmmmm i hope all you mothafukas die a slow ****** death....Bitch as Pale Faces

Ya''' can have this bullshit...
Im a ******... whoohooo

01-22-2009, 12:25 AM
LMAO, The mafia isnt racist. They just take care of family. Keep that in mind.

01-22-2009, 12:29 AM

Racist ass muthafuka's may you burn in hell and may all the negroes your klansmen grandpa killed haunt him in his eternal fire too. The ****** has left the building....Later Honkeys(bye ****** bye ****** ) No one says nothing about the lil racist cracka posting ***** all over cuz they in the klan chapter too.hhhhmmmmm i hope all you mothafukas die a slow ****** death....Bitch as Pale Faces

Ya''' can have this bullshit...
Im a ******... whoohooo

You do realize my head klansman is tracing you IP address to find out where you live? We will then burn a cross in your yard. It will begin white, but once the fire is gone, the cross will be black. This symbolizes all the good being gone from white, leaving black behind. After the cross is done, we'll jump your fence and shit on your back porch, symbolizing mexicans jumping the border. Now if you'd like to continue calling me a nigger, which I am not, I will personally jump through your window with a bottle of white out and paint your face white while you sleep.

01-22-2009, 12:33 AM
And u can personally catch a full banana clip (pun intended honkey) bitch its your choice your more than welcome to come over, Hope you wann be shot in the face honkey... And i doubt the ip bullshit, government firewall faggot.

Im a ******....With guns

01-22-2009, 12:36 AM
And u can personally catch a full banana clip (pun intended honkey) bitch its your choice your more than welcome to come over, Hope you wann be shot in the face honkey... And i doubt the ip bullshit, government firewall faggot.

Im a ******....With guns

You're more stupid than I originally assumed (you know, because you're black, I assumed you're a dumbass)

01-22-2009, 12:38 AM
im sure pussy, tell me the info then... U Klansmen can't cuz it changes every few minutes ass... Because your white i assumed you had a small dick... after fucking your mom she confirmed it...
Im a ******

01-22-2009, 12:43 AM
And u can personally catch a full banana clip (pun intended honkey) bitch its your choice your more than welcome to come over, Hope you wann be shot in the face honkey... And i doubt the ip bullshit, government firewall faggot.

Im a ******....With guns
You obviously don't know much about guns. It's magazine, not clip. I know you don't have a gun with a clip, a real one.

01-22-2009, 12:43 AM
This needs to be let out in the open cuz i got work in the morning(riding evans mom). evan and i are arguing cuz he asked if he could suck my "****** cock" is wtat he said if remember... any way i said no he got mad and here we are...Evan im sorry this got out of hand okay...I have to go to work(riding your mom)in the morning so im gonna let u post all the coon and ***** jokes you want.... But im afraid the answers stll no you can't blow me...Good nite

Goodnite ******...(other honkeys chime in)....
Thanks evan it was fun....

Im a ******

01-22-2009, 12:46 AM
Whte folk and technicalities... Stop sudying my words so close lil homo...U sound like a str8 fag....Nobody creeping through the streets talking bout pass me the magazine homie....GTFOC.... I bet i hold enough shots to weight reduce your lil honda tho... Think about it.....Good nite honkey

And don't race Evan everyone his shit mad fast and if he wins he wants to blow the loser........

01-22-2009, 12:48 AM
Whte folk and technicalities... Stop sudying my words so close lil homo...U sound like a str8 fag....Nobody creeping through the streets talking bout pass me the magazine homie....GTFOC.... I bet i hold enough shots to weight reduce your lil honda tho... Think about it.....Good nite honkeyPorsche, not Honda, son. Hold enough shots? I don't even know what that means. You have a lot of ammo? I have my fair shair too but prices are skyrocketing. :(

01-22-2009, 12:49 AM
Ehh, I let people call people so people dissapear. My biological father is quite lucky he is still alive actually considering a hit was almost taken out on him.lol

01-22-2009, 12:51 AM
It means your car plus 50 holes equals faster E.t. I wasn't speaking to your ass so if you feel free to chime come get it too....Im gong to bed i dont know you but if you got a problem...In fact fuck u too NoBama don't fly wit me bitch....

01-22-2009, 12:52 AM
the ignorance in this thread is bliss.

01-22-2009, 12:52 AM
It means your car plus 50 holes equals faster E.t. I wasn't speaking to your ass so if you feel free to chime come get it too....Im gong to bed i dont know you but if you got a problem...In fact fuck u too NoBama don't fly wit me bitch....Lol, less weight is helpful. I just don't like his policies. We can be friends.

01-22-2009, 12:52 AM
Flipking the only gutta one on this bitch

01-22-2009, 12:53 AM

no one knows shit about gutta on this site.

01-22-2009, 12:54 AM
81911sc... Keepin it gutta how you gonna laugh whaen everybody else gets mad and says ***** and blah blah blah... I can't even be mad at u.... I hope somebody no gutta cuz i done seen grimey shit yall do to each other(selling bull shit for starters)

Nice MR2

01-22-2009, 12:55 AM
81911sc... Keepin it gutta how you gonna laugh whaen everybody else gets mad and says ***** and blah blah blah... I can't even be mad at u....That's what I'm saying. Why is everybody mad? Hell, I'm just happy to be alive.

01-22-2009, 12:58 AM
exactly this shit all in fun even the shit talking....But how do you start a thread saiying this may sound racist and end up calling a black guy ****** repeatedly? There was no maturity on either side of this argument but he dont see it like that...He was just as wrong as i was

01-22-2009, 12:59 AM
Do ppl not understand the point of giving ppl hell now days?! :thinking:

01-22-2009, 12:59 AM
exactly this shit all in fun even the shit talking....But how do you start a thread saiying this may sound racist and end up calling a black guy ****** repeatedly? There was no maturity on either side of this argument but he dont see it like that...He was just as wrong as i wasYep, It's all in fun. I like to get on here and screw around too but it's just in fun.

01-22-2009, 01:00 AM
Do ppl not understand the point of giving ppl hell now days?! :thinking:
Men are talking.

01-22-2009, 01:00 AM

no one knows shit about gutta on this site.

lol...that's the truth

01-22-2009, 01:00 AM
"And the world Lived in Peace the end"

such a great book!

01-22-2009, 01:01 AM
Men are talking.

Bish. Dont make me come whoop your ass and send you to bed. :ninja:

01-22-2009, 01:02 AM
Bish. Dont make me come whoop your ass and send you to bed. :ninja:Don't threaten me with a good time. :2up:

01-22-2009, 01:04 AM
ok truce.lol:cheers:

01-22-2009, 01:07 AM
ok truce.lol:cheers::cheers: I could use a beer right now. :yes:

01-22-2009, 01:08 AM
I could use a street race... Good Nite

01-22-2009, 06:00 AM
Damn...is it April Fool's Day already?

01-22-2009, 06:36 AM
Also, considering that at most major universities, minorities account for less than between 5-10 % of the overall make up of the population of students, what's the problem?

looks like 90-95% of the minorities cant make the grades to get into major universities so they had to create an all minority school so they wouldnt feel oppressed.

01-22-2009, 07:43 AM
Im Sure U Agree Cracka... White Power...Whats his argument? ******? Please i ain't phased by you country lil meth head honkeys i gives a fuck....My argument is this Fuck all You racist ass pale faced ass stay at home wit mommy and race they money away honkeys. From a watermelon chitterlings eating ****** down south....Whatever.... You show superior intellect by giving strong arguments on what bush did to benefit us, shit.I don't agree with Obama on many levels so hey ill just say fuck that ****** too. Im a ******...Obama's a ****** and the rest of us coloureds too.Whatever Honkey's

i just bought a nice little toy yesterday that id love to let you see.....

you sir have got to be the dumbest mother fu88er ive ever seen. whenever you come up with two consecutive intellectual statements you should post again. you are the typical "white man owes me __________ cuz im black" whiny bitch. and whats wrong with staying at home with mommy? i love my mommy. i guess you are just pissed cuz you never knew your mom cuz she was workin the corner all of your life..... useless fuck....

you think obama is gonna pay for your mortgage dont you??? LOL

oh and theres a difference between black folk and Ni***rs.

take a quess at which one you are...


01-22-2009, 07:45 AM

01-22-2009, 08:21 AM
You're not just mentioning Obama. You're saying racist things.

"99% of Black people look like fucking gorillas or monkeys. Its fun to see how smart rappers are. Considering the only thing black about Obama is his skin. He's half white and half Kenyan. Maybe the tard Jizzy should of read a little before snorting his "Ice" and writing a song."

How is this not fucking racist? You're a fucking inbred hick, you Golem looking mother fucker. Stfu, give Obama's ''change'' some time, Rome wasn't fucking built in a day. He was fucking inaugurated TODAY. Jesus fucking H Christ.

This post gets respect.

Street Speed has to be the stupidest person on this site.

Obama :goodjob:

01-22-2009, 08:38 AM
This thread shows exactly how the mentality of our generation is!!! we got evan popping the N word and ef7897189 being hypocritical..........then as i keep reading all im hearing is stereotypes.......

its funny that it had to come down to a president before this generation had to start acting racist again!!! its sad!!!

and i dont wanna hear that shit that i was just joking because i know what yall are thinking deep down!!! :2cents:.....1

01-22-2009, 10:32 AM
This thread shows exactly how the mentality of our generation is!!! we got evan popping the N word and ef7897189 being hypocritical..........then as i keep reading all im hearing is stereotypes.......

its funny that it had to come down to a president before this generation had to start acting racist again!!! its sad!!!

and i dont wanna hear that shit that i was just joking because i know what yall are thinking deep down!!! :2cents:.....1

I was calling him the N word as he claimed to be black and he was saying extremely ignorant things. I'm FAR from racist, so please excuse some things I said as they were not serious comments.

01-22-2009, 10:37 AM
there you have the typical racist statement. Evan used the word as it is defined. A Dumb Ignorant Person. O wow i said a few racial comments. big fucking deal. I have seen worse things on a daily basis said about white people. Obama FTL.

01-22-2009, 11:21 AM
Tr00fs! ^^^^^x's 2 up

01-22-2009, 12:29 PM

01-22-2009, 12:31 PM
I was calling him the N word as he claimed to be black and he was saying extremely ignorant things. I'm FAR from racist, so please excuse some things I said as they were not serious comments.

both of yall were being racist and yall let a president let it get to yall!!!!......

sorry man but i just hate that fucking word....i dont even use then when talking to people!!!.....1

01-22-2009, 12:34 PM
maybe i consider whitey, cracker, redneck, hillbilly, or honkey racist. I mean you wouldn't like it if i called you a coon or a jigaboo would you?

01-22-2009, 12:36 PM
maybe i consider whitey, cracker, redneck, hillbilly, or honkey racist. I mean you wouldn't like it if i called you a coon or a jigaboo would you?

thats why i dont let any of those words come out of my mouth!!!.....especially to someone online who you dont even know!! thats like the heights of racism.....cuz just imagine what they say behind closed doors

if it was someone he knew thats different but the way he said it seems like he was cracking a whip........old times and a word that needs to be dropped!!!....1

01-22-2009, 12:41 PM
Lol the spanish came up with it. Click (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/******)

01-22-2009, 12:42 PM
Lol the spanish came up with it. Click (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/******)

i dont get it.....1

01-22-2009, 12:44 PM
thats why i dont let any of those words come out of my mouth!!!.....especially to someone online who you dont even know!! thats like the heights of racism.....cuz just imagine what they say behind closed doors

if it was someone he knew thats different but the way he said it seems like he was cracking a whip........old times and a word that needs to be dropped!!!....1


01-22-2009, 12:44 PM
i will refrain from saying anything, except learn a little before you accuse white people of starting any and all hatred.

01-22-2009, 12:47 PM
i will refrain from saying anything, except learn a little before you accuse white people of starting any and all hatred.

DAWG u dont know me!!! im open-minded as fuck...... trust me i hated how jesse jackson and them were like oh we made it and shit!!!! because if obama lost they would of been marching up on the white house lawn!!!

i just think its super inappropriate to use that word to someone u dont know.....and it just shows that some people might be bitter and start using that word again.........and its all because of who is running our country!!!.....it just really sucks!!...1

01-22-2009, 12:48 PM

imma shoot yo amistad ass!!!!.....1

01-22-2009, 12:50 PM
lol i don't use it unless i am making a point to some one. I only call people that deserve to be called one. For the longest while I have been calling more whites and mexicans one than any African_Americans.

01-22-2009, 12:52 PM
lol i don't use it unless i am making a point to some one. I only call people that deserve to be called one. For the longest while I have been calling more whites and mexicans one than any African_Americans.

yea im not upset with you!!! i just lost some respect for evan because he said that!!!!....thats all!!! :D.....1

01-22-2009, 12:53 PM
I don't have a problem with any particular person. I hate everyone equally, no matter what shape, size, or race they may be.

01-22-2009, 12:54 PM
I don't have a problem with any particular person. I hate everyone equally, no matter what shape, size, or race they may be.

hahahha awesome!!!!.....1

01-22-2009, 12:55 PM
exactly. there are dumb fucks every where you go these days.

01-22-2009, 12:56 PM
Guys, you can't UN-ring the bell.
Lance Fuckin' Armstrong couldn't backpedal as hard as you're trying to!:blah::doh:

01-22-2009, 12:56 PM
exactly. there are dumb fucks every where you go these days.

u telling me bro!!!! i know that shit dude :D :goodjob:....1

01-22-2009, 12:57 PM
Guys, you can't UN-ring the bell.
Lance Fuckin' Armstrong couldn't backpedal as hard as you're trying to!:blah::doh:

cluck!!!!....i mean what the cluck???.....1

01-22-2009, 12:57 PM

01-22-2009, 12:59 PM

gotta love it dude!!!! ahhahahhah :lmfao:....1

01-22-2009, 01:06 PM
i will refrain from saying anything, except learn a little before you accuse white people of starting any and all hatred.


Good....please stop posting. Although your tone has since changed, I really wonder why?

01-22-2009, 01:09 PM
imma shoot yo amistad ass!!!!.....1


01-22-2009, 01:10 PM
i will not stop posting. if i feel like degrading a person, whetherer they be black, white, mexican, jap, or what have you. i will do so. This all was started because i made a few simple comments about the big deal around Obama. I criticize him and im racist.

01-22-2009, 01:12 PM
Here we go again....

01-22-2009, 01:12 PM
i will not stop posting. if i feel like degrading a person, whetherer they be black, white, mexican, jap, or what have you. i will do so. This all was started because i made a few simple comments about the big deal around Obama. I criticize him and im racist.

Not so much. Your post across several threads has been most disgusting. The words that you use, along with the E-tone, do not come off well. Why do you feel the need to degrade someone? Let them do it to themselves.

01-22-2009, 01:14 PM
i will not stop posting. if i feel like degrading a person, whetherer they be black, white, mexican, jap, or what have you. i will do so.

see thats what im saying!!! u were probably like that before obama but now we will have more people like you in the world!!! its just sad is all im saying!!!.....1


good now back on your ship!!!!.....1

01-22-2009, 01:15 PM
Here we go again....

well now i know what u were talking about!!! :cry:

this also makes me not trust anyone about anything!!!....1

01-22-2009, 01:16 PM
EF3001 is no better. The way to handle "racist" remarks is NOT to combat them with further disrespect. Stop calling poeple Crackas, even if they don't like Obama. If they are racist, let them be. Beat them with intellect and respect. Soon, they will realize their ignorance.

01-22-2009, 01:17 PM
Someone lock this shit :rolleyes:

01-22-2009, 01:18 PM
EF3001 is no better. The way to handle "racist" remarks is NOT to combat them with further disrespect. Stop calling poeple Crackas, even if they don't like Obama. If they are racist, let them be. Beat them with intellect and respect. Soon, they will realize their ignorance.

yea that motherfucker pissed me off too.......cuz now it seems like evan believes thats how all black people act!!! I HATE IT!!!.....1

01-22-2009, 01:23 PM
fuck no lock it why? cause some people no matter who they are will speak their mind?

01-22-2009, 01:24 PM
Not so much. Your post across several threads has been most disgusting. The words that you use, along with the E-tone, do not come off well. Why do you feel the need to degrade someone? Let them do it to themselves.well apparently, in this day and age. when you criticize another person and you are white. Your a racist.

01-22-2009, 01:30 PM
well apparently, in this day and age. when you criticize another person and you are white. Your a racist.

NOPE I KNOw plenty or racist ass black people!!! just normally are just racist in their houses!!!.....

im just saying in the public (on a public forum) yall are saying stuff like that.... i can only imagine what happens behind closed doors!!!!!.....1

01-22-2009, 01:40 PM
well apparently, in this day and age. when you criticize another person and you are white. Your a racist.

There is a difference between criticism and racism. I feel confident that you know the definition of both terms. Taking it further, you can do both at the same time.

Watch the line you walk sir. I don't know you, nor shall I judge you. Your forum manner shapes your image for now.

01-22-2009, 01:40 PM
NOPE I KNOw plenty or racist ass black people!!! just normally are just racist in their houses!!!.....

im just saying in the public (on a public forum) yall are saying stuff like that.... i can only imagine what happens behind closed doors!!!!!.....1lol actually the exact opposite. I very seldom use derogatory comments. Only when i feel need be. I mean i like kidding around and shit. also, i like the chappele show when he was the blind racist black guy that thought he was white and was even a member of the KKK.

01-22-2009, 01:41 PM
There is a difference between criticism and racism. I feel confident that you know the definition of both terms. Taking it further, you can do both at the same time.

Watch the line you walk sir. I don't know you, nor shall I judge you. Your forum manner shapes your image for now.o wow i say a few bad things about people on a forum. when others do it every day on t.v. yeah big deal...

01-22-2009, 01:46 PM
lol actually the exact opposite. I very seldom use derogatory comments. Only when i feel need be. I mean i like kidding around and shit. also, i like the chappele show when he was the blind racist black guy that thought he was white and was even a member of the KKK.

YEA UHHHH chappelle makes money to tell jokes and most people find him funny!!! being that i dont know if your comedian i have nothing to do but take you seriously!!! sorry thats just how i am!!...1

01-22-2009, 01:46 PM
fuck no lock it why? cause some people no matter who they are will speak their mind?
No because the ability to do it in a mature adult manner is severely lacking.

01-22-2009, 01:47 PM
No because the ability to do it in a mature adult manner is severely lacking.

sorry street speed but im with newgen on this one!!!.....1

01-22-2009, 01:49 PM
YEA UHHHH chappelle makes money to tell jokes and most people find him funny!!! being that i dont know if your comedian i have nothing to do but take you seriously!!! sorry thats just how i am!!...1

Dude, you're taking him exactly how he wants you to take him.
Leave the troll alone, and hope he just crawls back under his rock.:screwy::no:

01-22-2009, 01:51 PM
o wow i say a few bad things about people on a forum. when others do it every day on t.v. yeah big deal...

Obvious jokes on a comedy show by a comedian.

The recent threads were serious and people knew it. You can argue it all day long, but let me ask you some questions.

Would you say those "bad" things about people in public? Would you say it around the people you degrade? Would you say these remarks to peoples face?

Last one, why did you feel the need to title this thread the way you did?

01-22-2009, 01:53 PM
Obama is the president, not a white president, not a black president, the president. Im tired of the massive deal being made of it. The slaves were NOT just freed yesterday. Its be prettey equal for the last 20 years. Hell, I cant get a minority scholarship and a black person can, so in that regarg its unequal in the oppisite way. There are over 30 all black colleges in the U.S. Do you KNOW what would happen if there was an all white college? RIOT.

Not racist at all, just want equality and this is not it. I have a half black lil sis actually.


01-22-2009, 01:54 PM
well apparently, in this day and age. when you criticize another person and you are white. Your a racist.

You keep harping on this same point....and yet nobody on here is buying it. You aren't even criticizing a single black person, you're making generalizations that are making yourself look dumber and dumber. Seems to me that if you weren't racist you wouldn't keep bitching.

01-22-2009, 01:57 PM
DAMNNN ive never had any run ins with street speed but it seems like a concensus........most members on here believe he is racist!!! :2cents:...1

01-22-2009, 02:01 PM
DAMNNN ive never had any run ins with street speed but it seems like a concensus........most members on here believe he is racist!!! :2cents:...1

How could any intelligent being not consider him a racist?

Street Speed.....Find me one fucking person on here that called you racist because you said something derogatory about a single black person. You won't.

01-22-2009, 02:10 PM
Obama is the president, not a white president, not a black president, the president. Im tired of the massive deal being made of it. The slaves were NOT just freed yesterday. Its be prettey equal for the last 20 years. Hell, I cant get a minority scholarship and a black person can, so in that regarg its unequal in the oppisite way. There are over 30 all black colleges in the U.S. Do you KNOW what would happen if there was an all white college? RIOT.

Not racist at all, just want equality and this is not it. I have a half black lil sis actually.

Historical black colleges are open to anyone who wants to go there. No one is denied based off race, creed, or color. They were founded at a time when whites did not allow blacks into their higher institutions. There have always been "all white college" per se. Please don't come back with that shit. Picking apart a haystack is dumb.

As far as scholarships go, they are the same as the black colleges. They were established to ensure that funds were available due to denial my white opposers. They exist to this day for similar reasons.

America as a whole has put a HUGE emphasis on race since God knows when. Even though I have yet to say "my President is black" I understand the feeling 1,000,000 percent. The fact of the matter is, people don't truly understand the past and what it did to people as a whole. Try to grasp that, please. We all know he is a child of God first, then a man second, and lastly (due to our society) labeled as race.

Stop stressing it. If you want to solve the mass problems that it seems you most are feeling, look deep inside first. Once you know yourself THEN turn to help the next person. I too am sick of the race labels, bigots, and such.

P.S.> Don't clarify that you are not racist just because you have a half black sis. It holds no water.

01-22-2009, 02:13 PM
You keep harping on this same point....and yet nobody on here is buying it. You aren't even criticizing a single black person, you're making generalizations that are making yourself look dumber and dumber. Seems to me that if you weren't racist you wouldn't keep bitching.

I wonder.......

I don't know you, nor shall I judge you. Your forum manner shapes your image for now.

01-22-2009, 02:16 PM
normally i wont talk politics. but im republican... i voted mccain. sure it sucks who i didnt pick didnt get in office but you god damn idiots need to shut the fuck up, and deal with it... this african fuck might be good for our community. he wouldnt of been elected if he wasnt going to have some good coming. shut the fuck up, stop being ignorant, and deal with it. if you wana bitch about it go to a news crew so they can put your bitch ass on public tv so you can be assassinated.

01-22-2009, 02:19 PM
normally i wont talk politics. but im republican... i voted mccain. sure it sucks who i didnt pick didnt get in office but you god damn idiots need to shut the fuck up, and deal with it... this african fuck might be good for our community. he wouldnt of been elected if he wasnt going to have some good coming. shut the fuck up, stop being ignorant, and deal with it. if you wana bitch about it go to a news crew so they can put your bitch ass on public tv so you can be assassinated.

you sir have my respect!!!! you are the second person i ever say that voted for mccain and isnt all like ohhh socialism.....and ohhh here goes the country....

much respect to you man!!! :goodjob:.....1

01-22-2009, 02:21 PM
normally i wont talk politics. but im republican... i voted mccain. sure it sucks who i didnt pick didnt get in office but you god damn idiots need to shut the fuck up, and deal with it... this african fuck might be good for our community. he wouldnt of been elected if he wasnt going to have some good coming. shut the fuck up, stop being ignorant, and deal with it. if you wana bitch about it go to a news crew so they can put your bitch ass on public tv so you can be assassinated.

Why :thinking:

01-22-2009, 02:25 PM
Why :thinking:

I DISregarded that part as should u homie!!! dont trip!!!....1

01-22-2009, 02:27 PM
I DISregarded that part as should u homie!!! dont trip!!!....1

I dunno, man. Sounds a lot like some of the other diarrhea that has been blown out here to me....:???:

01-22-2009, 02:28 PM
I DISregarded that part as should u homie!!! dont trip!!!....1

See, those are the comments that make me more angry than the obvious things, lol. Like, we all called George Bush a dumb ass....thats it, lol! McCain was an old fart dumb ass....thats it! People here have called Obama: piece of shit, ni**a/er, darkie, etc....and now african fuck?

Damn IA (in Reverend Wright tone).....no offense to Juilo :D

01-22-2009, 02:30 PM
I dunno, man. Sounds a lot like some of the other diarrhea that has been blown out here to me....:???:

yea but i cant get one person to fully say "im cool with it even though i voted for mccain!!!"......everybody hates it and its worse because hes black!!!

when bush got in again i was like damn my vote didnt count.....but maybe america was right and imma wait and see what bush does the second time around....i mean we voted bush in sooo.......

people now are not even trying to give him a chance!!! :2cents:.....1

01-22-2009, 02:31 PM
See, those are the comments that make me more angry than the obvious things, lol. Like, we all called George Bush a dumb ass....thats it, lol! McCain was an old fart dumb ass....thats it! People here have called Obama: piece of shit, ni**a/er, darkie, etc....and now african fuck?

Damn IA (in Reverend Wright tone).....no offense to Juilo :D

like i was getting at before, racism will be at its peak because of our president!!!! end of story!!!....1

01-22-2009, 02:32 PM
yea but i cant get one person to fully say "im cool with it even though i voted for mccain!!!"......everybody hates it and its worse because hes black!!!

when bush got in again i was like damn my vote didnt count.....but maybe america was right and imma wait and see what bush does the second time around....i mean we voted bush in sooo.......

people now are not even trying to give him a chance!!! :2cents:.....1

I'm somewhat cool with it even though I wrote in Ron Paul, good enough?

I'm as white as they come btw.

01-22-2009, 02:32 PM
like i was getting at before, racism will be at its peak because of our president!!!! end of story!!!....1

If we put enough money together, we can move to another country, lol. Come back around 2016 or so, lol.

01-22-2009, 02:34 PM
I'm somewhat cool with it even though I wrote in Ron Paul, good enough?

I'm as white as they come btw.

IM NOT ASKING FOR SOMEONE TO SAY I WAS COOL WITH IT!!!! cuz people can say they are but behind closed doors they say some fuckery shit!!!!.......1

01-22-2009, 02:35 PM
If we put enough money together, we can move to another country, lol. Come back around 2016 or so, lol.

dude im not going anywhere!!! i never run away from problems and im not gonna start now!!!....1

01-22-2009, 02:36 PM
dude im not going anywhere!!! i never run away from problems and im not gonna start now!!!....1

ha ha, lol. Speaking of running, where the heck is StreetSpeed?

Bring ur ass back in here :police:

01-22-2009, 02:36 PM
IM NOT ASKING FOR SOMEONE TO SAY I WAS COOL WITH IT!!!! cuz people can say they are but behind closed doors they say some fuckery shit!!!!.......1


01-22-2009, 02:39 PM
IM NOT ASKING FOR SOMEONE TO SAY I WAS COOL WITH IT!!!! cuz people can say they are but behind closed doors they say some fuckery shit!!!!.......1

Ha ha, you said fuckery, CLASSIC!!!!

I just want people to be real. If they are as much of a man as they say they are, stand by your feelings! Respect will be given for that alone. Your thoughts and feelings may not agree, but be real with yourself. All that BITCHASSNESS is homo.

01-22-2009, 02:44 PM

i love you!!!! :lmfao:....1

Ha ha, you said fuckery, CLASSIC!!!!

I just want people to be real. If they are as much of a man as they say they are, stand by your feelings! Respect will be given for that alone. Your thoughts and feelings may not agree, but be real with yourself. All that BITCHASSNESS is homo.

man fuckery is my favorite word!!! :lmao:......1

01-22-2009, 02:47 PM
both of yall were being racist and yall let a president let it get to yall!!!!......

sorry man but i just hate that fucking word....i dont even use then when talking to people!!!.....1

If you read the early posts from me, you'd know I wasn't being racist. I was being factual. An ignorant/stupid person of the African American descent, is referred to as a nigger. It would be different if I said, "I wish that nigger didn't become president." That's racist, Obama is neither ignorant or stupid. ef3001 was making some of the most stupid and ignorant posts I've seen from someone on this site.

When he insisted on being racist, I played his game. I was obviously being sarcastic. Don't try to be a victim or make me a bad guy.

I've never had a problem with you, so I hope we're cool.

01-22-2009, 02:49 PM
Well, I'm not sure where this'll place me, but I'm an OLD white guy, and I voted for Obama...and I'm cool with it!:goodjob:

01-22-2009, 02:51 PM
Evan, I don't know you from Adam, but just the fact that you engaged in that sort of bullshit with him diminished you in my eyes. Just sayin...

01-22-2009, 02:51 PM
If you read the early posts from me, you'd know I wasn't being racist. I was being factual. An ignorant/stupid person of the African American descent, is referred to as a nigger. It would be different if I said, "I wish that nigger didn't become president." That's racist, Obama is neither ignorant or stupid. ef3001 was making some of the most stupid and ignorant posts I've seen from someone on this site.

When he insisted on being racist, I played his game. I was obviously being sarcastic. Don't try to be a victim or make me a bad guy.

I've never had a problem with you, so I hope we're cool.

dude i just never saw that side of you!!!.....the way u said that shit was completely childish then!!....whether u joking or being sarcastic it came across to me as racist!!!

u should better then to drop to someone else level!!!!

u just lost some of my respect man is all!!...1

01-22-2009, 02:53 PM
Well, I'm not sure where this'll place me, but I'm an OLD white guy, and I voted for Obama...and I'm cool with it!:goodjob:


01-22-2009, 02:54 PM
Well, I'm not sure where this'll place me, but I'm an OLD white guy, and I voted for Obama...and I'm cool with it!:goodjob:

hahahaha sold!!!......like i said before i dont want mad people just saying it because they probably say some FUCKERY later!! just speaking from my experience!!!

i dont 100% believe the guy that told me that but ive known him for years so....mehh.....1

01-22-2009, 02:58 PM
dude i just never saw that side of you!!!.....the way u said that shit was completely childish then!!....whether u joking or being sarcastic it came across to me as racist!!!

u should better then to drop to someone else level!!!!

u just lost some of my respect man is all!!...1

There's no real excuse for some things I said, but I stand by my belief that saying "nigger" in correct context, is not a bad thing or racist.

Of course we all have different beliefs, and like I said, I'm far from racist... and kinda showed that by giving the old man a ride to the store. Hope you understand, man.

01-22-2009, 03:01 PM
There's no real excuse for some things I said, but I stand by my belief that saying "nigger" in correct context, is not a bad thing or racist.

Of course we all have different beliefs, and like I said, I'm far from racist... and kinda showed that by giving the old man a ride to the store. Hope you understand, man.

its cool dude!!!! i just wish that word would get dropped outta everybodys vernacular!!!.....i hate when i hear to black dudes downtown talking and saying "yo sup ****ga"....."thats my ****ga" and stuff like that......and it sucks more to hear white people say it with the "er" at the end.....

cuz all i think of is slave times and we in 2009 now!!! :2cents:........

i understand what u saying evan

but im not gonna be like its all cool!!!.....1

01-22-2009, 03:01 PM

Sorry, chief, but something had to get different. (Don't want to use the 'c' word:D)

01-22-2009, 03:01 PM
There's no real excuse for some things I said, but I stand by my belief that saying "nigger" in correct context, is not a bad thing or racist.

Of course we all have different beliefs, and like I said, I'm far from racist... and kinda showed that by giving the old man a ride to the store. Hope you understand, man.

all i can say is i appreciate you being real with me!!! :dunno:.....1

01-22-2009, 03:02 PM
Sorry, chief, but something had to get different. (Don't want to use the 'c' word:D)

chicken??? :thinking:.............:lmfao:.......1

01-22-2009, 03:04 PM
:D:lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao :..

01-22-2009, 06:07 PM
Okay bitches listen up... The beginning of this post starts This may sound racist but...If u start a thread off like that whatever your saying is racist... How the fuck are you people suppose to be so high and mighty and then say bullshit and what more racial bullshit?...Okay im the first to admit it i was pissed about how this thread started, its wrong of me to fuck wit evan or whatever cuz i didn't know dude whatever. You all have to step back and look at the big picture. You all going around saying random negro like this is 1878 or some shit, how mature is that? Were mostly adults and i know damn well 90% of you all aren't going to walk up to a black man and say good day Negro are you(some would hope you get knocked the fuck out)? So why is it that you start a racially motivated comment and then get mad when someone comes just as racial. I see you all posting shit about negro ladies and then some... How disrespectful would i be threading about a Honkey lady i helped give a lift on the street? What if that "honkey lady" was your mom? That shit racist and shows biggotry. But no one stopped to think how others would think of this thread being racist until cracka honkey etc. comes from the negro mouth...Amazing!
So if i know there are Hispanics on here and i start the thread off i know this might sound racist but i help a **** change a flat tire what the fuck would i expect? I don't hate whites and someone even called me hypocritical, wow... So its not hypocritical to say i know this may sound racist but?... Please, anyone who didn't take 5 min to think how a black man or woman would feel about the comments made on this thread are just as hypocritical cuz you quick to say how racist you aren't.HHHMMMM every one posses hate and some racism in them its human... Im not mad about being called ******, i gives a fuck...But to say hey im not racist,wait a minute fuck that Pollack over there, thats hypocritical and prejudice....And we all learned through history that white men hated blacks for centuries and fucked our women and vice versa(black men don't act like white pussy ain't kryptonite lol) so stating u fuck another race doesn't clear the smoking gun on prejudice it just means u enjoy another races pussy period. I didn't truly want to offend this forum but it was offensive in it's own way...If it wern't meant to be racist it could have just been i helped some random guy on the street wit gas money...Not hey man this cracka wit a 240sx needed a jump(lol)...
In my opinion i also side wit the very one that i argued wit last nite.Keep it real if someone gets under your skin u have to cut just as deep,Sometimes it's just that we say the most hateful shit we can, right? Besides how many men have called women bitches only cuz u were fed up wit her bullshit? You might not even mean it but short of slapping a muthafucka what can u do?
Any one who indulged in this argument showed just as much immaturity as me....

BTW its also unfair for dude to have started making it seem like they only interviewed blacks and shit when i saw just as many whites on t.v rejoicing with obama?
Besides this thread pulled two threads together, this one and the random negro thread, through a common ia member...

01-22-2009, 06:18 PM
Okay bitches listen up... The beginning of this post starts This may sound racist but...If u start a thread off like that whatever your saying is racist... How the fuck are you people suppose to be so high and mighty and then say bullshit and what more racial bullshit?...Okay im the first to admit it i was pissed about how this thread started, its wrong of me to fuck wit evan or whatever cuz i didn't know dude whatever. You all have to step back and look at the big picture. You all going around saying random negro like this is 1878 or some shit, how mature is that? Were mostly adults and i know damn well 90% of you all aren't going to walk up to a black man and say good day Negro are you(some would hope you get knocked the fuck out)? So why is it that you start a racially motivated comment and then get mad when someone comes just as racial. I see you all posting shit about negro ladies and then some... How disrespectful would i be threading about a Honkey lady i helped give a lift on the street? What if that "honkey lady" was your mom? That shit racist and shows biggotry. But no one stopped to think how others would think of this thread being racist until cracka honkey etc. comes from the negro mouth...Amazing!
So if i know there are Hispanics on here and i start the thread off i know this might sound racist but i help a **** change a flat tire what the fuck would i expect? I don't hate whites and someone even called me hypocritical, wow... So its not hypocritical to say i know this may sound racist but?... Please, anyone who didn't take 5 min to think how a black man or woman would feel about the comments made on this thread are just as hypocritical cuz you quick to say how racist you aren't.HHHMMMM every one posses hate and some racism in them its human... Im not mad about being called ******, i gives a fuck...But to say hey im not racist,wait a minute fuck that Pollack over there, thats hypocritical and prejudice....And we all learned through history that white men hated blacks for centuries and fucked our women and vice versa(black men don't act like white pussy ain't kryptonite lol) so stating u fuck another race doesn't clear the smoking gun on prejudice it just means u enjoy another races pussy period. I didn't truly want to offend this forum but it was offensive in it's own way...If it wern't meant to be racist it could have just been i helped some random guy on the street wit gas money...Not hey man this cracka wit a 240sx needed a jump(lol)...
In my opinion i also side wit the very one that i argued wit last nite.Keep it real if someone gets under your skin u have to cut just as deep,Sometimes it's just that we say the most hateful shit we can, right? Besides how many men have called women bitches only cuz u were fed up wit her bullshit? You might not even mean it but short of slapping a muthafucka what can u do?
Any one who indulged in this argument showed just as much immaturity as me....

BTW its also unfair for dude to have started making it seem like they only interviewed blacks and shit when i saw just as many whites on t.v rejoicing with obama?
Besides this thread pulled two threads together, this one and the random negro thread, through a common ia member...

Wrong thread, much?

01-22-2009, 06:31 PM
No you were the one the argument started wit partna.I reacted to both your thread and your comments on this shit too...I wasn't arguin wit no one but you, thats where the anger came from your comments are borderline racist...I don't help random honkey ladies because im patriotic i help ne one because it's right. And like i said the original person who posted the thread was being offensive about that no whites on the tv...And did we not see how some one who posted "since blacks are at the innaugaration we should steal our stuff back" these are what we black people are seeing there were like 3 different threads pointing out some racial shit about black people...Thats where my ignorance came for, it's funny to you all but as blackboi showed, its offensive. And lastly just like you feel calling me ****** wasn't racist cuz i was being "ignorant" i don't think i was either...You failed to realise i don't know u any more than u know me but when i see you all posting shit like that all i see is prejudice...Just like my words were viewed as hateful.White people aren't my enemy i just feel like if u all make joke about people race don't u think someones not going to "get it"...:2cents:

01-22-2009, 06:39 PM
No you were the one the argument started wit partna.I reacted to both your thread and your comments on this shit too...I wasn't arguin wit no one but you, thats where the anger came from your comments are borderline racist...I don't help random honkey ladies because im patriotic i help ne one because it's right. And like i said the original person who posted the thread was being offensive about that no whites on the tv...And did we not see how some one who posted "since blacks are at the innaugaration we should steal our stuff back" these are what we black people are seeing there were like 3 different threads pointing out some racial shit about black people...Thats where my ignorance came for, it's funny to you all but as blackboi showed, its offensive. And lastly just like you feel calling me ****** wasn't racist cuz i was being "ignorant" i don't think i was either...You failed to realise i don't know u any more than u know me but when i see you all posting shit like that all i see is prejudice...Just like my words were viewed as hateful.White people aren't my enemy i just feel like if u all make joke about people race don't u think someones not going to "get it"...:2cents:

I'm not sure if you realize this, but I didn't make this thread. I made the other thread. Don't mix them up, Stupidfuck.

01-22-2009, 06:43 PM
roflmao.... :wipes tear:

Slomaro Z28
01-22-2009, 06:51 PM
Okay bitches listen up... The beginning of this post starts This may sound racist but...If u start a thread off like that whatever your saying is racist... How the fuck are you people suppose to be so high and mighty and then say bullshit and what more racial bullshit?...Okay im the first to admit it i was pissed about how this thread started, its wrong of me to fuck wit evan or whatever cuz i didn't know dude whatever. You all have to step back and look at the big picture. You all going around saying random negro like this is 1878 or some shit, how mature is that? Were mostly adults and i know damn well 90% of you all aren't going to walk up to a black man and say good day Negro are you(some would hope you get knocked the fuck out)? So why is it that you start a racially motivated comment and then get mad when someone comes just as racial. I see you all posting shit about negro ladies and then some... How disrespectful would i be threading about a Honkey lady i helped give a lift on the street? What if that "honkey lady" was your mom? That shit racist and shows biggotry. But no one stopped to think how others would think of this thread being racist until cracka honkey etc. comes from the negro mouth...Amazing!
So if i know there are Hispanics on here and i start the thread off i know this might sound racist but i help a **** change a flat tire what the fuck would i expect? I don't hate whites and someone even called me hypocritical, wow... So its not hypocritical to say i know this may sound racist but?... Please, anyone who didn't take 5 min to think how a black man or woman would feel about the comments made on this thread are just as hypocritical cuz you quick to say how racist you aren't.HHHMMMM every one posses hate and some racism in them its human... Im not mad about being called ******, i gives a fuck...But to say hey im not racist,wait a minute fuck that Pollack over there, thats hypocritical and prejudice....And we all learned through history that white men hated blacks for centuries and fucked our women and vice versa(black men don't act like white pussy ain't kryptonite lol) so stating u fuck another race doesn't clear the smoking gun on prejudice it just means u enjoy another races pussy period. I didn't truly want to offend this forum but it was offensive in it's own way...If it wern't meant to be racist it could have just been i helped some random guy on the street wit gas money...Not hey man this cracka wit a 240sx needed a jump(lol)...
In my opinion i also side wit the very one that i argued wit last nite.Keep it real if someone gets under your skin u have to cut just as deep,Sometimes it's just that we say the most hateful shit we can, right? Besides how many men have called women bitches only cuz u were fed up wit her bullshit? You might not even mean it but short of slapping a muthafucka what can u do?
Any one who indulged in this argument showed just as much immaturity as me....

BTW its also unfair for dude to have started making it seem like they only interviewed blacks and shit when i saw just as many whites on t.v rejoicing with obama?
Besides this thread pulled two threads together, this one and the random negro thread, through a common ia member...

:eek: ..........:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

01-22-2009, 06:52 PM
roflmao.... :wipes tear:

X's 2!!!

Evan....you are.....teh:king:

01-22-2009, 08:06 PM
:tongue1::2cents::tongue1: 2 CENTSfile:///tmp/moz-screenshot-1.jpg

01-22-2009, 09:35 PM
Damn I wish I were Mexican.

01-22-2009, 10:21 PM
wow, this thread amazes the fuck out of me, I'm a white man, voted for bush in 2000 didnt vote for anyone in 04 then after watching the mess that was this election decided to go obama, people talk about the race thing with obama too damn much, sure he is the first black president, who the hell cares, its nice and historic but what else does it mean, nothing.

He has a chance to either do a great job or nothing at all, and either way it goes he will be praised, if he does great people will say see a black man can do it, if he fails they will say the white man held him down..................... i wish people would get off his nuts, black people are putting too much pressure on him to be the messiah, and white people are waiting for him to fuck up.

Even if I dont believe in everything he says i respect the FUCK out of him for having the balls to do what he is doing, not too many people can stand up and be the messiah for half the country and the devil for the other half and do it with a smile and a grace that we haven't seen from a politician in decades.

The dude on here that keeps talkin shit about black people streetspeed or whatever, wtf, what is the point? what does that do for you, how does it better your life, how does it do anything worth a damn for ANYONE?!?!

You are absolutely right, you can speak freely, that is everyones right here, but why talk derogatory shit about anyone, how do you benefit ?! i just dont get that

as far as Obama is concerned i applaud him, he has gotten the most death threats the most shit talk, and the most hatred/love for any president since i have been alive, but instead of using as a scapegoat like people like Jesse Jackson and sharpton do, he uses it to his benefit and gets republicans/democrats to come together FAR more than they have in the past, anyways thats all i have

01-22-2009, 10:29 PM
and by the way i really dont think the streetspeed dude is racist, how could he be, it wouldn't make sense for a racist to take pictures like this, very reminent of eminem in the late 90's but that wouldnt make sense since this was taken sometime in 2008, but dont let me be the judge, discuss


01-22-2009, 10:34 PM
o wow lol i died my hair blonde big fucking whoop. i didn't intend on looking like him. it was a lot darker in person, more of a wheat color. but say what you will lol. atleas, the ladies liked it.

01-22-2009, 10:36 PM
lol, honestly though thats all that matters in the end isn't it? and dont get me wrong not talkin shit, just tryin to have some fun with an already funny ass thread,

01-22-2009, 10:38 PM
Obvious jokes on a comedy show by a comedian.

The recent threads were serious and people knew it. You can argue it all day long, but let me ask you some questions.

Would you say those "bad" things about people in public? Would you say it around the people you degrade? Would you say these remarks to peoples face?

Last one, why did you feel the need to title this thread the way you did?yes i have said it before. the people i have said it to didn't take it in a racist way, most of the time they would laugh and be like yeah i have noticed that to. Others would get pissy but nothing more.

01-22-2009, 10:44 PM

The true definition of that word knows no race. It was used to describe a dumb, ignorant, and/or useless person. The term Negro on the other hand was what was used to refer to black people in the time. The word Negro comes from a Spanish/Portuguese origin.

01-22-2009, 10:45 PM
I sure saw quite a few "white" opinions today, actually I havent seen a black person speak on him today at all.

01-22-2009, 10:46 PM
lol, honestly though thats all that matters in the end isn't it? and dont get me wrong not talkin shit, just tryin to have some fun with an already funny ass thread,o i didn't care. i never thought i looked like him until i did that. after that i had a bunch of people tell me we sorta favored, in person. i was like LOL.

01-22-2009, 10:47 PM
I sure saw quite a few "white" opinions today, actually I havent seen a black person speak on him today at all.I'm a Democrat, I voted for McCain. Why? IMO he was the best out of the shittyness we had to choose from. If he does a good job than i am happy. If he doesn't, welcome to another 4 years of hell. Whatever happens, well happens.

01-22-2009, 11:01 PM
is ef3001 black :thinking:

and yes this is a racist stupid thread.

but again, is ef black? gutta? WHat? I mean I'm closer to the white side of black, but seriously, what?

01-22-2009, 11:02 PM
I'm a Democrat, I voted for McCain. Why? IMO he was the best out of the shittyness we had to choose from. If he does a good job than i am happy. If he doesn't, welcome to another 4 years of hell. Whatever happens, well happens.

Doesnt bother me none. We voted for who we wanted. We (mainly) got what we wanted. Let the man at least go to work a little. We wont see much improvement for at least the first year, but then we can judge.

Lay off the man till he can at least work and fail or work and succeed. Geez. Yall bang on him more in one day than u would if u was waitin in line for your Double Cheese and the new fry cook was stallin.

01-22-2009, 11:05 PM
thats America. you think i am bad? read the news papers. they are a lot more harsh than i could ever be.

01-22-2009, 11:14 PM
I dont care for negativity. Thats all we hear and see anyway. At least someone is bein positive. Thats the point of hope, thats what drives u to do something. Ur next mod, ur next couch, ur new home. Ur kids first bike ride, whatever it is u were shooting for. Thats what we are shooting for.

UR instant-gratification isnt going to work in this economy anymore. We have to pull ourselves out of this instant-gratification type world and earn what we deserve as a country. We have hope and a willingness to listen too someone whom also wants the same for this country, for his kids and maybe even our kids.

I'll be behind anyone who is striving for something, thats how we make it and thats how it works. We all are aware not ALL things will come to pass, he is not Jesus or GOD (as stated before) but he is a man with a dream and a passion to help us all whom are struggling in the best we he knows how.

Let him do his thing, then bash when he faults.

01-22-2009, 11:19 PM
lol people will always bash on others. just human nature. he has a dream for change, but like i said before along with a few others, he has never stated in detail what about America he intends to change. Just makes the mind wonder.

01-22-2009, 11:23 PM
No need to specific's. If anyone specifies then they are picked apart even more just because something was mentioned and not just somethings. As u have with my message on here.

The only reason why ur gettin harassed or whatever in this thread is because u have no faith in your leader. I didnt vote for Bush, but I surely hoped he wouldnt of done most of this damage (I'm aware he's not totally at fault) but I dont make stupid thread about someone in power because he is IN power.

Nevertheless, it shows no maturity to talk about someone before they can even mess up. He is by far the most educated President we have ever had and has a sense of who he is and where he intends to pull this country. Poor, rich, and all inbetween.

01-22-2009, 11:26 PM
No need to specific's. If anyone specifies then they are picked apart even more just because something was mentioned and not just somethings. As u have with my message on here.

The only reason why ur gettin harassed or whatever in this thread is because u have no faith in your leader. I didnt vote for Bush, but I surely hoped he wouldnt of done most of this damage (I'm aware he's not totally at fault) but I dont make stupid thread about someone in power because he is IN power.

Nevertheless, it shows no maturity to talk about someone before they can even mess up. He is by far the most educated President we have ever had and has a sense of who he is and where he intends to pull this country. Poor, rich, and all inbetween.lol i made a statement about new channels only interviewing african-americans. then i make a statement as to why i don't support Obama. big deal. But i will never support him until he proves otherwise to me. I may stand alone with that, but hey, this is America we have freedom of choice.

01-22-2009, 11:34 PM
lol i made a statement about new channels only interviewing african-americans. then i make a statement as to why i don't support Obama. big deal. But i will never support him until he proves otherwise to me. I may stand alone with that, but hey, this is America we have freedom of choice.

U wont even let him prove u, or any of us for that matter, wrong or right. Your choice has nothing to do with what is actually happening. That man is reformatting America as we sit here and he's only been in power for 2 days +- depends on when u actually count it.

The change is coming, its just in format stage right now. lol so u gotta wait, as we all do. But ur so damn negative. I mean even 8911C or whatever his actual tag is, is less negative than u and we ALLLL know he doesnt like Obama. But he's at least reasonable enough to let someone try.

01-22-2009, 11:45 PM
But oh well. Cant reason with unreasonable people.

01-22-2009, 11:46 PM
but what is the big change coming? what about America does he plan on changing? remember, change is not always a good thing.

01-23-2009, 08:12 AM

The true definition of that word knows no race. It was used to describe a dumb, ignorant, and/or useless person. .

Pot, Kettle, N I G G E R :ninja:

01-23-2009, 08:30 AM
but what is the big change coming? what about America does he plan on changing? remember, change is not always a good thing.

What was McCain's plan? Tell me please. Obama has been talking, but no one has been listening; that even goes for many of his supporters.

The big gripe about him not telling people in detail what he plans to do is because his campaign is coined "CHANGE". If he had used any other word people would not give 2 shits. Hell, it got so good that the McCain camp was using it against him, lol! What was GW's plan? What was Clinton's plan? What was J Carters plan?

01-23-2009, 12:03 PM
McCain was going to try is best to do what he said. Not promise and guarantee it will happen like Obama did. Some of McCains plans included a total reform of the country. Target the tax code, help get gas prices down, make health care more affordable. He wanted to rearrange things to make it easier on the working class. All i can find about Obama on the other hand his, change change change. A little bit about rescuing the middle class and some health care plans. So you tell me...

01-23-2009, 12:13 PM
go there, at the bottom there is an area for the agenda, if you want to know what any of his plans are they are all down there, one impressive thing about him is the fact that he wants to keep his agenda and the government as a whole transparent, meaning that even if shit isn't getting done you can see what is or isn't. To me he doesn't PROMISE change, he wants people to work together to change the country as a whole, the president alone can't do it, Mccain couldn't have done it alone, or bush, or anyone else

His implementation and support of www.usaservice.org is also a nice touch, he didn't invent volunteering but he is helping to make it more mainstream, i think thats his true goal, following up on the famous kennedy ask not what your country quote

01-23-2009, 12:16 PM
good points. No one person can change anything, so it pisses me off when everyone worships Obama like he is a god. The President is only a face he can try, but its up to the house to change shit.

01-23-2009, 12:21 PM
McCain was going to try is best to do what he said. Not promise and guarantee it will happen like Obama did. Some of McCains plans included a total reform of the country. Target the tax code, help get gas prices down, make health care more affordable. He wanted to rearrange things to make it easier on the working class. All i can find about Obama on the other hand his, change change change. A little bit about rescuing the middle class and some health care plans. So you tell me...

You do you realize that you posted the same things that Obama said. See, you are letting the word CHANGE forshadow his plan. From what you posted, I still don't know HOW McCain was going to accomplish those task.

Read the stuff in bold and PLEASE tell me that Obama did not address the issues you posted. If we follow your response, McCain didn't have a plan either.

Eat your own words.

01-23-2009, 12:23 PM
go there, at the bottom there is an area for the agenda, if you want to know what any of his plans are they are all down there, one impressive thing about him is the fact that he wants to keep his agenda and the government as a whole transparent, meaning that even if shit isn't getting done you can see what is or isn't. To me he doesn't PROMISE change, he wants people to work together to change the country as a whole, the president alone can't do it, Mccain couldn't have done it alone, or bush, or anyone else

His implementation and support of www.usaservice.org is also a nice touch, he didn't invent volunteering but he is helping to make it more mainstream, i think thats his true goal, following up on the famous kennedy ask not what your country quote

Hot damn........ :goodjob:

Change to me = The U.S. mindset and current path to self-destruction

01-23-2009, 12:26 PM
doesn't matter all the greatest dynasties never lasted more than a couple hundred years.

01-23-2009, 12:26 PM
Every President lays out a plan. That plan will NOT agree with what everyone thinks is right or wrong. The President does his best to make correct decisions to keep the country in the positive. Things occur that deviate plans, the President has to roll with the punches. Bush had a hard term, no doubt about that, but his mindset was in the WRONG place.

No one worships Obama as if he can fix everything, but he damn sure does put the "fight" back in America.

doesn't matter all the greatest dynasties never lasted more than a couple hundred years.

Dude, you are just fucking negative about everything.

01-23-2009, 12:27 PM
I think i speak for a majority of people out there, including my wife who is black, only the idiots treat him like a god, people like jesse jackson in example...............these people see the struggle that happened in the sixties and apply it to today, which isn't fair. They see him and think oh shit, now that we have a black man in office I am going to become rich..............they also think he is one of them, in case people don't know, obama is loaded, he isn't from compton, he isn't driving a caprice, or a blue lambo. He is an upper class man who has been like that for a long time now

Now the thing that i see that's different is, he still thinks like a middle class person and attempts to connect to middle and lower class people, where as bush or mccain, no matter their efforts CAN'T connect. They dont have the charisma, they dont have the passion like he does. They love their country but they can't show people the way he does.

And to me, there is nothing wrong with hope, that's what the country needs right now, the hope that things will be better, this is what roosevelt offered, and when people dig into his presidency they realize he didnt change everything, america did. but they did it because they hoped and wanted it.

Our nation becomes very confident and arrogant about who we are and what we deserve every so often. When this happens we fail, we have to go through this time and time again to remind people why we are so lucky and to get people to cherish it.

I know you don't like Obama, and whatever your reason that is your thing, but what i think alot of people want from you and the rest of his detractors is see the good, not just the bad..............he hasn't stated his intentions right? well what he has done is brought together crowds of millions, black, white, latino, asian, everyone.........he has made people see that they can stand next to each other and not fight. That might not be a huge deal to some, but to me it says alot. Hell I cant even go to the club without bumping into another race and people wanting to fight, thats just the way america has become, so i pray people can just shut the hell up and realize no one is better than another, if we dont want another depression and another world war, and god knows what else, now is the time to show it, by helping everyone else. Hell i knew volunteering existed, I did it alot in high school, but as I grew and began to work and started caring about my family i stopped caring about everyone else, but a commercial came on advertising it and made me look, all of a sudden im signed up for 10 different things, I wouldnt care who the hell made me pay attention, a black president, a white president or anything else, but the country has to learn to take care of itself and stop assuming we are better than everyone else, now is the time to prove it by coming together

01-23-2009, 12:29 PM
either way i stand behind my feelings towards him as being a pretty face and different so people would believe. Only time will tell, for it tells all stories.

01-23-2009, 12:30 PM
I think i speak for a majority of people out there, including my wife who is black, only the idiots treat him like a god, people like jesse jackson in example...............these people see the struggle that happened in the sixties and apply it to today, which isn't fair. They see him and think oh shit, now that we have a black man in office I am going to become rich..............they also think he is one of them, in case people don't know, obama is loaded, he isn't from compton, he isn't driving a caprice, or a blue lambo. He is an upper class man who has been like that for a long time now

Now the thing that i see that's different is, he still thinks like a middle class person and attempts to connect to middle and lower class people, where as bush or mccain, no matter their efforts CAN'T connect. They dont have the charisma, they dont have the passion like he does. They love their country but they can't show people the way he does.

And to me, there is nothing wrong with hope, that's what the country needs right now, the hope that things will be better, this is what roosevelt offered, and when people dig into his presidency they realize he didnt change everything, america did. but they did it because they hoped and wanted it.

Our nation becomes very confident and arrogant about who we are and what we deserve every so often. When this happens we fail, we have to go through this time and time again to remind people why we are so lucky and to get people to cherish it.

I know you don't like Obama, and whatever your reason that is your thing, but what i think alot of people want from you and the rest of his detractors is see the good, not just the bad..............he hasn't stated his intentions right? well what he has done is brought together crowds of millions, black, white, latino, asian, everyone.........he has made people see that they can stand next to each other and not fight. That might not be a huge deal to some, but to me it says alot. Hell I cant even go to the club without bumping into another race and people wanting to fight, thats just the way america has become, so i pray people can just shut the hell up and realize no one is better than another, if we dont want another depression and another world war, and god knows what else, now is the time to show it, by helping everyone else. Hell i knew volunteering existed, I did it alot in high school, but as I grew and began to work and started caring about my family i stopped caring about everyone else, but a commercial came on advertising it and made me look, all of a sudden im signed up for 10 different things, I wouldnt care who the hell made me pay attention, a black president, a white president or anything else, but the country has to learn to take care of itself and stop assuming we are better than everyone else, now is the time to prove it by coming together

Big hug and handshake.....no homo, lol.

01-23-2009, 12:34 PM
good point, but like i said only time will tell. I have good close friends of a lot of different races and have had them for a long time. Just becareful what you wish for because somethings are different from what they appear to be. This day in age, you can't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.

01-23-2009, 12:35 PM
I think i speak for a majority of people out there, including my wife who is black, only the idiots treat him like a god, people like jesse jackson in example...............these people see the struggle that happened in the sixties and apply it to today, which isn't fair. They see him and think oh shit, now that we have a black man in office I am going to become rich..............they also think he is one of them, in case people don't know, obama is loaded, he isn't from compton, he isn't driving a caprice, or a blue lambo. He is an upper class man who has been like that for a long time now

Now the thing that i see that's different is, he still thinks like a middle class person and attempts to connect to middle and lower class people, where as bush or mccain, no matter their efforts CAN'T connect. They dont have the charisma, they dont have the passion like he does. They love their country but they can't show people the way he does.

And to me, there is nothing wrong with hope, that's what the country needs right now, the hope that things will be better, this is what roosevelt offered, and when people dig into his presidency they realize he didnt change everything, america did. but they did it because they hoped and wanted it.

Our nation becomes very confident and arrogant about who we are and what we deserve every so often. When this happens we fail, we have to go through this time and time again to remind people why we are so lucky and to get people to cherish it.

I know you don't like Obama, and whatever your reason that is your thing, but what i think alot of people want from you and the rest of his detractors is see the good, not just the bad..............he hasn't stated his intentions right? well what he has done is brought together crowds of millions, black, white, latino, asian, everyone.........he has made people see that they can stand next to each other and not fight. That might not be a huge deal to some, but to me it says alot. Hell I cant even go to the club without bumping into another race and people wanting to fight, thats just the way america has become, so i pray people can just shut the hell up and realize no one is better than another, if we dont want another depression and another world war, and god knows what else, now is the time to show it, by helping everyone else. Hell i knew volunteering existed, I did it alot in high school, but as I grew and began to work and started caring about my family i stopped caring about everyone else, but a commercial came on advertising it and made me look, all of a sudden im signed up for 10 different things, I wouldnt care who the hell made me pay attention, a black president, a white president or anything else, but the country has to learn to take care of itself and stop assuming we are better than everyone else, now is the time to prove it by coming together QFTMFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob: :D :D :D ;) ;) ;) :idb: :idb: :idb:

Reps. :cheers: :yes:

(smiles= speechless)

01-23-2009, 12:35 PM
Big hug and handshake.....no homo, lol.

No homo?!?! well that takes half the fun out of it lol...........for real though no homo.......

01-23-2009, 12:38 PM
good point, but like i said only time will tell. I have good close friends of a lot of different races and have had them for a long time. Just becareful what you wish for because somethings are different from what they appear to be. This day in age, you can't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.

trust me im with you on the belief thing, but hell if i didnt have hope, what the hell else would i have. I believe in god, but i cant directly hear him, or see him.............I have faith in America, not Obama, I have hope he does a great job, that is all............I had hope for Bush too, I have hope for all presidents until I am proven otherwise

01-23-2009, 12:39 PM
No homo?!?! well that takes half the fun out of it lol...........for real though no homo.......

*takes 2 steps back*

I think a lot of people are just confused, brainwashed, scared, dumb.....ah who knows.

Roll with it people, lol.

01-23-2009, 12:39 PM
better than I am. I have a hard time with trust.

01-23-2009, 12:45 PM
Alot of people are brainwashed on both sides, that is what creates this craziness. What I want to change is exactly that, one thing that won Obama the election is the mudslinging, right now is NOT the time for bickering and saying oh his middle name is Hussein dont elect him he is a terrorist. That type of shit won't fly right now, speaking for the MANY unemployed I dont wanna hear that shit, my business closed, i was laid off, it wasn't my fault, its a product of the times. I'm not angry, what pisses me off is the fact that even with one of the scariest times in our history, definitely one of the scariest times for our generation, people want to bring up mundane garbage, now is not the time, when the economy is booming and everything is on track, lets start talkin shit again, right now lets figure out how to fix the problems at hand, we can debate the course of action, but not the intent, now is NOT the time

01-23-2009, 01:12 PM
I think i speak for a majority of people out there, including my wife who is black, only the idiots treat him like a god, people like jesse jackson in example...............these people see the struggle that happened in the sixties and apply it to today, which isn't fair. They see him and think oh shit, now that we have a black man in office I am going to become rich..............they also think he is one of them, in case people don't know, obama is loaded, he isn't from compton, he isn't driving a caprice, or a blue lambo. He is an upper class man who has been like that for a long time now

Now the thing that i see that's different is, he still thinks like a middle class person and attempts to connect to middle and lower class people, where as bush or mccain, no matter their efforts CAN'T connect. They dont have the charisma, they dont have the passion like he does. They love their country but they can't show people the way he does.

And to me, there is nothing wrong with hope, that's what the country needs right now, the hope that things will be better, this is what roosevelt offered, and when people dig into his presidency they realize he didnt change everything, america did. but they did it because they hoped and wanted it.

Our nation becomes very confident and arrogant about who we are and what we deserve every so often. When this happens we fail, we have to go through this time and time again to remind people why we are so lucky and to get people to cherish it.

I know you don't like Obama, and whatever your reason that is your thing, but what i think alot of people want from you and the rest of his detractors is see the good, not just the bad..............he hasn't stated his intentions right? well what he has done is brought together crowds of millions, black, white, latino, asian, everyone.........he has made people see that they can stand next to each other and not fight. That might not be a huge deal to some, but to me it says alot. Hell I cant even go to the club without bumping into another race and people wanting to fight, thats just the way america has become, so i pray people can just shut the hell up and realize no one is better than another, if we dont want another depression and another world war, and god knows what else, now is the time to show it, by helping everyone else. Hell i knew volunteering existed, I did it alot in high school, but as I grew and began to work and started caring about my family i stopped caring about everyone else, but a commercial came on advertising it and made me look, all of a sudden im signed up for 10 different things, I wouldnt care who the hell made me pay attention, a black president, a white president or anything else, but the country has to learn to take care of itself and stop assuming we are better than everyone else, now is the time to prove it by coming together

Another HUGE :goodjob::goodjob::goodjob: from here! I couldn't have said it ANY BETTER! You, sir, have your head on straight!:goodjob::cheers:

01-23-2009, 01:23 PM
mankind has being going down hill when it lost compassion for fellow man.

01-23-2009, 03:10 PM
See, those are the comments that make me more angry than the obvious things, lol. Like, we all called George Bush a dumb ass....thats it, lol! McCain was an old fart dumb ass....thats it! People here have called Obama: piece of shit, ni**a/er, darkie, etc....and now african fuck?

Damn IA (in Reverend Wright tone).....no offense to Juilo :D
You cant expect me to me be completely nice, do you really? LOL!

Why :thinking:

you sir have my respect!!!! you are the second person i ever say that voted for mccain and isnt all like ohhh socialism.....and ohhh here goes the country....

much respect to you man!!! :goodjob:.....1
good shit

Evan, I don't know you from Adam, but just the fact that you engaged in that sort of bullshit with him diminished you in my eyes. Just sayin...
shut the fuck up, just because someones honest about their opinions you all of a sudden wana get your panties in a wad? fuck you son... go back to highschool where the drama and fake people surround your shit everyday

There's no real excuse for some things I said, but I stand by my belief that saying "nigger" in correct context, is not a bad thing or racist.

Of course we all have different beliefs, and like I said, I'm far from racist... and kinda showed that by giving the old man a ride to the store. Hope you understand, man.
Id never apologize for saying the word ******, but then again if i said it i meant it... but if i didnt say it, and someone said i did, id apologize. the word ****** doesnt mean anything about color of skin... its apart of heritige along with popularity included apon. Ive given a many of black folks rides when ive seen people walkin on the side of a road, and not because their black... just so happen to be the skin of them is dark. i dont care about skin color... but when i hear you callin another black guy "my *****" and your pants are past your ass, your shoes are untied, and you walk like a bitch... and when their talking ignorance... yep i can use my word as much as id like. but in the end, id never use that word based apon skin color... i use it when ignorance is involved. im sure ill be told me using it is ignorance:blah:

okay fuck this im not typing anymore until i feel my shit is needed

01-23-2009, 03:27 PM
Question to EVERYONE: Is the "N" word reserved to be used to describe only certain black people?

01-23-2009, 03:29 PM
Question to EVERYONE: Is the "N" word reserved to be used to describe only certain black people?
not at all. i have a many of motor scooter black friends. they are cool folks, and actually agree with my MANY opinions of the word ******. ive seen and heard them use the word at many of black people. its not used out of my house because of skin color as i said earlier. hell one of the fellas i work for is black, imagine if i really was racists how THAT shit would fly

01-23-2009, 03:37 PM
not at all. i have a many of motor scooter black friends. they are cool folks, and actually agree with my MANY opinions of the word ******. ive seen and heard them use the word at many of black people. its not used out of my house because of skin color as i said earlier. hell one of the fellas i work for is black, imagine if i really was racists how THAT shit would fly

I never said you, or anyone else was racist. There are horrible tones in this thread and many others though, many of which I know people will not express in person.

As for my question, lets take it a step further. Have you called anyone else, other than black people, the N word?

01-23-2009, 03:38 PM
not at all. i have a many of motor scooter black friends. they are cool folks, and actually agree with my MANY opinions of the word ******. ive seen and heard them use the word at many of black people. its not used out of my house because of skin color as i said earlier. hell one of the fellas i work for is black, imagine if i really was racists how THAT shit would fly

LIKE IVE said before everybody seems cool and calm in public.....but behind closed doors people really say some fucked up shit!!!....1

01-23-2009, 03:44 PM
LIKE IVE said before everybody seems cool and calm in public.....but behind closed doors people really say some fucked up shit!!!....1

Yeah...IA has some undercover lurkers :ninja:

01-23-2009, 03:46 PM
yea man!!!......not only IA but there are people like that allllll over the place!!!!.....

just my personal belief but i believe half of the people i see during the day have some kinda racist blood in them....but they look like normal human beings and will act cool as shit with you!!! :2cents:....1

01-23-2009, 03:51 PM
Racism not only comes from people of other races, but it also comes from one's own race. Racism from one's own race is referred to as interracism.

By debating racism openly we may be able to find the source, and expose it. Racism is based on fear and ignorance. By exposing the roots of racism, it will be much harder NOT to see the ignorance in this hatred. The roots of racism run deep into this country's history. Racism is a fact of life for many people. We want to do what's right, we want this world to be a better place, but can we change what we do not acknowledge?

M.E. Dyson......

01-23-2009, 04:04 PM
I never said you, or anyone else was racist. There are horrible tones in this thread and many others though, many of which I know people will not express in person.

As for my question, lets take it a step further. Have you called anyone else, other than black people, the N word?
sure have... a many of times

LIKE IVE said before everybody seems cool and calm in public.....but behind closed doors people really say some fucked up shit!!!....1
dude i get on IA acouple times a week, and say some fucked up shit. doesnt mean i mean it though... i just get on, start some shit, get off and watch it blow some peoples worlds up ;)

01-23-2009, 04:28 PM
Quoted from Yogi08:"shut the fuck up, just because someones honest about their opinions you all of a sudden wana get your panties in a wad? fuck you son... go back to highschool where the drama and fake people surround your shit everyday."

Dude, you should try a little harder to camouflage your ignorance....waving it like a flag just makes you look incredibly stupid--like so many others have in this thread. CGEvan included, regardless of his intent. As I said, "you can't UN-ring the bell".

01-23-2009, 04:33 PM
sure have... a many of times

dude i get on IA acouple times a week, and say some fucked up shit. doesnt mean i mean it though... i just get on, start some shit, get off and watch it blow some peoples worlds up ;)
