View Full Version : knock on wood

01-08-2009, 07:36 PM
So This year, For the 1st time in quite awhile, I got a flu shot.

Every damn year in the past, I get a flu/cold that totally lays me down. Usually around NOV and no lie, it last about a month..

This year, I noticed a lot of people around me have the flu.. and they get it real bad..

I got the shot back in SEP. I swear, it feels like every other person, including a friend I spent some time this weekend, has it also.

But Im glad to say, I have not catch that shit yet.

Yup, Knock on wood.

And to those who say, that after you get the flu shot, you get sick to get ..

Thats a myth.. according to my doctor.

01-08-2009, 07:37 PM
Good Luck!

01-08-2009, 07:40 PM
So This year, For the 1st time in quite awhile, I got a flu shot.

Every damn year in the past, I get a flu/cold that totally lays me down. Usually around NOV and no lie, it last about a month..

This year, I noticed a lot of people around me have the flu.. and they get it real bad..

I got the shot back in SEP. I swear, it feels like every other person, including a friend I spent some time this weekend, has it also.

But Im glad to say, I have not catch that shit yet.

Yup, Knock on wood.

And to those who say, that after you get the flu shot, you get sick to get ..

Thats a myth.. according to my doctor.Its not a myth, but some people are affected differently than others. A flu shot is basically a vaccine. And the way a vaccine works is that you get injected with a dead version of the virus so your body can develop antibodies. Never the less some people could still get sick from that if their immune system isn't strong enough.

x Resilience
01-08-2009, 07:40 PM
I hope your ass gets sick!!!! :lmao:

01-08-2009, 07:41 PM
Well, Ill believe what My doctor says... :)

01-08-2009, 07:43 PM
He is wrong they all are! lol

01-08-2009, 07:52 PM

Crazy Asian
01-08-2009, 11:48 PM
and sometime people are allergic to the flu shots so what happens you get sick from it and your sinus and everything go all haywire.

01-09-2009, 12:15 AM
I've gotten a flu shot 3 of the last 4 years. The one year I didn't, I got sick. I'm sure there was some coincidence in that, but nonetheless, I've never had any problems after getting them, and they're free through Tech, so why not?

01-09-2009, 12:30 AM
i havent been sick this year, and its crazy i usually get REALLY sick like 2-3 times a year.

Tiffany was like deathly ill a few times when we hung out an i never got sick.

Ive had a bunch of friends be sick and i havent gotten it.

Maybe im just that much more of a badass this year?

01-09-2009, 12:32 AM
i havent had a flu shot in........ well since i can remember, i dont like needles so its worth the risk to me.

01-09-2009, 04:19 AM
the years i did get a flu shot, i got the flu, the years i didnt get one, i didnt. ill stick to not getting one based on results.

01-09-2009, 08:38 AM
i got the flu last year.. and this year...

i never even thought about getting the shot.. ya know?? just kinda skipped my mind...

01-09-2009, 08:39 AM
Yea it's def not a myth, I'm immuno compremised which for those who don't know what that means I was born with little to no immuse system. So for years and years I couldn't get ANY of my shots and I still can't get some today, Because when I would get them I would get w/e virus the vaccine was for.

01-09-2009, 08:44 AM
Yea it's def not a myth, I'm immuno compremised which for those who don't know what that means I was born with little to no immuse system. So for years and years I couldn't get ANY of my shots and I still can't get some today, Because when I would get them I would get w/e virus the vaccine was for.


01-09-2009, 08:45 AM
I know, I have to cut myself everyday just so I have something to look forward to.

01-09-2009, 08:49 AM
just make sure you sterilize the razor....

01-09-2009, 08:51 AM
I have never got a flu shot and never really plan on it. I have had the flu once in my whole life and that was about 4 years ago when I was on some really strong medicine that lowerd my immune system. All back to normal now though.

I know several ppl that have got the shot and then less than 2 wks later had it. Or atleast really bad side effects. No thank you. One of my boss's tried to make me get one since they are a DR and I keep babies but I refused. The day I get it I might think about it.....

01-09-2009, 08:53 AM
I have never got a flu shot and never really plan on it. I have had the flu once in my whole life and that was about 4 years ago when I was on some really strong medicine that lowerd my immune system. All back to normal now though.

I know several ppl that have got the shot and then less than 2 wks later had it. Or atleast really bad side effects. No thank you. One of my boss's tried to make me get one since they are a DR and I keep babies but I refused. The day I get it I might think about it.....

i know i wished i would have..... i started getting sick last friday.... and i'm still not completely over it...

01-09-2009, 09:01 AM
just make sure you sterilize the razor....

Truth :cheers:

01-09-2009, 09:02 AM
...and I keep babies but I refused. The day I get it I might think about it.....

100% hindsight bias? Keep babies, you make em sound like pets :lmfao:

I haven't had a shot in forever and the last time I was sick was with the chicken pox in the 90s. Knock on wood indeed!