View Full Version : Ticket/Jail/Hearing request question

01-04-2009, 09:11 PM
Friday night I had been drinkin a little bit and was on my way home when my back right wheel completely broke off and went up under my truck causing me to run up on a curb. I went ahead and called 911 and once the cops got there I went ahead and told them I had been drinkin so I could go ahead and get all that over with. I got a dui, failure to maintain single lane, too fast for conditions, and open container(it was just a cup that said Budweiser on it). They told me my court date was Feb. 5th. They gave me a piece of paper and told me to do what it says at the top or I will lose my license. It says I have to request a hearing and it must be in writing. If I already have a court date then why do I have to write in a request for a hearing?

Also when I was in there I asked to see the paper where they wrote down what I had on me(my jacket, hat, wallet, and other shit) and the arresting officer let me see it but one of the officers behind the desk started smartin off to me and I told him I just wanted to make sure they wrote everything down. He got up in my face and was hollerin and shit and told me to put my hands on the desk which I did and he grabbed my arm and put it behind my back and picked me up and slammed me on the top of the desk for no reason. Who would I have to talk to at the jail to get a complaint on him? I told him to get ready cause I would be back with a complaint on him. There where six cameras that could all see what happened.

I know I shouldn't have been driving. The person who said they would drive ended up leaving and I didn't know so once I found out it was to late for me to call anyone cause I was about 35-45 minutes away from home. This ain't a thread where I am goin to bash the cops cause everyone of them was cool except for that one fatass fuckstick.

01-04-2009, 09:14 PM
ha, new dui laws passed i think a week or so ago. 21k in fines now if i rememeber, i hope it hasnt passed yet for you

01-04-2009, 09:15 PM
lol why u call the cops in the first place

01-04-2009, 09:17 PM
lol why u call the cops in the first place

Someone would have if I hadn't. My truck wasn't goin to be able to move at all. I fucked up so might as well man up to it

01-04-2009, 09:17 PM
what was your BAC?

01-04-2009, 09:19 PM
what was your BAC?

Don't know what it was at the scene cause they wouldn't tell me but at the station I blew a .208 and a .197. They put down .197

Jimmy B
01-04-2009, 09:29 PM
Don't know what it was at the scene cause they wouldn't tell me but at the station I blew a .208 and a .197. They put down .197

Drinkin A LITTLE??? LOL, thats alot!!!

At least you maned up and arent whining like everyone else on here.. I hope you learned your lesson, i think drinking and driving should result in a little jail, no questions asked... good luck

01-04-2009, 09:32 PM
Why Would You Even Drive???


01-04-2009, 09:32 PM
Drinkin A LITTLE??? LOL, thats alot!!!

At least you maned up and arent whining like everyone else on here.. I hope you learned your lesson, i think drinking and driving should result in a little jail, no questions asked... good luck

Yeah I plan on slowing down ALOT. What really sucks is that I just got off probation in my county December 5th for DUI/Drugs. Wasn't drinkin then. It shows up on my record as me being charged with it but I wasn't ever convicted cause of the type of probation I was on.

01-04-2009, 09:36 PM
I dont know how to say this..

I mean, you did the right thing..

But I wouldve called a friend and leave the truck there and come get it the next day.. I mean, you didnt hurt anyone... you had enough time..... If it got towed away, it couldve been less $$.

I dont know.. iffy situation..

01-04-2009, 09:37 PM
The hearing is called an ALS hearing (automatic license suspension). You must apply for it within 10 business days or your license will automatically be suspended for a year if they did the paperwork on it (sounds like they did). This hearing has nothing to do with your actual court date. Contact a lawyer Monday, they can get the hearing for you and the money will be well worth it when it comes court time if you value your ability to drive.

01-04-2009, 09:37 PM
Yeah I plan on slowing down ALOT. What really sucks is that I just got off probation in my county December 5th for DUI/Drugs. Wasn't drinkin then. It shows up on my record as me being charged with it but I wasn't ever convicted cause of the type of probation I was on.

ahh damn..

and you drove again that night.. sorry dude..

I think you fucked up man...

01-04-2009, 09:38 PM
I dont know how to say this..

I mean, you did the right thing..

But I wouldve called a friend and leave the truck there and come get it the next day.. I mean, you didnt hurt anyone... you had enough time..... If it got towed away, it couldve been less $$.

I dont know.. iffy situation..

It was sittin like 1/2 mile from the jail in the middle of a highway on a curb. I am sure the cops would have been there before a friend could have gotten there.

01-04-2009, 09:39 PM
The hearing is called an ALS hearing (automatic license suspension). You must apply for it within 10 business days or your license will automatically be suspended for a year if they did the paperwork on it (sounds like they did). This hearing has nothing to do with your actual court date. Contact a lawyer Monday, they can get the hearing for you and the money will be well worth it when it comes court time if you value your ability to drive.

I am goin tomorrow to talk to one. And it does say I got 10 business days. As long as I can drive to work I will be happy.

01-04-2009, 09:41 PM
It was sittin like 1/2 mile from the jail in the middle of a highway on a curb. I am sure the cops would have been there before a friend could have gotten there.

Hide in the bush or something .. lol.. start walking.. I dont know man..

I know what Im saying sounds very dumb.. but shit, you already drove while you were drinking and you had a strike..
I wouldve just kept being dumber at that point.

Def good luck..

01-04-2009, 09:42 PM
I am goin tomorrow to talk to one. And it does say I got 10 business days. As long as I can drive to work I will be happy.

Damn dude. Last we talked, you seemed to have everything under control. You need to get out of that town and start over away from all the influences. Sucks to see you fucking up like this...even if it is your own doings. Later, QD.

01-04-2009, 09:44 PM
Hide in the bush or something .. lol.. start walking.. I dont know man..

I know what Im saying sounds very dumb.. but shit, you already drove while you were drinking and you had a strike..
I wouldve just kept being dumber at that point.

Def good luck..
lol but then that would have been leaving the scene of an accident

but i too would have hid and called someone. worth the risk imo if everything is off the road.

01-04-2009, 09:46 PM
Damn dude. Last we talked, you seemed to have everything under control. You need to get out of that town and start over away from all the influences. Sucks to see you fucking up like this...even if it is your own doings. Later, QD.

This was in Rome, Ga. I am off the drugs and pills now but I do have a problem with drinking. This fuck up will hopefully teach me a lesson. I may drink a little but I will not drink and drive again and I won't drink in a car even if I ain't driving.

01-04-2009, 11:16 PM
dude.. you have to try to stop drinking... atleast you know you have an issue.. but you need to get some help before its to late..

I honestly dont know you .. but I heard this story a few times already..

Do it before its to late.

01-04-2009, 11:20 PM
Glad you didn't kill anyone.

01-04-2009, 11:26 PM
lol but then that would have been leaving the scene of an accident

but i too would have hid and called someone. worth the risk imo if everything is off the road.


01-05-2009, 09:11 AM
lol but then that would have been leaving the scene of an accident

but i too would have hid and called someone. worth the risk imo if everything is off the road.

yeah but leaving the scene of an accident ticket is alot better then a dui i promise. :goodjob: Maybe a 250$ for leaving the scene but dui is going to cost him thousands.

01-05-2009, 10:11 AM
damn..i would've went home and call the cop few hours later saying someone stole the car..idk

but good luck man

01-05-2009, 10:21 AM
Tell the judge your a alcoholic and you need help if you really want help.

01-05-2009, 10:40 AM
lol but then that would have been leaving the scene of an accident

but i too would have hid and called someone. worth the risk imo if everything is off the road.

well if the car was off the road and broken down... turn everything off and leave. you wouldn't get charged w/ leaving the scene unless there were witnesses and he did damage to someone elses property.

i would for sure pulled it off the road, turned everything off and left.

i had a similar situation one night coming home from downtown have a few beers w/ some friends, made a left turn and the axle came out of my transmission slamming my car to the ground and ramming the front wheel into the fender. i was sweating bullets b/c i knew cops were going to show up b/c you never know what you would blow even if you only had a couple beers. luckily when they showed up they asked what happened and could see that the axle was laying on the ground and it was obvious i hadn't hit anything. they called me a wrecker and i went home :bump:

01-06-2009, 12:58 AM
Talk to a lawyer today?

01-06-2009, 01:47 AM
Damn dude. Last we talked, you seemed to have everything under control. You need to get out of that town and start over away from all the influences. Sucks to see you fucking up like this...even if it is your own doings. Later, QD.

Quoted for the first time I have ever seen QD not wish death on someone for endangering innocent lives.

OP, you should have left the truck and waited for a friend to get you. Like stated above, as long as your truck is off the road and no private property is damaged you are fine.

Good Luck