View Full Version : $@^*! hungover @ work. So what'd you do last night?

12-20-2008, 09:15 AM
Finally had a bomb ass good night after a long time (1 month), went out to Opera with few friends last night. Did first thing first....hit the bar and :cheers:. Then to the floor, it was def a good crowd last night. I have to say, i am one ballsy mofo when boozed up...i don't know why didn't i get my ass beat for some of the shit i did last night.
Fine woman: "i am here with my fiancé."
Me: "He's not here right now, lets go up to VIP...he can't come there." :lmfao:
All in all stupid fun night, got bozzed up properly, got lap dances (1 asian chick asked if i wanted one lol), got more, got few numbers that might be worth calling, got taco bell (one off sugarloaf open till 4am FTW), got lil to no sleep, now stuck at work, and got a hangover :rant:.

Got Milk?
12-20-2008, 09:33 AM
man im with you. I had a bday party last night, and i drank untill i passed out. Now i have big head ache, my stomach hurts, made my self throw up 2 times just now, to make me feel some what better. grrrr, its good while ur drinking, but it is not worth it the next day.

ohh, and i went to work, could not handle it and came back home after just working for 40 minutes.

Jimmy B
12-20-2008, 11:51 AM

12-20-2008, 11:54 AM
i watched Pineapple Express and Zach and Miri make a Porno and drank beer.

little drunk, woke up around 12

12-20-2008, 12:46 PM
went to a kegger last night. played pong from like 8 till 3 ahha, ate soooo much food and Advil passed out and just woke up, and i feel fine!

12-20-2008, 12:58 PM
Didn't do nothing last night, but its going down this weekend that's for sure!!! I'll be back monday w/ mah stories lol

12-20-2008, 12:59 PM
no sir, but i'll proudly start all over again any day :D

12-20-2008, 01:01 PM

Got Milk?
12-20-2008, 01:43 PM

No rookies here. If you dont drink to the point where u pass out, you havent really celebrated you bday.

12-20-2008, 01:45 PM
No rookies here. If you dont drink to the point where u pass out, you havent really celebrated you bday.
No then that's called you have a drinking problem :slap:

12-20-2008, 01:49 PM
i got sushi... no drinking .... meh... ya know

12-20-2008, 02:26 PM
i got sushi... no drinking .... meh... ya know
sushi meet......mmmmmmmmmm

12-21-2008, 10:14 AM
Finally had a bomb ass good night after a long time (1 month), went out to Opera with few friends last night. Did first thing first....hit the bar and :cheers:. Then to the floor, it was def a good crowd last night. I have to say, i am one ballsy mofo when boozed up...i don't know why didn't i get my ass beat for some of the shit i did last night.
Fine woman: "i am here with my fiancé."
Me: "He's not here right now, lets go up to VIP...he can't come there." :lmfao:
All in all stupid fun night, got bozzed up properly, got lap dances (1 asian chick asked if i wanted one lol), got more, got few numbers that might be worth calling, got taco bell (one off sugarloaf open till 4am FTW), got lil to no sleep, now stuck at work, and got a hangover :rant:.

Wow, fun night you had! Your brother mentioned it to me Thursday, but I had a Bday party to attend. I was on the 66th floor of the Westin downtown. Crazy view of the city. I ended up experimenting, mixing Tequila and Brandy, lol! That about all I remember :thinking:

12-21-2008, 12:19 PM

oh, and a cougar was after me.

12-21-2008, 03:33 PM
Why wasn't that moonshine poisoned??? luls

12-21-2008, 03:45 PM
Friday Night went to a pretty big party with 4 buddies and 2 36 packs, went through entirely too much beer, made it to bed around 5 AM.

Saturday night me and a buddy of mine started at 7 PM with a case of Bud Light and a fifth of Wild Turkey, finished at 4 AM. Slept from 5:30-12:00, and feel just fine.

12-21-2008, 06:49 PM
Why wasn't that moonshine poisoned??? luls

idk, i felt like shit all day yesterday. i didn't get out of bed til after 8pm.

12-21-2008, 06:51 PM
Went Christmas shopping with a few friends and came home tired wanting sleep but another friend of mine wanted to come chill for alittle while.