View Full Version : Damn you non driving ass southerners.

12-16-2008, 05:07 PM
So I was just about to leave work when I realized how bad traffic was backed up I came right back inside to wait it out.

Why the hell does traffic get 10 times worse when it rains? I mean I understand if i got a bit worse, but I swear if some much as a snowflake comes out of the sky they shut the whole city down.

Da fuck is wrong with you people?

12-16-2008, 05:08 PM
All the idiots that speed...

12-16-2008, 05:10 PM
traffic is worse because accidents are more likely in the rain. Therefore accidents slow traffic down when it rains. n shit yo

12-16-2008, 05:10 PM
I personally blame it on female drivers.

12-16-2008, 05:10 PM
So I was just about to leave work when I realized how bad traffic was backed up I came right back inside to wait it out.

Why the hell does traffic get 10 times worse when it rains? I mean I understand if i got a bit worse, but I swear if some much as a snowflake comes out of the sky they shut the whole city down.

Da fuck is wrong with you people?
Dude i love people that dont know how to manuever around the interstate. Kevin(kustombuildz)and I were on 285 headed back from Mainstream today and there was this bitch on the phone that was weaving in and out of traffic and still was never more than a few car lengths in front of us. it was funny. People in the osuth generaly don't know how to drive and its's sad.

12-16-2008, 05:13 PM
Don't get me started on the assholes on the phone.

12-16-2008, 05:14 PM
It's funny a snowflake falls out of the sky and people will swerve six lanes so it won't fall in their path.

12-16-2008, 05:45 PM
:???: :???: :???: :???: :???:

12-16-2008, 05:46 PM
traffic is worse because accidents are more likely in the rain. Therefore accidents slow traffic down when it rains. n shit yo

No. People don't slow down and that causes the accidents that slow ALL OF US down.

12-16-2008, 05:55 PM
i cant stand traffic along with ignorant drivers.

this asian bitch in a TL almost got T-boned by my bf in the mustang the other day. She rode our ass and then proceeds to try and pass us on five forks trickum by the library where the 2 lanes become 1.

12-16-2008, 05:57 PM
lol I can picture that in my head

12-16-2008, 06:09 PM
Dude i love people that dont know how to manuever around the interstate. Kevin(kustombuildz)and I were on 285 headed back from Mainstream today and there was this bitch on the phone that was weaving in and out of traffic and still was never more than a few car lengths in front of us. it was funny. People in the osuth generaly don't know how to drive and its's sad.

People in the US generally don't know how to drive. If you want to see people who can drive go visit a country where driving isn't viewed as a chore and a hassle by 60% of the population. Countries that haven't sprawled out to minimize population density in urban areas. Countries that haven't forgotten what rapid transit and mass transit really mean. It doesn't even have to be the ones you think of immediately like Germany. Italy is the same way, much of France (Avoid Paris. Just in general) The UK is good about it as well. Of course you know what you'll also find in most of these countries? Driving isn't considered a right you're guaranteed to have as soon as you turn 16. In america, especially Atlanta, Driver's Ed in schools has become a thing of the past, right as soon as people bitching about it made the state change it from being required to get your license. Saw a guy yesterday almost run a redlight when the turn lane to his left turned green. Why wasn't he paying attention to notice that HIS lane's light was still red? Well, he was just too busy reading the newspaper to notice.

The really sad part of that story is that he tried to back up to clear the intersection after slamming on his brakes to miss clipping a Prelude in his Ford Expedition...and the driver of the Mercedes behind him had followed him right into the intersection. Where's a cop when you need them?

12-16-2008, 06:39 PM
I agree. Atlanta drivers are fucking stupid.

12-16-2008, 06:49 PM
why is it only southern drivers that don't know how to drive? are you some sort of professional driver? have you ever gotten behind someone from up north while on the expressway? if southern drivers are so bad, why don't you just move back up north and drive there with all the other pros? i'm sorry if i'm coming off a little bit like an asshole, it just pisses me off when people say shit like that

12-16-2008, 06:52 PM
why is it only southern drivers that don't know how to drive? are you some sort of professional driver? have you ever gotten behind someone from up north while on the expressway? if southern drivers are so bad, why don't you just move back up north and drive there with all the other pros? i'm sorry if i'm coming off a little bit like an asshole, it just pisses me off when people say shit like that


12-16-2008, 06:59 PM
lol why the entire "southerners?"

12-16-2008, 07:28 PM
why is it only southern drivers that don't know how to drive? are you some sort of professional driver? have you ever gotten behind someone from up north while on the expressway? if southern drivers are so bad, why don't you just move back up north and drive there with all the other pros? i'm sorry if i'm coming off a little bit like an asshole, it just pisses me off when people say shit like that
Just out of curiosity have you ever driven outside of the southeast? Because if you haven't your opinioin is worth about as much as confederate money right now.

Now with that said I'm sorry but it's a fact other than people out west, People in the south are among the worst drivers. You guys have no concept of the "fast lane". I can not count how many times in a day I get stuck behind someone in the "fast lane" going the same speed as the person next to them holding up traffic or going under the speed limit in the "fast lane" even when there are signs posted EVERYWHERE that say SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT. When it drizzles, people down here go 10 under the speed limit.When it snows the roads are empty or people are sliding around playing bumper cars. People down here who try and talk and drive at the same time suck at it. At least in the NE they have either banned it or more often than not more people up there will actually pull off the road to take a call. People down here have absolutely no idea what a running lane is either.

12-16-2008, 07:58 PM
so just because they have georgia plates, that automatically make them southerners? there are plenty of northerners who live in georgia who can't drive worth a shit.

12-16-2008, 08:06 PM
so just because they have georgia plates, that automatically make them southerners? there are plenty of northerners who live in georgia who can't drive worth a shit.
yea and generally you can tell who those are but for the most part what percentage of people who live down here actually grew up in the southeast? Come on man you're grasping at straws.

12-16-2008, 10:18 PM
moral of the story: all people besides me suck at driving in Atlanta.


12-16-2008, 10:33 PM
in Atlanta i can say i am not the best driver. I usually am lost. But on the intersate i hate everyone else. I even tell my friends they suck at driving lol. I acutally was in the car wit a female driver today and she asked me if she could get over each time she wanted to get in the next lane... i just shook my head...

12-16-2008, 10:36 PM
i find drivers in the atl aera are much worse then in central fl

12-16-2008, 11:59 PM
moral of the story: all people besides me suck at driving in Atlanta.


no you drive a tiburon so that is not true, i think moral of this story is, no matter where you go in america drivers will have there flaws.

12-17-2008, 01:03 AM
no you drive a tiburon so that is not true, i think moral of this story is, no matter where you go in america drivers will have there flaws.
really trying hard there to defend your brotherin eh?