View Full Version : Avoid FOTOCONNECTION.COM Horrible experience

12-04-2008, 04:08 PM
So I'm looking for a new digital camera and I finally settled on getting a Canon Rebel Xsi.. After searching around locally at Best Buy (http://www.srtforums.com/forums/f379/avoid-fotoconnection-com-horrible-experience-482067/#), Circuit City etc.. I decided to go online to see what deals were available. Because I did this on Black Friday I thought for sure there would be some great deals..

Well I came across the best price from a place called FOTOCONNECTION out of New York. The had a great price for the whole unit of $569.00 which included two lenses a bag etc.. It said the camera was in stock so I said sure and ordered it.

No E-Mail confirmation was received which I thought was a little weird.. But didn't think much of it..

Well finally come Saturday night and still not having gotten an E-mail I decided to call them. I get a guy on the phone and he's telling me that they received the order and everything looks good (http://www.srtforums.com/forums/f379/avoid-fotoconnection-com-horrible-experience-482067/#) and then he starts going into how the lenses I ordered aren't AutoFocus lenses?? I'm like ugh, really?? Cause I could have sworn that they were.. He's like no no, these are the cheaper lenses, BUT I can upgrade you to the new lenses and add a "faster" memory card.. After some BS on the phone I finally said, I do NOT want to upgrade anything.. (unfortunately I didn't have the order in front of me so I couldn't look up what I had ordered originally, thankfully I printed out the page that I ordered from because I didn't get an E-Mail confirming what had been ordered).. Finally he was fine, we'll be sending you a confirmation later with your order, click that and your credit card will be charged and we'll get the order out to you.

Uhh, ok first of all, I've ordered enough stuff online to know that when someone sends you an E-Mail with a link and it has your information on it, clicking that link is pretty stupid..

So anyway, sure enough a few hours later I get an E-Mail saying that all I had to do was click here and my order for 799.00 would be processed.. Errr, wait a second.. 799.00 WTF.. I said I didn't want to upgrade anything..

I took a look at the order and sure enough the order stated that they were supposed to be AF lenses in the first place.. I'm like WTF...Because they were closed by the time I got the E-Mail I waited till the next day to call back to find out what's going on..

This time I called and got some BS story about how the camera I ordered was a OEM Model and that the lenses were really low quality (http://www.srtforums.com/forums/f379/avoid-fotoconnection-com-horrible-experience-482067/#) but they could "upgrade" me to a full Retail U.S. Camera with "better" lenses for only $849.00 UGHHHH WTF again.. When I questioned what happened to the $569.00 price that you originally had on your web site, I got put on hold.. Then hung up on.. After calling back, I was told that the $569.00 model the "OEM Non-US" Camera was on backorder for 2-3 weeks at least but again they could upgrade me to the retail pack, now again for the $799.00 price (which btw is the same price that Best Buy sells it for and who knows what kinda lenses I'm getting from this place)

I said, the hell with this and canceled the order.. Luckily my credit card (http://www.srtforums.com/forums/f379/avoid-fotoconnection-com-horrible-experience-482067/#) was not charged, but first of all, I spend litterly hours on the phone with these assholes and secondly I missed out on the Black Friday pricing that I could have got from somewhere else that was legititmate..

SO, lessons learned.. ALWAYS print out the order from online shops. NEVER click links in E-Mails.. And with anything else online, BE CAREFUL!! And DO NOT order from FOTOCONNECTION.COM they are scammers!!!

12-04-2008, 04:11 PM
use some common sense, if the good is too good to be true, it probably is, esp when it comes to electronics.

12-08-2008, 11:33 PM
use some common sense, if the good is too good to be true, it probably is, esp when it comes to electronics.
Umm, it's not about being too good to be true you momo.. I bought the EXACT same camera from another online dealer which actually turned out to be cheaper and had absolutely no problems with it.. that's not the point here, this is a company with a bad customer service policy trying to bait customers into buying more than what they ordered. It's called the bait and switch.. Old, very illegal business tactic.

You're the kinda guy that pays retail price for everything and isn't willing to take a chance on something and that's sad in this day and age. :eek:

12-08-2008, 11:43 PM
Just a word of advice. Always do a search on any obscure electronics website with good prices. If you would have googled you would have found that the second hit (right after the website itself) is a bad review. I know before traveling this summer I was looking for a nice point and shoot camera and stumbled across one site with a much cheaper price. After googling it though, I quickly found out that it was too good to be true.

You live you learn. I'm glad you didn't end up losing any money on it.

12-09-2008, 12:11 AM
lol, im not even going to bother defending myself.

i wasnt even calling you out, just giving you advice. but youre going to call me a "momo" what the fuck is that?

if you're going to buy online, and cant spend 2 minutes doing research on a retailer, i have no sympathies for you.

and fyi, ive never paid retail for a single piece of equip.

12-09-2008, 12:12 AM
hate to be a dick, but you've gotta be half retarded to order something from such a seedy little bs website. like deke said, google is ripe with people telling you to stay away. do your research next time and be glad you didnt REALLY get ripped off.

12-15-2008, 11:44 PM
hate to be a dick, but you've gotta be half retarded to order something from such a seedy little bs website. like deke said, google is ripe with people telling you to stay away. do your research next time and be glad you didnt REALLY get ripped off.
When are people going to read what I said.. it wasn't a case of getting ripped off it was a case of bait and switch.. It's a very common problem with a lot of companies, this one just happened to be online..

I don't know, I ordered my camera from a dealer on EBay and had no problems whatsoever.. I would highly recommend these guys.. like I said, it turned out to actually be cheaper than this place and the camera works perfect.

12-15-2008, 11:47 PM
Just stick to relabel websites for buying photo stuff. bhphotovideo.com is damned good.

12-16-2008, 12:13 AM
When are people going to read what I said.. it wasn't a case of getting ripped off it was a case of bait and switch..

That's beside the point. If you had googled, you would have seen that they are a bad company to order a camera from.

I'm really not trying to be an asshole or anything, just advice for the future. :goodjob:

12-16-2008, 08:41 AM
I bought a camera on Blackfriday online and i ran accross that website and several companies like it but of course I looked for reviews on them since ive never ordered from these places before and every review i came across told the same story....super low price on camera....company never honors low price and wants to upgrade every aspect of the camera to US version for much higher price. The people that finally did receive something at a low price received a Japanese version with everything written in Japanese....I ended up buying from BHphoto.com Very Legit company

12-16-2008, 09:18 AM
Just stick to relabel websites
...you're kidding, right? *facepalm*