View Full Version : General Chat Collector Car Appraisers

12-03-2008, 02:21 PM
I'm looking for a trustworthy, knowledgeable collector car appraiser to take a look at the car I'm considering buying before I commit to it fully. Does anyone have somebody that they would recommend? The car is a European vehicle and was not available in the states in the particular year model that I've pinpointed, so someone with some knowledge in that area would be helpful.

12-03-2008, 05:44 PM
Call Haggerty. They will be able to at least give you some references to get a good estimator out there. Of course, you should have already called them to figure out how much insurance it'll be. If not Haggerty then one of the other collector/antique car insurance companies. Don't trust something that you need an appraisal before buying to a company like Geico or Safe Auto.

If I knew what kind of car we were talking about I could give some better answers, but with such vagueness, I can only give you a general suggestion.

12-03-2008, 05:52 PM
Kaiser - see PMs