View Full Version : Why are ppl so stupid

12-02-2008, 02:08 AM
It bothers me, as I lay here in bed, where we are at as a society. I've been going over the boards, like I've been doing a lot lately, trying to get in with the IA people. But I see a lot of stuff that makes me sad tonight for some reason. I was reading about the thacker thing. I don't know who thacker is, but I heard he talked crap to bugman. I don't know who bugman is, but Iwas reading about what he was doing for Thanksgiving, and how he was inviting any and everyone to his home because he doesn't want anyone to be alone for the holidays. That's awesome of him. Why would anyone be rude to someone who is so selfLESS. I don't get emotional much (except for mad), but I get teary to think of stuff like that. Most of us guys look at women like all they are good for is sex. Yea, they are beautiful and all, but it bothers me to think what if she doesn't like feeling like that. I was looking at one of my friends profile and a lot of guys were writing her comments on her pictures and they were all about sex and stuff. If it were me in that situation I would more than likely be uncomfortable with it. I know some girls like it, but what about the ones that don't? Most dudes act like all girls are the same. And most girls think that all guys are the same. They are all dogs. But we aren't. Not all of us. Some of us are still good people who will do anything for anyone. And not for something in return. If a guy complements a girl, most of the time (not always and not everyone), thinks that all your trying to do is get them to sleep with them. But not all guys are like that. We are so stereotypical as a society. We still have a lot of unresolved prejudice towards people we don't even know. Some of us still look down on people of another race, people of a different social class, religion, gender, etc. and we don't even know why. It's like one person messed up (which we don't even know who) so we blame everyone who even looks like them.

It makes me sad that there is a section devoted to stolen stuff. That it happens so much that there is a section for it.

It makes me sad to see all the stupid stuff. Like all the f u's that aren't just joking but people taking real offence to stuff. But it is better here than some of the other forums I've been on. I don't know. I'm just in one of those "wow, life ... " moods.

But at the same time on here I notice people helping each other. I see people offering good advice and trying to look out for each other. You don't see that much anymore. I just don't know, :???:, but for all you guys looking out for each other, keep it up. Don't let some people discourage you.

Sorry for the vent.

12-02-2008, 02:13 AM
idk. i just dont know :???:

"Repetition is the father of learning."

-Lil Wayne


12-02-2008, 02:43 AM
"Repetition is the father of learning."

-Lil Wayne


"and son I know your barrels burning"

-Lil wayne

OP, I agree with everything you said :cheers:

12-02-2008, 02:51 AM
OP, I agree with everything you said :cheers:

is that a good thing tho?:( anyway:cheers::D

12-02-2008, 04:09 AM
is that a good thing tho?:( anyway:cheers::D

Yes and No

12-03-2008, 09:08 PM
Dude I was just trying to get a few hot chicks in my house. :)

JK man I have been married for 20 very happy years and wouldn't change a thing. We do the "open house" every year and love it. We appreciate the additional company as well as they appreciate somewhere fun to go so it works out great. Everyone is welcome anytime but Thanksgiving seems t open a door and give some a reason to stop in and meet everyone.

You are correct about so many things and I know a lot of how your feeling. Too many things that we can't fix and too many things no one wants to fix. At the same time for the people that do still have a little heart left there are axzzholes out there killing their spirits little by little each day.

If your ever near Athens, Ga give me a ring and stop on in because our door is always open here Sir. :goodjob:

12-03-2008, 09:09 PM
well i agree with some of what you said.

Mr. Clean
12-03-2008, 09:28 PM

12-03-2008, 09:34 PM
I think most ppl look at Forum life as like a grand theft auto type life. Doing shit that you would never do in real life. Like calling a complete stranger a fucking moronic ass hat, or laughing at a handicapped person, or even telling a woman to rehandcuff her ass to the stove when you see one roaming the streets. It gives people a break from their shitty existences in their daily lives.

12-03-2008, 09:35 PM
But yes, I agree with you on most of it. Our society is going to shit slowly.

12-03-2008, 09:38 PM
it bothers me as i lay here in bed where we are at as a society. ive been goin over the boards like ive been doin alot lately trying to get in with the IA ppl. but i see lots of stuff that makes me sad tonight for some reason. i was reading about the thacker thing. idk who thacker is, but i heard he talked crap to bugman. idk who bugman is but i was readin about what he was doin for thanxgiving and how he was inviting any and everyone to his home b/c he doesnt want anyone to be alone for the holidays. thats awesome of him. why would anyone be rude to someone who is so selfLESS. i dont get emotional much (except for mad) but i get teary to think of stuff like that. most of us guys look at women like all they are good for is sex. yea, they are beautiful and all, but it bothers me to think what if she doesnt like feelin like that. i was lookin at one of my friends profile and alot of guys were writing her comments on her pix and they were all about sex and stuff. if it were me in that situation i would more than likely be uncomfortable with it. i know some chix like it, but what about the ones that dont? most dudes act like all girls are the same. and most girls think that all guys are the same. they are all dogs. but we arent. not all of us. some of us are still good ppl who will do anything for anyone. and not for something in return. if a guy complements a girl, most of the time( not always and not everyone) thinks that all your trying to do is get them to sleep with them. but not all guys are like that. we are so steriotypical as a society. we still have alot of unresolved prejudice towards ppl we dont even know. some of us still look down on ppl of another race, ppl of a different social class, religion, gender, etc. and we dont even know why. its like one person messed up ( which we dont even know who ) so we blame everyone who even looks like them.

it makes me sad that there is a section devoted to stolen stuff. that it happens so much that there is a section for it.

it makes me sad to see all the stupid stuff. like all the f u's that arent just joking but ppl taking real offence to stuff. but it is better here than some of the other forums ive been on. idk. im just in one of those "wow, life ... " moods.

but at the same time on here i notice ppl helping each other. i see ppl offering good advice and trying to look out for each other. you dont see that much anymore. idk. i just dont know :???: but for all you guys lookin out for each other, keep it up. dont let some ppl discourage you. yea

sorry for the vent of it all

this might not be the place for this. if not sorry.I feel the same way, I had posted I was going to take a break from IA for a while. But Scotsman has texted me to come back on a look at stuff and now I'm stuck in a hotel bored off my ass.

IA has been good to me, I have met some amazing people and I can't say I've met anyone on here that IRL I didn't like. Bugman is the epitome of a car guy and I can't think of a more stand up guy on this board, and when he says his door is open you can believe it. Thing is, most people display here everything they can't be IRL... asshole, pimp, shit-talker, know-it-all, racist or bad-ass. Don't let it get to you, most (I'm sure about not all), of the people here are good folks. Anyway now that I'm posting my own ramble, just remember, it's only the internet

12-03-2008, 09:39 PM
Much thought put into this thread. I often find myself thinking this way, and it's only the people I have in my life who remind me that there's hope for happiness. The fact that you care at all puts you above a lot of people in the world.

Edit, in reply to Echonova: And the internet is only good for Echonova Reps.

12-03-2008, 10:12 PM
I think most ppl look at Forum life as like a grand theft auto type life. Doing shit that you would never do in real life. Like calling a complete stranger a fucking moronic ass hat, or laughing at a handicapped person, or even telling a woman to rehandcuff her ass to the stove when you see one roaming the streets. It gives people a break from their shitty existences in their daily lives.
i should be ashamed of myself, i have done this irl :( :cry:

12-03-2008, 10:16 PM
I agree with basically all the OP said.

12-03-2008, 10:31 PM
In summation, IA is a horrible, awful place. Mainly due to Nermin of course.

But really, I see what you're saying. Especially about women. I'm starting to think some of the guys on here are fat pimply 40 year old fucks living in g-ma's basement trying to get some ass online. I mean I've had a girlfriend for almost 1.5 years now, so I can't relate to incessantly hitting on women whether they like or not.

12-03-2008, 10:45 PM
Just sad!

12-03-2008, 10:52 PM
I'm starting to think some of the guys on here are fat pimply 40 year old fucks living in g-ma's basement trying to get some ass online.

You have over 2,000 posts in 4 months. Are you any better than them?

12-03-2008, 10:58 PM

12-03-2008, 10:59 PM
I laugh at some handicap people... is that wrong?

12-03-2008, 11:03 PM
I laugh at some handicap people... is that wrong?
repost and yes

12-03-2008, 11:03 PM
repost and yes

I mean, it's only like when they fall over in their wheelchair or something.

12-03-2008, 11:06 PM
I mean, it's only like when they fall over in their wheelchair or something.
oh then thats not as bad as my laughing.

*runs and hides even more in my shame*

12-03-2008, 11:06 PM
The general population of this country is getting dumber and dumber. I attribute it to people constantly depending on technology to do things that don't require thinking and minimal input (does your cellphone really need 987435987 other functions besides placing a call? no). I also get a kick out of this new wave of people who are apparently so stupid, they can't go anywhere without having their TomTom radiating their faces while driving their fatasses to shovel more food that they don't need. Same goes for people who are too lazy to even type messages properly (not picking on the OP), but when you spell "what" as "wut" 30,000 times a day, it becomes the way you get used to typing and it is a reflection on how you carry yourself. Do you get emails from the CEO of a successful company with things like "wat up people" and "where you at?".

Oh I can go on and on.,but if there is one true statement it's "you can't tell stupid people they're stupid.... they just don't know anything else".

12-04-2008, 12:53 AM

Better? Did it really matter? I believe you missed the entire point I was trying to make.

12-04-2008, 01:00 AM
it's like my 1st grade teacher told me: "life isn't fair"

But society is the way it is because our whole culture in every country in every continent has a monetary system at the heart of it. And greed/corruption is a byproduct of money, and it brings with it a society that cares more about personal gain rather than the well being of all ppl.

end rant

12-04-2008, 01:03 AM
Just sad!

12-04-2008, 01:08 AM
The general population of this country is getting dumber and dumber. I attribute it to people constantly depending on technology to do things that don't require thinking and minimal input (does your cellphone really need 987435987 other functions besides placing a call? no). I also get a kick out of this new wave of people who are apparently so stupid, they can't go anywhere without having their TomTom radiating their faces while driving their fatasses to shovel more food that they don't need. Same goes for people who are too lazy to even type messages properly (not picking on the OP), but when you spell "what" as "wut" 30,000 times a day, it becomes the way you get used to typing and it is a reflection on how you carry yourself. Do you get emails from the CEO of a successful company with things like "wat up people" and "where you at?".

Oh I can go on and on.,but if there is one true statement it's "you can't tell stupid people they're stupid.... they just don't know anything else".

LOL technology is the ONLY thing that has increased our standards of living. Technology is a pencil that allows us to write thought down. Technology are glasses that allows someone to see when otherwise they couldn't. Technology is the sole reason why we live as comfortably as we do. And as technology gets better life for all of us will get better.

Or maybe you live in a house with no electricity, no machines, and don't drive a car because it makes one lazy. Everyone should walk right? lol

Sometimes I abberviate word and instead of typing lauigh out loud I type LOL. And it doesn't affect how I carry myself. I'm not lazy, not fat, and damn sure don't say LOL in real life.

And if you want to be philosophical all humans are all dumb, for to understand our own ignorance is the most intelligent thing we can do. For the knowledge we have now isn't fact. For information that is relevant today will not be relevant in 50 years.

I could go on and on but....:cheers:


12-04-2008, 01:10 AM
I do catch myself thinking LOL sometimes... laugh out loud... in my head?!?

12-04-2008, 01:20 AM
Actually, I just posted up a thread about how i was dating the one. :-p haha

12-04-2008, 01:26 AM
i know, i posted in it... i think i might be the last poster... not sure tho

12-04-2008, 01:55 AM
Technology, in combination with the media, has made humans ignorant and pathetic as a species.

12-04-2008, 06:09 AM
LOL technology is the ONLY thing that has increased our standards of living. Technology is a pencil that allows us to write thought down. Technology are glasses that allows someone to see when otherwise they couldn't. Technology is the sole reason why we live as comfortably as we do. And as technology gets better life for all of us will get better.

Or maybe you live in a house with no electricity, no machines, and don't drive a car because it makes one lazy. Everyone should walk right? lol

Sometimes I abberviate word and instead of typing lauigh out loud I type LOL. And it doesn't affect how I carry myself. I'm not lazy, not fat, and damn sure don't say LOL in real life.

And if you want to be philosophical all humans are all dumb, for to understand our own ignorance is the most intelligent thing we can do. For the knowledge we have now isn't fact. For information that is relevant today will not be relevant in 50 years.

I could go on and on but....:cheers:


You might want to come back in from left field. I didn't say that all new advances are bad by any means, but there are a lot of unneccessary "gadgets" that people swear they can't "live without" eventhough these things have been around less than 10 years. Also, I didn't say that standard web abbreviations make oneself seem lazy (things like 'lol' and 'wtf'), but constantly typing garbage like "wat/wut" "fucc", not understanding the difference between "sale" and "sell" and other words that only require a simple keystroke to make you look like you understand English.

The movie Idiocracy comes to mind when thinking of the future....

Mr. Clean
12-04-2008, 06:23 AM
Better? Did it really matter? I believe you missed the entire point I was trying to make.

i know i know. i understand what you're saying, and apparently you touched on something that a lot of other people agree with.

12-04-2008, 06:42 AM
I feel the same way, I had posted I was going to take a break from IA for a while. But Scotsman has texted me to come back on a look at stuff and now I'm stuck in a hotel bored off my ass.

IA has been good to me, I have met some amazing people and I can't say I've met anyone on here that IRL I didn't like. Bugman is the epitome of a car guy and I can't think of a more stand up guy on this board, and when he says his door is open you can believe it. Thing is, most people display here everything they can't be IRL... asshole, pimp, shit-talker, know-it-all, racist or bad-ass. Don't let it get to you, most (I'm sure about not all), of the people here are good folks. Anyway now that I'm posting my own ramble, just remember, it's only the internet

I agree with both you and Jonathan, but the only problem I have with your statement is the very end. true, it is only the internet but why does that give people "permission" to act like complete assholes? I mean sarcasm could also be mis-read as being mean, but im talking about the truly hurtful statements some people make that they want to hurt someone with. Yes, they can hide behind their SN and never come to meets and other stuff the site has to offer but I mean what happened to people taking pride in their name, whether it be a screen name or a real name? Morals of our society have significantly changed from what it used to be, and not for the better. Thank God there are still some people with a good mind and heart. /speech

12-04-2008, 09:17 AM
You have over 2,000 posts in 4 months. Are you any better than them?

eat a dick faggot i had house arrest for the first 3

12-04-2008, 09:41 AM
eat a dick faggot i had house arrest for the first 3

Point, set, match. :rolleyes: :gay:

12-04-2008, 09:55 AM
Point, set, match. :rolleyes: :gay:

Who the fuck are you? gtfo

12-04-2008, 09:56 AM
It bothers me, as I lay here in bed, where we are at as a society. I've been going over the boards, like I've been doing a lot lately, trying to get in with the IA people. But I see a lot of stuff that makes me sad tonight for some reason. I was reading about the thacker thing. I don't know who thacker is, but I heard he talked crap to bugman. I don't know who bugman is, but Iwas reading about what he was doing for Thanksgiving, and how he was inviting any and everyone to his home because he doesn't want anyone to be alone for the holidays. That's awesome of him. Why would anyone be rude to someone who is so selfLESS. I don't get emotional much (except for mad), but I get teary to think of stuff like that. Most of us guys look at women like all they are good for is sex. Yea, they are beautiful and all, but it bothers me to think what if she doesn't like feeling like that. I was looking at one of my friends profile and a lot of guys were writing her comments on her pictures and they were all about sex and stuff. If it were me in that situation I would more than likely be uncomfortable with it. I know some girls like it, but what about the ones that don't? Most dudes act like all girls are the same. And most girls think that all guys are the same. They are all dogs. But we aren't. Not all of us. Some of us are still good people who will do anything for anyone. And not for something in return. If a guy complements a girl, most of the time (not always and not everyone), thinks that all your trying to do is get them to sleep with them. But not all guys are like that. We are so stereotypical as a society. We still have a lot of unresolved prejudice towards people we don't even know. Some of us still look down on people of another race, people of a different social class, religion, gender, etc. and we don't even know why. It's like one person messed up (which we don't even know who) so we blame everyone who even looks like them.

It makes me sad that there is a section devoted to stolen stuff. That it happens so much that there is a section for it.

It makes me sad to see all the stupid stuff. Like all the f u's that aren't just joking but people taking real offence to stuff. But it is better here than some of the other forums I've been on. I don't know. I'm just in one of those "wow, life ... " moods.

But at the same time on here I notice people helping each other. I see people offering good advice and trying to look out for each other. You don't see that much anymore. I just don't know, :???:, but for all you guys looking out for each other, keep it up. Don't let some people discourage you.

I completley understand what your saying. A selfless soul and a respectable woman are no things to be made fun of. Thieves and violent arrogand people are the curse to society.
a couple billion more like me and you and this world would be a better place.
God bless

12-04-2008, 09:58 AM
Who the fuck are you? gtfo

Wow another hum-dinger... You get smarter by every post you make. Congrats! :goodjob:

12-04-2008, 10:44 AM
Wow another hum-dinger... You get smarter by every post you make. Congrats! :goodjob:

Go easy on me......... I failed second grade thirteen times.

(I take IA seriously all the time. Everything I say is to be regarded as serious bidness. I own the internet.)

12-04-2008, 10:51 AM
Go easy on me......... I failed second grade thirteen times.

(I take IA seriously all the time. Everything I say is to be regarded as serious bidness. I own the internet.)

yes now I shall go cry in a corner..... :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

12-04-2008, 12:22 PM
You might want to come back in from left field. I didn't say that all new advances are bad by any means, but there are a lot of unneccessary "gadgets" that people swear they can't "live without" eventhough these things have been around less than 10 years. Also, I didn't say that standard web abbreviations make oneself seem lazy (things like 'lol' and 'wtf'), but constantly typing garbage like "wat/wut" "fucc", not understanding the difference between "sale" and "sell" and other words that only require a simple keystroke to make you look like you understand English.

The movie Idiocracy comes to mind when thinking of the future....

point taken:cheers:

i think the world continues to get better and better as we get smarter and smarter. Think where we were 100 years ago and look at our civilization now. Think of where we'll be in another 100 years....anything is possible

87 Turbo II
12-04-2008, 12:34 PM
I used to be an internet douchebag but that's because I got into forums at 14 and was too immature for them. Now I try and be a valued member on this forum and not spew bullshit. The only time I am really an ass now is when someone is spreading false information about something they don't know anything about. I also take multiple reposts in a short span quite aggressively. I mean, if something is on the first page and you repost it, I'll be all over your ass about it, but if you didn't know what to search for, and it is a few weeks old, I let it slide. Other than that I try to be nice to everyone on here.

12-04-2008, 05:11 PM
But yes, I agree with you on most of it. Our society is going to shit slowly.

correction. our society has gone to shit and is slowly getting worse....

12-04-2008, 05:31 PM
Don't worry OBAMA is going to fix everything!

yeah right =/

12-04-2008, 05:38 PM
^ truth

12-04-2008, 09:34 PM
yes,many things people do/say are sad and disappointing to a society,but there's no reason to let a few bad apples ruing the batch.

12-06-2008, 03:47 PM
yes,many things people do/say are sad and disappointing to a society,but there's no reason to let a few bad apples ruing the batch.

true, but the problem is that its not just a "few" bad apples.... theres millions of bad apples

12-06-2008, 03:58 PM
well written and i agree.well with some of it...