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11-30-2008, 10:33 PM
A governmental cannabis program would earn the U.S. and in turn Canadian(They are only waiting for the U.S. to legalize first) to earn tens-of-billions of dollars in new revenue. It can also be easily controlled, by using the same methods the Canadian government uses to control it's alcohol distribution.

Canada prohibits the sale of liquor and beer in super-markets, convenience stores and many of the other places you can usually find them in the U.S. You can only pretty much only buy beer from "The Beer Store" and Liquor from "LCBO" both under the strict regulation by the Canadian government. This method could easily be used to control the distribution of Cannabis to consumers who would much rather have the easy access to it, keeping street sales illegal, just as it is Illegal to sell alcohol on the street.

Banning the sale of seeds(though I believe they should be sold to medical-patients), and growing only female plants(No seeds) would keep underground operations from even being able to produce illegally grown cannabis driving up the prices, making them unable to compete with the cheaper prices of the legal, therefore detering consumers even more from illegal purchases.

Not to mention the jobs created to run the government owned crop fields as growing the plant takes much care to grow a crop, and other jobs involved in the regulation, packaging, delivering and distributing and selling. It can be done. Science has already shown the harmlessness of marijuana on the body and mind. There are also stats from Denmark showing that the percentage of children smoking marijuana is MUCH lower than in the U.S.

It's not only a start, it's a jumpstart. The profit from this NEW revenue can help build on what we want to do, including the whole "Green Revolution" and help fund the other programs that they want to start to create other jobs which in turn cause them to bring in it's NEW income...a chain reaction, this program would be the easiest and cheapest to start and fund the harder and more expensive programs.

Yea wall of text :blah:

I'm serious if you are not :2up:

11-30-2008, 10:35 PM
13 states already recognize the use of marijuana for medical purposes. It wont be long until people accept the government has been lying for decades.

11-30-2008, 10:37 PM
13 states already recognize the use of marijuana for medical purposes. It wont be long until people accept the government has been lying for decades.

how is the gov lying?

the unitied states government doesnt reconize marijuana for medicinal use they bust dispensearys all the time

11-30-2008, 10:40 PM
how is the gov lying?

the unitied states government doesnt reconize marijuana for medicinal use they bust dispensearys all the time

lying about the effects of marijuana.

That's because state laws allow it but federal laws dont.

11-30-2008, 10:42 PM
lying about the effects of marijuana.

That's because state laws allow it but federal laws dont.

oh ok word haha

didnt really knwo where you were going with the entire "lying thing"

but thats totally true

i also agree that its not far in fututre that it will be somewhat decrimnialized(sp) in all 50 states soon

11-30-2008, 11:18 PM
it would get rid of alot of teen potheads, it would take the rush out of doing something completely pr0hibited, and like you've said a lot of fucking revenue.

Nissan Sean
11-30-2008, 11:31 PM
i wish its was legal. i mean it being illegal doesnt bother me.. but legally it would be a hole ton better.. op are you smoking up now? i always get very philosophical when i smoke

11-30-2008, 11:33 PM
i wish its was legal. i mean it being illegal doesnt bother me.. but legally it would be a hole ton better.. op are you smoking up now? i always get very philosophical when i smoke

i do know if it was legal atleast for medicinal use alot of things would change

including way less sketchy drivers

11-30-2008, 11:44 PM
i wish its was legal. i mean it being illegal doesnt bother me.. but legally it would be a hole ton better.. op are you smoking up now? i always get very philosophical when i smoke

yea im smoking a bowl before bed. saw one of the anti-pot commercials(the one with the kid that goes into a cacoon of weed and comes out fat and bald :screwy: :lmfao: ) and yes felt like writing up some thoughts for people to read.

11-30-2008, 11:47 PM
yea im smoking a bowl before bed. saw one of the anti-pot commercials(the one with the kid that goes into a cacoon of weed and comes out fat and bald :screwy: :lmfao: ) and yes felt like writing up some thoughts for people to read.

lol i hate that one

also the one where the donkey is kicking the kids

im like wtfsauce?

ohhh btw

harmless plug


12-01-2008, 12:02 AM
I can't read and roll at the same time, so I have no idea what that says.

12-01-2008, 12:24 AM
I can't read and roll at the same time, so I have no idea what that says.


12-01-2008, 12:32 AM
marijuana is illegal?

12-01-2008, 12:33 AM

12-01-2008, 01:20 AM
if it was legal id smoke everyday. i drink every now and then and they say getting high kinda feels the same without the bad feelings later. i would prolly smoke now if i wasnt lookin for a job. lol

12-01-2008, 02:01 AM
I don't see how legalizing would do anything but strengthen the underground operations. I say good luck to officers trying to hunt down the source when the dude standing on the corner with an o in his pocket just has to say "Nah man, I just picked this up from the BP(you know what I mean)"

12-01-2008, 02:10 AM
would the gov. really care? i guess it would kinda be like burnin cds or something

12-01-2008, 02:18 AM
would the gov. really care? i guess it would kinda be like burnin cds or something

if they wanted to crack down on illegal cds like they do marijuana they would have to ban music... lol

That said, I think I just changed my whole perception of marijuana.

12-01-2008, 02:26 AM
lol, howd ur whole perception of maryjane just change?

12-01-2008, 02:54 AM
this is pretty funny to me. I have always enjoyed it but it's funny how a struggling economy like ours and our job loss now, WHY WAIT ANY LONGER to legalize it. I bet half the people who have lost thier jobs would be jump on this bandwagon in a HEART BEAT! I rather 100 stoned drivers then 10 drunk drivers

12-01-2008, 03:00 AM
lol, howd ur whole perception of maryjane just change?

Hard to put into words, but it's basically the fact that it is actually so similar to the music industry in that if it were legalized, legal sources would be in pretty much the exact same boat as the music industry. People would just say fuck spending extra money to buy it legit and just grow their own. So what I predict would happen is that no shop cold possibly stay in business with their prices constantly being undercut. So in the end I can't see it generating any revenue for the government.

Of course this is just my late night, should be finishing my project, mentality.

12-01-2008, 03:07 AM
well it all depends... whose is better. music is music, weed is not all created equal. from what i hear lol. i personally dont know. serious.

12-01-2008, 03:10 AM
Hard to put into words, but it's basically the fact that it is actually so similar to the music industry in that if it were legalized, legal sources would be in pretty much the exact same boat as the music industry. People would just say fuck spending extra money to buy it legit and just grow their own. So what I predict would happen is that no shop cold possibly stay in business with their prices constantly being undercut. So in the end I can't see it generating any revenue for the government.

Of course this is just my late night, should be finishing my project, mentality.

You do realize other countries have that already figured out.. and That comparison is like saying

McDonalds causes chili's to go out of business.

or chili's to have Joey D's to go out of business.

If there is a legal product or a guaranteed better product. They will go there. A guy on the street WILL NOT have the selection or choice or the comfort of walking in somewhere and being able to sample/taste and have some tea with it!

EDIT: or a frequent buyers card ;)

12-01-2008, 03:18 AM
id have a frequent buyers card if it was legal. i want some of the f-itall as katt williams would say weed has in it

so was/is there any truth to weed killin brain cells?

12-01-2008, 03:21 AM
id have a frequent buyers card if it was legal. i want some of the f-itall as katt williams would say weed has in it

so was/is there any truth to weed killin brain cells?

There was a show that covered this apparently .. Some guy they studied and gave him test and referred them to old tests. He scored average or above average. After smoking his whole life.. he was just slower to react to everything! :lmfao:

12-01-2008, 03:31 AM
idk, im not into that whole "slow to react" thing... i go pretty slow as it is from mild dontgiveacrapia lol. btw, where would i post a random diy thread? would that be a whoreslounge or general tech post>

12-01-2008, 03:31 AM

12-01-2008, 03:32 AM
You do realize other countries have that already figured out.. and That comparison is like saying

McDonalds causes chili's to go out of business.

or chili's to have Joey D's to go out of business.

If there is a legal product or a guaranteed better product. They will go there. A guy on the street WILL NOT have the selection or choice or the comfort of walking in somewhere and being able to sample taste and have some tea with it!

I'm sorry but unless shops made deliveries they wouldn't be as convenient. And as for selection, tell each of your buddies to grow a different strain so you can have swap meets, lol. Why buy from a store when you could just grow your own? And like I said, good luck to the police finding plants, seeing as how you would be able to answer your front door with a blunt in your mouth and the cops couldn't say shit or search your house. Dogs wouldn't be able to do shit either, the whole house would set them off.

12-01-2008, 03:36 AM
lol, some ppl are just to lazy to take care of a plant. i would be. its like "heck i can sit here and wait a few days for this plant to make a freakin leaf... then wait for it to dry out... or microwave it (lol... yes, i would laugh in this situation) then smoke it... or i could just go to the store, pay a few bucks and smoke in 10 min..." convienience would be key...

i know way too much about that... that bothers me lol... bother me less if it was legal tho

12-01-2008, 03:39 AM
lol, some ppl are just to lazy to take care of a plant. i would be. its like "heck i can sit here and wait a few days for this plant to make a freakin leaf... then wait for it to dry out... or microwave it (lol... yes, i would laugh in this situation) then smoke it... or i could just go to the store, pay a few bucks and smoke in 10 min..." convienience would be key...

i know way too much about that... that bothers me lol... bother me less if it was legal tho

very true, I just wouldn't be able to bring myself to buy something that I could grow so easily in my house

12-01-2008, 03:41 AM
unless you were just craving it lol. i find myself being able to make a bacon,egg, and cheese samich... but i go to sonic instead just b/c its convienent and better lol if your craving it your craving it... but if it were legal, a month after legalization your plant would be huge and you'd prolly not run out.


12-01-2008, 03:42 AM
lol, some ppl are just to lazy to take care of a plant. i would be. its like "heck i can sit here and wait a few days for this plant to make a freakin leaf... then wait for it to dry out... or microwave it (lol... yes, i would laugh in this situation) then smoke it... or i could just go to the store, pay a few bucks and smoke in 10 min..." convienience would be key...

i know way too much about that... that bothers me lol... bother me less if it was legal tho

60 days.. but thats my point.. yes the REALLLL pot heads will stay at home.. but the average user and the ones who wouldnt b/c it was illegal.. will seek the out the good shops. Also all the hookah bars will now be a place many will come to try it.. Trust me. Why go to taco mac and buy a beer for 5.00 when you can get a six pack of that expensive beer for 9.95? BECAUSE YOU CAN // AND YOU DONT NEED 50 STONERS SAYING.. HEY MAN THAT PLANT DONE? HEY LET ME HELP.. EY I CAN WATCH THAT FOR YOU... ETC

Oh and you know how many of the true pot heads dont have the EFFORT OR CARE TO GROW? That takes work...... :goodjob:

12-01-2008, 03:45 AM
ive never smoked so when it became legal id def hit up a shop... if i liked it to the point i wanted to do it everyday.. i might get a plant and put it in my closet or something

come to think of it... i know lots of ppl who smoke... but like 1 who grows it. one was growin one till the cops showed up lol

12-01-2008, 03:48 AM
Oh and you know how many of the true pot heads dont have the EFFORT OR CARE TO GROW? That takes work...... :goodjob:

I think you mean NOOB pot heads, lol

12-01-2008, 03:56 AM
idk, alot of the guys i know have been doin it 5+ yrs and they are still buyin from other ppl

12-01-2008, 04:00 AM
idk, alot of the guys i know have been doin it 5+ yrs and they are still buyin from other ppl

But still my point will be proven.. You even said you would buy at a store unless you want to do it every day

12-01-2008, 04:07 AM
yea, i dont see why those guys dont grow it themselves... wait i just realized its not legal. sorry im a retard lol

12-01-2008, 08:13 AM
I think you think way too much about pot

Jimmy B
12-01-2008, 12:01 PM
:no: Potheads.....

12-01-2008, 12:06 PM
Photosynthetic organisms inhabiting the water column are called phytoplankton; they include microscopic unicellular algae and photosynthetic bacteria. There are a great number of them in the water.

At the end of the summer - beginning of autumn, when surface water of Black Sea is the warmest, there are can be between thousands to ten millions of phytoplankton cells in 1 liter of seawater at Caucasian coast. Since these creatures are very small (their size ranging from several to hundreds microns) this large amount of phytoplankton corresponds to a very small weight: one million cells of Black Sea phytoplankton weighs only one half of a gram.

There can be ten, even hundred times more phytoplankton cells in water in the Western part of the Black Sea, which is well fertilized by large rivers, such as the Danube.

12-01-2008, 12:10 PM
super high me is the movie btw

12-01-2008, 12:15 PM
ive been smoking it for the past 7 years so this idea is damn good with me :goodjob:

12-01-2008, 03:57 PM
thanks for the thoughts and opinions everyone, i read the whole thread and i like to see people talking about it as for others(jimmyB) :2up: , what do you know??

12-01-2008, 04:15 PM
The government is a conspiracy against us anyway


12-01-2008, 04:18 PM
id be fine with weed staying illegal and if liquor was too

12-07-2008, 03:19 PM
ok, now i have a persuasive speech due tuesday. i think im gonna do it on legalizing marijuana b/c it should be simple. but i suck at speeches so i need help. PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!

12-07-2008, 03:41 PM
ok, now i have a persuasive speech due tuesday. i think im gonna do it on legalizing marijuana b/c it should be simple. but i suck at speeches so i need help. PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!


IMO no reason for it to be illegal.

12-07-2008, 06:16 PM
Hard to put into words, but it's basically the fact that it is actually so similar to the music industry in that if it were legalized, legal sources would be in pretty much the exact same boat as the music industry. People would just say fuck spending extra money to buy it legit and just grow their own. So what I predict would happen is that no shop cold possibly stay in business with their prices constantly being undercut. So in the end I can't see it generating any revenue for the government.

Of course this is just my late night, should be finishing my project, mentality.

i see where you are going with this... but growing bud is not exactly as easy as burning a cd. if i had all the time and the world, plus all the money to buy lamps, filters, fans, chemicals, etc. plus the patience to properly cure it, shit yeah i'd grow my own. but i dont. so i would much rather go to the weed sto'. it would much easier and cheaper (maybe not in the long run) and much less of a pain in the ass.

speaking of.. I like Spain's policy on cannabis. I think it is illegal still, but seriously decriminalized. you are allowed to have a plant, i know that much. folks just generally smoke j's walkin down the street. :D

I went to madrid on halloween weekend, and lucky me got vip hook-up at a 3 day ganja fair run by Spannibis magazine. everyone was smoking freely... it was a beautiful thing.