View Full Version : WalMart Worker Trampled to Death by Deal-Crazed Black Friday Shoppers

11-28-2008, 06:49 PM

OK, Black Friday has officially gotten out of hand (http://gizmodo.com/5098946/10-reasons-were-doomed-black-friday-edition). A 34-year-old WalMart employee was trying to hold back the crowds at a Long Island store this morning at 5am, when they took the doors off their hinges and stormed the store. The man fell down and was trampled by over 200 people as he gasped for air. It's sad and despicable, and it's equally the fault of the dehumanized shoppers and the WalMart store it happened at. Why was there no line set up? Why didn't they let in a reasonable amount of people at a time? What kind of method is it to just allow hundreds of people to cram up against the doors, waiting for them to open? They may have wanted some photo op of people surging through the doors, but they willfully created a very dangerous situation.

Can you imagine if, say, the Apple store did this when the iPhone was launched? Or when the Wii was launched? When a large amount of people are expected for a retail event, organization is needed, otherwise it creates a dangerous situation. This man's death is on WalMart's hands.

As for the people who did the trampling, well, I hope their cheap crap was worth it. They'll have to live with the human costs of their deals for the rest of their lives.

I've heard of this happening in the welfare line on the first but this is crazy.

11-28-2008, 06:50 PM
This is NOT a repost.

11-28-2008, 06:55 PM
this is a repost not

11-28-2008, 06:57 PM
yeah I heard about this, fuking crazy man!
Holidays post to be about sharing an spending time with each other an giving thanks!

Not giving someone the 6ft under boot in the azz!

teh bri
11-29-2008, 07:15 PM
that's soo sad =/