View Full Version : How we got where we are today? (interesting economic view)

11-21-2008, 03:06 PM
Economics 101:

There has been a lot of talk lately about how the credit crisis came to be. We are very quick to point fingers and lay blame on everyone from the President to China, to Visa/Mastercard and American Express. here is my take-

You are 18, you have had a part time job in high school, made a little money, you are responsible, intelligent and on your way to college. Once in college you are immediately hit with all these offers to help you- you resist because you know that there is no such thing as money for nothing. But one day, as walking across campus you get a offer for a free t-shirt. You hate laundry. You fill out the form and two weeks later you find out that you have been approved for a $1000 spending limit on your very own credit card. The immediate thoughts of what you can do with $1000 come rushing to your head, but you say no, this is a trap... I will keep it "just in case" something happens. By January you are cold, bored and still have not gotten laid. Your buddies are putting together a ski trip, and two of the girls going are total sluts. You need this, and you have a credit card. You do the math, you have zero extra dollars, but you can work of $400 in the summer, no problem. You are in. Before you know it, you are balling the everliving shit out of one of the girls in the bathroom of the lodge, you are a god. Fucking has changed your life. You are buying button fly jeans because she things that it is sexy to make your cock harder to get to, you have more CDs that she likes than you do. And then one day... the card stops working. You lost track of funds, how did this happen? what will you do? The very next day a letter arrives, crisis averted, your limit has been raised. This is a sure sign from God that you should seek and destroy as much vagina as possible. Game on. Two months later summer arrives, and you go home to, as planned, work diligently to pay your bills so that you will have access to the resources needed to make your sophomore year a complete fucking success. But two things happen, one- that really cute chick who was a year behind you in high school has detected your god status and is practically begging you to come to senior week at Myrtle Beach with her and her girlfriends -and- two, MasterCard found your home address. The offer of a new card arrived in the mail yesterday, $2500 spending limit, $1000 cash advance. That will buy a lot of Aristocrat Vodka. You are in. After a week of unlimited funds and a fake ID in the mecca of teenage irresponsibility you have elevated from a god to The God. Your friends now call you Baller. Then the phone rings. Your Visa car is $300 over limit, your minimum payment is $367. You have no cash. But there is a solution, you pay Visa with MasterCard. Party on Wayne. Back home the summer is going exactly as planned. You have a awesome job working at Groc-n-Go, best part is, the boss lets you buy as much beer as you want. You are roughly $5000 in debt, 2 months to pay it off at $7.15 an hour and the Ski lodge girl, she is addicted to your cock and you have roughly 150 pics on your phone to prove it. Things could not be better. You have almost made enough money to make the minimum payments on both cards when your phone bill arrives. $873.97. How the fuck did that happen? You have hit rock bottom, you go to your parents and tell them how the phone company ripped you off and beg for help. Your pays the bill on your promise to pay her back. The euphoria of completely paying a bill is short lived, your balances are going through the roof and you aren't even touching the cards. Interest, late fees, these guys are robbing you blind, evil corporations! But, as it always does, a solution presents itself... you have found a little known lope hole- as it turns out, student loans don't pay the school directly... you can get a check. You can get a check, pay mom back, pay off BOTH cards... AND buy a car! Imagine how much ass you can pull with a new car, nothing to fancy... maybe a Jeep. The girl with the amazing tits in your cell phone thinks this is the best idea ever, you are researching a vanity plate that reads "BALLER". It is time to go back to school. You have it all, a Jeep, a slut, and 2 credit cards, both with ZERO balances... You are in fact, the God.

Moral of the story, as long as men control money and there is alcohol and pussy in the world, everyone is getting fucked.


11-21-2008, 03:19 PM
I can't believe I actually read all that. Well worth the read though. lol

11-21-2008, 04:01 PM
My favorite line, "This is a sure sign from God that you should seek and destroy as much vagina as possible. "

So true though, haha.

11-21-2008, 04:09 PM
^ funny part is one of the guys from my work wrote this and posted up on another site :lmao: +50 since you guys are the only ones that can read on this site.

11-21-2008, 04:21 PM
That's pure truth there man. I've seen several friends do that while they were in school.

11-21-2008, 04:29 PM

11-21-2008, 04:45 PM
Exactly why I'm never getting a credit card. I'm not a dumbass like that, but I still dont want the temptation.

11-21-2008, 05:37 PM
i have a several credit cards. i use them, but i try to limit how much i do. hard thing for me is i am an impulsive buyer lol. shopping is almost as addictive as crack. no wait its worse than crack once you get hooked

11-21-2008, 07:02 PM
I've got two cards, use them constantly, but I use them instead of cash/debit card. However, unlike some people, once I use the card for something, I consider it as cash gone from my bank account. This way, I don't spend more than I should. Not to mention you don't get rewards points for using cash/debit.

11-21-2008, 07:20 PM
LOL fucked up part was I was that kid in college. I ran up $4000 in debt and all I have to for it is a volcom t shirt. No one taught me about credit I thought it was free money and you pay $12 a month. I bought a cell phone and ran up a $600 bill , I bought the $400 nokia phone , kegs every weekend, hotels in vegas etc.

My parents were giving me gas money and I was charging my gas and pocketing the cash. Before I knew it I was dead broke with maxed out cards, phone cut off, horrible credit and I never paid them off.

I thought big deal I'm young what's the worst that could happen?

Now I'm 27 and rebuilding my credit. Its cost me 5 years of credit when I could really use it for my business. Only in the last year have I been able to pay off my bad charged off debt and been able to get a cc.

They totally target college kids and prey on them. I had $2000 limits with no job WTF

11-21-2008, 07:23 PM
lol i feel you atleast my first credit card was a 500 dollar limit the next had a 3k limit. but i always try to pay them off asap

11-21-2008, 07:25 PM
that was the one thing that was beat into my head as i was growing up, cc are evil, but they can help you if you are responsible and use them correctly...

11-21-2008, 07:55 PM
I have always been good with money and still get more vaj than any of you! Lol.

11-21-2008, 07:58 PM
^^ :rly:

11-22-2008, 09:16 PM
another post

11-22-2008, 09:29 PM
1st off- is true.. but You know whats funny about that shit.. He is def a co worker of you.. he mentioned JEEP hahhhaha how funny.

11-23-2008, 08:46 AM
"MasterCard found your home address"


Man this WHOLE scenario has to be an excerpt from someone's life. So much truth in that passage!

11-23-2008, 11:10 AM
PAUL i'm repping you so that you can pass the reps on to your buddy lolol... nice write up!!!

11-23-2008, 12:06 PM
LOL fucking awesome. That was ALMOST me, luckily I had a $500 limit and quickly learned all about credit cards, thank god for going in small debt early.

The Ninja
11-23-2008, 12:30 PM
LOL fucked up part was I was that kid in college. I ran up $4000 in debt and all I have to for it is a volcom t shirt. No one taught me about credit I thought it was free money and you pay $12 a month. I bought a cell phone and ran up a $600 bill , I bought the $400 nokia phone , kegs every weekend, hotels in vegas etc.

My parents were giving me gas money and I was charging my gas and pocketing the cash. Before I knew it I was dead broke with maxed out cards, phone cut off, horrible credit and I never paid them off.

I thought big deal I'm young what's the worst that could happen?

Now I'm 27 and rebuilding my credit. Its cost me 5 years of credit when I could really use it for my business. Only in the last year have I been able to pay off my bad charged off debt and been able to get a cc.

They totally target college kids and prey on them. I had $2000 limits with no job WTF

Thats your parent's fault for not educating you, and your fault for not seeking an education on how that crap works. My mom lectured and lectured and let me know how shit worked (she worked for a bank) and how a lot of financial institutions and things and what not worked. So I guess I grew up the way most people SHOULD have. A parent teaching you whats right/wrong and smart/stupid.

11-23-2008, 02:59 PM
Awesome write up.

11-23-2008, 04:00 PM
LOL very nice!