View Full Version : Anyone here know a good child custody lawyer?

11-20-2008, 03:36 PM
Apparently here in Georgia since I was never married to my daughter's mom I have no legal rights to her until I get a DNA test and allow the court to decide my rights. Which will cost thousands of dollars I do not have. I will finish school here in a few weeks and hopefully be working full time again. Then I will be saving up the cash to get my rights to my daughter.

Because the law says I have no rights her mom is pulling this "I'm in control you have to listen to me" bullshit. She thinks that I will jump through hoops for her. I know now that the only way I will have peace is to take her to court.

I know I act like and ass on this forum, but anyone that knows me or has seen me with my daughter knows that she is a total daddy's girl and she means everything to me.

So if you anyone can help that would kick ass.

11-20-2008, 03:50 PM

11-20-2008, 03:53 PM
I dont know about lawyers, but I could hook you up w a hit man :D

11-20-2008, 04:01 PM
Pretty sure the first step the lawyer is going to want is verification that the kid is yours. So maybe you want to head that issue off and go an get the DNA test done. Also not trying to upset you even more but if you don't have the money for the test...how are you going to afford the lawyer? Child custody cases are very expensive. It may not be something you want to hear...but if you have no legal right to the child then on that same token you have no legal responsibility also, yes there is the moral issue though. Until the test is done the state will view it as it's not your kid not your problem.

Also please don't think for a second that it's gonna be an easy fight. If the woman is acting like this now, just wait till you get into court.

11-20-2008, 04:02 PM
I dont know about lawyers, but I could hook you up w a hit man :D

Let me get back to you on that LMAO

11-20-2008, 04:06 PM
Haha, just saying, automatic full custody on your part. :D hahah. My Gpa was in teh miafia. My biological father almost got taken out if my mom had not stopped him from calling in teh hit. hahaha

11-20-2008, 04:09 PM
Mark Hill. The best lawyer in Ga. PERIOD.
Also, have you been keeping documentation of payments or support to her?
Get a paternity test done asap.

11-20-2008, 04:09 PM
Pretty sure the first step the lawyer is going to want is verification that the kid is yours. So maybe you want to head that issue off and go an get the DNA test done. Also not trying to upset you even more but if you don't have the money for the test...how are you going to afford the lawyer? Child custody cases are very expensive. It may not be something you want to hear...but if you have no legal right to the child then on that same token you have no legal responsibility also, yes there is the moral issue though. Until the test is done the state will view it as it's not your kid not your problem.

Also please don't think for a second that it's gonna be an easy fight. If the woman is acting like this now, just wait till you get into court.

When I finish school I will put some money aside to get a lawyer.

One question though... can I get anyone that does DNA tests in the area to do the test or do I have to go through the court. If I do it privately it costs way less than is it went through the court.

11-20-2008, 04:10 PM
Whatever you do, do not go into it w/out a lawyer as the judge will not do any more
for you than he has to.

11-20-2008, 04:12 PM
Mother gets precedent pretty much every time. you are looking at an uphill battle.

11-20-2008, 04:12 PM
Mark Hill. The best lawyer in Ga. PERIOD.
Also, have you been keeping documentation of payments or support to her?
Get a paternity test done asap.

Yes I keep I have the payments come out of my account automatically. I save the bank statements.

I also have emails, recording and all that kind of dirty shit on her. Needless to say she is a total nut job and I'm through dealing with here shit.

Only problem I have to make sure we don't go to court in Forsyth county. Her family is quite powerful up there and I don't think I would stand much of a chance for a fair trial if we went to court there.

11-20-2008, 04:13 PM
Mother gets precedent pretty much every time. you are looking at an uphill battle.

I've got some pretty good stuff on her that I'm sure she would not want to come up in court.

11-20-2008, 04:14 PM
Well I don't know anything much about the lawyer stuff but I hope things go your way man!

11-20-2008, 04:16 PM
Yes I keep I have the payments come out of my account automatically. I save the bank statements.

I also have emails, recording and all that kind of dirty shit on her. Needless to say she is a total nut job and I'm through dealing with here shit.

Only problem I have to make sure we don't go to court in Forsyth county. Her family is quite powerful up there and I don't think I would stand much of a chance for a fair trial if we went to court there.

I believe the case has to be filed in the county where the custodial parent and child reside.

Good job on documentation. Keep on with it as long as you have to, anything and everything from phone convos to chat logs to texts, and emails.

Her family should not have any bearing on the law and how the judge rules but like I said, so that you do not screw yourself, get a lawyer.

Do not go into this unprepared.

11-20-2008, 04:18 PM
Also, if she exhibits any behavior that you feel endangers your daughter, do not hesitate to call Dfcs.

11-20-2008, 04:29 PM
I believe the case has to be filed in the county where the custodial parent and child reside.

Good job on documentation. Keep on with it as long as you have to, anything and everything from phone convos to chat logs to texts, and emails.

Her family should not have any bearing on the law and how the judge rules but like I said, so that you do not screw yourself, get a lawyer.

Do not go into this unprepared.

It's sad that good fathers have to pay the price at the hands of all the shitty ones in the world. I know this is going to be a long battle trying to fight against her mother.

All and all I just want my rights so that she can't take anything away. I am going to fight for full custody though because I believe my daughter would have a better life living with me. Everyone else thinks the same thing.

College graduate (in 3 weeks)
Pays child support even though I don't have to
War veteran
No criminal record
I live in a good school district.
Hopefully I will have two jobs in the near future (firefighter and graphic artist)

High school dropout
no job in a year
live with her parents
has a criminal record
has mental issues out the ass
is carrying the child of a guy she met in June got knocked up by in August engaged and moved in a week later..... engagement is off by mid October.

Like I said I keep recordings, saved emails, and whatever I can. My sister went trough this same shit and has been for 14 years.

11-20-2008, 04:41 PM
The sad part of all this is how the court system preys on things like this. How much money per year is spent on this kind of bullshit.

Instead of paying court fees parents would be able to save that money for their kids.

11-20-2008, 04:51 PM
So much wrong information in this thread.

Is cheaper to do a DNA test using the court systems.

In GA, you better have good VALID dirt on her with REAL proof..

Dfcs wont do shit unless shes caught in the act or the kids have been abused and have some sort of sign

in GA the court system supports alot the mothers... Most cases are won by the mother...

I know all this shit because my cousin who lives with me is going through the same shit!

11-20-2008, 04:53 PM
DNA test cost my cousin 35 bucks using the court system.. I just called him.

Gwinnett county.

11-20-2008, 04:57 PM
I've been through the court system with regards to my kids and believe me when I say, documenting evidence can and will make the difference.

35 is the cost statewide for the county to do the testing.

11-20-2008, 04:58 PM
Also, the case has to be filed in the county the custodial parent and the child reside. No if's and's or but's.

I'll admit that full custody will be a battle but great visitation rights will be in your favor. It would also help if you two can sit down and come to some agreement before going infront of the judge.

11-20-2008, 05:02 PM
I've been through the court system with regards to my kids and believe me when I say, documenting evidence can and will make the difference.

35 is the cost statewide for the county to do the testing.

$35 seriously? The lady at the sheriff's office said I would cost something of $800. I wonder what else she was full of shit about.

So how do I go about getting this done?

11-20-2008, 05:03 PM
$35 seriously? The lady at the sheriff's office said I would cost something of $800. I wonder what else she was full of shit about.

So how do I go about getting this done?

I believe you have to contact the Child Support department of whatever county it is you have to go through and set an appointment through them.

11-20-2008, 05:05 PM
So much wrong information in this thread.

Is cheaper to do a DNA test using the court systems.

In GA, you better have good VALID dirt on her with REAL proof..

Dfcs wont do shit unless shes caught in the act or the kids have been abused and have some sort of sign

in GA the court system supports alot the mothers... Most cases are won by the mother...

I know all this shit because my cousin who lives with me is going through the same shit!

You know this is some conservative Georgia bullshit. In my state (Indiana) the court sides with who is the more fit parent. Not with the mother just because.

I don't want to come off all self righteous, but I am by far more stable and more fit of a parent than she is.

11-20-2008, 05:05 PM
Few of my parent's friend had this problem before too, and both cases the mom got to keep the kid. Not trying to get your hope down or anything but the mom is the one who gets to keep the kid most of the time. I wish for your best tho, hope you can get your kid back.

11-20-2008, 05:08 PM
All and all I would settle for joint, but I will push for the maximum of full custody. Because I whole heartedly believe I'm the better parent.

11-20-2008, 05:13 PM
http://ocse.dhr.georgia.gov/portal/site/DHR-OCSE/menuitem.6c28cdfba73e1fca7da1df8dda1010a0/?vgnextoid=d46a10ad92000010VgnVCM100000bf01010aRCR D

11-20-2008, 05:18 PM
http://ocse.dhr.georgia.gov/portal/site/DHR-OCSE/menuitem.6c28cdfba73e1fca7da1df8dda1010a0/?vgnextoid=d46a10ad92000010VgnVCM100000bf01010aRCR D


I was on that web site and didn't see that page. I guess when we hang out to have those drink I'm buying a round. lol :cheers:

11-20-2008, 05:19 PM
I signed several paper when my daughter was born I'm not sure if one of them was the Voluntary Paternity Acknowledgment Form

11-20-2008, 05:22 PM

I was on that web site and didn't see that page. I guess when we hang out to have those drink I'm buying a round. lol :cheers:

No problem.:cheers:

11-20-2008, 05:34 PM
All and all I would settle for joint, but I will push for the maximum of full custody. Because I whole heartedly believe I'm the better parent.
Good luck, but if I was you I would talk to a lawyer before going that route. You will not get full custody unless you can prove with evidence that she is a unfit mother and then the gloves are off and I will put money on it that she will go for blood (more child support and/or full custody herself) in revenge

11-20-2008, 05:38 PM
Good luck, but if I was you I would talk to a lawyer before going that route. You will not get full custody unless you can prove with evidence that she is a unfit mother and then the gloves are off and I will put money on it that she will go for blood (more child support and/or full custody herself) in revenge

Yeah she is like that. All the dirt I've gotten on her I just need to know what kind of case I would have against her.

11-21-2008, 01:09 PM
stop paying child support and tell her its not your kid then.

11-21-2008, 02:58 PM
stop paying child support and tell her its not your kid then.

That's definitely going to help me when I taker her mom to court.

11-21-2008, 03:09 PM
whos name is on the birth certificate as the father?

11-21-2008, 04:16 PM
whos name is on the birth certificate as the father?

Mine of course