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09-09-2005, 12:12 PM
Indications that Jesus did have a homosexual orientation:
"In the Gospel of John, the disciple John frequently refers to himself in the third person as 'the disciple whom Jesus loved'." 4 For example, during the Last Supper before Jesus' execution, he describes how the "beloved" disciple laid himself on Jesus' inner tunic -- his undergarment. See John 13:25 and 21:20. Robert Goss, assistant professor of comparative religion at Webster University in St. Louis, LA, noted that Jesus and the beloved disciple: "... eat together, side by side. What's being portrayed here is a pederastic relationship between an older man and a younger man. A Greek reader would understand." 5 Jesus appears to have loved all of his male and female followers in a close, trusting, non-erotic manner. However, the "beloved" disciple appears to be in a special relationship with Jesus; the disciple was "the" beloved. He was in a class by himself.

On the other hand: Some commentators have suggested that it was a common practice in Judea at that time for heterosexual man to lay his head on another's undergarment. Such behavior was common between two heterosexuals in an emotionally close but non-erotic relationship during the first century CE. 6
Jenny Stokes, research director for Saltshakers, a conservative Christian group in Australia, said that there are five words for love in Greek (the language in which the Gospels were written: Agape: spiritual, unconditional love,
Eros: erotic love,
Philia: love between friends,
Storge: familial love.

The Gospel references to "the disciple whom Jesus loved" use the word "agape." 3 Whether the authors originally used "eros" and the word was subsequently changed is open to speculation.

"Jagannath" interprets the Gospels differently. He argues that Jesus may have been bisexual. He wrote: "In the Book of John a word is used eight times that means 'is in love with' with the implication of sexual intimacy. Five times it is used with reference to Jesus' relationship with John. Once it is used to define Jesus' relationship with Lazarus. And it is also used to describe his relationship with Mary and with her sister Martha." 7
During the crucifixion, in John 19:26-28, Jesus is described as seeing his mother and an unidentified man: "the disciple standing by, whom he loved." Jesus probably loved all of his 12 or 70 disciples in a non-sexual manner. But this particular disciple is identified as "the" disciple who Jesus loved. That might indicate a special intimate relationship with one special disciple.
The late Morton Smith, of Columbia University reported in 1958 that he had found a fragment of a manuscript which at the Mar Saba monastery near Jerusalem. It contained the full text of Mark, chapter 10. Apparently the version that is in the Christian Scriptures is an edited version of the original. Additional verses allegedly formed part of the full version of Mark, and were inserted after verse 34. It discusses how a young man, naked but for a linen covering, expressed his love for Jesus and stayed with him at his place all night. More details.
"J Richards" suggested that Mark 7:14-16 shows that Jesus approves of homosexual acts. The critical phrase reads: "There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him..." Richards suggests that Jesus gave great emphasis to this teaching, directing it to everyone. Richards suggests that the sentence refers to dietary laws and also extends to "blood transfusions, medication, organ transplants, and artificial insemination" and to homosexual acts as well. 8

On the other hand, these words have historically been interpreted as overturning the Mosaic law about eating,
Rollan McCleary, was awarded his doctorate from the University of Queensland in Australia during 2003-MAY for his work researching the sexual orientation of Jesus and his disciples. He obtained about $33,000 US in funding from the government to finance his degree. He concluded that Jesus and at least three of his disciples were gay. He based this conclusion on excerpts from the Gospel of John and on Jesus' astrological chart based on the approximate year, month, day and place where he was born. Considering that many theologians have concluded that Jesus was born sometime in the Fall, between 4 and 7 BCE, it is difficult to understand how an accurate astrological chart can be prepared. Dr. McCleary told Australian Broadcasting Commission radio that, in the past, "one or two queer theologians" had attempted to show Jesus was gay. "People haven't taken them very seriously because they don't have any evidence and they say things so sensationally that people are not really going to listen or just be very angry. What I'm doing is showing a much more theological and also astrological dimension on all this which will make a lot more sense to people." 9 He has written a book based on his doctoral thesis which was published in 2004. 18
An anonymous webmaster wrote about a revelation that he received during her/his daily prayer and meditation: "Suddenly many aspects of the New Testament made sense. Jesus never married. He preached love, tolerance, and forgiveness of sins. He did not condemn and vilify as his so-called followers do today. He surrounded himself with men whom he loved. The Bible says nothing of Jesus' sexuality, yet we are taught that he was both divine and fully man. Why did he never marry? Why is the New Testament silent about his sexuality? It became so clear when I had the insight that Jesus was probably gay and that He understood hatred and bigotry first-hand." 10
Mark 14:51-52 describes the incident when Jesus was arrested by the religious police. It describes how one of Jesus' followers was scantily dressed. The King James Version says he had a linen cloth cast on his naked body; the size and location of the cloth is not defined. The New International Version says that he was "wearing nothing but a linen garment." When the police tried to seize him, they were able to grab only his cloth; the man ran away naked. Reverend Peter Murphy wrote: "We don't know from the sources what really was going on, but we do know that something was very peculiar between Jesus and young men." 11 (Emphasis in the original.)
Michael Kelly wrote of Jesus' attitude towards a same-sex couple as described in Matthew 8:5-13: and Luke 7:2: "One day a Roman Centurion asked him to heal his dying servant. Scholars of both Scripture and Ancient History tell us that Roman Centurions, who were not permitted to marry while in service, regularly chose a favorite male slave to be their personal assistant and sexual servant. Such liaisons were common in the Greco-Roman world and it was not unusual for them to deepen into loving partnerships....Jesus offered to go to the servant, but the centurion asked him simply to speak a word of healing, since he was not worthy to welcome this itinerant Jewish teacher under his roof. Jesus responded by healing the servant and proclaiming that even in Israel he had never found faith like this! So, in the one Gospel story where Jesus encountered people sharing what we would call a 'gay relationship,' we see him simply concerned about — and deeply moved by — their faith and love." Kelly implies that Jesus' sensitivity towards the gay couple might have arisen from his own bisexual or homosexual orientation. 1
Some commentators argue from silence. They note that there is no passage in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) that directly describes anything about Jesus' sexuality. There are many direct and indirect references to Jesus' sensuality. He was accused of being a "drunkard and a glutton" and of partying with "prostitutes and sinners." He apparently enjoyed a tender foot massage from a woman. Yet, neither Jesus' sexuality nor his celibacy is mentioned. Yet, sex is referred to, elsewhere in the Bible, quite often. One might argue that the books in the Christian Scriptures might have once described Jesus' sexual relationships, but that these passages have been vigorously censored by the later church because they were unconventional.
Other commentators have noted that Jesus is silent towards homosexuality in the Gospels. Yet, Paul's opinions and those of many other authors in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) are clearly stated. They conclude that Jesus might have been gay himself. Odler Jeanlouie speculated: "Is it meaningful that, in the Sermon on the Mount, central to his teaching, he offered a one-way trip to the Kingdom of God, to anyone who is persecuted?" 12

Reprinted from this site (http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_jegay.htm)

09-09-2005, 12:22 PM
if ya'll don't even believe the bible exist or jesus or even God existed, how can this be true? u know, i don't see what u gain by posting this up? I understand that some people don't believe in God but by posting this up, it affects a lot of people. u may not care about that, but u can still respect other people and their beliefs. to me, this disrespects what a lot of people believe. my 2 cents.

09-09-2005, 12:27 PM
if ya'll don't even believe the bible exist or jesus or even God existed, how can this be true? u know, i don't see what u gain by posting this up? I understand that some people don't believe in God but by posting this up, it affects a lot of people. u may not care about that, but u can still respect other people and their beliefs. to me, this disrespects what a lot of people believe. my 2 cents.

How is it disrespectful? He didn't write the article. He just copied it to IA.
IMO opinion, you should respect others beliefs, as well. Maybe the author of the article "believes" that Jesus was gay. Your kind of being contradictory with you statement about respecting other people's beliefs.

And...are you homophobic? Is that why this bothers you?

I am asking serious questions. I am not attacking you. Just trying to find out why you think this is disrespectful.

09-09-2005, 12:29 PM
How is it disrespectful? He didn't write the article. He just copied it to IA.
IMO opinion, you can respect others beliefs, as well. Maybe the author of the article "believes" that Jesus was gay. Your kind of being contradictory with you statement about respecting other people's beliefs.

kudos :goodjob:

its not a far fetched idea, b/c in that place in time homosexual acts were very common, love was never defined until the mondern world came about.

09-09-2005, 12:30 PM
I sincerely understand your point STI. This is just theory, conjecture, and etc. But, it is a legitimate topic. Most Christians abhor gays, gay marriage, and Will and Grace, but what if Jesus was/is gay? Hmm....?

Edit: Some friends and I were dicussing this topic today, so I thought I would share with all of you. Since God created everything, it stands to reason he created homosexuality? Or was that a part of evolution? There are indications that certain people have a genetic predisposition to swing towards the same sex.

09-09-2005, 12:34 PM
We're all just discussing here. I don't think anyone is trying to offend anyone. Religion is always a hot and heavy topic. Everyone is entitled to their say. Who knows...we might all learn something whilst discussing this.

09-09-2005, 12:46 PM
oh no, it's not about me. I could care less about it. I'm just saying that it could be disrespectful to others. I know what I believe in and who I am. your all right, it is a free topic and people can say what they want to. I just think that others could get really offended. I guess I just think too much about what others think. for me, u can cuss or insult whoever ya'll want.

09-09-2005, 12:46 PM
its not a far fetched idea, b/c in that place in time homosexual acts were very common, love was never defined until the mondern world came about.

It is a far fetched idea... Jesus never sinned He was perfect. He never lusted over a women, and for sure was never with a man. The bible state's that homosexuality is a sin there fore Jesus would have never even thought about laying with a man.

Yes we're all here to have these discussions... i've actually learned a lot about myself through them... BUT any TRUE christian would find this disrespectful, and offensive.

09-09-2005, 12:48 PM
i don't think jesus was a mud digger but i'm sure he kissed a lot of people, guys included...but that was common place back then and still is now in a lot of countrys.

09-09-2005, 12:48 PM
It is a far fetched idea... Jesus never sinned He was perfect. He never lusted over a women, and for sure was never with a man. The bible state's that homosexuality is a sin there fore Jesus would have never even thought about laying with a man.

Yes we're all here to have these discussions... i've actually learned a lot about myself through them... BUT any TRUE christian would find this disrespectful, and offensive.

see what I mean.

09-09-2005, 12:49 PM
i don't think jesus was a mud digger but i'm sure he kissed a lot of people, guys included...but that was common place back then and still is now in a lot of countrys.

a kiss doesn't have to mean anything, many girls kiss their dads on the lips. does that mean they're sleeping together?

09-09-2005, 12:50 PM
oh no, it's not about me. I could care less about it. I'm just saying that it could be disrespectful to others. I know what I believe in and who I am. your all right, it is a free topic and people can say what they want to. I just think that others could get really offended. I guess I just think too much about what others think. for me, u can cuss or insult whoever ya'll want.

Dude, anytime religion is brought up around different faiths, believers and non-believers, it will get attention; good and bad. Your post has no relevancy in here. It wasn't an attack on religion, it was just an open topic for peoples thoughts on it. Quit trying to get shit started in here. Later, QD.

09-09-2005, 12:51 PM
like STI said... i could care less what you think of me but to call MY Savior gay just isn't right. I'm sure you would get this response out of anyone from any religion that has any type of savior...

09-09-2005, 12:52 PM
It is a far fetched idea... Jesus never sinned He was perfect. He never lusted over a women, and for sure was never with a man. The bible state's that homosexuality is a sin there fore Jesus would have never even thought about laying with a man.

Yes we're all here to have these discussions... i've actually learned a lot about myself through them... BUT any TRUE christian would find this disrespectful, and offensive.

Jesus was a man, that is all that needs to be said. No man is perfect. Its funny you want to dispute things about a man you only know through a book, and the events of only his birth/death. I guess it plainly talks about his entire life in the bible, so you know for a fact what he was doing. ok your right :rolleyes:

09-09-2005, 12:52 PM
a kiss doesn't have to mean anything, many girls kiss their dads on the lips. does that mean they're sleeping together?
no, but did i say it did??? sorry, please read again...i said it was normal for guys to kiss back then and still is normal now in a lot of places...i don't think jesus was tounge wrestling with his diciples either

09-09-2005, 12:54 PM
I find it very plausible that Jesus was gay. Killer, the biblical quotes in the article are valid. So are you saying the bible is wrong? Or are you saying the bible can be deciphered in a million different ways? So in essence, we read and see what WE want.

09-09-2005, 12:54 PM
Paul, to me, that's how a lot of church folks are. They think that because they go to church every Sunday and have read the Bible, that they practically are experts at the art of Christianity. They know exactly what happened each hour of those times. Later, QD.

09-09-2005, 12:55 PM
like STI said... i could care less what you think of me but to call MY Savior gay just isn't right. I'm sure you would get this response out of anyone from any religion that has any type of savior...

here let me quote something you may understand "turn the other cheek" its a discussion, your taking it too personal like we called you gay :goodjob:

bunch of homophobics in here. geez

09-09-2005, 12:59 PM
Dude, anytime religion is brought up around different faiths, believers and non-believers, it will get attention; good and bad. Your post has no relevancy in here. It wasn't an attack on religion, it was just an open topic for peoples thoughts on it. Quit trying to get shit started in here. Later, QD.

how the hell u know if i'm trying to start shit. u don't know me to say shit about me. I know it was an open topic and like I said before, it could offend other people. if I wanted to start shit, I would. I don't have to try.

09-09-2005, 01:03 PM
^^^ There was no reason for your post. Anything religion can offend someone. So what? Didn't need you to point that out. Later, QD.

09-09-2005, 01:06 PM
Back on topic. BTW, I have a very good friend that is gay. He goes to church every week, gives back to the community in so many different ways, but by Biblical terms he won't go to your Heaven? Since he's gay, he is condemned for an eternity by God? Sexual orientation makes you less of a Christian? He is probably more "Christian" than most hetero religious fanatics.

09-09-2005, 01:07 PM
^^^ There was no reason for your post. Anything religion can offend someone. So what? Didn't need you to point that out. Later, QD.

this is true. religion always offends everybody. but this topic is extremely sensitive for other people.

09-09-2005, 01:13 PM
Back on topic. BTW, I have a very good friend that is gay. He goes to church every week, gives back to the community in so many different ways, but by Biblical terms he won't go to your Heaven? Since he's gay, he is condemned for an eternity by God? Sexual orientation makes you less of a Christian? He is probably more "Christian" than most hetero religious fanatics.

true but God created Adam and eve, not adam and steve. man was meant to be with a woman. I am not homophobic. I know gay people and don't have a problem with them. I respect their decision, but I personally don't feel like it is correct. and not just speaking biblicly. salvation to me is not just being a good christian and doing good deeds. its about living your life in faith and by faith. if the bible states that homosexuality is a sin, then how can he live his life by walking in jesus's foot steps when in the bible it doesn't state he is gay.

09-09-2005, 01:29 PM
Would someone please post where it says that homosexuality is wrong in the bible?

09-09-2005, 01:29 PM
Does the Bible state that Jesus is not gay? Who really knows? Later, QD.

09-09-2005, 01:30 PM
I know gay people

sorry i can't help but laugh... i know black people too, but it doesn't make me an expert :goodjob:

so being a homo is wrong but incest is ok? its in the bible. it doesn't really matter anyone could be a homo and on their death bed ask for forgivness and they can get into heaven.

09-09-2005, 01:32 PM
in proverbs it say watch out the men who "lay wait" for men. dnt remember the exact words. proverbs tell u alot, watch out for jezebels, men wanting men, flea from fornication, all kinda stuff. its been a while since i read it but its pretty good stuff.

09-09-2005, 01:34 PM
here let me quote something you may understand "turn the other cheek" its a discussion, your taking it too personal like we called you gay :goodjob:

bunch of homophobics in here. geez

again you can call me gay all you want i could care less what you think of me...

and yes it talks about the life of christ in the bible....

and pharm_teg... i didn't take the time to read your "verses" but i can promise you that if you actually read the bible not select verses... you'll get the whole picture...

and i don't want to hear that your not trying to offend people.. have you seen your sig...... that pretty much is there to offend christians....

09-09-2005, 01:34 PM
sorry i can't help but laugh... i know black people too, but it doesn't make me an expert :goodjob:

so being a homo is wrong but incest is ok? its in the bible. it doesn't really matter anyone could be a homo and on their death bed ask for forgivness and they can get into heaven.

ok, the first part doesn't have anything to do with what I said. but the last part u are correct.

09-09-2005, 01:36 PM
Does the Bible state that Jesus is not gay? Who really knows? Later, QD.

YES IT DOES!!!! It plainly states Jesus was sin free... and homosexuality is a sin... put 2 and 2 together!!!!!

09-09-2005, 01:39 PM
Would someone please post where it says that homosexuality is wrong in the bible?
Leviticus 20:13 - If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

not saying that i believe it is wrong, people can do what they damn well please, especially if they are two hot chicks, but i was just answering your question the way the church would...

09-09-2005, 01:40 PM
anyone could be a homo and on their death bed ask for forgivness and they can get into heaven.
^ example of someone not knowing what they are talking about. this is what u get from listening to ppl or not reading enough.

09-09-2005, 01:46 PM
^ example of someone not knowing what they are talking about. this is what u get from listening to ppl or not reading enough.

ok since you want to call out my answer tell me where i'm wrong... can you not ask forgiveness of your sins? does it give you some type of time frame you should do it in? it is a common practice to have a person of the cloth at your death bed, its been like this for 100s of years.

please enlighten us w/ your wealth of wisedom on the matter.

09-09-2005, 01:49 PM
Jesus was perfect...God created him to be perfect, and he was not gay.
That's all I have to say.

09-09-2005, 01:49 PM
and pharm_teg... i didn't take the time to read your "verses" but i can promise you that if you actually read the bible not select verses... you'll get the whole picture...

and i don't want to hear that your not trying to offend people.. have you seen your sig...... that pretty much is there to offend christians....

The bible is fiction. It's folklore. Nothing more and nothing less. It's been written and rewritten. I went to an all Christian school so I've burned a few bibles. As far as me offending you, can it be that easy? Is your faith in God so feeble that you would let a sig offend you? I'll keep in mind the delicate sensibilities of Christians..LoL.

09-09-2005, 01:52 PM
can you not ask forgiveness of your sins?

Yeah, isn't that what that book said that the Jesus dude died for? Later, QD.

09-09-2005, 01:53 PM
Leviticus 20:13 - If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

not saying that i believe it is wrong, people can do what they damn well please, especially if they are two hot chicks, but i was just answering your question the way the church would...


So, does this mean it's ok to kill someone if they are gay?

09-09-2005, 01:55 PM

So, does this mean it's ok to kill someone if they are gay?
i guess it all depends on your definition of "ok"...before it (killing) was illegal it was actually a quite common practice

09-09-2005, 01:55 PM

So, does this mean it's ok to kill someone if they are gay?
no woman. that is up for God to decide what happens to them and when. not for us to take it into our hands.

09-09-2005, 01:55 PM
Nothing that anyone says about religion offends me...I know where my heart is, and thats all that matters...I pray for everyone, because one day we will all come to know the truth.

09-09-2005, 01:58 PM
ok since you want to call out my answer tell me where i'm wrong... can you not ask forgiveness of your sins? does it give you some type of time frame you should do it in? it is a common practice to have a person of the cloth at your death bed, its been like this for 100s of years.

please enlighten us w/ your wealth of wisedom on the matter.
you can ask for forgivness of your sins but the bible also says that there are sins that can't be forgiven...such as talking shit about "the holy spirit: :goodjob:

09-09-2005, 01:58 PM

no... Thou shalt not murder... another sin..... one of the ten commandments... that means they are killing themselves and assuring themselves a spot in hell.... (their blood is on there own heads)

09-09-2005, 01:59 PM
i guess it all depends on your definition of "ok"...before it (killing) was illegal it was actually a quite common practice

then why in the 10 commandment does it say thou shalt not kill?

no woman. that is up for God to decide what happens to them and when. not for us to take it into our hands.

Then why does it say this?

"They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

09-09-2005, 02:00 PM
So, does this mean it's ok to kill someone if they are gay?

Only if he/she goes by the name of speedminded. Later, QD.

09-09-2005, 02:00 PM
ok since you want to call out my answer tell me where i'm wrong... can you not ask forgiveness of your sins? does it give you some type of time frame you should do it in? it is a common practice to have a person of the cloth at your death bed, its been like this for 100s of years.

please enlighten us w/ your wealth of wisedom on the matter.
u can ask forgiveness and be forgiven if u mean it. u cant do dirt all ur life and right b4 u die just say the wrds to get into heaven. Gods knows when u are sincerely sorry for something u did. just asking God for forgiveness is not the only thing, u also have to repent to the person in which u offeneded or whatever if possible.

09-09-2005, 02:01 PM
then why in the 10 commandment does it say thou shalt not kill?

Then why does it say this?

"They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Tracy, that can be summed up in one sentence:

Religion is nothing but judgemental people who live by a double standard.

Later, QD.

09-09-2005, 02:01 PM
then why in the 10 commandment does it say thou shalt not kill?

Then why does it say this?

"They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
it doesnt say who is to put them to death though.

09-09-2005, 02:02 PM
you can ask for forgivness of your sins but the bible also says that there are sins that can't be forgiven...such as talking shit about "the holy spirit: :goodjob:

ok but we are talking about being gay... is that not a sin that can be forgiven? com'on boys i'm waiting answer the question.

09-09-2005, 02:02 PM
then why in the 10 commandment does it say thou shalt not kill?

Then why does it say this?

"They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

axemen and such were banished from the church, they were going to hell anyway...who cared if they commited sins??

i'm not saying it was condoned by the church to kill the gays, the church always wanted to reach out and "save" the gays...

the catholic church just wanted to reach out and touch little boys...lol, sorry, had to throw that in for some reason???

09-09-2005, 02:02 PM
I believe that if you murder someone, then if you repent and confess...you shall be forgiven...
the only unforgivable sin I can recall is "blaspheme of the holy ghost (holy spirit)"...

09-09-2005, 02:02 PM

no... Thou shalt not murder... another sin..... one of the ten commandments... that means they are killing themselves and assuring themselves a spot in hell.... (their blood is on there own heads)

OK we posted at the same time

09-09-2005, 02:03 PM
ok but we are talking about being gay... is that not a sin that can be forgiven? com'on boys i'm waiting answer the question.

i dunno, i'll ask god when i meet it...until then there isn't anyway anyone can know for sure

09-09-2005, 02:03 PM
tracy, admin, BTEC, SD STI LOVER, LaurenK, chuck, Killer, pharm_teg

dude this forum rules!

09-09-2005, 02:04 PM
u can ask forgiveness and be forgiven if u mean it. u cant do dirt all ur life and right b4 u die just say the wrds to get into heaven. Gods knows when u are sincerely sorry for something u did. just asking God for forgiveness is not the only thing, u also have to repent to the person in which u offeneded or whatever if possible.

ahh but now your looking into much of what i said, SO I WAS CORRECT, you can be forgiven... funny that out of someone who thinks i need to read more :goodjob:

maybe you need to ask for forgiviness for being judgemental of others.

09-09-2005, 02:05 PM
Tracy, that can be summed up in one sentence:

Religion is nothing but judgemental people who live by a double standard.

Later, QD.
if u realy follow what the bible says it says judge and ye shall be jugded. So if ne one is judging ppl then they arent following what the bibles say and i wouldnt sweat what they are saying. as for the the gay thing, God said its wrong so he judged that already.

09-09-2005, 02:05 PM
Fuck ya'll. Later, QD.

09-09-2005, 02:05 PM
ahh but now your looking into much of what i said, SO I WAS CORRECT, you can be forgiven... funny that out of someone who thinks i need to read more :goodjob:

maybe you need to ask for forgiviness for being judgemental of others.

its not just asking for forgivness that makes you christian...the bible talks of having a relationship with god "pick up your cross and follow me" type stuff...you know, the whole "christ like" thing...waiting til the last minute then trying to pull out a "get out of hell free" card isn't very christ like...probably be best to go ahead and do it once you're too old to have any real fun

09-09-2005, 02:06 PM
You can be forgiven for any sin, as long as you realize it's wrong, and try to correct it by repenting...

09-09-2005, 02:06 PM
ahh but now your looking into much of what i said, SO I WAS CORRECT, you can be forgiven... funny that out of someone who thinks i need to read more :goodjob:

maybe you need to ask for forgiviness for being judgemental of others.
ur not making ne sense. i said u can be forgiven. u make it like u can do dirty and just say forgive me and not mean it and get into heaven which u cant.

09-09-2005, 02:07 PM
You can be forgiven for any sin, as long as you realize it's wrong, and try to correct it by repenting...

09-09-2005, 02:07 PM
Fuck ya'll. Later, QD.

09-09-2005, 02:08 PM
you can be forgiven of a sin, but being forgiven isn't what gets you to heaven

and what about jesus being gay?? so much for that topic???

09-09-2005, 02:10 PM
Acts 2:38 - Peter said to them, "Repent, and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

notice it doesn't say be baptized when you are born then repent when you are about to die...and having water sprinkled on your head isn't baptizim anyhow, hate to break it to anyone who might take offence to that

someone should really make a checklist...it'd be a lot easier...haha

09-09-2005, 02:10 PM
its not just asking for forgivness that makes you christian...the bible talks of having a relationship with god "pick up your cross and follow me" type stuff

well stated earlier gays can be christian, so if a gay christian lives his life by the cross, and at his death bed ask for forgivness then he can go to heaven... AS I STATED.

i don't give a shit about the stipulations, its the point it can happen,... this is a great topic where christians try to distance themselves from their own religion, b/c many don't think gays will go to heaven, but that is incorrect.

09-09-2005, 02:12 PM
but you can't live your life by the cross if you go against the bibles teachings...

and the bible says that homosexuality is wrong and not christ-like

09-09-2005, 02:13 PM
No, you can't just say...Forgive me...and then get into heaven, it's a process of showing the Lord that you trust in him and that you believe he will take care of you. He knows we are not perfect, that's why he gives us an opportunity, to bring him back into the center of our hearts...and try to lead a better, and fuller life by correcting our mishaps. It's very easy to understand...I think that some of you are looking way further into things than nessessary. If it seems wrong, it probably is.

09-09-2005, 02:14 PM
LoL..man you Christians are not even on the same page as far as which sins can and cannot be forgiven. Is there a checklist in the bible? One says anything is forgiven and the other one says only some are...LoL. You see why religion is so deceptive. Catholics forgive everything. Hell they let their priests molest alter boys.

But, seriously we are talking about the possibility that Jesus was gay.

09-09-2005, 02:14 PM
ok, what if u don't have the chance to ask for forgiveness before u die? the gays or anybody that has that backup plan will be in a bad spot.

09-09-2005, 02:15 PM
but you can't live your life by the cross if you go against the bibles teachings...

and the bible says that homosexuality is wrong and not christ-like


09-09-2005, 02:16 PM
ok, what if u don't have the chance to ask for forgiveness before u die? the gays or anybody that has that backup plan will be in a bad spot.
that's why you are supposed to pray and talk to god...daily

09-09-2005, 02:16 PM
that's why you are supposed to pray and talk to god...daily


09-09-2005, 02:18 PM
LoL..man you Christians are not even on the same page as far as which sins can and cannot be forgiven. Is there a checklist in the bible? One says anything is forgiven and the other one says only some are...LoL. You see why religion is so deceptive. Catholics forgive everything. Hell they let their priests molest alter boys.

But, seriously we are talking about the possibility that Jesus was gay.

blasphemy is the only unforgiveable sin... they are just sayin you can't just live life as a "heathen" then right before u die say "forgive me Lord" and expect to go to heaven...

and this all still ties together with being gay cause admin asked about a gay that's a christian... it can't happen... that's like saying your a wet flame.... the two don't mix...

09-09-2005, 02:18 PM
LoL..man you Christians are not even on the same page as far as which sins can and cannot be forgiven. Is there a checklist in the bible? One says anything is forgiven and the other one says only some are...LoL. You see why religion is so deceptive. Catholics forgive everything. Hell they let their priests molest alter boys.

But, seriously we are talking about the possibility that Jesus was gay.

the bible says that any sin can be repented of except for talking shit about the holy spirit...i said that and lauren said that...that's the bibles teachings...a lot of people will say that all sins can be forgive because its easier than saying %99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999
of sins can be forgiven...so taken that into account where have all of them been on different pages??

09-09-2005, 02:19 PM
but you can't live your life by the cross if you go against the bibles teachings...

and the bible says that homosexuality is wrong and not christ-like

people live in sin everyday, if you don't think so then your wrong. it is a simple fact. if you look at a woman wrong that is a sin. so it doesn't matter if you preach the word of god even though you are a sinner if you ask for forgivness for those sins then they shall be forgiven. there is not gray area in this matter, its yes or no.

as pharm-teg said you people need to atleast get on the same page before trying to post, it took me asking 3x to get a straight answer out of any of you.

09-09-2005, 02:20 PM
if you know the knowledge of the Lord and you reject him...then you are rejecting your father, your creater. If you go your whole life and never know the Lord, then it's like a child...you are un-knowledgable of the truth, and I believe you go to heaven. But think about it...it's far fetched that you will go your whole life and never know or hear anything about God.

09-09-2005, 02:21 PM
how many of you are fornicating with out being married????

09-09-2005, 02:22 PM
And yes...we all sin everyday...but God knows that...WE AREN'T perfect...he wants us to try our best to lead a life exhaulting his name, and knowing the truth.

09-09-2005, 02:23 PM
well stated earlier gays can be christian, so if a gay christian lives his life by the cross, and at his death bed ask for forgivness then he can go to heaven... AS I STATED.

i don't give a shit about the stipulations, its the point it can happen,... this is a great topic where christians try to distance themselves from their own religion, b/c many don't think gays will go to heaven, but that is incorrect.
there are ppl that go to church that are gay and accepted. learning that it is wrong and changing ur lifestyle is what u are supposed to be doing. u cant go to heaven after living a homosexual lifestyle. plain and simple

09-09-2005, 02:24 PM
people live in sin everyday, if you don't think so then your wrong. it is a simple fact. if you look at a woman wrong that is a sin. so it doesn't matter if you preach the word of god even though you are a sinner if you ask for forgivness for those sins then they shall be forgiven. there is not gray area in this matter, its yes or no.

as pharm-teg said you people need to atleast get on the same page before trying to post, it took me asking 3x to get a straight answer out of any of you.
yeah but you have to believe and realize the sin is wrong...not turn around and plug your boyfriends ass and then pray for forgiveness then do it again...lol. and there is a difference between looking at a girl and sitting there undressing her with your eyes...

and the gray area is if you believe you have sinned and your heart is in the right place when you ask for forgivness

and i'm pretty sure i explained the same page thing...but sorry i can't tell people what to post

09-09-2005, 02:24 PM
people live in sin everyday, if you don't think so then your wrong. it is a simple fact. if you look at a woman wrong that is a sin. so it doesn't matter if you preach the word of god even though you are a sinner if you ask for forgivness for those sins then they shall be forgiven. there is not gray area in this matter, its yes or no.

as pharm-teg said you people need to atleast get on the same page before trying to post, it took me asking 3x to get a straight answer out of any of you.

true, everyone sins daily, but that's why at the end of the day, before u go to bed, kneel down if u can and pray and ask for forgiveness. do the gay people ask for forgiveness everytime they pray?? no point in that.

09-09-2005, 02:26 PM
true, everyone sins daily, but that's why at the end of the day, before u go to bed, kneel down if u can and pray and ask for forgiveness. do the gay people ask for forgiveness everytime they pray?? no point in that.
the gay people do other things on their knees...lol

09-09-2005, 02:26 PM
and this all still ties together with being gay cause admin asked about a gay that's a christian... it can't happen... that's like saying your a wet flame.... the two don't mix...

That is the dumbest thing i've heard yet out of you...

thats like saying:



they are all sins, and they all go together, if you weren't christian than they wouldn't be sins... and lets talk about sins... is being GAY a deadly sin???

09-09-2005, 02:29 PM
the bible says that any sin can be repented of except for talking shit about the holy spirit...i said that and lauren said that...that's the bibles teachings...a lot of people will say that all sins can be forgive because its easier than saying %99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999
of sins can be forgiven...so taken that into account where have all of them been on different pages??

Then everyone should be able to get into Heaven. Since everything is forgivable. Why even have a list of sins? So most of you take comfort in knowing that all your sins are forgivable, therefore, you commit the same ones over, and over, and over again. "Forgiveness" seems to be the Christian " get out jail free card."

09-09-2005, 02:29 PM
paul i don't think you are getting the idea of repentance...homosexuality is a sinfull LIFESTYLE, you can't repent of a lifestyle if its who you are day in and day out...if you were once gay and then straightened up then it might be a different story...but once again, not for any of us to know or decide

09-09-2005, 02:30 PM
repenting: look at a woman and be like she got some nice hooters and START thinking about what u want to do to her. b4 finishing u catch urself and realize that wrong. ask God to 4give u for thinking like that about her and seriously mean it AND TRY NOT TO DO IT AGIAN.

09-09-2005, 02:30 PM
how many of you are fornicating with out being married????

I am!!! I'm sure God can see that...LoL.

09-09-2005, 02:34 PM
repenting: look at a woman and be like she got some nice hooters and START thinking about what u want to do to her. b4 finishing u catch urself and realize that wrong. ask God to 4give u for thinking like that about her and seriously mean it AND TRY NOT TO DO IT AGIAN.
Great statement.

09-09-2005, 02:35 PM
paul i don't think you are getting the idea of repentance...homosexuality is a sinfull LIFESTYLE, you can't repent of a lifestyle if its who you are day in and day out...if you were once gay and then straightened up then it might be a different story...but once again, not for any of us to know or decide

gays and repent like any other... all sins are lifestyles... you can lie/lust each and every day, just as your comment about two girls previous in this thread (i think i was you who said jokingly about two females was ok)... but at your death if you ask for forgivness for your sins then you shall be forgiven.

its like ok, you look at a woman the wrong way it is a sin, suddenly a gun shot rang and your dead. you didn't ask for forgiviness for that sin.... are you going to heaven?

09-09-2005, 02:41 PM
That's why God knows that we are not PERFECT...He is a forgiving God and if he realizes that you tried your best to live up to his expectations, that you are worthy of his love as a Father...you all are looking way to far into this!

09-09-2005, 02:43 PM
its like ok, you look at a woman the wrong way it is a sin, suddenly a gun shot rang and your dead. you didn't ask for forgiviness for that sin.... are you going to heaven?
i don't consider myself a christian, i am ready to spend eternal damnation in hell if i die today...so to answer your question: NO

i don't pray, i don't go to church, i in no means consider myself a christian for any reason other than a couple of you guys awful classification; i live the sex, drugs and rock & roll lifestyle and i'm going to hell if i die today, tomorrow, next year or probably even 10 years from now. i'll look at a woman the wrong way all i want and i'll make her scream my name all night too...i don't get a fuck...i'm just trying to give the bibles explanation/side of things since i am familiar with it...hence why i've been trying to say "the bible teaches" and "...but my personal belief is..."

09-09-2005, 02:43 PM
i'm with lauren!!!!^^^^^

and i'm stickin with the fact that a gay is not a christian... and i mean that in the sense that if ur gonna ask for forgiveness your supposed to try your hardest to stop that sin.... you don't drop on your knees and pray then look at your boyfriend and say well since i'm down here....

09-09-2005, 02:48 PM
gays and repent like any other... all sins are lifestyles... you can lie/lust each and every day, just as your comment about two girls previous in this thread (i think i was you who said jokingly about two females was ok)... but at your death if you ask for forgivness for your sins then you shall be forgiven.
yeah but in order to be a christian the bible teaches you have to repent of your sins and stive to be christ like...living a lifestlye that goes against the bible is not "christ-like" , weather it be a dude that is checking out a woman or a dude that is sleeping with another dude....it just weather or not they do it every day or if they put toward any effort to change.

any guy who checks out chicks and thinks about "the things i would do to her" day in and day out is going to hell just like the guy who is gay day in and day out...if you are stuggling with a sin then at least you put up a fight 'against satan' and that sin....but living that lifestyle is a sin...homosexual or not...living a sinful lifestyle and not repenting (and a truthful repentance) of it will land you a nice warm spot in hell

09-09-2005, 02:49 PM
i'm with lauren!!!!^^^^^

and i'm stickin with the fact that a gay is not a christian... and i mean that in the sense that if ur gonna ask for forgiveness your supposed to try your hardest to stop that sin.... you don't drop on your knees and pray then look at your boyfriend and say well since i'm down here....

dude i would stop why your ahead, you keep making dumb and dumber comments... Hetro sin just as much if not more than Homo... a sin is a sin, your comments alone are judging gays which is a wrong, so what does that say for you. maybe you need to drop to your knees and ask for forgivness.

09-09-2005, 02:52 PM
yeah but in order to be a christian the bible teaches you have to repent of your sins and stive to be christ like...living a lifestlye that goes against the bible is not "christ-like" , weather it be a dude that is checking out a woman or a dude that is sleeping with another dude....it just weather or not they do it every day or if they put toward any effort to change.

any guy who checks out chicks and thinks about "the things i would do to her" day in and day out is going to hell just like the guy who is gay day in and day out...if you are stuggling with a sin then at least you put up a fight 'against satan' and that sin....but living that lifestyle is a sin...homosexual or not...living a sinful lifestyle and not repenting (and a truthful repentance) of it will land you a nice warm spot in hell

thats last line says it all... it doesn't matter the sin b/c everyone sins, so it is ingrained into your lifestyle, so only way out is to repent.

09-09-2005, 02:56 PM
this is a never ending topic.

09-09-2005, 02:56 PM
thats last line says it all... it doesn't matter the sin b/c everyone sins, so it is ingrained into your lifestyle, so only way out is to repent.
yes but having a lifestyle where you are sinning the same sin over and over again, such as homosexuality, is not repenting nor fighting satan against leading you toward sin...so it does matter

09-09-2005, 02:57 PM
Paul you're my brother in the Lord...I'll pray for you...:)

And Chuck you don't have to go to hell...it doesn't have to be that way...I'll pray for you too. ;)

09-09-2005, 02:59 PM
...and you have to keep in mind that %50 (just a guess) of the people that call themselves christians are going to hell...you can't always judge spirituality by what you see on TV or see from your "christian" co-workers and such because there is A LOT of hypocracy in the church....that just happens to be what drove me away from it all to begin with too

09-09-2005, 03:00 PM
Paul you're my brother in the Lord...I'll pray for you...:)

And Chuck you don't have to go to hell...it doesn't have to be that way...I'll pray for you too. ;)
thank you lauren, i appreciate that a lot actually

09-09-2005, 03:03 PM
maybe you need to drop to your knees and ask for forgivness.

i do... daily....

09-09-2005, 03:12 PM
yes but having a lifestyle where you are sinning the same sin over and over again, such as homosexuality, is not repenting nor fighting satan against leading you toward sin...so it does matter

well i have never read where it speaks of sins as a lifestyle, can you please quote the bible, b/c now at this point the topic is getting far behind the bible and into the realm of i think it is this way so it is so.

all sins are a lifestyle, b/c they are loosly used as we can see, but from how your making it sound then is that being gay is the only sin lifestyle.

Paul you're my brother in the Lord...I'll pray for you... honey you should be praying for yourself b/c i know you are far from perfect :goodjob:

i don't believe in your god so praying for me wouldn't do me or you any good. :goodjob:

09-09-2005, 03:14 PM
so only way out is to repent.

I'm sorry I was busy at work today and didn't join this thread earlier. Some interesting stuff being tossed around.

Bottomline, ironically enough, Paul hit the nail on the head. The ONLY way to be truly forgiven is thru repentance, period, end of discussion. We can dress it up and take it to the dance, but that is what it boils down to.

Sin is sin is sin, with only one being "unforgivable". I don't know why confession is being strictly delegated to death bed confessions, but it is hard to "repent" being homosexual from a death bed.

Just FYI. The definition of repent is:

re·pent1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-pnt)
v. re·pent·ed, re·pent·ing, re·pents
v. intr.
To feel remorse, contrition, or self-reproach for what one has done or failed to do; be contrite.
To feel such regret for past conduct as to change one's mind regarding it: repented of intemperate behavior.
To make a change for the better as a result of remorse or contrition for one's sins.

^^^^the last two really apply when it comes to religion. :goodjob:

09-09-2005, 03:19 PM
i don't believe in your god so praying for me wouldn't do me or you any good. :goodjob:

what does if feel like not to belive that God exists. especially with your knowledge of the bible. u know so much about it and say that everybody is wrong.

09-09-2005, 03:21 PM
Paul hit the nail on the head.

man that has such a nice ring to it :lmfao: +10 for jamie... by the way if there is a hell i'm totatly there +10 for chuck for the rocknroll lifestyle comment :goodjob:

09-09-2005, 03:24 PM
well i have never read where it speaks of sins as a lifestyle, can you please quote the bible, b/c now at this point the topic is getting far behind the bible and into the realm of i think it is this way so it is so.

all sins are a lifestyle, b/c they are loosly used as we can see, but from how your making it sound then is that being gay is the only sin lifestyle.

honey you should be praying for yourself b/c i know you are far from perfect :goodjob:

i don't believe in your god so praying for me wouldn't do me or you any good. :goodjob:
actually, i was using homosexuality as an example, trying to stay somewhat on topic...but certianly never said it was the only sinful lifestyle...i live a sinful lifestyle and i think i made that clear...but i can make it clear that i am not a homo either...haha

but yeah...def never said that being gay was the only sinful lifestyle...i'm not that dumb/ignorant

and sinful would be an adjective, describing a life full of sin...sins are sins, life is life, and lifestyle is lifestyle...

i was simply trying to make the point that if you do something wrong (sin) day in and day out (your lifestyle) then repenting of it will get you nowhere :bigok: ...an easier way of sumarizing this would be simply saying "sinful lifestyle" ...as opposed to a different batch of sins each day

09-09-2005, 03:25 PM
Paul...praying in general benefits me daily, so either way I'm going to do it! Also, the whole purpose of my praying would be to ask God to guide you in the right direction! ;)

09-09-2005, 03:26 PM
well i have never read where it speaks of sins as a lifestyle, can you please quote the bible, b/c now at this point the topic is getting far behind the bible and into the realm of i think it is this way so it is so.

all sins are a lifestyle, b/c they are loosly used as we can see, but from how your making it sound then is that being gay is the only sin lifestyle.

Wait a minute.....didn't you +10 somebody who said that "the lack of proof is not proof of the opposite..."??????? Now, you demand proof before you believe something that is clearly stated in the bible (homo=sin)? Can't have it both ways Paul. One discussion, the one about the bible's truth, you say the bible is false, yet now you will take a bible verse as proof positive that something is so????? Like I said before, "proof" is in the eye of the beholder. You guys that don't believe will never have any "proof" big or small that will ever satisfy you at all of anything.

Again, we can dance around it and microdisect it to death, but the bottomline is crystal clear in not only the Bible but every other "religion's" book of faith: Homosexuality is wrong and it's a sin. Period. No exceptions or loop holes. Is it forgivable? Technically, yes. How? By repentance. Repentance is not gotten by merely uttering the words as your last breath leaves your body for something like that. That applies to EVERY person breathing. Priests are no exception as neither are you. There is no gray area about it. It's like writing it with your hand and erasing it with your elbow. Forgiveness is not a ticket to sin freely. It's a guarantee that even though everyone sins, you can make it right. How and when is up to you to figure out.

09-09-2005, 03:26 PM
what does if feel like not to belive that God exists. especially with your knowledge of the bible. u know so much about it and say that everybody is wrong.

heres the thing, i love religion(history), w/ a great passion... i'm just not religious.... i have yet to find what there is to find. life for me will be a never ending journey of knowledge so for me i would rather be up front and say i'm not christian than me say oh i'm christian yet i don't go to church nor do i ask for forgivness or even follow the bible for that matter. i may not be christian but i am not a fake.

i guess to some it is a sad situation, but for me if i'm condemed to a life in hell in your eyes... the only thing i can say is... i guess i'll have time to work on my tan :goodjob:

09-09-2005, 03:33 PM
OKay if the bible says fornication(premarital sex) was wrong, and jesus followed god's word, how could he have any sexual preference at all? or even make an attempt to be gay? even homosexuality is said to be wrong in the bible. so that whole theory has a hole

09-09-2005, 03:37 PM
wow i sure missed this thread today while at work

09-09-2005, 03:37 PM
Wait a minute.....didn't you +10 somebody who said that "the lack of proof is not proof of the opposite..."??????? Now, you demand proof before you believe something that is clearly stated in the bible (homo=sin)? Can't have it both ways Paul. One discussion, the one about the bible's truth, you say the bible is false, yet now you will take a bible verse as proof positive that something is so????? Like I said before, "proof" is in the eye of the beholder. You guys that don't believe will never have any "proof" big or small that will ever satisfy you at all of anything.

Again, we can dance around it and microdisect it to death, but the bottomline is crystal clear in not only the Bible but every other "religion's" book of faith: Homosexuality is wrong and it's a sin. Period. No exceptions or loop holes. Is it forgivable? Technically, yes. How? By repentance. Repentance is not gotten by merely uttering the words as your last breath leaves your body for something like that. That applies to EVERY person breathing. Priests are no exception as neither are you. There is no gray area about it. It's like writing it with your hand and erasing it with your elbow. Forgiveness is not a ticket to sin freely. It's a guarantee that even though everyone sins, you can make it right. How and when is up to you to figure out.

bitch you like to get my shit mixed up... he was making it sound like homosexuality is a lifestyle SIN which basically can not be forgiven b/c it happens daily... i disagress w/ that b/c SIN is some thing daily you have to live w/, i ask for clarification.

you have to remember this is a discussion, if i took the stance well i don't believe it so its not true, i could post that for everything and get away w/ it b/c why... i can' b/c i'm not christian... but i don't i try to make intelligent comments on what i know and believe. some of the comments in this thread basically were stating that gays can not go to heaven, i disagree w/ that, b/c being gay is a sin like lieing...

09-09-2005, 03:38 PM
heres the thing, i love religion(history), w/ a great passion... i'm just not religious.... i have yet to find what there is to find. life for me will be a never ending journey of knowledge so for me i would rather be up front and say i'm not christian than me say oh i'm christian yet i don't go to church nor do i ask for forgivness or even follow the bible for that matter. i may not be christian but i am not a fake.

i guess to some it is a sad situation, but for me if i'm condemed to a life in hell in your eyes... the only thing i can say is... i guess i'll have time to work on my tan :goodjob:

LOL if that is your idea of how hell is, .... it is not all "fire and brimstone" LOL

09-09-2005, 03:39 PM
OKay if the bible says fornication(premarital sex) was wrong, and jesus followed god's word, how could he have any sexual preference at all? or even make an attempt to be gay? even homosexuality is said to be wrong in the bible. so that whole theory has a hole

You're right.

It's like the ying and the yang circles. Where do they start and where do they end????

This argument is the exact same way. IF God doesn't exist to you, why would you try and make logic about something that's not there according to you????***insert Twillight Zone music***** :D.....Jesus was gay, but he didn't exist.....the Bible is a fake, but show me where it says in there that Jesus was NOT gay and I'll believe ya......*insert Twillight Zone music again*****...... ;) :D

09-09-2005, 03:39 PM
OKay if the bible says fornication(premarital sex) was wrong, and jesus followed god's word, how could he have any sexual preference at all? or even make an attempt to be gay? even homosexuality is said to be wrong in the bible. so that whole theory has a hole

he could have homosexual tendencies then it could be true... :goodjob: LUST!!! you know guys w/ long nappy hair and beards turned Jesus on :D

(that was a joke)

09-09-2005, 03:42 PM
LOL if that is your idea of how hell is, .... it is not all "fire and brimstone" LOL

oh your right... fire and brimestone, snake pits, torture wheels, freezing water, force fed, dismemberment, boiled alive... did i leave anything out?

09-09-2005, 03:58 PM
...i disagree w/ that, b/c being gay is a sin like lieing...
i don't know how i can explain it without you thinking the wrong thing...i know that a sin is a sin in gods eyes but if someone is gay then that is also not only a part of what they do but a part of WHO they are...they can ask for forgiveness for what they have done just as a liar can but until they change who they are as a person then the homosexuality (sin) will continue...

but don't get me wrong...put it in the terms of the liar...someone who had lied can go to heavan just like someone who was gay...but if they are a cronic liar and lie on a daily basis then they are in a daily routine of a constant sin...

someone who WAS gay can be saved from hell, someone who IS gay is going to hell...does that help clear anything up??

09-09-2005, 03:58 PM
bitch you like to get my shit mixed up... he was making it sound like homosexuality is a lifestyle SIN which basically can not be forgiven b/c it happens daily... i disagress w/ that b/c SIN is some thing daily you have to live w/, i ask for clarification.

You just don't like to be quoted is what it is..... ;)

Lifestyle or no lifestyle it's a sin to be gay, period. If you do it once or do it daily, it's a sin. If you don't think it's wrong and continue to do it forever, it's still a sin. If you do it and then change your mind and suddenly think its wrong and don't want to do it again and you ask for forgiveness, THEN you will be forgiven. It's not as easy as saying "forgive me" and then going home and having homosexual relations again. It's not like that at all. Refer to the definition of repent above. If anyone, including gays, change their sinning ways and ask for forgiveness, they will get it. That's the only simple part. The hard part is actually doing it.

Everyone sins. Everyone may commit the same sin more than once. The difference is that not everyone ASKS to be forgiven AND more importantly TRIES to NOT do it AGAIN. That's the key.

If I get drunk, knowing it's not right to do so, and ask to be forgiven I will be. If I go and get drunk again, I just erased it with my elbow then. I have to start over again. If I don't get drunk when I COULD therefore showing that I have some self-control, THEN I'm fulfilling my end of the bargain by TRYING to do better. Get it?

some of the comments in this thread basically were stating that gays can not go to heaven, i disagree w/ that, b/c being gay is a sin like lieing...

They are alike in that they are both sins. They are both forgiven the same way. If NOT forgiven, both will keep your from the same place as a sinner.

09-09-2005, 07:55 PM
...just found this too...

1 Corinthians 6:9 - Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

goes with what a few of us were discussing in here earlier

09-10-2005, 01:49 PM
oh your right... fire and brimestone, snake pits, torture wheels, freezing water, force fed, dismemberment, boiled alive... did i leave anything out?
Nope... none of that either...