View Full Version : Obamas President, Now what?

11-06-2008, 12:53 AM

I found this on the internets:

"Dear Fellow Business Owners:

As a business owner who employs 30 people, I am resigned to the fact that Barack Obama will be our,
next President and that taxes and fees will go up significantly.

To compensate for these increases, I figure I will have to increase my
product prices by about 8%. I will also have to layoff 6 of my employees. This really bothered me as I always believed that we were a family and I didn't know how to choose the employees to layoff.

I strolled thru the employee parking lot and found 8 Obama bumper stickers on employee cars and
decided that these employees will be the first ones to be laid off.

I can't think of a more equitable way to approach this problem. If you have
a better idea, let me know. I am sending this letter to all business owners I know.

JOOA Corp."

In the long run, I think Obama voters will regret their decision.

11-06-2008, 12:58 AM
Google JOOA Corp and tell us what you find. ;)

11-06-2008, 02:11 AM
reality /fail.

11-06-2008, 06:46 AM
your sig.

full of ignorance and stupidity

11-06-2008, 07:51 AM
Bogus thread not to mention:

Provide Tax Relief for Small Businesses and Start Up Companies: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will eliminate all capital gains taxes on start-up and small businesses to encourage innovation and job creation. Obama and Biden will also support small business owners by providing a $500 “Making Work Pay” tax credit to almost every worker in America. Self-employed small business owners pay both the employee and the employer side of the payroll tax, and this measure will reduce the burdens of this double taxation.

11-06-2008, 08:32 AM
while i agree that people done fully understand his tax plan an how devastating its going to be if it goes though, he hasnt even taken office yet. We don't know what he will or won't do yet

VIP Style
11-06-2008, 01:05 PM
man people just need to sit back and accept the fact that obama is our next president. its no need to get all worked up because theres nothing anyone of us can do about it. we really dont know who would be better for the job, but obviously obama had a better campaign so go figure, america picked obama.

11-06-2008, 02:39 PM
I so construction work and my boss runs a 10-99 on me. So im "a self employed contractor" are my taxes gonna go up or down with his plan?

11-06-2008, 02:45 PM
man people just need to sit back and accept the fact that obama is our next president. its no need to get all worked up because theres nothing anyone of us can do about it. we really dont know who would be better for the job, but obviously obama had a better campaign so go figure, america picked obama.

roflmao at your sig lol

11-06-2008, 04:59 PM
your sig.

full of ignorance and stupidity
and your sig is very intelligent and purposeful.

11-06-2008, 10:22 PM
The market dropped to 8638 points today...FUCK!!!

11-06-2008, 10:33 PM
man people just need to sit back and accept the fact that obama is our next president. its no need to get all worked up because theres nothing anyone of us can do about it. .

a .50cal riffle and someone who knows how to use it could change everything

11-07-2008, 06:04 PM
a .50cal riffle and someone who knows how to use it could change everything


11-07-2008, 07:23 PM
Bogus thread not to mention:

Provide Tax Relief for Small Businesses and Start Up Companies: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will eliminate all capital gains taxes on start-up and small businesses to encourage innovation and job creation. Obama and Biden will also support small business owners by providing a $500 “Making Work Pay” tax credit to almost every worker in America. Self-employed small business owners pay both the employee and the employer side of the payroll tax, and this measure will reduce the burdens of this double taxation.

I can't even count how many times the capital gains thing has been discussed. This will help a very small number of small businesses. The other making work pay thing makes no sense and really isn't gonna help anything either since he's prolly going to remove the cap on social security.

The_ CaneCorso
11-11-2008, 09:44 AM
a .50cal riffle and someone who knows how to use it could change everything
yea someone already tried

11-11-2008, 06:05 PM
a .50cal riffle and someone who knows how to use it could change everything

uhuh!! and that would show how fu**ed up american really is now wouldnt it?I am sry but americans all got is twisted. i didn't care to vote for cain or bama but i am glad bama got it just so all these racist hating fags could come out the bushes and talk about killing him,when it wasn't that big of a deal when there where 43 other presidents that was in office and where all white:yes: But as soon as a blk guy gets it the white folks starting talking about killing some 1,u fuc*ers killed our own country give some 1 else a chance to clean it up:2up:

11-12-2008, 11:00 AM
uhuh!! and that would show how fu**ed up american really is now wouldnt it?I am sry but americans all got is twisted. i didn't care to vote for cain or bama but i am glad bama got it just so all these racist hating fags could come out the bushes and talk about killing him,when it wasn't that big of a deal when there where 43 other presidents that was in office and where all white:yes: But as soon as a blk guy gets it the white folks starting talking about killing some 1,u fuc*ers killed our own country give some 1 else a chance to clean it up:2up:


11-12-2008, 12:28 PM
lol @ these threads and cry babies.

11-12-2008, 01:18 PM
a .50cal riffle and someone who knows how to use it could change everything

You and your family are now being monitored by intelligence, Good job bud! :cheers:

11-12-2008, 02:34 PM
You and your family are now being monitored by intelligence, Good job bud! :cheers:
Ignorance is bliss

boosted b
11-12-2008, 03:20 PM
it's fu@ked up how people think just because a black man is going to run the nation that everything will be jacked up. It won't be worse than bush being in office at least shit will change and this damn war will come to an end

11-12-2008, 03:57 PM
Ignorance is bliss


11-12-2008, 05:22 PM
it's fu@ked up how people think just because a black man is going to run the nation that everything will be jacked up. It won't be worse than bush being in office at least shit will change and this damn war will come to an end
Actually lol.

1. Obama could really fuck shit up in the next year enacting his tax the rich policies. Will he?(Highly doubt it)

2. Is he capable of "change" yea absolutely largely in part he will have almost all of congress behind him. The democrats may not control 60 seats in the senate like they want to but they are close enough that all it takes is a few republicans to say I like it(which always happens) and congress is fillibuster proof.

3. Hate to break tit to you but Obama deserves almost no credit for getting us out of Iraq. Guess who does? Bush. He's been negotiating our withdrawl for months. Most people don't know about it because the media doesn't give it all the coverage that it deserves. Garauntee you though Obama will get almost all the credit for getting us out of Iraq.

Got Milk?
11-12-2008, 06:05 PM
^^ man stfu. Bush was the one that sent them over there for no reason in the first place. What did we get out of the war, nothing son. The only thing that we got out of the war is dead solders, broken hearted mothers and fathers who lost their sons knowing that they died for no cost.



11-12-2008, 06:22 PM
IIRC, Bush didn't start negotiating withdrawls until people jumped on the Obama bandwagon. Obama critized Bush A LOT over the past year, coincendently these past 3-4 months Bush has been looking to withdraw.

No I didn't over analyze, nor did I get this from news source; simple observation over the past year leading up to the election.

11-12-2008, 07:21 PM
^^ man stfu. Bush was the one that sent them over there for no reason in the first place. What did we get out of the war, nothing son. The only thing that we got out of the war is dead solders, broken hearted mothers and fathers who lost their sons knowing that they died for no cost.


LOL. Way to address the post.

IIRC, Bush didn't start negotiating withdrawls until people jumped on the Obama bandwagon. Obama critized Bush A LOT over the past year, coincendently these past 3-4 months Bush has been looking to withdraw.

No I didn't over analyze, nor did I get this from news source; simple observation over the past year leading up to the election.

So are you saying that this is why Bush is getting us out?I'll hold my response until you respond to this

11-12-2008, 09:27 PM
So are you saying that this is why Bush is getting us out?I'll hold my response until you respond to this

100% no, though I do feel that it weighed heavily on his sudden pick up of pace on it. The American people were getting more and more angry at the war, and the sense of it never ending.

During the past year, the American people as whole have voiced thier opinion on the war and Bush as a president. I am not knocking his performance or judgement at all, but I think he began to realize the voice of the people. Obama rallied LOTS of Americans, no one can doubt that. He banged ending the war like crazy.

Republicans as a whole have lost touch with the voice of the people.

boosted b
11-13-2008, 03:25 PM
bush ain't trying to get nobody back he wants more troops over there i should now i still in the military that is 100 bs

11-13-2008, 03:55 PM
fuck Obama, we all know everythings ganna fuck up very soon. so put your seat belts on its ganna be a long ride

11-13-2008, 04:00 PM
bush ain't trying to get nobody back he wants more troops over there i should now i still in the military that is 100 bs
LOL. Don't believe everything you hear. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/10/23/fact-check-is-bush-now-supporting-obamas-troop-withdrawal-plan-in-iraq/

11-15-2008, 04:30 PM
uhuh!! and that would show how fu**ed up american really is now wouldnt it?I am sry but americans all got is twisted. i didn't care to vote for cain or bama but i am glad bama got it just so all these racist hating fags could come out the bushes and talk about killing him,when it wasn't that big of a deal when there where 43 other presidents that was in office and where all white:yes: But as soon as a blk guy gets it the white folks starting talking about killing some 1,u fuc*ers killed our own country give some 1 else a chance to clean it up:2up:

:no: people that make idiotic comments like this are the most racist.

boosted b
11-15-2008, 04:35 PM
that's just it they don't want to give nobody a chance a the dumb racist fuc#s on here that's all they can scream. but the truth of the matter is bush jacked up everything clinton got us out bush fucked us up plain and simple now lets see what happens when obama takes over granted it will take time for change but they don't see that

11-15-2008, 04:58 PM
now lets see what happens when obama's advisors take over granted it will take time for change but they don't see that


boosted b
11-15-2008, 05:25 PM
that works for me also reped

11-15-2008, 07:07 PM
bush ain't trying to get nobody back he wants more troops over there i should now i still in the military that is 100 bs

LOL. Don't believe everything you hear. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/10/23/fact-check-is-bush-now-supporting-obamas-troop-withdrawal-plan-in-iraq/

X2 :goodjob: :rolleyes: Figures a post proving someone wrong would just get passed over and ignored.

11-15-2008, 07:28 PM
This thread is fucking gay.

11-15-2008, 07:41 PM
This thread is fucking gay.
Something else we can agree on.LOL.

11-17-2008, 12:36 AM
bump still waiting for a response

11-17-2008, 12:47 AM
just read through my thread and you will see in the links......


11-17-2008, 07:22 AM
^Holy shit LOL I keep running across threads where you are STILL showing how scared you are

11-17-2008, 09:58 AM
This thread is sad...I hope that some of you will stop getting your information in broken and second hand fragments from your buddy's who are doing the same thing. Its like playing telephone and it saddens me because some of you actually voted based on the BS of your peers and not by looking for simplified factual information.

I am sick of hearing people try to equate the lack of Obama support to race. A white man and a black man can both have ridiculous and stupid ideas on what policies will work. Obama's policies are not logical and that's why many and maybe most of the people who didn't vote for him made their choice. For instance, we are fixing details on a 750+billion dollar bill and also another one for the auto makers and the credit agencies, and at the same time Obama was saying to 95% of Americans that their taxes will not go up and 5% will get a slight increase...that is mathematically impossible. When you add in over a trillion dollars to the taxpayer bill. Especially when a high percentage (around 40) of those people pay NO taxes at all. These illogical statements are what lead to unanswered questions and a lack of support from some conservatives and democrats alike (black and white)

the OP asking about his business:

OP you will probably be okay with Obama in office. Your taxes will more than likely not be the reason you have to lay people off as much as it would be the poor economy thanks to actions from Clinton and his washington (and many more factors), and the lack of action from Bush and his washington. The effects of an Obama administration is going to be delayed for years. The tax plan will not pass immediately and the healthcare stuff will be the same. All the talk during the election was a bunch of BS banter to make people think that the first of the year will be a go button. It wont, and no matter how poorly or well Obama does in office, his supports will still treat him as if he can do not wrong, but you should try anything reasonable to keep all of your employees as letting them go will only increase the problems that are already there.

Bush has been discussing exit plans for Iraq since we went there. The issue is that he refuses to leave until there is stability and he refuses to telegraph those plans. I am sure they have changed, but even when the troop surge was being discussed he said that it would be needed to make steps towards stability and bringing them home. If you know anything about history there is a really good reason for this...anytime a nation is left unstable the most powerful potential leader takes control and usually by force. This is where most dictatorships came from...BTW, Hitler was not a dictator, he was an elected official. I have my problems with Bush too, but there is some completely misrepresented method behind his madness.

11-18-2008, 05:03 PM
it's fu@ked up how people think just because a black man is going to run the nation that everything will be jacked up. It won't be worse than bush being in office at least shit will change and this damn war will come to an end

i think its fucked up how people still think that people dont like him because hes black. his race isnt the problem.... his policies are.

another thing. regarding the war, we cannot just "pull out" of iraq. the country will implode on itself. the extremists will come in and take over the unstable country in a matter of weeks. and then we WILL have a problem

11-18-2008, 09:49 PM
well said.. couldnt agree any more

My opinion

Im sick of people thinking jsut because hes black that he will be the natons hero.. give me a break..

12-10-2008, 08:59 AM
we are all f***** in the a**! im pissed cause some people i know are going to have to pay higher taxes just because they furthered their education. also the fact that he doesnt support any kind of law enforcement or the military. that is stated fact.

01-06-2009, 07:20 AM
This thread is sad...I hope that some of you will stop getting your information in broken and second hand fragments from your buddy's who are doing the same thing. Its like playing telephone and it saddens me because some of you actually voted based on the BS of your peers and not by looking for simplified factual information.

I am sick of hearing people try to equate the lack of Obama support to race. A white man and a black man can both have ridiculous and stupid ideas on what policies will work. Obama's policies are not logical and that's why many and maybe most of the people who didn't vote for him made their choice. For instance, we are fixing details on a 750+billion dollar bill and also another one for the auto makers and the credit agencies, and at the same time Obama was saying to 95% of Americans that their taxes will not go up and 5% will get a slight increase...that is mathematically impossible. When you add in over a trillion dollars to the taxpayer bill. Especially when a high percentage (around 40) of those people pay NO taxes at all. These illogical statements are what lead to unanswered questions and a lack of support from some conservatives and democrats alike (black and white)

the OP asking about his business:

OP you will probably be okay with Obama in office. Your taxes will more than likely not be the reason you have to lay people off as much as it would be the poor economy thanks to actions from Clinton and his washington (and many more factors), and the lack of action from Bush and his washington. The effects of an Obama administration is going to be delayed for years. The tax plan will not pass immediately and the healthcare stuff will be the same. All the talk during the election was a bunch of BS banter to make people think that the first of the year will be a go button. It wont, and no matter how poorly or well Obama does in office, his supports will still treat him as if he can do not wrong, but you should try anything reasonable to keep all of your employees as letting them go will only increase the problems that are already there.

Bush has been discussing exit plans for Iraq since we went there. The issue is that he refuses to leave until there is stability and he refuses to telegraph those plans. I am sure they have changed, but even when the troop surge was being discussed he said that it would be needed to make steps towards stability and bringing them home. If you know anything about history there is a really good reason for this...anytime a nation is left unstable the most powerful potential leader takes control and usually by force. This is where most dictatorships came from...BTW, Hitler was not a dictator, he was an elected official. I have my problems with Bush too, but there is some completely misrepresented method behind his madness.

thank you. someone actually understands that we dont see repercussion's from presidents within a short period of time. reps :goodjob:

01-06-2009, 07:25 AM
another thing. regarding the war, we cannot just "pull out" of iraq. the country will implode on itself. the extremists will come in and take over the unstable country in a matter of weeks. and then we WILL have a problem

You're saying someone could come in and in two weeks, make more of difference than we have in 5 years? Sounds like a success to me..

We already have problems domestically. I don't see how we put Iraq on this high ass pedestal like we NEED to save them when we struggle to save our selves. The logic behind that is amazing. :thinking:

01-06-2009, 09:48 AM
You're saying someone could come in and in two weeks, make more of difference than we have in 5 years? Sounds like a success to me..

With this reasoning, do you call Vietnam a success?

We already have problems domestically. I don't see how we put Iraq on this high ass pedestal like we NEED to save them when we struggle to save our selves. The logic behind that is amazing. :thinking:

We have a ton of problems domesticly, but none of those problems should get in the way of what needs to be done there. Leaving Iraq too early will do nothing more than give us a reason to head back there in 2 years under far worse conditions than we have now. Not only will we have the foreign fighters fighting the US, the domestic fighters fighting the US, and the domestic fighters fighting other Iraqis, but we will have FAR less support among the Iraqi citizens that are that support us now.

01-06-2009, 09:59 AM
You're saying someone could come in and in two weeks, make more of difference than we have in 5 years? Sounds like a success to me..

We already have problems domestically. I don't see how we put Iraq on this high ass pedestal like we NEED to save them when we struggle to save our selves. The logic behind that is amazing. :thinking:
well with all due respect, Its much harder to change 1000s of years of hatred that it is to go back to the way things were.

I mean i think if we pulled out instantly, you would have IRan/Syria backing someone to take over iraq. The Iraqis are getting better but they just prob couldnt hold out against a guerilla coup if it happened.

Its a very fragile country, an NO ONE can call it a sucess of failure right now, its too soon to know.

Whether you agree with the war or not, we are in it, it makes no sense to withdraw now, and Obama seems to be conceding that point based on his recent decisions

01-06-2009, 10:00 AM
We already have problems domestically. I don't see how we put Iraq on this high ass pedestal like we NEED to save them when we struggle to save our selves. The logic behind that is amazing. :thinking:

You dont think national security is a domestic problem?

01-06-2009, 10:23 AM
i heard this on cnn yesterday, did a search on their site and pulled this IMPORTANT PIECE out of the article for the business owners.

• Business break for losses: Obama is considering a tax break for businesses that book losses in 2008 and 2009.

The stimulus plan may extend what's called the net-operating loss carryback to five years, up from two years currently. The provision lets companies apply their losses to past and future tax bills so that they can get money back on taxes they've already paid or would otherwise have to pay.

• Job creation: Obama would establish a new credit for businesses that either create jobs in the United States or avoid layoffs.

• Small-business write-off: Obama would increase the amount of expenses small businesses can write off to $250,000 in 2009 and 2010, up from $125,000 currently.

While political observers believe the now-added emphasis on business tax cuts as a major part of a stimulus package is one way the Obama team hopes to attract Republican support, that's not how the Obama camp explains it.

full article is here: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/05/obama.economic.stimulus/index.html?iref=newssearch

as far as the war stuff goes...people need to understand that the man is not going to take EVERY SINGLE SOLDIER OUT OF IRAQ! they just built a damn embassy over there. you don't build an embassy somewhere and then just LEAVE. i personally think that he's going to be a little more "strategic" in how things are done over there. not just dumping troops, blowing money, and feeding weapons. the most important thing he can do over there is try to mend the relationship we have...so we're not just seen as "tyrants," and don't have to fight this thing all on our own.

01-06-2009, 01:21 PM
those tax cuts do sound like an olive branch to republicans, but I dont see why he is going to bother. He needs no republican support and he knows it. The only thing I can think of is that he is looking toward the future and his less than popular changes he is planning on making.

01-06-2009, 07:38 PM
you cannot compare vietnam to iraq...not in this sense...In Vietnam we made no where near the impact we have made in iraq

01-06-2009, 08:15 PM
you cannot compare vietnam to iraq...not in this sense...In Vietnam we made no where near the impact we have made in iraq

Actually I see alot of similarities to Vietnam.

1. Politicians using the war for political use
2. Politicians getting involved in military operations
3. Hearts and minds before military objectives
4. complete lack of political support
5. Media imbedded with operational units
6. Media on the side of our enemies and portraying our troops as evil

I could go on for a long time.

01-24-2009, 06:05 PM
uhuh!! and that would show how fu**ed up american really is now wouldnt it?I am sry but americans all got is twisted. i didn't care to vote for cain or bama but i am glad bama got it just so all these racist hating fags could come out the bushes and talk about killing him,when it wasn't that big of a deal when there where 43 other presidents that was in office and where all white:yes: But as soon as a blk guy gets it the white folks starting talking about killing some 1,u fuc*ers killed our own country give some 1 else a chance to clean it up:2up:

We'll done!!!!:goodjob:

01-24-2009, 06:11 PM
Actually lol.

1. Obama could really fuck shit up in the next year enacting his tax the rich policies. Will he?(Highly doubt it)

2. Is he capable of "change" yea absolutely largely in part he will have almost all of congress behind him. The democrats may not control 60 seats in the senate like they want to but they are close enough that all it takes is a few republicans to say I like it(which always happens) and congress is fillibuster proof.

3. Hate to break tit to you but Obama deserves almost no credit for getting us out of Iraq. Guess who does? Bush. He's been negotiating our withdrawl for months. Most people don't know about it because the media doesn't give it all the coverage that it deserves. Garauntee you though Obama will get almost all the credit for getting us out of Iraq.

Damn this dude is pissed:lmfao: , man its going to be okay you don't have any choice but to let it go. It's done and finish Obama is our president:cheers: . So sit back and enjoy the ride b/c everything is all bad anyway so just have faith and hope and put all your worries in the lord hands:yes:

01-27-2009, 03:00 PM
^^Thats pretty much all we can do, right? Nicely said.

01-27-2009, 05:18 PM
Obamas President, Now what? [/b]

Well the world as we know is FUKED for the US of A... So with this happening I can say that we all are screwed so thanks to all that VOTED for this DOUCHE BAG!

01-27-2009, 09:09 PM
Well the world as we know is FUKED for the US of A... So with this happening I can say that we all are screwed so thanks to all that VOTED for this DOUSCH BAG! what the hell is a dousch?

01-28-2009, 01:01 AM
what the hell is a douche?