View Full Version : Misc DeadSPACE- OMG

10-15-2008, 07:48 PM
This game KICKS ASS. I like the over the shoulder display, the graphics are really good.

Its got this EVENT HORIZON meets ALIENS feel. It has definetly made me jump a few times with its game play.

GO PICK IT UP ive only played for an hour and im hooked!

10-15-2008, 10:52 PM
Just watched a trailer for it on youtube and it looks pretty interesting. Reminds me of something from the flood on halo mixed with a little of condemned. Might rent it first...

10-15-2008, 11:03 PM
Looks like a good game. But it also looks like one of those that due to intensity I can only play an hour or so at a time before needing a cheery break :) (Silent Hill, Doom 3, etc fall into this category for me)

10-16-2008, 06:17 AM
im just gonna come beat you up and take it

10-16-2008, 08:27 AM
im just gonna come beat you up and take it
ok you win, come get it :)

10-16-2008, 08:30 AM
i'm still waiting on Fallout3 :yes:

10-16-2008, 03:32 PM
^ fallout 3 is pretty good. Dead space gets repetative for me though. Im at the end of chapter 5 in it, and I have to kill a monster that keeps regenerating itself and its limbs. Needless to say its not an easy kill. lol

Dirty Octopus™
10-16-2008, 05:40 PM
This game KICKS ASS. I like the over the shoulder display, the graphics are really good.

Its got this EVENT HORIZON meets ALIENS feel. It has definetly made me jump a few times with its game play.

GO PICK IT UP ive only played for an hour and im hooked!
that is EXACTLY what the guys at Gamestop said. Verbatim

10-16-2008, 07:39 PM
its a EA game.. im prepared to be disapointed...lol but it does look good tho!