View Full Version : Anyone Ever Been to AA?

10-08-2008, 08:25 PM
Here it goes... I have a drinking problem, there's no getting around that anymore. A serious one, it's all fun and games at my age of course, but I've been drinking my ass off on a regular basis since I was about 17, and it's been taking it's toll on my life steadily but surely since then. I have a genetic predisposition towards alcoholism, and it's run rampant in my family for a few generations. My grandfather drank like crazy, as did my father, who eventually died on a motorcycle drunk in 2003. Yes I should learn from my fathers mistake, but once you start digging your own hole its hard not to fall in. Also being prescribed enormous dosages of stimulants at 17 years of age hasn't helped my tendency towards depressants to take the edge off my meds, or help me sleep at night.

My family had a talk with me earlier, and friends have mentioned it before, but when you're in denial about something you tend to pretend you didn't hear it, or that it's not really happening to you. It doesn't help that a huge percentage of my friends drink, and so many American social outings seem to revolve around, the great social lubricator. So now at 21, I've got a serious head start on alcoholism, and in all seriousness need to do something about it to get it under control.

I'm looking for AA meetings in my area online, and wanted to know if anyone here had ever been to one, and if it was helpful. Or perhaps what to expect from the withdrawal symptoms, and ways to handle them.

10-08-2008, 08:37 PM
Hey, I personally don't drink... I just want to give you props on wanting to get help and being serious about it...

10-08-2008, 08:38 PM
Sir, Put the bottle down!

I kid. I know exactly what your going through. It runs in my family really bad and several of my friends drink really bad. I don't drink like I use to, but I still drink on the weekends. I've never been to a AA meeting, but best of luck with it. And I'm suprised you brought this to the WL, where 99% of everything posted on a serious note, gets turned around in the OP's face...lolol But I take these kinds of things serious bro! Best advice I can give you is to limit yourself(Yes I know its hard) and watch out with the really bad drinking friends for awhile until you can get yourself under control. That's what I did when I was hooked on pills.... No, I'm not a drug'y but I was givien some for some serious medical conditions and I got to where I felt like I needed them several times a day when I was only supose to use them twice... Yes the high was taking over...lol

Goodluck though!

10-08-2008, 08:54 PM
I've tried the limiting myself thing, and it just doesn't work once I get past the first drink. It used to be that I could limit myself, because I'd feel like **** the next day, or get sick, but when I get drunk now I put down water like crazy to lessen the hang over, and never get sick. So now with my superhero tolerance, limiting myself isn't an option.

I've been debating it for a while, and putting it off for as long as I can, but since the people I associate with don't quite realize to what extent alcohol is trashing my life, much less how to handle it, I figured I'd bring it here, and see if I can't elicit a serious response from somebody who might know about it, or have reasonable advice to offer.

10-08-2008, 08:57 PM
To be honest with you man, if you can't limit after the first one... don't pick it up... I KNOW it is harder than it sounds man. But that is the only way to limit yourself and make sure you don't get trashed... It might take you a LONG time, but eventually the feeling of having to have one to live and operate will slowly go away... the temptation will always be there though...

10-08-2008, 08:58 PM
Their's not really any other advice! If you can't limit yourself and just can't stop cold turkey then you clearly have a serious problem and need to go to AA. <---- That's the best advice if you really can not control it. Hope I was of some help.

10-08-2008, 09:01 PM
To be honest with you man, if you can't limit after the first one... don't pick it up... I KNOW it is harder than it sounds man. But that is the only way to limit yourself and make sure you don't get trashed... It might take you a LONG time, but eventually the feeling of having to have one to live and operate will slowly go away... the temptation will always be there though...

That's what I figured... I might ask my doctor to prescribe me something that will make me really sick if I drink as added incentive to avoid the firewater.

10-08-2008, 09:03 PM
Their's not really any other advice! If you can't limit yourself and just can't stop cold turkey then you clearly have a serious problem and need to go to AA. <---- That's the best advice if you really can not control it. Hope I was of some help.

Oh I wasn't knocking your advice man, I was just wondering if anyone had gone through it. Most of the meetings seem to be at churches, and I am not exactly the religious type, so I wasn't sure if it was going to be weird or not.

10-08-2008, 09:04 PM
That's what I figured... I might ask my doctor to prescribe me something that will make me really sick if I drink as added incentive to avoid the firewater.

and another thing I found out when trying to break a habit/addiction... is limit the time you spend with the ppl that have the same habit/addiction... that way it is not as big of a temptation...

10-08-2008, 09:06 PM
Oh I wasn't knocking your advice man, I was just wondering if anyone had gone through it. Most of the meetings seem to be at churches, and I am not exactly the religious type, so I wasn't sure if it was going to be weird or not.

Its cool, I didn't mean for you to take it that way, I was just saying! But I don't blame you, I wouldn't want to go to a chruch one, but you should be able to find one in town somewhere in a building just for this.... Instead of going to one that tells you to pray and God will take it away over night....lol And I'm not making fun of Chruch, God, Etc..... just I know that's not what I'd want to hear and I'm sure you wouldn't either.

10-08-2008, 09:07 PM
Props bro, personally I've never drank, but that's because my family's history. I can't offer any advice, but for sure get some help, don't let it control you.

again, props on acknowledging your problem, something a lot of people can't/won't do.

10-08-2008, 09:18 PM
Congrats that you want to quit but you gave the worse cop out EVER. you blamed it on genetics, genetics dont make you drink your addiction and enjoyment of alcohol lead you to drink. You need to take responsibility for your actions and not displace it on something.

10-08-2008, 09:20 PM
Yes, but also growing up with it around makes it more of a temptation...

10-08-2008, 09:25 PM
Yes, but also growing up with it around makes it more of a temptation...
i agree it does, hell i drink almost everyday, but its MY decision to drink. no one forces me to consume my delicious beverages, but then i dont drink in excess everyday. just a drink or 2

10-08-2008, 09:33 PM
No one forces me to drink, and it's definitely my decision to drink the way I do, I'm just saying part of the reason why I think I have such a hard time controlling it is related to a genetic predisposition towards the firewater.

Once my judgment is impaired, there's no brakes on the train.

I was buying 40s to try and limit the amount I could have, but I'd just end up hopping on my bike and going to the gas station to get another.

10-08-2008, 09:38 PM
Its cool, I didn't mean for you to take it that way, I was just saying! But I don't blame you, I wouldn't want to go to a chruch one, but you should be able to find one in town somewhere in a building just for this.... Instead of going to one that tells you to pray and God will take it away over night....lol And I'm not making fun of Chruch, God, Etc..... just I know that's not what I'd want to hear and I'm sure you wouldn't either.

That's exactly what I wanted to avoid... I want strategies I can apply, and use to help myself. I don't need or want religious affiliation to have a part in it.

10-08-2008, 09:59 PM
exercise, exercise, exercise.

10-08-2008, 10:56 PM
exercise, exercise, exercise.

that's actually a good suggestion... anything to keep your body busy and your mind focused on something else... :goodjob:

10-08-2008, 11:02 PM
that's actually a good suggestion... anything to keep your body busy and your mind focused on something else... :goodjob:
and with most alcoholics it is hard for them to physically go to sleep without being dependent on being drunk or at least buzzed. The body will just stay awake not tired waiting for alcohol. If you start working out your body will physically be to exhausted and you will learn to fall asleep with out alcohol. And what he said, something else to concentrate on.

10-09-2008, 06:44 PM
good luck with that. alcoholism ruined my marriage...
and my kids resent their own father.

10-09-2008, 06:58 PM
Well, I think admitting that you have an uncontrollable drinking problem is the first of the 12 steps to recovery for AA, so you are definitely on the right path... But yeah, just try to distance yourself from the drinking environment if at all possible. Invest more time in your hobbies or spend more time with your GF or something...

10-09-2008, 07:07 PM
Good luck with everything. My dad is an alcoholic and I have a friend who lost his dad about a year ago due to alcohol (it ruined his liver). Its a hard thing to deal with and I applaud you for being able to put your problem out there. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that if some AA meetings in your area are at churches, then the church is just the host and is not really all that involved with the meetings. The church I grew up in (but don't so much attend anymore) hosts meetings for a Parkinson's support group, but the church doesn't have anything to do with the meetings. Rambling...sorry, I'm super tired...but if the only meetings close are at churches, give them a try anyway. It can't hurt, right?

10-09-2008, 07:14 PM
you may have a hard time when your body starts detoxing. try and rally up support from non drinkers.

10-09-2008, 08:43 PM
yea man ive been sober for 2 years now, with the help of cobb county. but regardless i have been court ordered to go to meetings, and i personally dont like them. i mean if you have a serious problem maybe this is the thing for you, but for me, drugs and alcohol messed up my life so much that I myself decided to call it quits. i dont need any one to keep up on my shit like a sponser does, but you never know you might need that. there are TONS of meetings in the atlanta area. i have a book that has them sorted out by cities, locations and times. if you need some help just let me know. but the easiest way i found is to do things to keep you away from all that. ex. i work on my cars whenever i have free time so that my mind doesnt think about shit like that. you should also do what they say in alot of meetings is to change your ppl places and things. just dont frequent parties and all of the ppl you know that will be getting drunk. it sucks, but it works. good luck bro. addiction is a real thing, and alot of ppl dont know it until its too late.

10-09-2008, 10:34 PM
I don't have a problem with other drugs so much, and I think cannabis is one of the greatest things a person can use to unwind. If I could smoke without fear of being arrested, and charged with a felony I'd probably never drink again, but it became painfully obvious to me the other night after the amount of alcohol I consumed that there might be a problem with my drinking habit. And I'm starting to exhibit all the tell tale signs that are usually a good indication of an alcoholic, like drinking in solitude, or trying to hide how much your drinking from people. Either way, I'm a crafty guy, and I'm just going to have to take care of this before it becomes much worse, or as in my fathers case, fatal.

10-11-2008, 12:21 AM
smoke pot, seriously, it's a lot healthier and a better alternative imo.

but since for many resons thats not an option for most people, but i did do many drug and alchol classes in my day and david clark runs a few classes in the area, i swear the man is fvcking brilliant. ill pm you his number.
good luck man:goodjob:

10-11-2008, 01:49 AM
The only thing worse than wrong information is misinformation, and there is a good bit of it running through this thread.

First, heredity has a lot to do with a person's susceptibility to becoming abusive or dependent upon drugs/alcohol. For most people the power of choice stays constant no matter how much of a substance that they have; however, for those that have a genetic predisposition or have developed dependence, choice is often removed from the very first drink, hit, or what have ya. To put this into perspective, lets use chitting as our example. Sure just about everyone is able to control when they take a crap as long as their bowel movements are solid (normal drinker), but how about when they have a case of diarrhea (dependence)? Are they then able to say, "You know what? I'm making a choice not to chit." Well yeah, I guess they can say it, but pretty soon they are going to be dropping bomb regardless of their choice not to do such.

Next, AA has no affiliations within any religion, creed, sect, organization, or institution. So it really doesn't matter where you go to the meeting at, cause the message will still be pretty much the same. However, you may find that you enjoy the fellowship and after hours events of a meeting thats held at a clubhouse or similar place better than those held in churches. Another noticeable difference is the language used at meetings held in churches vs other arenas. Do you have PG ears or can you handle the R rated version?

To offer advise such as, "just stay away from it and don't drink," thou good willed, may be lacking for the OP. I mean, think of the best sex that you have ever had. Now think of your response to someone telling you to stay away from it, all the while knowing that you can get it anytime that you want. How effective is their advise? And before anyone says, "well sex isn't the same thing." You are correct, they are two totally different things; however, the end result is the same: euphoria. Thats right, just like sex, drinking feels dam good. And for those who possess the genetic predisposition, their first euphoric experience from alcohol/drugs often leads to a balance of brain chemistry for the first time in their life leading to a feeling of normal.

And one last thing, I'm really glad taht you stated IMO in your, "smoke pot, seriously, it's a lot healthier and a better alternative" statement. Marijuana contains over 200 psycho-active chemicals before it is ever lit, once lit that number jumps to around 2500. Alcohol on the other hand, only has one. Even cigarettes have less chemicals in them. And then there are long-term effects of pot smoking... Your brain operates by sending electronic signals from one neuron to the next across the synaptic gap. Marijuana like to store its self if fatty tissues and attach to these neurons in the synaptic gap. Over time this gap becomes more and more cluttered by by this THC cluttered fatty tissue from further use of marijuana and slows down the rate at which the signals are able to be fired across the gap and even misdirected or dropped all together. Essentially slowing your rate and ability of cognition. You get dumber! And the best part: THC stays in your fatty tissue for the remainder of your life. Smoke pot, get dumb, stay dumb. (Note I didn't say that you can't function anymore. I only said that you loose or deter cognition, limiting the brain over all ability.)

OP: There are many great meetings throughout the ATL area. If your serious about trying them out, hit me up via pm. I'm not an asshat or know-it-all, I just do not like anyone getting misinformed about serious issues and therefore making ill-informed decisions. And this is one issue that I might know a little bit more than the average joe about.

10-11-2008, 12:49 PM
The only thing worse than wrong information is misinformation, and there is a good bit of it running through this thread.

First, heredity has a lot to do with a person's susceptibility to becoming abusive or dependent upon drugs/alcohol. For most people the power of choice stays constant no matter how much of a substance that they have; however, for those that have a genetic predisposition or have developed dependence, choice is often removed from the very first drink, hit, or what have ya. To put this into perspective, lets use chitting as our example. Sure just about everyone is able to control when they take a crap as long as their bowel movements are solid (normal drinker), but how about when they have a case of diarrhea (dependence)? Are they then able to say, "You know what? I'm making a choice not to chit." Well yeah, I guess they can say it, but pretty soon they are going to be dropping bomb regardless of their choice not to do such.

Next, AA has no affiliations within any religion, creed, sect, organization, or institution. So it really doesn't matter where you go to the meeting at, cause the message will still be pretty much the same. However, you may find that you enjoy the fellowship and after hours events of a meeting thats held at a clubhouse or similar place better than those held in churches. Another noticeable difference is the language used at meetings held in churches vs other arenas. Do you have PG ears or can you handle the R rated version?

To offer advise such as, "just stay away from it and don't drink," thou good willed, may be lacking for the OP. I mean, think of the best sex that you have ever had. Now think of your response to someone telling you to stay away from it, all the while knowing that you can get it anytime that you want. How effective is their advise? And before anyone says, "well sex isn't the same thing." You are correct, they are two totally different things; however, the end result is the same: euphoria. Thats right, just like sex, drinking feels dam good. And for those who possess the genetic predisposition, their first euphoric experience from alcohol/drugs often leads to a balance of brain chemistry for the first time in their life leading to a feeling of normal.

And one last thing, I'm really glad taht you stated IMO in your, "smoke pot, seriously, it's a lot healthier and a better alternative" statement. Marijuana contains over 200 psycho-active chemicals before it is ever lit, once lit that number jumps to around 2500. Alcohol on the other hand, only has one. Even cigarettes have less chemicals in them. And then there are long-term effects of pot smoking... Your brain operates by sending electronic signals from one neuron to the next across the synaptic gap. Marijuana like to store its self if fatty tissues and attach to these neurons in the synaptic gap. Over time this gap becomes more and more cluttered by by this THC cluttered fatty tissue from further use of marijuana and slows down the rate at which the signals are able to be fired across the gap and even misdirected or dropped all together. Essentially slowing your rate and ability of cognition. You get dumber! And the best part: THC stays in your fatty tissue for the remainder of your life. Smoke pot, get dumb, stay dumb. (Note I didn't say that you can't function anymore. I only said that you loose or deter cognition, limiting the brain over all ability.)

OP: There are many great meetings throughout the ATL area. If your serious about trying them out, hit me up via pm. I'm not an asshat or know-it-all, I just do not like anyone getting misinformed about serious issues and therefore making ill-informed decisions. And this is one issue that I might know a little bit more than the average joe about.

whoa whoa whoa......to the cannabis statent, where is all this info you got? Marijuana is a plant, every plant has hundreds of thousands of chemicals in them, saying that marijuana has all these chemicals in them is typically just used as a scare tactic.Alchol by nature destroy's organs such as the liver when there has never been a single case of a disese or death due to marijuana use. (find one and prove me wrong please) It may not be exactly healthy to smoke, edibles and vape do not apply here, but it does nowhere near the damge of alchol. and get dumb and stay dumb!?!? what??? marijuana may slow your reflex time mildly while under the influence,(god forbid someone RELAX) but you are not inhibited any longer than the physical affects and thc is out of your system completely in 2-4 weeks.
sorry for the threadjack

ps-you only get arrested and charged with a felony if you have over an ounce.

10-15-2008, 10:33 PM
whoa whoa whoa......to the cannabis statent, where is all this info you got? Marijuana is a plant, every plant has hundreds of thousands of chemicals in them, saying that marijuana has all these chemicals in them is typically just used as a scare tactic.Alchol by nature destroy's organs such as the liver when there has never been a single case of a disese or death due to marijuana use. (find one and prove me wrong please) It may not be exactly healthy to smoke, edibles and vape do not apply here, but it does nowhere near the damge of alchol. and get dumb and stay dumb!?!? what??? marijuana may slow your reflex time mildly while under the influence,(god forbid someone RELAX) but you are not inhibited any longer than the physical affects and thc is out of your system completely in 2-4 weeks.
sorry for the threadjack

ps-you only get arrested and charged with a felony if you have over an ounce.

Some of this information can easily be found through NIDA or ADA; however, I believe I was at a conference of either Dr. Merrill Norton or Dr. CC Knuckles when I was first introduced to this information. None of the sources that I have listed are interested in scare tactics, they are proffesional researchers or research organizations trying to aid in better treatment of alcohol and drug abuse, not the sheriff's DARE program. And you are correct, all plants contain multiple chemiclas; however, not all plants contain psychoactive chemicals. Recent research shows that Marijuana contains more cancer causing chemicals than tobacco. IMHO, I'm sure that if so many pot smokers didn't also smoke cigarettes, there would me a much bolder direct link between marijuana and cancer. THC is not out of your system in 3-4 weeks. Probably the reason that you believe this has to do with drug testing. Drug testing actually tests for the metabolytes that are produced as your body attempts to rid its self of the psychoactive chemical. Much of the THC that has entered your fatty tissue will never leave your body. I am not saying that THC will remain active in your body for the rest of your life, thus causing the slowed electrical exchanges in your brain. I am saying that the non-active THC that is stored in the fatty tissue fills the synapsis gap and causes the decreased electrical firing speed and accuracy. That is the only reason that I stated, "get dumb, stay dumb."

And please understand, i am not putting this out here to get into a pissing match with you or anyone else. I believe that everyone is entitled to the facts as they are known to modern medicine and science at this time, and that is my sole purpose in posting this information.

10-16-2008, 08:06 AM
First of all dude, let me just tell you, the fact that you posted that shit on here tells a lot about your determination and willingness to get out of this mess. If you ever need to talk / vent out, i'll gladly read and advise you on anything you need. GET ALL HELP YOU CAN, and put your mind to it, and you'll get through this for sure.

Mad respect to you man...

10-16-2008, 06:55 PM
keep us posted on how things are going with that!!

10-16-2008, 07:09 PM
Went to the first meeting on Tuesday, and learned a bit. They were definitely a bunch of good people, with the good intentions. One of the guys was an older biker type, and I think he could tell that I didn't care for all the praying (I am a non-theist/anti-theist) that was going on, offered a bit of insightful advice. Which was something along the lines of "Regardless of your religious affiliation, we're here because we share a mutual problem. I didn't get into trouble everytime I drank, but every time I got in trouble I was drinking."

They were all very nice, and very polite, however I think it would be a more effective program for someone like me if prayer had nothing to do with it. It was crazy to see, and hear about how these people hit rock bottom, and lost everything important in their lives due to drink.

I will be going back on Tuesday, although I am not quite ready to go everyday of the week as they suggested.

10-16-2008, 08:50 PM
see the thing about "god" in the 12 step program is that it doesnt have to be an actual god, but i was kinda the same way, and found out that it can just be "good orderly direction". I really dont like the whole god thing either but just think of god in that manner, so that it doesnt effect you like it would be if it were religious. we all gotta start somewhere, and the first meet is always awkward, just keep going and just listen to what ppl talk about and say. it will help

10-16-2008, 11:28 PM
props for going man.

10-17-2008, 10:23 AM
Try being broke, that will curb your habit. I know what you are going through. It runs in my family, I went with a family member to AA meetings as a kid. I think that AA is FAR too religious and it shirks responsibility for your actions by making you think that you are "powerless." Let me tell you something. Alcoholism is NOT a disease. AIDS is a disease. You are NOT powerless. You just need help. There is a difference. Good luck to you. It's going to be difficult. It was for me to stop from becoming an alcoholic, so I can imagine it will be for you too. Occupy your mind with other things, video games, working on car, exercise, sex, reading. Get out of the house more, that helps to. Good luck to you sir.

10-17-2008, 10:25 AM
Went to the first meeting on Tuesday, and learned a bit. They were definitely a bunch of good people, with the good intentions. One of the guys was an older biker type, and I think he could tell that I didn't care for all the praying (I am a non-theist/anti-theist) that was going on, offered a bit of insightful advice. Which was something along the lines of "Regardless of your religious affiliation, we're here because we share a mutual problem. I didn't get into trouble everytime I drank, but every time I got in trouble I was drinking."

They were all very nice, and very polite, however I think it would be a more effective program for someone like me if prayer had nothing to do with it. It was crazy to see, and hear about how these people hit rock bottom, and lost everything important in their lives due to drink.

I will be going back on Tuesday, although I am not quite ready to go everyday of the week as they suggested.
Don't buy in to that shit. It's NOT a disease and you are NOT powerless. You do not have to give yourself over to a higher power. You need to give yourself back to yourself. :cheers: