View Full Version : Happy Birthday xPhantomSilviax!

10-07-2008, 09:01 AM
I ain't got no hate for you, only love.

And my 4 door loves you so much that it cuts you

Happy Birthday


10-07-2008, 09:02 AM
Happy birthday, CLF!

lets keep the hate out of here, folks. *stares at yogi*

10-07-2008, 09:12 AM
Happy birthday, CLF!

lets keep the hate out of here, folks. *stares at yogi*


10-07-2008, 09:24 AM
Happy B'day Babes!!!

10-07-2008, 09:51 AM
Happy 24th! Hope it's a good one!


10-07-2008, 09:54 AM
I merged the threads W00T

10-07-2008, 09:54 AM
Thanks MongolPup. :cheers:

10-07-2008, 10:07 AM


10-07-2008, 10:18 AM
Thanks MongolPup. :cheers:

My pleasure, first thread I have ever merged. Oh man. The little things make me oh-so-happy.

10-07-2008, 01:17 PM
Thanks guys! It's a little hard to be super cheery after reading about Leisa, but I'm having a good one so far!

10-07-2008, 02:21 PM
Happy b-day girl!


10-07-2008, 02:39 PM
Happy birthday, CLF!

lets keep the hate out of here, folks. *stares at yogi*

fat girls where?????? run run run

LiL PaKi
10-07-2008, 02:51 PM
Happy Birthday!!

10-07-2008, 03:00 PM

fat girls where?????? run run run
i wasnt really alluding to you staying within the rules, just staying within the threshold of not-being-a-douche. looks like that was a little much to ask :rolleyes:

10-07-2008, 03:34 PM

fat girls where?????? run run run

that was cool :no:

10-07-2008, 03:42 PM

fat girls where?????? run run run

lol. Reps if I can.

10-07-2008, 04:49 PM
See, one of these days yogay is gonna realize that he can call me fat all he wants... it REALLY doesn't hurt my feelings. I can lose weight but he'll always be an idiot douchebag. If that's ok with him, then so be it. :)

Thanks for the well wishes guys!

10-07-2008, 06:00 PM
The 7th of October is def the BEST day EVER to be born...

I would know...................

Happy birfday!!!!

10-07-2008, 06:08 PM
Happy Birthday!!! =)

10-07-2008, 06:56 PM

10-07-2008, 08:26 PM
but I'm having a good one so far!

Just don't paint anything or it'll be spoiled. Later, QD.

10-07-2008, 08:48 PM
FULL OF WIN!!!!!! ahahaha

10-07-2008, 09:21 PM
Just don't paint anything or it'll be spoiled. Later, QD.

I actually got a lot of painting done today... I'm working on another massive triptych that I was asked to do after someone saw the one I did for 4ngie. Thanks for the concern though

10-07-2008, 10:05 PM
i bet you paint as good as you look

10-07-2008, 10:12 PM
i bet you paint as good as you look

You tell me.



10-07-2008, 10:19 PM
ive seen better. but i was refering to painting cars. as youve proved to have screwed up. actually screwed up as a business owner more than anything.

10-07-2008, 10:40 PM
Actually *I* never painted those cars. Patrick did. And I offered to Chris quite a few times that he could bring them back when we had the paint booth up. We readily admitted that we were painting before we were set up to, which is why we sent the two cars home (to make room to build the booth). Things got a bit heated when people like YOU who have nothing to do with the situation decided to get involved anyways.

Any my business is just fine, thanks.

10-07-2008, 10:42 PM
I got involved cause you screwed my friend over. Fawwwwk you.

Got any "new" pictures of you "shop" id like to see them.

10-07-2008, 10:58 PM
Your friend screwed us right back over, thanks.

And if you wanna see the shop so bad, come visit.

10-07-2008, 11:07 PM
Yogi if you feel the urge to bash Emily do it somewhere besides my birthday thread


10-07-2008, 11:13 PM
Your friend screwed us right back over, thanks.

And if you wanna see the shop so bad, come visit.
k ill come visit.

you just admited to screwing himi over HAHAHAHAAHAHAHH}


10-08-2008, 10:36 AM

10-08-2008, 12:44 PM
Yogi if you feel the urge to bash Emily do it somewhere besides my birthday thread

understandable man, no beef with you.
i just dont like her. shes done nothing helpful, hell, even this weekend at the IA people i met i heard other stories of her screwing people over the past couple years. if need be, ill post a whole new thread with everything shes screwed people on.

ill also post one for anyone to say if ive screwed them, but good luck cause that tread will be failure :goodjob:

10-08-2008, 12:54 PM
Please do.. I'd love to know who I've apparently "screwed"...

And I've helped more people in a week than you'll help in a lifetime.

10-08-2008, 01:04 PM
Please do.. I'd love to know who I've apparently "screwed"...

And I've helped more people in a week than you'll help in a lifetime.
you wouldnt give money out of your pocket to help someone that you tried helping from the get go even if you wanted! you wouldnt give the shirt off your back to save the world.

you gave simon a motor and he says "i really dont have the money for it right now" and you say "take it and pay me when you get the money" he says AGAIN "i dont have the money, i really would prefer to just pay you for it when i have the money" and you say "i dont want it getting ruined by the rain, take it and pay me whenever you have the money" and he says "okay" one week later you say "you stole that motor from me, i want my money"

hm okay.

what happend two weeks ago with me, a girl who bought a car from me (family doesnt have alot of money), blew up the motor in the car she got from me cause she ran it hot. i gave her the money back for it, payed the towing bill, and just sold it to a junk yard for 200 dollars. i lost thousands, just to keep someone happy. but most importantly i gained respect from her family.

no where on our contract did it state anything liek that, infact it stays AS-IS: No warrenty. with our signatures, her moms signature, and my brothers signature for a whitness.

oh and i guess me giving aaway a94 s10 this morning to my church wasnt nice of me either..... your the hero i forget sometimes

10-08-2008, 01:17 PM
Yogi, bro, take this to PM

10-08-2008, 01:28 PM

10-08-2008, 01:29 PM
1. Did Simon mention to you that he all out stopped contacting me? I never called him a thief... I just posted on IA that I would appreciate it if he would contact me, and when people asked why, I said because he hadn't contacted me about it and had my motor. I have no problem with people owing me money, just don't drop off the face of the earth if you do so. I did tell him that I didn't have room for it in my shed, and I did tell him to pay me when he had it. I let things go for a few weeks, and called him just to see if he had the cash. He didn't pick up. I sent him a PM.. read receipt confirmed it was read, but he never got back to me. I will NOT have kindness mistaken for weakness, and I was just wanting to make sure that this kid who I didn't know from Adam at the time hadn't made off with my engine. He did end up giving the engine back to me, and I have no hard feelings, which I told him when I got it back. I posted that I got it back so people would know, and the whole situation was forgotten about. I see Simon all the time at the Athens meets, and he never has had another word to say about it... mainly because he's so busy scarfing down my cookies.

Congratulations that you did the right thing. However.. think of it this way.. say the family had turned down your offer to rectify the situation. They never said a word to you about wanting the money back, wanting the car towed, anything. Say they paid a 1500 down payment on a 2200 car (not saying the car was.. just an example). So since they didn't say anything to you about taking up your offer, you just say "ok well don't pay me the remaining 700 because I don't feel that's fair." So you don't hear about it, then the next thing you know, they're calling you a crook in the local newspaper, without ever saying a word to you. Sucks, doesn't it?

And get off your high holy horse. Seriously. You think your sh!t don't stink or something? You don't even KNOW me, so how dare you make those kinds of accusations towards me? You're butthurt because I got you banned off an internet forum when you fxcked with my friend. Get over it and move on.

I'm still waiting to see this list of people I have supposedly screwed over.

And you KNOW that your animosity towards me is completely unfounded, because when I asked you, civilly, about the mustangs that I was going to look at the last time I was in Boro, you replied and asked that I "Not mention the things you had said to me because you wanted to continue doing business" with the guy. Seriously, Joey? How can you claim to be such a saint when you don't even present your true self to people? I know that my personality with people doesn't always "mesh". I know I'm loud and can be downright obnoxious sometimes. But if someone doesn't like me, I do care enough to want to know what, if anything, I did to make them not like me, because I like having a lot of friends and getting along with people. Take Kyle, for instance.. he was coming after me almost every post I made, and I finally PM'd him and asked him why he felt the need to like you, and after a few PM's back and forth he finally just said because he had been in a group I was hanging out with at the Varsity and he thought I was loud and a bit annoying. I can take that. That's who I am, I'm not gonna change, and I appreciate him telling me that it wasn't something I had done to piss him off and didn't know about. You'll also notice that since then he hasn't come after me anymore. Why? Because even though I may not be FRIENDS with someone, I don't like having enemies. You, on the other hand, I pretty much disdain, because you lie about who you are, come after me with absolutely no reason, and you've never even had the pleasure of meeting me to decide if you just dislike my personality or not.

I don't claim to be a saint or a hero or perfect... and quite personally, I question anyone who does.

10-08-2008, 01:30 PM
Yogi, bro, take this to PM

Not a chance... if he has some sh!t to say to me, I want it out where everyone can see it so he can't say that I changed his wording around.

10-08-2008, 01:34 PM
Not a chance... if he has some sh!t to say to me, I want it out where everyone can see it so he can't say that I changed his wording around.

then proceed

10-08-2008, 01:37 PM
I'm waiting for him to stop looking up words in the dictionary and post...

But hurry it up, will you, Joey? Sorry I don't have a baller enough shop for you.. I'm busy putting myself through college, and I have class in a few minutes. But, I would love to see what you have to say so I can have a good laugh during my class.

10-08-2008, 01:37 PM
... mainly because he's so busy scarfing down my cookies..

lol :goodjob: yum

10-08-2008, 01:38 PM
lol :goodjob: yum

yeah yeah. Are you still looking at doing that Dubai thingie that Amena was telling me about?

10-08-2008, 01:51 PM
Yeah, but probably will run something in the US instead. I could run almost a full season in my Miata and win for as much as that one would cost. It's just it's a larger event and a better possibility of getting my name out to more.

10-08-2008, 04:34 PM
1. Did Simon mention to you that he all out stopped contacting me? I never called him a thief... I just posted on IA that I would appreciate it if he would contact me, and when people asked why, I said because he hadn't contacted me about it and had my motor. I have no problem with people owing me money, just don't drop off the face of the earth if you do so. I did tell him that I didn't have room for it in my shed, and I did tell him to pay me when he had it. I let things go for a few weeks, and called him just to see if he had the cash. He didn't pick up. I sent him a PM.. read receipt confirmed it was read, but he never got back to me. I will NOT have kindness mistaken for weakness, and I was just wanting to make sure that this kid who I didn't know from Adam at the time hadn't made off with my engine. He did end up giving the engine back to me, and I have no hard feelings, which I told him when I got it back. I posted that I got it back so people would know, and the whole situation was forgotten about. I see Simon all the time at the Athens meets, and he never has had another word to say about it... mainly because he's so busy scarfing down my cookies.

Congratulations that you did the right thing. However.. think of it this way.. say the family had turned down your offer to rectify the situation. They never said a word to you about wanting the money back, wanting the car towed, anything. Say they paid a 1500 down payment on a 2200 car (not saying the car was.. just an example). So since they didn't say anything to you about taking up your offer, you just say "ok well don't pay me the remaining 700 because I don't feel that's fair." So you don't hear about it, then the next thing you know, they're calling you a crook in the local newspaper, without ever saying a word to you. Sucks, doesn't it?

And get off your high holy horse. Seriously. You think your sh!t don't stink or something? You don't even KNOW me, so how dare you make those kinds of accusations towards me? You're butthurt because I got you banned off an internet forum when you fxcked with my friend. Get over it and move on.

I'm still waiting to see this list of people I have supposedly screwed over.

And you KNOW that your animosity towards me is completely unfounded, because when I asked you, civilly, about the mustangs that I was going to look at the last time I was in Boro, you replied and asked that I "Not mention the things you had said to me because you wanted to continue doing business" with the guy. Seriously, Joey? How can you claim to be such a saint when you don't even present your true self to people? I know that my personality with people doesn't always "mesh". I know I'm loud and can be downright obnoxious sometimes. But if someone doesn't like me, I do care enough to want to know what, if anything, I did to make them not like me, because I like having a lot of friends and getting along with people. Take Kyle, for instance.. he was coming after me almost every post I made, and I finally PM'd him and asked him why he felt the need to like you, and after a few PM's back and forth he finally just said because he had been in a group I was hanging out with at the Varsity and he thought I was loud and a bit annoying. I can take that. That's who I am, I'm not gonna change, and I appreciate him telling me that it wasn't something I had done to piss him off and didn't know about. You'll also notice that since then he hasn't come after me anymore. Why? Because even though I may not be FRIENDS with someone, I don't like having enemies. You, on the other hand, I pretty much disdain, because you lie about who you are, come after me with absolutely no reason, and you've never even had the pleasure of meeting me to decide if you just dislike my personality or not.

I don't claim to be a saint or a hero or perfect... and quite personally, I question anyone who does.
You dont think id believe anything you say about that whole engine thing do ya? specially when theres another guy right beside a guy, explaining exactly what the main guy is talking about. :goodjob:

i dont like you, i dont like the work you call "accomplishment" and I am extremely NOT fond of your personality, the way you carry yourself, and most importantly, YOU.I let go of that BS with your dumb attention whore "best friend" that you and her claimed I said and did. I have just enough time in my day to get on IA. ask ANYONE who knows me and lives down here that im way too busy to be on IA posting back to **** you say immediately. also, dont ever think im avoiding your ignorants, sometimes im online on my cellphone looking through classifieds. When you put together a quality business, stop claiming every women wants you, then maybe... just maybe, id let things move. until then... i enjoy it, cause you prance around pretending **** doesnt get to you, but i know more than you think i do :crazy: .

I'm waiting for him to stop looking up words in the dictionary and post...

But hurry it up, will you, Joey? Sorry I don't have a baller enough shop for you.. I'm busy putting myself through college, and I have class in a few minutes. But, I would love to see what you have to say so I can have a good laugh during my class.
Im busy enough to not have to WAIT on someone, and muchless stay on to post back to you, when obviously your post isnt going to up and walk away. Doesnt matter how bad your shop looks until we know what kind of work you do. A to Z auto repair, have you seen their shop? i actually have, well pictures. Ive heard good things... and what do you know... turns out anthony and I get along :eek:

Run along, go screw some cars up, and keep getting older:gay:

10-08-2008, 07:47 PM
^^Again, the man makes more unfounded claims. See, the reason that you were banned off 240Atlanta is that when claims were made about you, they were backed up with fact. Believe what you want, hell, ask Simon.. he and I are buds now. Why do you never go straight to the fact? I'm sorry you're oh so busy all the time, but that still doesn't make you any better than anyone else. One day you will realize that. Since when do I claim that every woman wants me? As a friend, sure... I'm a pretty kickass friend.

And seriously, stop bringing up my business. We admitted we were in the wrong, we offered to fix it. What more is there to it? It's over. Done. If Chris wants to take us up on the offer, so be it. If not, I wish him the best of luck wherever he goes. I don't know how many times I have to repeat that before it sinks through your thick skull.

What I do find funny, however, is that before you showed your TRUE self on 240Atl, I actually thought you were a halfway decent guy, and I had some relatively nice conversations with you. Didn't have a bad thing to say, except that you can't spraypaint worth a ****, but the hood on your old s13 was pretty damn funny.

The sh!t you talk really doesn't get to me. I hate to bust your bubble. I don't sit up at night saying "oh no.. Joey called me fat... how horrible". Seriously. Get over yourself. And about your little "I know more than you think I do" claim, I'm calling BULLSH!T on that. Prove me wrong.