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10-04-2008, 03:49 PM
If haven't already heard/read. They've added another part to the flim that quickly became one of the most viewed flims in internet history. I'm actually about to watch it right now! Also, I went to go see Religulous last night and it was f*cking awesome! Haha, but srsly, if you guys watch Part IV, enjoy.


10-04-2008, 07:25 PM
The flim was great! I personally enjoyed the first one, but this one's a lot more deep and filled with a lot more detailed information. Makes you really see eye to eye with our current issues and possible solutions.

And also gives you a better understanding at how wrong we really are and how little of importance our current media is.

10-04-2008, 11:57 PM
Saw Religulous earlier today, thought it was awesome. I was definitely anti-religion before the movie, and now even more so.

10-05-2008, 12:12 PM
Saw Religulous earlier today, thought it was awesome. I was definitely anti-religion before the movie, and now even more so.
You never seemed nor did I ever noticed you as the anti-religious type. And I've been on IA for almost three years! Haha, but yea. One thing that I really liked about the movie was that it said that people like us shouldn't be afraid to speak our mind to the public.

10-05-2008, 12:17 PM
I'm not afraid to speak about it, but its much harder to talk to people about it who are completely irrational, stupid, and ignorant. Ones that have no interest in hearing facts, and smart opinions.

10-05-2008, 12:18 PM
I'm not afraid to speak about it, but its much harder to talk to people about it who are completely irrational, stupid, and ignorant. Ones that have no interest in hearing facts, and smart opinions.
You just earned some cool points IRL! :D

10-05-2008, 12:43 PM
Probably the best explanation of fractional reserve banking I've seen.

What he doesn't mention is that this is why the US/G8 have built up China. Because we needed the influx of cheap goods and labor to offset inflation.


With the the monroe doctrine bringing an end to colonialism the imperial powers of europe saw capitalism as the opportunity to continue global hegemony. So if you draw back the curtain on all these 'central banks' and 'global corporations' you'll see the same people that were running the world 200 years ago.

For example:
My local power company is owned by a british corporation whose major stakeholders are german municipalities. which is saying that every time I turn on my lights some archduke de fu.ckhead gets a check.

And it is a global conspiracy. Because after the french revolution these guys realized that they shouldn't be fighting each other it's the idea of representative government that was the real enemy. But since democracy was a popular idea with the peasants they figured out a way to subvert it using the banking system and 'business.'

Best explained by this(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balance_of_power_in_international_relations) and by this guy(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klemens_Wenzel_von_Metternich).

So, yeah. Good doc.

10-05-2008, 12:55 PM
I don't have enough knowledge when it comes to money, loans, debt, ect. So that part of the flim I didn't quite understand. But what they did mention did make a lot of sense. The flim was probably the most insightful, enlightening & ultimately true documentary ever made, but I'm betting that the part about the Venus project will lead some to assume its some kind of cult propaganda film. True though, what we could achieve if we didn't all have our collective heads up our rectums and knifes at each others throats in pursuit of money and control. Pity that we shall ignore the message and continue on our own merry way to oblivion.

Thank you, Mr. Peter Joseph. Humans are pretty f*cking dumb.

10-06-2008, 09:41 AM
Hey guys you should check this out also


10-06-2008, 12:47 PM
It was very informative, a must watch for the whole world to go along with the one I posted above.