View Full Version : Best investment decision....

09-28-2008, 07:51 PM
Ok so Vanja, aka vjizzle, called me up a few days ago and was like...

"David how much money do you have that you can get to right now!"

I was sitting at home thinking, great another "genius" idea to make money from vanja. I figured I would give him at least 30 seconds to speak his mind and then I would say im broke and that I didnt want to buy into anything. So he starts.

"This guy that buys cars from us all the time, you know the one that forgot his $35,000 rims at our dealership for a few months..

Ya vanja

Well he just came in and is broke as hell. He made a lot of bad financial decisions and is broke as a joke. He just came in and asked me if I wanted to buy a watch..."

Ok so I was about to start laughing and tell him to just stop dreaming and to just go back to work but then he said it was a Elini watch.

I remember seeing this brand somewhere and decided to listen a little longer.

Vanja continued " He said $700 and its mine"

I told Vanja to take a good look at the watch. Take any and all numbers down off of it and get the best description of it that he can. This is waht I got

New Yorker
Stainless steel
Swiss make
1,000,000 diamonds on it (well not really but a **** load)
Serial number ...

Ok so I told him I would call him back in a few minutes. I called this guy I know and he forwarded me to a friend of his that sells watches out in New York. I told him what I was looking at and he asked me two questions.

Does it have diamonds on the face?
and Is it for sale?

I told him it had diamonds on the face and no it was not at the time. He told me that I first needed to watch out for knock offs that are worth no more than $200 with fake diamonds and that secondly if it is indeed a authentic Elini New Yorker that the retail value on them is rediculous.

After a little research he told me that the watch retailed at a little over $13,000 new a few years ago. He then said that now the watch is really only worth $5,000 but that it would not go down in value at all because of all the diamonds.

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Needless to say I called vanja back and said lets get it...But then I was a little hesitant. I didnt want to spend $700 on a watch and find out it was fake. I was a little skeptical, but vanja reassured me that this guy had bought over $500,000 worth of cars from his dealership (and that was probably why he was broke too).

So we got it...

Still skeptical, I told vanja to bring it down to the mall and have someone look at it. Well he did today and the guy he brought it too didnt know what to say. He looked at it and said

"son, i dont know what to value this watch at because I have never seen a Elini this nice, but I can reassure you all of these diamonds are real"

So all in all we checked out ebay. There is one for sale for $5,000 new. We are going to get the watch appraised this week and it will be on ebay soon after.

Not bad for a few days of work and a week waiting on ebay. Even if we only get $2500 for it who cares, thats a quick $1800.

Well heres a picture of the watch from elini


Crazy Asian
09-28-2008, 07:57 PM
split half with me now. Please.

09-28-2008, 07:59 PM
I would never spend alot of money on something like that! Maybe just cause I'm poor.

Sexy watch though...lolol

09-28-2008, 08:06 PM
What an ugly watch. I would have done the same thing if I were you though, good luck with the flip.

09-28-2008, 08:07 PM
haha hell yeah I love when crazy things like this pops up

09-28-2008, 08:10 PM
i know...i swear I get ****ty luck all year and then this happens.

I guess things always balance out in the end.

Now how do I balance out 4 over draft fees and a negative 400 wachovia balance...lol

Hopefully this watch will get me into the positive balances again...lol