View Full Version : Here is who I blame

09-02-2005, 05:50 PM
All the American people blaming someone else when they should have started to raise their voice demanding the wall be raised even higher and better pumps be put in (referring to Bretts suggestion bout higher up)...we're as guilty as them

09-02-2005, 06:22 PM
fuck this

09-02-2005, 07:07 PM

09-02-2005, 07:36 PM
Do you honestly think some of ever thought about those levees before? hell no.. why ?because I bet you that most americans didnt even know anything about no levees until now.. I know I didnt.

Im sure some will come one here and SAY yeah I knew about them and blaze blaze...

09-02-2005, 07:47 PM
I didnt know the shit about NOL until a few days before the storm hit, Just never gave New Orleans much thought. But I saw an article after the storm that was printed in 2001 and it was printed in a local NOL paper and the article was talking about how the city didnt feel it was cost effective ( Basically worth the money ) to have anything better then what they had and knowing all to well it was designed to take a Cat. 3 only, and knew that if a 5 ever hit this would happen.

I said it before and I will say it again.... The problem is when humanity fucks with fate and thinks it can outrun it or avoid it, fate will come and bite us in the ass. The city has faced this day since they came to be a city, they knew in the 60's when they built this levee it wasnt strong enough or big enough. They knew they had a city built basically in a big bowl that would flood when the "big one" arrived. But what does the smart people who designed the system do? The design pumps to suck out the water in case it ever did happen, that in itself was a great plan in theory, But they made one HUGE dumb ass mistake, they built the pumps and sat them on the ground, not ever thinking that when a levee gave, and the streets began to flood with no place for the water to go, that they would flood the pumps.... But this is a bad situation that could have been prevented if they did it right t begin with and not worry so much back then about the cost to build it instead think of the cost of human life and property that would ( has ) been lost now because it wasnt "cost effective". How many lives have to be lost and how much property has to be lost before the city would think it was cost effective?

They are saying tonight it will be 4 months before they can pump ALL the water out, then the city will take 1 year to fully dry out before they can go in and start to clean up and rebuild. At what cost is is COST EFFECTIVE?

09-02-2005, 08:05 PM
What happened to the "everything happens for a reason" thread...... and did anybody ever think that maybe God had somethin to do with this??????????????

09-02-2005, 08:15 PM
You don't like it thats to bad. I'm as guilty as all but I think that if people would raised their concern it would have became more of a serious issue..and for the people saying they didn't know about it, if someone would have started saying bout how its only so high and the potential danger people would have been more informed to if nothing else..

09-02-2005, 08:29 PM
and did anybody ever think that maybe God had somethin to do with this??????????????

Oh damn not this shit, too?????

First the Hurricane is racist, now God is? So God made this hurricane to stop black people? Fuck all this bullshit. Later, QD.

09-02-2005, 10:12 PM
What happened to the "everything happens for a reason" thread...... and did anybody ever think that maybe God had somethin to do with this??????????????

Oh for the love of Dog...I mean God. Perhaps God was crying and his tears created the massive floods? :jerkit:

09-03-2005, 06:28 AM
Okay..it was so meant to be a joke.....all the people in New Orleans are acting like all this happened just b/c they're black..I mean they're even saying stuff about a 'cane that hit in 1912!! and about how the whites forced the blacks to stay behind and put up sand bags......COMON NOW! that was almost 100 years ago....... This didnt' happen b/c of race or anything else.....it happened b/c they attempted to stay behind when a Cat 5/4/5 was comin into a city that's below sea level.......Race has NOTHING to do with it.

sorry if i offended anybody