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View Full Version : Honest thought, it might make you think..

09-02-2005, 04:07 PM
Today while watchin the news seeing whats goin on in the States, i notice them intervieing one of the mil guys in charge of the engineering. As always they have the lil line across the bottom of the TV saying who the person is who is talkin. WELL.... This time it said, CAPTAIN (so &so). The guy was in uniform and clearly shown as a Colonel. NOW.. If the news cant get that right..What else could they be miss-reporting :confused:

09-02-2005, 04:09 PM
Today while watchin the news seeing whats goin on in the States, i notice them intervieing one of the mil guys in charge of the engineering. As always they have the lil line across the bottom of the TV saying who the person is who is talkin. WELL.... This time it said, CAPTAIN (so &so). The guy was in uniform and clearly shown as a Colonel. NOW.. If the news cant get that right..What else could they be miss-reporting :confused:

that's what I have been saying, the news media shows you what they want you to see....and they arent always right...they rather show you desperation and despair than, something that will make you all warm and fuzzy inside, because let's face it....we the people will keep the tv on longer because how bad things look.

09-02-2005, 04:15 PM
..Another thing i noticed is the ppl jus walkin up to Bush and givin him a hug... thats pure BS! No way, no where will ANYONE just walk up to him without bein searched. Crazy how shit isnt caught on camera. Here on base WE cant even be on the flightline (when we have a security clearence and passenger service is out job) when he comes here.

09-02-2005, 04:16 PM
..Another thing i noticed is the ppl jus walkin up to Bush and givin him a hug... thats pure BS! No way, no where will ANYONE just walk up to him without bein searched. Crazy how shit isnt caught on camera. Here on base WE cant even be on the flightline (when we have a security clearence and passenger service is out job) when he comes here.

I must've missed it, but what branch and what's your mos?

09-02-2005, 04:23 PM
AF, 2T231...(its a AFSC). Air Transportation, but in more detail Passenger Service Specialist.

09-02-2005, 04:26 PM
your a flight attendant lol bwahaha. Nah, im not making fun of you, my boss just crosstrained into your field, or well got approved for it

09-02-2005, 04:29 PM
naw its not flight attendant thats a diff job. We handle everything it takes to get pax on and off the aircraft. Proccesing, pallets, etc..Mainly workin at a airport. The other side of my AFSC loads cargo and pallets.