View Full Version : Misc AJC Write Up On Matt Ryans Game

09-15-2008, 12:53 PM
I am glad to see the AJC didnt write anything bad and gave him the credit he still deserved:

Ryan showed some fight
By Mark Bradley | Sunday, September 14, 2008, 09:28 PM

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Tampa — Think of this game as a big fat cake. Picture Matt Ryan bending down to inspect the delicacy. Imagine his shock when the top layer flies open and up springs a boxing glove to smack Matty Ice on the snoot.

Only then does he read the inscription on the icing: “Welcome to the NFL.”

Every rookie has this game, rookie quarterbacks especially. Matt Ryan got his in Week 2 of Season 1, and for nearly a half it was as bad as Week 1 had been good. Against Detroit, he’d thrown his first NFL pass for a 62-yard touchdown. Against Tampa Bay here Sunday, his first nine passes were incompletions, and two were caught by the wrong team.

So addled was the guy lauded for his poise that he actually slung the ball backwards for an 11-yard loss at the end of the second quarter. “I was trying to pull it down,” he said, but at that stage he really didn’t know what he was doing.

It was 17-0 after 21 minutes, and it looked for all the world like one of those vintage Bay beatdowns — such as the 34-10 wipeout in 2002, Michael Vick’s first start here, or the 37-3 annihilation of last December. So it was with great surprise that you looked up with seven minutes remaining and saw …

The Falcons down 17-6 with first-and-goal at the 4.

“It looked rough from the beginning,” said receiver Roddy White. “But we did have a chance.”

No, they didn’t win. Matty Ice didn’t throw the big chill on the Bucs in the final reel. But Ryan did, in his first road start against a proud and polished defense, fight his way through what began as an abomination and turn it into just a garden-variety bad game.

White again: “Everything he did today, he’s learning on the run. And [Bucs defensive coordinator] Monte Kiffin always does this to young quarterbacks.”

Young Matt Ryan was buffeted and bewildered like he’d never been before and might not be again, and still he gathered himself and completed 10 of 18 second-half passes, a half in which he drove his team inside the Tampa 10 twice.

“As a rookie, it’s never going to be easy,” Ryan said. “You have to continue to weather the storm and learn from it.”

And he will. He’ll profit from the worst day of his professional life. It isn’t often a team can take solace from a 24-9 loss, but the Falcons could and did. They knew this could have been 37-3 all over again, but their resolve wouldn’t allow it.

Ryan: “You’ve got to keep battling. All our guys are continuing to battle.”

Back to first-and-goal at the 4. The Falcons choose a play that left Ryan running with the ball, which made no sense then and less in hindsight. Mike Smith, the coach, said the play was supposed to be “a run-pass option.” Ryan said it was a straight quarterback draw. It wound up losing three yards and limiting them to a field goal at a time when a touchdown would have made it dicey for the home side. But that, too, is fixable.

The Falcons are starting over, and they’re growing as they go. Standing in the tunnel as dusk fell Sunday, general manager Thomas Dimitroff simply shrugged when asked about Ryan: “A learning experience.”

Ryan was never going to be Tom Brady overnight. Tom Brady wasn’t Tom Brady overnight. Ryan didn’t trip the light fantastic in his second pro start, but he won a few more fans among a famously difficult audience — his peers. Said Lawyer Milloy, the safety who once shared a locker room with Brady: “I saw some fight out of a very young leader.”

There will be more weeks, more years, more visits to Tampa. Next time Matt Ryan will come packing a boxing glove of his own.

09-15-2008, 12:55 PM
:wgaf: what the AJC says?

it is a piece of sh*t paper

09-15-2008, 01:04 PM
matt ryan will be a good quarterback. i wouldve rather atl suck for atleast 2 years and than draft matthew stafford or try to get brady quinn. either way, ryan will be good

09-15-2008, 01:07 PM
:wgaf: what the AJC says?

it is a piece of sh*t paper

Maybe they do, but the article is truth.

09-15-2008, 01:19 PM
I still say the head coach from Tampa tells them to play dirty with no penalties... that chucky looking motherf'er ...lol

09-15-2008, 01:21 PM
matt ryan will be a good quarterback.

09-15-2008, 01:23 PM
Maybe they do, but the article is truth.
i didnt see the game so i dunno what happened.

but i wouldnt be surprised if they are sugar coating the result of the game

09-15-2008, 01:27 PM
No they say it pretty correct, they didnt play well, But he came out in the 2nd half and settled down, he started learning from mistakes in the first half, which for a rookie, shows alot.

09-15-2008, 01:34 PM
i didnt see the game so i dunno what happened.

but i wouldnt be surprised if they are sugar coating the result of the game

that says it all.. move the fvck along now... :D

09-15-2008, 01:37 PM
That game was hard to watch. Some of the dumbest play calling I've ever seen, and the idiots who don't know **** about football are going to blame it all on Ryan.

09-15-2008, 01:40 PM
that says it all.. move the fvck along now... :D
nice triple post there

09-15-2008, 01:45 PM
nice triple post there

I fixed it...lol dont give me sh*t!

09-15-2008, 01:45 PM
No they say it pretty correct, they didnt play well, But he came out in the 2nd half and settled down, he started learning from mistakes in the first half, which for a rookie, shows alot.
after reading about the game and checking the play by play i feel you are right about this article.

i am just afraid that if he has a couple more games like this its gonna ruin his career. which is why i have never agreed with the falcons starting him as a rookie. matt ryan could be a great QB but i dont think he will now because the falcons decided to start him as a rookie

09-15-2008, 01:45 PM
I fixed it...lol dont give me sh*t!
LOL :taun:

09-15-2008, 01:49 PM
LOL :taun:

:tongue1: :tongue1: :tongue1: :tongue1:

09-15-2008, 01:53 PM
Matt Ryan has ALOT of growing to do, and he didnt benefit from sitting on the sidelines for a couple years learning the offense, and having preseason time to learn how to read defenses. Give the Falcons a couple moe years to put some more talent around him, especially at the OL positions and I think he will shine. Look what he did in college with the pitiful receivers he had there. Atlanta needs to make sure they are in the top 10 picks this year and go after some hgh end O linemen. Especially a center and left tackle.

09-15-2008, 02:01 PM


09-15-2008, 02:23 PM
after reading about the game and checking the play by play i feel you are right about this article.

i am just afraid that if he has a couple more games like this its gonna ruin his career. which is why i have never agreed with the falcons starting him as a rookie. matt ryan could be a great QB but i dont think he will now because the falcons decided to start him as a rookie

Tampa took ALOT of cheap hits on him yesterday, there were 3 called by the refs... One was a shot to his head 15 seconds after the play was done. Tampa plays dirty and I will bet anything Chucky told his players to go after the rookie and disrupt him ANY WAY they needed to. No doubt.

Him sitting for a year or two wont teach him anything, He got a lesson yesterday in the first half.... truth is most rookie QBs would have shut down and gave up, But Ryan came out in the 2nd, did much better, Fough the whole way and cheap shot after cheap shot he got up, and tried again. He didnt complain or nothing. He just did his job. He is a tough QB thats for sure.