View Full Version : Misc My College Football Top 23 Week 3

09-14-2008, 01:03 AM
1. USC - far and away the best team in College Football
2. OU - Another impressive win for the Sooners
3. UGA - A very uninspired win over a bad team
4. UF - Can drop a team that didnt play
5. Mizzou - Florida better watch out for this team, they are for real
6. LSU - They won like they should have, cant blame them for that
7. Texas - Like LSU, they won like they needed to
8. Wisconsin - Battled a good Fresno St. team on the road and beat the team and the refs
9. Bama - Won like they needed to
10. Texas Tech - They might actually have some defense to go all that offense.
11. Penn St. Huge move up because of teams losing, and bad wins.
12. BYU - Embarassed UCLA, nothing more to say
13. USF - Move up also with a big, but close win vs Kansas
14. ECU - Maybe Temple isnt as bad as we thought, effectivly move down, but not litterally.
15. Oregon - Purdue gave them eveything they wanted and then some, pulled it out in the end though.
16. OSU - I would have dropped them further, but there were so many other losses
17. Auburn - No offense to speak of, they need some serious improvement if they plan to compete this year.
18. Kansas - Lost a close one to a top 15 team on the road, dont lose much because of other losses
19. Illinios - bad win, but still moving up. The weather played a roll in this one.
20. Utah - Win over michigan doesnt look as good now, but I cant argue with wins.
21. OKA St. - Quietly doing their thing. I cant find a reason not to rank them.
22. Iowa - Tough game against an innerstate rival, but they are 3-0 and its getting rare already.
23. Vandy - just like Iowa, 3-0 and its rare. Nothing impressive about their wins, but they did get the W's.
24. Minnesota - Just becuse they are 3-0 and playing pretty damn good football.
25. BSU - with so many losses early, BSU jumps in at the tail end.

09-14-2008, 01:09 AM
looks good, but theres a few teams that will drop soon. like uga. i just feel an upset coming. they havent shown me that they should be in the top 5

09-14-2008, 01:21 AM
And we care what you think why?

09-14-2008, 02:03 AM
Texas won?

Really? I could have sworn their game got postponed until the 27th...

You drop auburn 9 spots and they won?

ECU played Tulane, not Temple.

Vandy, Minnesota, and Iowa? Really. No lol sorry.

09-14-2008, 02:16 AM
Just because your 3-0 fact bothers me.

Other 3-0 teams that aren't ranked:

Air Force
Ball State

Minnesota has beaten 2 MAC teams and 1 division 2 team. Nothing impressive.
Iowa has beaten MAINE, FIU, and Iowa State. Nothing impressive.
Vandy is the only decent choice you have on listed. However, a team like UCONN should be ranked ahead of Vandy. Remember UCONN was big east co-champion last year...

09-14-2008, 09:58 AM
Texas won?

Really? I could have sworn their game got postponed until the 27th...

You drop auburn 9 spots and they won?

ECU played Tulane, not Temple.

Vandy, Minnesota, and Iowa? Really. No lol sorry.

I know a mde a few errors. I did the damn thing at 2am. A few small errors, but nothing that would amke a deifference.

I know Minnesota was a a stretch, but whats wong with Vandy and Iowa? Also, who should be in their place?