View Full Version : Getting busted by your wife for posting on the internets

08-29-2008, 09:51 AM
Apology from "Twat-Waffle's" Wife


I am "Twat-Waffle's" wife. I have taken interest in why my husband stays on this website constantly and wisely decided to investigate. I have read 250+ of his nasty, obscene posts and threads and want to apologize for the horrible and offensive things he has posted. His language is horrific and inexcusable. The racist remarks have stunned me as well as the mean comments directed toward anyone over the age of 40. (I personally admire those over 40 that still ride and have a passion for life.) I am particularly offended by the many remarks my husband has posted regarding females....reffering to them as "whores" and sex objects. I could not believe my eyes when reading the countless times he posted things about wanting to "f**k" other women. This has sickened me to the point where I am considering even remaining in this marriage. I am not trying to be a prude, but those women are still someone's mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters and should not be disrespected in such a way. Trust me...I still like to look sexy and believe that it is essential to stay in shape...(I still weigh 115 after giving birth 1 year ago.) I even noticed where my husband made sexual comments about your wives and mothers and I am truly sorry. In reality, "Twat-Waffle" is a christian man who attends church regularly and acts like a perfect gentleman. I had no idea he was doing this sort of thing online. It shows me his true character, or lack there of. I have 2 degrees in the mental health field and have linked his behavior to his childhood and his inadequacy in the bedroom. Twat-Waffle, like many men direct their anger over not being able to perform in the bedroom, to the internet rather than approaching it in a healthy way. He also was not accepted in high school and did not get very many opportunities to date. Next week, we are going to counseling to attempt to put our marriage back together. His mother has directed me to monitor his computer time and to limit his drinking. I hope this post can accomplish several things.....1. please accept my apology on my husband's behalf.....2. please realize that the women in your life would not appreciate these nasty sexual comments.....3. stuff like this can ruin a marriage and even cause a divorce.....4.if anyone else has negative opinions about their penises, get help, talk to your wife and or doctor. Acting like a prick online can do alot more then offend a couple of people, it can result in divorce, in loosing custody of your children if your wife is smart enough to print out your posts and threads like I did, and even cause you to loose your job if you were posting nasty comments on your work computer. My family and I hope that Twat-Waffle has learned his lesson and will benefit from counseling. Once again, I am sorry for the inexcusable comments my husband has made. I think he is unhappy with his body and overall appearance and wants to direct his anger towards others. Lets hope he can focus on his daughter that turns one this weekend and be the kind of man she will be proud to call "Daddy" not "Twat-waffle."


08-29-2008, 09:55 AM
LMAOOO talk about the internet being serious buisness.

08-29-2008, 09:56 AM

08-29-2008, 09:58 AM
Snap. I'm 18 and in college. Am I in trouble too? :D haha

08-29-2008, 09:59 AM
bwahahaahahahahahhahaha reps if i can lol

08-29-2008, 09:59 AM
HAHAHA! Stupid bitches...lulz

DJ Maestro
08-29-2008, 10:00 AM
Twat-waffle was e-thuggin' to the extreme. :lmfao:

08-29-2008, 10:01 AM
holyyyy ****tttttt


im reading all 25 pages of that thread when i get a chance.... reps tim

08-29-2008, 10:02 AM
i wonder if all the "pricks" (im not naming any names on here but you know who you are...) are unable to get gfs and perform in bed.

08-29-2008, 10:04 AM
i wonder if all the "pricks" (im not naming any names on here but you know who you are...) are unable to get gfs and perform in bed.
lol, it made me think the same thing :lmao:

08-29-2008, 10:06 AM
Apology from "Twat-Waffle's" Wife


I am "Twat-Waffle's" wife. I have taken interest in why my husband stays on this website constantly and wisely decided to investigate. I have read 250+ of his nasty, obscene posts and threads and want to apologize for the horrible and offensive things he has posted. His language is horrific and inexcusable. The racist remarks have stunned me as well as the mean comments directed toward anyone over the age of 40. (I personally admire those over 40 that still ride and have a passion for life.) I am particularly offended by the many remarks my husband has posted regarding females....reffering to them as "whores" and sex objects. I could not believe my eyes when reading the countless times he posted things about wanting to "f**k" other women. This has sickened me to the point where I am considering even remaining in this marriage. I am not trying to be a prude, but those women are still someone's mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters and should not be disrespected in such a way. Trust me...I still like to look sexy and believe that it is essential to stay in shape...(I still weigh 115 after giving birth 1 year ago.) I even noticed where my husband made sexual comments about your wives and mothers and I am truly sorry. In reality, "Twat-Waffle" is a christian man who attends church regularly and acts like a perfect gentleman. I had no idea he was doing this sort of thing online. It shows me his true character, or lack there of. I have 2 degrees in the mental health field and have linked his behavior to his childhood and his inadequacy in the bedroom. Twat-Waffle, like many men direct their anger over not being able to perform in the bedroom, to the internet rather than approaching it in a healthy way. He also was not accepted in high school and did not get very many opportunities to date. Next week, we are going to counseling to attempt to put our marriage back together. His mother has directed me to monitor his computer time and to limit his drinking. I hope this post can accomplish several things.....1. please accept my apology on my husband's behalf.....2. please realize that the women in your life would not appreciate these nasty sexual comments.....3. stuff like this can ruin a marriage and even cause a divorce.....4.if anyone else has negative opinions about their penises, get help, talk to your wife and or doctor. Acting like a prick online can do alot more then offend a couple of people, it can result in divorce, in loosing custody of your children if your wife is smart enough to print out your posts and threads like I did, and even cause you to loose your job if you were posting nasty comments on your work computer. My family and I hope that Twat-Waffle has learned his lesson and will benefit from counseling. Once again, I am sorry for the inexcusable comments my husband has made. I think he is unhappy with his body and overall appearance and wants to direct his anger towards others. Lets hope he can focus on his daughter that turns one this weekend and be the kind of man she will be proud to call "Daddy" not "Twat-waffle."


2 degrees my ass

08-29-2008, 10:08 AM
Well we know now who wears the pants in that relationship.

08-29-2008, 10:09 AM
this is why you never tell females(especially a wife) your s/n

08-29-2008, 10:09 AM
Well we know now who wears the pants in that relationship.

More like who wears the Pant suit in that relationship. :lmao:

08-29-2008, 10:12 AM
lol, also is that how you spell reffering?

08-29-2008, 10:12 AM
well, he can go ahead and sell his bike and get a mini van. i wouldn't show my face around my bike buddies after that one.

08-29-2008, 10:14 AM
Well lets be honest, what kind of sn is "twat-waffle" anyway? lol

08-29-2008, 10:15 AM
The thread isn't really worth the read, just the initial post.

08-29-2008, 10:41 AM
LMAO "Twat-waffle"

Meh just browsed the first 5-6 pages of the thread, nothing worth reading after the original post.

08-29-2008, 10:45 AM
is it me or is anyone having problem with the gixxer site? looks like they are getting a lot of traffic...

08-29-2008, 10:53 AM
I am particularly offended by the many remarks my husband has posted regarding females....reffering to them as "whores" and sex objects.You mean they're not? When did this happen and why?

08-29-2008, 11:30 AM
we should all sign up and tell her "why the **** are you snooping in your man's business? Don't you know women don't belong on the internets? get the **** off of this website and give your husband a well deserved blowjob from all the nagging i'm sure you give him."

08-29-2008, 11:43 AM
no the first response should have been "tits or gtfo---------->"lol

08-29-2008, 11:45 AM
lol at pants suit. reps for cliffs perhaps?

HeLLo iM iZzY
08-29-2008, 12:03 PM
Their responses suck.

We would've owned that b1tch.

TITS or GTFO, hoe !

08-29-2008, 12:06 PM
no the first response should have been "tits or gtfo---------->"lol

LOL yes. Something along those lines would have been perfect.

08-29-2008, 02:05 PM
I really hope something like this happens on IA. The ***** would get crucified.