View Full Version : Roommates

08-27-2008, 10:55 PM
Who has them? Do you like them?

I live in a dorm so I have this nigerian ****** as a roommate and so far I want to stab the little bastard.The first night in the room I caught him going through my fridge at like 2 AM. He saw me catch him and he was like "You drink a lot of coke huh?" I was like uh yea. So he put my coke back and went back to his room with his tail tucked between his legs. He stays up listening to 50 cent till like 3 am and I have 8 o clock classes.He openly invites strange people I never met to use my sh1t without asking me. And what has just about sent me over the edge this week is I have been sick and all my meds are at home. So the I figured I would try and get to bed early and get some rest since i was sick and he comes in with 3 of his cronies and after i asked him to keep it down so i could rest he's up with his buds till midnight ****in around.


08-27-2008, 10:57 PM
Yea, welcome to not living with mom and dad anymore.

08-27-2008, 10:58 PM
whoop his ass

08-27-2008, 11:00 PM
I got an apartment with my own room and bathroom :D

08-27-2008, 11:00 PM
Yea, welcome to not living with mom and dad anymore.
I have had 3 room mates in the past yea(1 every semester) this guy sis just a ****. ****in Nigerian prick.

08-27-2008, 11:03 PM
Good luck with it bro... anyway to change dorm rooms?

08-27-2008, 11:03 PM
just wait till he's takin a shower and start washin dishes or clothes or start flushin other toilets.

08-27-2008, 11:12 PM
Id say either whip his ass or try and find someone willing to trade roomies

08-27-2008, 11:14 PM
Good luck with it bro... anyway to change dorm rooms?
cost me $100

08-27-2008, 11:17 PM
You might wanna figure a way to get an extra hundred so you can do it... In the end it is going to distract you from school and going to wear your patience thin...

08-27-2008, 11:18 PM
Well, ask yourself at this point.

Is it worth the $100? If its this bad, sounds like it may be to me.

08-27-2008, 11:23 PM
you got PM gt

08-27-2008, 11:30 PM
i've got a roommate that i plan on murdering...don't tell him though :lmfao:

08-27-2008, 11:34 PM
Start a HELP REDGT fund. Can't be too hard to build up 100 bucks.

I like my roommate. He always helps when he can and stuff. Couple little issues but they don't really matter. Plus I've been friends with him since 96. lol

I knew a girl that lived in a dorm at Southern Poly. And they put her little redneck ass in a room with a big mexican girl who has been in jail several times for meth. She moved within 2 weeks of getting in the room. lol

08-27-2008, 11:34 PM
you got PM gt
cool beans man :ninja:

08-27-2008, 11:35 PM
Start a HELP REDGT fund. Can't be too hard to build up 100 bucks.

I like my roommate. He always helps when he can and stuff. Couple little issues but they don't really matter. Plus I've been friends with him since 96. lol

I knew a girl that lived in a dorm at Southern Poly. And they put her little redneck ass in a room with a big mexican girl who has been in jail several times for meth. She moved within 2 weeks of getting in the room. lol
i've got the money bro i just feel like its money better spent on other things.

08-27-2008, 11:49 PM
na my roommate isnt that bad, hell he is an instructor. but i dont live on campus anymore so :). and how is yalls room designed? 2 bunks to one room? better yet what college

08-27-2008, 11:54 PM
wow, you've really got it bad. a roommate who looks through your fridge and listens to loud music.

Let me describe my freshman year living on campus - was randomly assigned roommates. Couldn't have been less lucky. They were total pieces of sh!t - you know the stereotypical movie stoners? The ones who wake up at 3pm, sit in their boxers eating cereal, giggling at cartoons and then just smoke the rest of the day and tell you how high they are? Yeah those were my roommates. No jobs, not a care in the world, failed their classes. They were dealers too, and I'd have SHADY ass people in our apartment all the time. I'd wake up to go to work and thered be like 10 people sleeping on our floor in the living room. They were up til 5 or 6 every morning, and LOUD as hell. They stole DVDs, food, and other stuff from me... etc etc.

The whole place was DISGUSTING 24/7 to the point that I was embarrassed to have people over. The cops were called on our room on 4 seperate occasions, all after 2 AM, and 2 times after 4 AM. They were arrested on 2 of those occasions, and on all 4 I was woken up and harassed by cops - 3 out of those 4 times I had work early the next morning, the other time I had a 9am class.

I ended up having to go to court with charges (against everyone in our room) of harboring an illegal fugitive, violation of parole, unregistered firearm, illegal weapon on school campus, posession of illegal drugs with intention to distribute, and minor in posession. I was obviously acquitted of all charges cause I had nothing to do with them - I was a Dean's List student working a full time job that wanted nothing to do with those scumbags. It was complete BS.

I ended up leaving as soon as I had the $1,500 to pay the lease termination fee. It was worth it.

Sooooo.... still feel like b!tching about the kid who likes your soda?

08-27-2008, 11:57 PM
wow, you've really got it bad. a roommate who looks through your fridge and listens to loud music.

Let me describe my freshman year living on campus - was randomly assigned roommates. Couldn't have been less lucky. They were total pieces of sh!t - you know the stereotypical movie stoners? The ones who wake up at 3pm, sit in their boxers eating cereal, giggling at cartoons and then just smoke the rest of the day and tell you how high they are? Yeah those were my roommates. No jobs, not a care in the world, failed their classes. They were dealers too, and I'd have SHADY ass people in our apartment all the time. I'd wake up to go to work and thered be like 10 people sleeping on our floor in the living room. They were up til 5 or 6 every morning, and LOUD as hell. They stole DVDs, food, and other stuff from me... etc etc.

The whole place was DISGUSTING 24/7 to the point that I was embarrassed to have people over. The cops were called on our room on 4 seperate occasions, all after 2 AM, and 2 times after 4 AM. They were arrested on 2 of those occasions, and on all 4 I was woken up and harassed by cops - 3 out of those 4 times I had work early the next morning, the other time I had a 9am class.

I ended up having to go to court with charges (against everyone in our room) of harboring an illegal fugitive, violation of parole, unregistered firearm, illegal weapon on school campus, posession of illegal drugs with intention to distribute, and minor in posession. I was obviously acquitted of all charges cause I had nothing to do with them - I was a Dean's List student working a full time job that wanted nothing to do with those scumbags. It was complete BS.

I ended up leaving as soon as I had the $1,500 to pay the lease termination fee. It was worth it.

Sooooo.... still feel like b!tching about the kid who likes your soda?

quit crying. You've just been pampered to much as a child. :gay:

jk, living with people like that would suck... not sure how ya made it through that one without hurting someone...

08-27-2008, 11:59 PM
just plant some drugs on his ass and ruin his whole life.:goodjob:

08-27-2008, 11:59 PM
wow, you've really got it bad. a roommate who looks through your fridge and listens to loud music.

Let me describe my freshman year living on campus - was randomly assigned roommates. Couldn't have been less lucky. They were total pieces of sh!t - you know the stereotypical movie stoners? The ones who wake up at 3pm, sit in their boxers eating cereal, giggling at cartoons and then just smoke the rest of the day and tell you how high they are? Yeah those were my roommates. No jobs, not a care in the world, failed their classes. They were dealers too, and I'd have SHADY ass people in our apartment all the time. I'd wake up to go to work and thered be like 10 people sleeping on our floor in the living room. They were up til 5 or 6 every morning, and LOUD as hell. They stole DVDs, food, and other stuff from me... etc etc.

The whole place was DISGUSTING 24/7 to the point that I was embarrassed to have people over. The cops were called on our room on 4 seperate occasions, all after 2 AM, and 2 times after 4 AM. They were arrested on 2 of those occasions, and on all 4 I was woken up and harassed by cops - 3 out of those 4 times I had work early the next morning, the other time I had a 9am class.

I ended up having to go to court with charges (against everyone in our room) of harboring an illegal fugitive, violation of parole, unregistered firearm, illegal weapon on school campus, posession of illegal drugs with intention to distribute, and minor in posession. I was obviously acquitted of all charges cause I had nothing to do with them - I was a Dean's List student working a full time job that wanted nothing to do with those scumbags. It was complete BS.

I ended up leaving as soon as I had the $1,500 to pay the lease termination fee. It was worth it.

Sooooo.... still feel like b!tching about the kid who likes your soda?
Damn dude. That's about what my freshmen room mates were like. They never got caught though lucky for me.

08-28-2008, 12:03 AM
na my roommate isnt that bad, hell he is an instructor. but i dont live on campus anymore so :). and how is yalls room designed? 2 bunks to one room? better yet what college
Room is a actually 2 one front one rear. I tried to get the back cause i knew how this guy was(he was rommed with a buddy of mine last year) but when I put my **** in the back room and went back to my car to get the rest of my stuff he had moved all my stuff to the front room. so he has to come through my room to get to his. Imagine what that was like when i was gettin some :idb: and his ass came in the other day.

DJ Maestro
08-28-2008, 12:05 AM
Think you've got it rough? Try my roommate. She acts like she has full run of the place. She goes around thinking everything in my place is hers. Worst part of it all.......I can't say sh!t to her about any of it.


She's my wife. :doh: :D

08-28-2008, 12:06 AM
Think you've got it rough? Try my roommate. She acts like she has full run of the place. She goes around thinking everything in my place is hers. Worst part of it all.......I can't say sh!t to her about any of it.


She's my wife. :doh: :D
:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

08-28-2008, 12:16 AM
Freshman Year- Roommate smoked weed in the room everyday in his vaporizer, sold it to random people in our room all the time. The only time he did laundry was 2 times a year when his mom came up from florida.

Sophomore Year- Nerd who pulled all nighters playing video games over surround sound and laughing like an idiot with his weird friends. Overall COMPLETE ****ING TOOL. Not a fan at all.

Junior Year- Rooming with R3RUN's(the guy who drives purpur) brother, its straight as ****. :)

People suck, get someone you sort of know, it doesn't get any better.

08-28-2008, 12:21 AM
jk, living with people like that would suck... not sure how ya made it through that one without hurting someone...believe me, there were a few times when that was just about the case. I generally keep a cool head but they really pissed me off sometimes, and I was NOT happy about it haha. Particularly when I found out I was gonna have to go to court for their crap.

08-28-2008, 12:22 AM
Sophomore Year- Nerd who pulled all nighters playing video games over surround sound and laughing like an idiot with his weird friends. Overall COMPLETE ****ING TOOL. Not a fan at all.

People suck, get someone you sort of know, it doesn't get any better.
I'm guilty of pulling all nighters on video games every once in a while but not all the time and definitely not to where i'm keeping anyone up at night.

People do suck. I'm just more pissed than i would be normally cause i'm sick.

08-28-2008, 12:36 AM
Most Nigerians that I've known are rude and demanding...pay that 100 and let him be someone elses headache, asap.