View Full Version : Russia and Georgia at War

08-18-2008, 05:12 PM
Here we go again. I mean, if the US can do it, why not the Russians.


Dozens of Russian warplanes bombed civilian and military targets in the former republic of Georgia on Saturday, and a Russian ambassador said that as many as 2,000 people had been killed in in the capital of separatist Georgian province South Ossetia.

08-18-2008, 05:16 PM
Ya we talked about this today in my class today. The next few weeks should be interesting.

08-18-2008, 05:21 PM
i had a girl in my class this dumb a$$ blonde, someone said russia is attacking georgia and she thought they were talking about the state GA :screwy:

08-18-2008, 05:26 PM
Let me also add that the United States was arming and doing military exercises in Georgia back in July, so they could start the assault on Southern Ossetia. Most South Ossetians are Russian citizens. What the media hasn't reported is that Georgia has been striking villages since July 29th;


On 14 July 2008 Georgian and U.S. troops started a joint military exercise amid growing tensions between the ex-Soviet republic and Russia. About 1,200 U.S. servicemen and 800 Georgians trained for three weeks at the Vaziani military base near the Georgian capital, Tbilisi. On the same day, the Russian Defense Ministry started a military exercise in the nearby North Caucasus region. Ministry spokesman Yuri Ivanov said the drill had "nothing to do" with the Georgian-US maneuvers

On July 29, Ibragim Gaseev, the South Ossetian deputy minister for defense and emergency situations said that the Georgian side had opened fire against the South Ossetian villages of Andisi and Sarabuki. The conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia intensified on Friday 01 August 2008 when Georgian forces shelled the South Ossetian capital, Tskhinvali, leaving six South Ossetians dead and another 15 wounded. Sporadic shelling and skirmishes continued through the week.

On 06 August 2008 the leader of South Ossetia said that Georgia was planning a full-scale invasion of the region before the start of September. South Ossetia said earlier that day that Georgian troops had opened fire on two villages in the separatist province, while Russian peacekeepers said eight Georgian warplanes had flown into the region during the morning. Georgia denied both allegations, and said the situation on the ground was calm. Georgian Interior Ministry reported the next day that South Ossetia had continued to shell five Georgian villages overnight wounding at least two Georgian police officers and damaging houses and military infrastructure.

Despite what the media has been trying to lead people to believe, Russia didn't just up and decide to invade Georgia yesterday. This was brewing since Georgia had been killing Russian citizens since July... and the US has been helping them do it. In other words, it's the US trying to goad Russia into another Cold War.

08-18-2008, 05:48 PM
and the US has been helping them do it. In other words, it's the US trying to goad Russia into another Cold War.

Everything else you posted follows my quick research as well but this part. Georgia is pro NATO while South Ossesia is pro Russian. Georgia has been considering joining NATO, hense the traiaing with US troops, while SO is against it. Basicly this is a civil war that Russia joined on the side of SO.

08-18-2008, 06:16 PM
Everything else you posted follows my quick research as well but this part. Georgia is pro NATO while South Ossesia is pro Russian. Georgia has been considering joining NATO, hense the traiaing with US troops, while SO is against it. Basicly this is a civil war that Russia joined on the side of SO.
I thought we were the ones trying to get Georgia into NATO? Which is why Russians think Georgia is a threat. Either way, proxy wars are the best wars.

08-18-2008, 06:25 PM
Actually almost everyone in this thread is wrong. why you may ask? i was there. yes, i was. were you? i dont think so. My battalion along with setaf(look it up), some marines and air force were there training the georgians(being the third largest backer in iraq despite their population) and a few other nearby countries in some more "advanced" ground combat operations. it was called immediate response 08. There were no villages being attacked, we were not helping to hurt anyone. a large part of that country has been overrun with the russian mafia(the reason why we had military escort whenever we left the post) who want not just SO back under russian rule, but the whole country. Even before we were deployed, rusia had troops in georgia on a "peace keeping" mission. when we got there, they put 8,000 troops on the border in preparation of an invasion. the neighboring country of ajerbajan(how ever you spell it) had snipers on its border. the georgians were simply tired of being bullied around by mother russia. wouldnt you? if some angry nation was walking around in your back yard, wouldnt you ask for some kind of help getting them out?(ie: better training) the fact of the matter is, the georgian millitary simply wouldnt stand a chance against the russians with the outdated tanks, no airforce or navy on their side its doomed to fail for them unless we go back to help them. they simply picked a fight with someone crunker than them and got skeeted on. but seeing as how russia overtook them and shafted them many moons ago and is sour about them being pro western they took that big red star boot and shoved it up georgias ass. we all know that the media is almost never all the way forth comming with correct info, dont belive everything you hear/watch/read. investigate and you will find the truth.

08-18-2008, 06:37 PM
Heheh, The United States is a fucking troll and Russia is simply feeding the troll. And that's the bottom line. Also, check this out; http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26116598

08-18-2008, 06:41 PM
Heheh, The United States is a fucking troll and Russia is simply feeding the troll. And that's the bottom line.

you could always move to comunist russia. let me know how that turns out for you:idb:

08-18-2008, 06:46 PM
I was just sayin', no need to kick me out of this oh so great country. Just because of a simple observation.

08-18-2008, 07:09 PM
i don't see the big deal..

08-18-2008, 07:58 PM
Someone who drives around in a Honda and making childish claims like "loser buys beer" even though he's not old enough to, would say something like that. You apparently don't know sh*t about what's going on in the world you live in. Or do you live in a small made up world called, Honda-land?

08-18-2008, 08:18 PM
one Major big deal is the fact that oil giant BP has several(3 i think) oil lines going through the region. one was shut down due to the "war" in georgia. is the picture starting to form for you yet?

08-18-2008, 08:27 PM
one Major big deal is the fact that oil giant BP has several(3 i think) oil lines going through the region. one was shut down due to the "war" in georgia. is the picture starting to form for you yet?
The only picture that is being formed in my mind is the picture of war. People being killed and blood everywhere. People's heads getting blown off and little kids crying and having to witness all the horrors that war creates.


08-18-2008, 08:33 PM
my last reply was actually at anti-poon, but if thats how you feel..... all the things you just mentioned have been going on every day since written times began. in some small part of the world right now, a 12 year old girl is being raped, an 80 year old man is being beaten, a 22 year old man is getting his hands cut off, a village is being burned, a baby is being tied to 10 lbs. of C4. what are you saying that is of any relevence? its been going on and will continue as such far after you and i die....

08-18-2008, 08:37 PM
little kids crying and having to witness all the horrors that war creates.

it builds character..... just kidding. it is unfair that children are constantly exposed to the horrors of war but it is the way of the world. plus, they are too small to do anything about it.

08-18-2008, 08:39 PM
my last reply was actually at anti-poon, but if thats how you feel..... all the things you just mentioned have been going on every day since written times began. in some small part of the world right now, a 12 year old girl is being raped, an 80 year old man is being beaten, a 22 year old man is getting his hands cut off, a village is being burned, a baby is being tied to 10 lbs. of C4. what are you saying that is of any relevence? its been going on and will continue as such far after you and i die....
I'm a man of science, I don't need someone else telling me what's going on around the world. I already know this. I know that the Earth is nothing but an illusion, this place is rotten, and completely inhibited by morons. Our country is being controlled by lunatics and people who can't see our future and only see green. I understand that life as we know it is not perfect, like so many people make it out to be. And that a lot of people have yet to realized this. I just find it funny that we're never going to end this stupid cycle of war that's been going on since way before the imaginary being called, Jesus Christ was created. Actually, war has existed since The Cretaceous period. And sadly, will continue to exist til there is nothing left to destroy.

08-18-2008, 08:52 PM
you could always move to comunist russia. let me know how that turns out for you:idb:

russia hasnt been under communist rule since december 25, 1991.

08-18-2008, 08:53 PM
sooooo......... your one of those "scientologist" thingy majigs? i will admit, science was my favorite subject in elementary school as well, but even then i knew all it was is just a method of explaining why things are. like math, 2+2 = 4. science didnt create itself, God created science by creating us and giving us the ability to to put a word to an idea. just like Al gore created global warmin.... and the internet.

" Save me with your majik powers Tom Cruise" - Ricky Bobby

08-18-2008, 08:54 PM
russia hasnt been under communist rule since december 25, 1991.

the words may change but the thoughts are the same.

08-18-2008, 08:59 PM
actually, that is why Russia fell into an economic decline, is because they radically changed their political/economic system. if it was the same, nothing would have happened.

Georgia forced themselves to invade South Ossetia. They would have no chance of being America's butt buddy if they still had problems there.

08-18-2008, 09:00 PM
sooooo......... your one of those "scientologist" thingy majigs? i will admit, science was my favorite subject in elementary school as well, but even then i knew all it was is just a method of explaining why things are. like math, 2+2 = 4. science didnt create itself, God created science by creating us and giving us the ability to to put a word to an idea. just like Al gore created global warmin.... and the internet.

" Save me with your majik powers Tom Cruise" - Ricky Bobby
You shouldn't even start to get into a discussion with me when it comes to religion and the orgin of God or any other fairy tailed created beings. I've dished it out for days before when it came to this subject, you wouldn't even last a few pages. So please, don't try it. As for me, I'm not into scientology. A man of science doesn't necessarily mean you're a believer of scientology. I personally think they're just as dumb as any other religious nut-case.

But, lets not change the subject. This thread was made to talk about Russia and Georgia and what's going on between the two. Not about religion and science. If you feel the need to dish out your knowledge on me, make a new thread and direct me with the link to it.

08-18-2008, 09:05 PM
remember, this IS America. A majority of the people probably had no idea where Georgia was (or even existed) before the news told them. Seems like the only way for average Americans to learn geography is to have the news tell them.

anyway, both sides (Russia/Georgia) are RIGHT and WRONG in this crisis. BOTH sides have victims and bloody hands. The media is doing the wrong thing by showing Russia as an evil aggressor and Georgia as a helpless victim. That is not the truth! It is a complicated situation and both sides have bad elements in this. But its disgusting that Saakashvili is screaming rape when he personally knows that his military is responsible for much of this violence.

08-18-2008, 09:14 PM
You shouldn't even start to get into a discussion with me when it comes to religion and the orgin of God or any other fairy tailed created beings. I've dished it out for days before when it came to this subject, you wouldn't even last a few pages. So please, don't try it. As for me, I'm not into scientology. A man of science doesn't necessarily mean you're a believer of scientology. I personally think they're just as dumb as any other religious nut-case.

But, lets not change the subject. This thread was made to talk about Russia and Georgia and what's going on between the two. Not about religion and science. If you feel the need to dish out your knowledge on me, make a new thread and direct me with the link to it.

this from a guy with an elf as his avatar.... but no, i as well am not here to talk religion. you are entitled to your own.... whatever you call it.

as for mr spektre, i may be wrong but i dont think you can actually invade part of your own country. russia invaded SO. just like the early 90's when police were trying to take back the streets from gangs in cali, georgia is trying to regain control over THEIR land from russian troops and the russia mafia. if thats how you feel, let me come "invade" your house for a week, eating all your ****, pissing on the toilet seat and smacking your girl on her ass, then let me know how you feel about it.

08-18-2008, 09:19 PM
this from a guy with an elf as his avatar.... but no, i as well am not here to talk religion. you are entitled to your own.... whatever you call it.

as for mr spektre, i may be wrong but i dont think you can actually invade part of your own country.

South Ossetia and Abkhazia are, if you want to get technical, a de facto indepentant nation from georgia. They have their own government and everything. The russian soldiers were there to keep the georgian soldiers from killing the civilians. It would be nice if they settle down, they never really had their own country and has always been considered part of Georgia or Russia. But Saakashvili was in a hurry and seemed like the only way to get them to cooperate is with a little 7.62x51mm encouragement.

And dont talk about having an elf as an avatar bad.... because you drive a MR2 Spyder.

08-18-2008, 10:13 PM
South Ossetia and Abkhazia are, if you want to get technical, a de facto indepentant nation from georgia. They have their own government and everything. The russian soldiers were there to keep the georgian soldiers from killing the civilians. It would be nice if they settle down, they never really had their own country and has always been considered part of Georgia or Russia. But Saakashvili was in a hurry and seemed like the only way to get them to cooperate is with a little 7.62x51mm encouragement.

And dont talk about having an elf as an avatar bad.... because you drive a MR2 Spyder.

Hey hey, say what you will about the world, but leave mr. Two out of it. Thems fightin words!!

08-18-2008, 11:06 PM
remember, this IS America. A majority of the people probably had no idea where Georgia was (or even existed) before the news told them. Seems like the only way for average Americans to learn geography is to have the news tell them.

anyway, both sides (Russia/Georgia) are RIGHT and WRONG in this crisis. BOTH sides have victims and bloody hands. The media is doing the wrong thing by showing Russia as an evil aggressor and Georgia as a helpless victim. That is not the truth! It is a complicated situation and both sides have bad elements in this. But its disgusting that Saakashvili is screaming rape when he personally knows that his military is responsible for much of this violence.

I cant believe it, some thing we actually agree on.

08-19-2008, 12:23 AM
I'm a man of science, I don't need someone else telling me what's going on around the world. I already know this. I know that the Earth is nothing but an illusion, this place is rotten, and completely inhibited by morons. Our country is being controlled by lunatics and people who can't see our future and only see green. I understand that life as we know it is not perfect, like so many people make it out to be. And that a lot of people have yet to realized this. I just find it funny that we're never going to end this stupid cycle of war that's been going on since way before the imaginary being called, Jesus Christ was created. Actually, war has existed since The Cretaceous period. And sadly, will continue to exist til there is nothing left to destroy.

A man of science should realize that Jesus Christ was not imaginary.
You don't have to believe in him, or recognize him as the Messiah.
The Jewish and Muslim faiths hate each other, but both religions speak of Jesus as a great prophet, and a man that definitely existed. They only question the fact that he was the son Of God.

But, you're right about the morons taking over.
As long as smart people keep dying,
and dumb people keep ****ing,
the sooner earth shall be doomed.

Mike Judge made a really stupid movie called "idiocracy"
It may be stupid, but sums it up good.
Everyone should see it.

08-19-2008, 12:49 AM
*Babbling about religion like it matters*
This thread isn't about religion, so lets not even go there.

08-19-2008, 01:07 AM
Why not?

I 'll play along with you beliefs that L. Ron Hubbard is going to return as Zelda and mix up a secret potion called "kool-aid" that will save us all.

Unless this is all about you being an Atheist, which would explain a lot.
In the fact that no religion welcomes homosexuals with open arms.

08-19-2008, 01:19 AM
Your post made me laugh. I don't really know why people keep attacking my Link avatar but if that's the only thing you guys have on me, then feel free to insult it all you want. As for me, no I'm not atheist. Well, not 100%. I really don't want to send this thread in another direction. Please try to understand.


Also, homosexuals are gay(Capt. Obvious). I hate 'em.

08-19-2008, 10:54 AM

MOSCOW — President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia on Monday endorsed portions of a private proposal from President Bush that could lead to a new strategic framework between their nations, including progress on troubling issues like missile defense, nuclear arms control and nonproliferation.

08-19-2008, 04:40 PM

Is there a point to this or are you just demonstrating your linking ability?

08-20-2008, 07:24 AM
to see an assload of pics from when i was there, go to myspace.com/eastside_atl