View Full Version : Misc Who all has an iphone?

08-11-2008, 03:21 PM
Who all has an iphone? what is your favorite apps?

my 3 favorite apps would have to be:

pandora > free streaming music app has tons of sh!t to listen to - no need to upload sh!t to your iphone

spanish (lastminute.com) > cool app that has conversational spanish written out and says it as well - great tool

sports tap > i can get all of my sport stats and game info


08-11-2008, 03:34 PM
ironically I'm on mine typing this post! The 3gs are way awesome and mine is a 16gig which is way more than I'll ever need. I'm still trying to figure out all the diff apps and what not, and am frustrated about the whole flash player thing, but other than that I totally love this thing

08-11-2008, 03:36 PM
ironically I'm on mine typing this post! The 3gs are way awesome and mine is a 16gig which is way more than I'll ever need. I'm still trying to figure out all the diff apps and what not, and am frustrated about the whole flash player thing, but other than that I totally love this thing

ya i just recently got mine - i have never been on for crazy phones but i had to upgrade due to my old phone being a POS and for 200$ you can't beat it. definitely one of the best purchases i've made in a long time. they have apps for everything and internet speeds rock!

08-11-2008, 04:16 PM
No iPhone here. I think they're cool and all, but I really have no use for a phone that does anything beyond making a phone call and maybe snapping a low-quality photo every now and then.

GPS, internet, videos, YouTube, international time, ect... It's just more than I need so I got a $100 LG from Costco that was free after contract. lol

On that note, my girlfriend recently got an iPod Touch which is basically an iPhone without the phone part. Cool and all but, again, more than I need since I'll never use the other features and need more storage space for portable media. I'm good with my 80GB Zune. :)

08-11-2008, 04:21 PM
I recommend getting Opera as you browser on it.. faster and more secure than FireFox.. oh it's free also. but no iPhone here... But I plan on getting one later on down the road when they have more storage so I can put my 4500 songs and other media on it w/ out filling one up

08-11-2008, 04:36 PM
I have had mine for quite some time now...and just bought the wife a new 3G. The best app is still by far the internet browser. I use mine more than I ever thought I would especially for business.

08-11-2008, 04:39 PM
I'm pretty spiteful towards iPhones due to all the teenage girls. OMG LOOK WHAT DADDY BOUGHT ME NOW I'M POPULAR OMG OMG OMG!!!!! ****'s annoying. I was at a party and this d-bag who got one was trying to get everyone crowded around him to watch youtube videos, but it wouldn't work. Classic.

08-11-2008, 04:46 PM
I'm pretty spiteful towards iPhones due to all the teenage girls. OMG LOOK WHAT DADDY BOUGHT ME NOW I'M POPULAR OMG OMG OMG!!!!! ****'s annoying. I was at a party and this d-bag who got one was trying to get everyone crowded around him to watch youtube videos, but it wouldn't work. Classic.As an anime fan, I gotta recommend not hating something just because of it's fanbase. I used to hate series because they got popular, but later went to watch them and some were actually decent or even good.

Check out the iPod. If it suits your needs and you like it then pick one up. Just ignore the retarded Apple fanboys/fangirls and don't be a jack@ss with an Apple sticker on his car. :lmao:

Don't knock it 'til you try it. :goodjob:

08-11-2008, 04:51 PM
As an anime fan, I gotta recommend not hating something just because of it's fanbase. I used to hate series because they got popular, but later went to watch them and some were actually decent or even good.

Check out the iPod. If it suits your needs and you like it then pick one up. Just ignore the retarded Apple fanboys/fangirls and don't be a jack@ss with an Apple sticker on his car. :lmao:

Don't knock it 'til you try it. :goodjob:

I don't hate iPhones, if I felt like dropping 200 on a phone that would be my first choice, I just hate pretty much everyone I've met who owns one. I own an iPod(classic 80gb>touch all the way), and will soon own a MacBook, but you wont see me parading around with either like it makes me cool. I just wouldn't spend so much money on a phone, all I need to do is call people and occasionally use my Razr's(which was free) garbage camera every now and then. I'd just rather spend my money elsewhere. And I will never put an Apple sticker on anything lol.

08-11-2008, 04:59 PM
I don't hate iPhones, if I felt like dropping 200 on a phone that would be my first choice, I just hate pretty much everyone I've met who owns one. I own an iPod(classic 80gb>touch all the way), and will soon own a MacBook, but you wont see me parading around with either like it makes me cool. I just wouldn't spend so much money on a phone, all I need to do is call people and occasionally use my Razr's(which was free) garbage camera every now and then. I'd just rather spend my money elsewhere. And I will never put an Apple sticker on anything lol. :cheers: Reps to you good sir.

08-11-2008, 05:44 PM
I have a 1st gen iPhone. you got a link to the pandora app Paul?

08-11-2008, 09:17 PM
*blackberry fanboy takes a seat*

08-11-2008, 09:30 PM
*blackberry fangirl takes a seat*

2nd. :o

08-12-2008, 08:15 AM
I have a 1st gen iPhone. you got a link to the pandora app Paul?

you can find it on the app store > music > pandora (free)

or www.pandora.com

08-12-2008, 12:38 PM
hey all you iphone users send me a picture message!!

ohhhh thats right!! i forgot the iphone cant do what EVERY other cellphone in production can lolol

08-12-2008, 12:38 PM
p.s. blackberry for the motherphuckin gotdamn win

08-12-2008, 12:45 PM
hey all you iphone users send me a picture message!!

ohhhh thats right!! i forgot the iphone cant do what EVERY other cellphone in production can lolol

Um, you might want to rephrase that there...I can send picture messages from my iphone all day long....and do from time to time.

08-12-2008, 12:52 PM
IPhone 3G owner checking in.

08-12-2008, 12:53 PM
I do, but I'll buy the new BlackBerry when it comes out.

08-12-2008, 12:54 PM
Um, you might want to rephrase that there...I can send picture messages from my iphone all day long....and do from time to time.
mms? u sure? :thinking:

"Unfortunately, most of the standard cellphone features that were missing from the first iPhone are still missing. There's still no voice dialing, video recording, copy-and-paste, memory-card slot, Bluetooth stereo audio or phone-to-phone photo sending (MMS). And when the battery needs replacement after a couple of years, you'll still have to pay Apple $86 for a replacement."

08-12-2008, 01:12 PM
i'll probably get on late this yr or early next.

08-13-2008, 09:30 AM
mms? u sure? :thinking:

"Unfortunately, most of the standard cellphone features that were missing from the first iPhone are still missing. There's still no voice dialing, video recording, copy-and-paste, memory-card slot, Bluetooth stereo audio or phone-to-phone photo sending (MMS). And when the battery needs replacement after a couple of years, you'll still have to pay Apple $86 for a replacement."

even 1st iphone can get these features - they got hacks for everything. no need for memory slot when you got 8 or 16gb + usb connectivity. for 200$ now you can't beat it. i haven't played w/ the VNC, or other remote options but i plan on using it to login to my servers at work to run needed services :goodjob:

08-13-2008, 09:37 AM
having to hack a phone to perform functions that even the most basic cellphones can already do = fail

08-14-2008, 10:14 PM
You don't even have to "hack" them...you can get all of these features and more in the app store for free. Free voicedial programs, free picture messaging, etc..

I would much rather have a phone that lets me choose which features I want and add them individually for free than to have a phone with features I would never use. Why is having picture messaging a necessity? Or for that matter a good idea? Can your phone take a picture and then send it to my email address instead? Can you add applications to your phone without a computer?

It never ceases to amaze me that I have never heard of someone complain about an iphone that has used it for more than a month. Are there fanboys that give it a bad name? Sure. Are there idiots that like the phone because it's trendy and fashionable? Sure. Are there people like myself that has owned it for quite some time now and swear that it's the best tool to come in a long time? Absolutely.

I carried trio's for some time, had a blackberry or two and thought they were all decent phones but I always had a complaint or two, or three, or more. Now that I use the iphone exclusively, I can honestly say that it's the best phone for me by a mile. Now does that mean it's for everyone? Of course not. If you are happy with your phone, great. Do you use the internet on your phone and email on your phone as much as me? Maybe not. Do you need google maps at your fingertips because you travel a lot. Who knows?

My advice would be to actually try and wait to knock the iphone after you have had a chance to use one for more than 15 minutes.

08-28-2008, 12:10 PM
does my I clone count since i have t mobile paul... lol

08-28-2008, 02:44 PM
I has one. Favorite app - Evernote. Its the sh!t.

08-28-2008, 03:37 PM
You don't even have to "hack" them...you can get all of these features and more in the app store for free. Free voicedial programs, free picture messaging, etc..

I would much rather have a phone that lets me choose which features I want and add them individually for free than to have a phone with features I would never use. Why is having picture messaging a necessity? Or for that matter a good idea? Can your phone take a picture and then send it to my email address instead? Can you add applications to your phone without a computer?

It never ceases to amaze me that I have never heard of someone complain about an iphone that has used it for more than a month. Are there fanboys that give it a bad name? Sure. Are there idiots that like the phone because it's trendy and fashionable? Sure. Are there people like myself that has owned it for quite some time now and swear that it's the best tool to come in a long time? Absolutely.

I carried trio's for some time, had a blackberry or two and thought they were all decent phones but I always had a complaint or two, or three, or more. Now that I use the iphone exclusively, I can honestly say that it's the best phone for me by a mile. Now does that mean it's for everyone? Of course not. If you are happy with your phone, great. Do you use the internet on your phone and email on your phone as much as me? Maybe not. Do you need google maps at your fingertips because you travel a lot. Who knows?

My advice would be to actually try and wait to knock the iphone after you have had a chance to use one for more than 15 minutes.

werd - only thing i dislike about the phone is there is not regular keys but i'm sure i will get over that in time; i'm just so used to texting blind b/c i memorized key placement :lmfao:

08-28-2008, 03:42 PM
had one sold it

08-28-2008, 04:01 PM
hmmm..i have a hacked iPod touch that can make calls using sip-voip. does that count?

08-29-2008, 12:22 AM
I got a black 3g 16g, best program ever Dynoliciuos Actually does dyno pulls and is surprising accurate, 2nd best is Epocrates i use it for work when i have no idea what a medication someone is take is.

08-29-2008, 12:31 AM
i think its a beautiful phone but from rumors i hear they have been having alot of problems?

08-29-2008, 12:54 AM
none out of mine YET.

08-29-2008, 01:07 AM
Smooze(sp) is such a cool app

just let it listen to viturally any song for 15 seconds and it will tell you what the name of the song/artist/album

plus you can then listen to the music video on youtube or buy the song from itunes

08-29-2008, 12:53 PM
Smooze(sp) is such a cool app

just let it listen to viturally any song for 15 seconds and it will tell you what the name of the song/artist/album

My Sony Ericsson Walkman phone (W510) does that.... and I got the phone

guess I just saved $ 299.00 + contract....

08-29-2008, 04:37 PM
I have a first gen and 3g iphone.

Yes you can send picture text, just have the SSH the phone and add SwirlyMMS.
Video recorders are free for the phone.

my first gen is unlocked and jailbroken, my 3g is jailbroken.

also my phone is setup that makes it impossible for someone else to use (good for noisy g/f's)

Guess I'm an Iphone nerd, best phone out..no....my fav. yes!

08-29-2008, 08:07 PM
your blackberry do that?


08-29-2008, 10:36 PM
i miss my unlocked/jailbroken 1st gen, but the app store is easing my pain with the 3G... when I get bored I'll jailbreak this one too haha.

or rather when a non-free app comes out that I really want... cause there's no way im paying for it :lmfao:

08-30-2008, 12:37 PM
i miss my unlocked/jailbroken 1st gen, but the app store is easing my pain with the 3G... when I get bored I'll jailbreak this one too haha.

or rather when a non-free app comes out that I really want... cause there's no way im paying for it :lmfao:

I have the 2.0.2 firmware, and jail broke it, it's easy, here's a link.


09-01-2008, 11:45 PM
3g owner and V1 owner. Best apps

Holdem Poker
Cannon Game

09-02-2008, 03:34 PM
I'm listening to my iphone right now. i love it. Got it a week ago and i have downloaded over 20 apps.
Koi Pond
Cube Runner
Pop Quiz
Air Hockey
Cubes Lite
Football Lite
Tap Tap
Flipbook Lite
Asphalt 4
Brain Tuner
Not to mention the other 30 apps i have downloaded and deleted because they werent as good as i thought they were gonna be lol.... but they are still all backed up on my itunes.

Boosted FC
09-02-2008, 03:42 PM
I returned my LG Vu. Will be getting the Iphone tomorrow.

09-02-2008, 04:03 PM
Yea when I broke my razor last week I was gonna get a vu but they have been out of stock everywhere. I couldnt upgrade to an iphone till november unless i wanted to pay 400 for the 8 gb one. thats the full price of it... lol so i did :D i love it and its well worth it.