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07-15-2008, 02:39 PM
i'll begin
- people who have NO CLUE how to drive, including high school girls talking on the cell phone and trying to text, old people in there land yachts, and people who leave there blinker on or ride with there foot on the brake 24/7!

-posers/$hit talkers/wannabe's there all the same...they have a faster car than you they claim...walmart stock clerk stopped me the other night ans the conversation pretty much went like this.

idiot- hey is that your blue hatch
me- yea
idiot- you wanna race?
me- aren't you working?
idiot- im on a smoke break
me- what do you have
idiot- a hatch like yours with a LS in it
me- any motor mods?
idiot- forged rods, pistons, just forged internals
me- any head work? turbo? etc...
idiot- oh yea it's turbo fully built.
me- what rods, pistons, cams, sleeved? blockguard? who did the machine work?
idiot- oh i don't know i just got it put together and dropped in before work tonight. i didn't pay attention to what brand they were.
me- oh really...
idiot- yea man it's sick, what do you have?
me- just a d
idiot- wow i'd wax you
me- probably not, i have to get milk for my wife, have fun dreaming

so on my way out i spotted one of only 16 cars in the parking lot...a flat black rattle canned hatch, stock blown struts (they were leaking) 3 steelies, 1 donut, no radio, interior looked HORRIBLE, radiator leaking, no intercooler, no turbo, exhaust cut off before cat, i have decided i have seen enough, i hear him yell from across the lot, let me know if you wanna run em! i just shook my head, got in my car and left...

these are just a couple of my pet peeves...lets hear yours, and your stories if you dare!

07-15-2008, 02:39 PM
fur on the taco

07-15-2008, 02:41 PM
no fur on the taco
Fur on the taco.

07-15-2008, 02:41 PM
lol you know whats crazy. i have never had anyone try to race me. if anyone else drives my cars they get like yelled at on the streets revved at like crazy. even my wife. but no one messes with me. kinda weird

07-15-2008, 02:45 PM
my wife got that alot in her EG that chad now owns. lol oh i can't stand her driving either!

07-15-2008, 02:46 PM
lol you know whats crazy. i have never had anyone try to race me. if anyone else drives my cars they get like yelled at on the streets revved at like crazy. even my wife. but no one messes with me. kinda weird

i swear to god every delsol and accord have tried to race me. :no:

just leave me be you @ssholes

Lucky DAWG
07-15-2008, 04:27 PM
1. squeeky wheels on shopping carts.

2. people who can't take the clear part off of a sticker for a car.

3. gelled spikes with "frosted" tips

4. guys at the gym who grunt and scream and are obviously in there 5 hours a day and juicing.

5. bar whores who flirt and get everything paid for but then demand respect

07-15-2008, 04:47 PM
People who double park...Even when it's an empty parking lot, even when they're in the back, even when i'd otherwise look at the car and go "damn, that's a nice looking STI"... i HATE people who double park. I mean, if you can't manage to get between the white lines in a parking lot, what chance do you have on the street?

07-15-2008, 04:49 PM
whats your pet peeve's???

...when people use apostrophes incorrectly.

07-15-2008, 04:55 PM
Having odd quantities of anything.

People who assume they deserve respect when they do nothing to merit it.

Girls who love to announce how drunk they are after 2 drinks.

Popped collars. You have to know that you look like a douchebag, and everybody around you thinks you look like one, too.

People with blind adherence to their views, especially when they impose their views on others ("I think X and I am right and you are wrong because I said so.") At least have some evidence or reasoning for your opinion.

07-15-2008, 05:01 PM
...when people use apostrophes incorrectly.

my fail...

DJ Maestro
07-15-2008, 06:28 PM
When my boss looks over my shoulder while I am trying to look at high quality pr0n at work. :boobies:

07-15-2008, 06:30 PM
The people at Gwinnett Tech that don't know how to park.
People that back into your car in a parking and drive off.
Door dings.
Finding new scratches, dings, etc every time I was my car!
People who walk super slow in a store and block the entire walkway so you can't get through.
Migraine headaches.
Non-English speaking *************! Especially the ones who REFUSE learn even a little English to get by.

DJ Maestro
07-15-2008, 06:36 PM
Que pasa amigo? :D

07-15-2008, 06:37 PM
people who argue about something even when they know there wrong yet they keep arguing

also people who tell you there going to do something and they dont do it.

07-15-2008, 06:41 PM
Que pasa amigo? :D

Just for the record...wasn't trying to be racist, but geez...it gets hard to communicate with people sometimes. I worked at a hospital for a while and came in contact with some people who didn't speak english (several different races, just to clear it up) and it was so difficult to run a test on someone who didn't know what I was saying...and at times family/friends there had major attitude when asked to translate. So...

07-15-2008, 07:05 PM
blazin'... lol! i keed i keed

DJ Maestro
07-15-2008, 07:21 PM
It's all good man, don't have to explain anything to me. I'm as white bread as white bread comes. I feel your pain about the non-english speakers who refuse to learn our language. I live in Gainesville, see and hear it ALL the time. :blah:

07-15-2008, 07:35 PM
lol you know whats crazy. i have never had anyone try to race me. if anyone else drives my cars they get like yelled at on the streets revved at like crazy. even my wife. but no one messes with me. kinda weird
I'll try and race u...................

When u come find me and give me gas for the race whether I stomp ur ASS or not :ninja:

07-15-2008, 07:40 PM
People who drive in the fast lane and/or "join" the fast lane when they are completely aware of the vehicle closing ranks with them and "hang-out" as if there is no problem.

Included - is those drivers whom decide its cool to catch up to u while your nearing another vehicle and about to change lanes and in turn... (if u successfully join the lane in which u wanted) roll down there window, honk, wait for reply or eye contact and have the nerve to cuss YOU out. (i.e. KENTUCKIANS in green Kia Sonata's)

Then later down the freeway, honk AGAIN and ask do u wanna run em.


07-15-2008, 07:48 PM
It's all good man, don't have to explain anything to me. I'm as white bread as white bread comes. I feel your pain about the non-english speakers who refuse to learn our language. I live in Gainesville, see and hear it ALL the time. :blah:

LoL, I just don't want to offend anyone.

07-15-2008, 07:54 PM
i hate the freeway rollers to...as described above...the left lane is the FAST LANE!!! we all know the speed limit is 70...but we all know if we can get away with 75 were going to, and yet every time i get out there here comes someone doing 65 in the fast lane in a ford festiva, with a "tag applied for" cardboard sheet hanging off the back, a window thats been busted out and been replaced with a semi clear garbage bag that has a hole on the corner just big enough to get your ash out the window and of course no tail or break lights. i bet it's insured too!

07-15-2008, 07:57 PM
i hate the freeway rollers to...as described above...the left lane is the FAST LANE!!! we all know the speed limit is 70...but we all know if we can get away with 75 were going to, and yet every time i get out there here comes someone doing 65 in the fast lane in a ford festiva, with a "tag applied for" cardboard sheet hanging off the back, a window thats been busted out and been replaced with a semi clear garbage bag that has a hole on the corner just big enough to get your ash out the window and of course no tail or break lights. i bet it's insured too!


07-15-2008, 07:58 PM
i hate the freeway rollers to...as described above...the left lane is the FAST LANE!!! we all know the speed limit is 70...but we all know if we can get away with 75 were going to, and yet every time i get out there here comes someone doing 65 in the fast lane in a ford festiva, with a "tag applied for" cardboard sheet hanging off the back, a window thats been busted out and been replaced with a semi clear garbage bag that has a hole on the corner just big enough to get your ash out the window and of course no tail or break lights. i bet it's insured too!

LOL wasnt doin all that, but yea, thats tru to.

07-16-2008, 09:21 AM
1-People who chew with their mouth open...just gross
2-Guys who expect you to carry all their Sh*t in your purse
3-Sock with sandals. Seriously...whats the point?
4-Needing to use power tools to find out that they were never charged after their last use

07-16-2008, 09:48 AM
back seat drivers
people who respond "k" in a text message
people who leave voicemails that have little to no point what so ever

DJ Maestro
07-16-2008, 09:49 AM
back seat drivers
people who respond "k" in a text message
people who leave voicemails that have little to no point what so ever



07-16-2008, 02:32 PM
mine.. people who dont get in the turning lane to turn and just ride with their blinker on...

people that pull out in front of you, forcing you to slam on your brakes only to find out that they are turning in 2.2 seconds...

Noises: smacking on gum, snoring, etc.

Lucky DAWG
07-16-2008, 02:37 PM
1-People who chew with their mouth open...just gross
2-Guys who expect you to carry all their Sh*t in your purse
3-Sock with sandals. Seriously...whats the point?
4-Needing to use power tools to find out that they were never charged after their last use

to show everyone you are a hardcore lv 70 Dwarf Paladin and to BACK THE **** DOWN!!! :idb:

07-16-2008, 03:13 PM
also another good point, when coming up to an intersection the turning lane to turn right has a solid white line that has dashes in it then it's back to solid again...when it goes from straight to dashes thats when you are need to get into that lane, however i have been very close to getting ran the **** over in my hatch quite a few times, they act like there going to go straight, no blinker, and then just before they need to turn they will slide all the way over nearly on top of me...i honk the horn and throw out a hand gesture...then they wanna act like im the @$$ hole who nearly hit them!

and the HOV lane...same crap, dotted line means you can enter/exit at any time...solid white line means you don't have that option...people are unable to grasp this and you can see them check there mirrors for the po po's before doing so.

if i were a cop i think i would write ppl tickets for mostly those offenses...not that it would change the world or anything but it would make me feel better, i'd do it with a smile on my face too, lol

07-16-2008, 03:26 PM
I have a lot...

I don't like people smoking in or around my car
I hate when people laugh excessively
I don't like people that tell me how to do something very easy. Like how to mop a floor or how to cut a tomato.
I hate when people ask me why I have "a VTEC" civic and do not race them"
I hate when people at wal-mart or any store or anything have an attitude at any time past 8 o'clock
I hate when the assholes at fast food restaurants put mayonaise on my order when I specifically ask them for ONLY KETCHUP!
I hate door dings and N1 style exhaust tips.
I hate ricers that think their stock integra or prelude is fast because it has an intake and muffler.
I hate the term "JDM" now because people use it incorrectly.
I hate street racing and "call outs".
I hate ignorant people that ask me about my car
I hate ugly wheels.

That's just a few.

07-16-2008, 03:34 PM
i cant stand when people drag silverware on thier teeth. makes me chringe everytime!

07-16-2008, 03:44 PM
to show everyone you are a hardcore lv 70 Dwarf Paladin and to BACK THE **** DOWN!!! :idb:

Pet Peeve #5

When people try to blend real life with fantasy. IE- Video games

07-16-2008, 03:44 PM
i cant stand when people drag silverware on thier teeth. makes me chringe everytime!

OH YEA, that too!

07-16-2008, 06:56 PM
and the HOV lane...same crap, dotted line means you can enter/exit at any time...solid white line means you don't have that option...people are unable to grasp this and you can see them check there mirrors for the po po's before doing so.

I aint rollin with THAT one. I pull out before that dashed line. Its usually so late that u have no time to clear the 14 and a half lanes to exit, in most cases.
If u ticketed me for that I'd be forced to piss on ur flowers

07-16-2008, 06:57 PM
Pet Peeve #5

When people try to blend real life with fantasy. IE- Video games
Lair!! U try to blend IA with real life. Quoting FAIL aloud to ur friends. I heard u:yes:

07-16-2008, 07:13 PM
people who can't take a joke

nosy people

07-16-2008, 07:16 PM
Cheaters.. I lose respect for a cheating boyfriend/girlfriend

07-17-2008, 03:07 AM
People who let their dogs crap in other peoples yards.
Slow cashiers at stores.
People who do not stay in the bathroom while brushing their teeth. Like the whole world needs to know what brand toothbrush they use.
People who leave doors open when they go outside.
People who talk extremely loud on their cellphones in public.
People overseas doing customer service you cant understand.

07-17-2008, 03:21 AM
i can't stand loud noises. it is a huge pet peeve of mine. i can't stand it when someone talks so damn loud that you can hear it across the country. if i'm standing right here, why the f*ck do you need to yell.

i can't stand people who lie. there is no point in lying.

i can't stand repeating myself, especially if i know i said it loud and clear. why say it the second time if the peson didn't get it the first time.

i can't stand people that don't get sarcasm. why should people get pissy at me when i'm being sarcastic. i have such a dry sense of humor that people who know me should know this already.

there are others. but i'm bored and felt like typing.

07-17-2008, 03:34 AM
Mine has to be when an old person is driving a crown victoria behind me at night and it makes me all paranoid because they are driving too slow to pass me, I slow down because I think it's a cop, and then when they pass me I see its just an old crown vic holy run on sentence batman and then I just get super irritated and go S HIT it was only a stupid old crownvic!

07-17-2008, 03:38 AM
#1: racing stripes on my breeches and kias.
#2: smacking while chewing
#3: people that smell bad
#4: people that spell bad
#5: incorrect use of "rice" or "ricer"
#6: cocky people
#7: tailgaters (get brake checked)
#8: people that pull out in front of me
#9: stupid looking people
#10: babies that won't shut the hell up
#11: twin babies that won't shut the hell up
#12: annoying girl laughs
#13: body kits
#14: DTM tips
#15: liars
#16: up-tight people
#17: people that hold grudges
#18: one tire fire
#19: getting btched at for something I didn't do
#20: when I get 10 IM's, chat invite, and IA is hopping... then someone calls the cell
#21: complainers
#22: stupid trade offers
#23: people with the "i'm superior to you" attitude (not really cocky)
#24: leaving without saying 'bye' or a proper farewell
#25: WhEn SuMoNe TyPeZ lIkE tHiS n MiSpElLs WeRds
#26: HX rims
#27: steelies
#28: girls that act like they know a lot about cars when they don't
#29: schedule changes at work in the middle of the week
#30: people that never seem to lose a race... but it's because they don't let off until they pass you, even if you're out of the throttle and on the brake... and that's winning to them
#31: claiming to show up, then not. Just say you're not coming
#32: breaking plans within hours before


07-17-2008, 07:41 AM
lol you know whats crazy. i have never had anyone try to race me. if anyone else drives my cars they get like yelled at on the streets revved at like crazy. even my wife. but no one messes with me. kinda weirdcus ur a scary mofo. :D

pet peeves:

1. people dont pull into an intersection when trying to make a left. They sit there and wait for the fuking red light and next green. WTF?!

2. some1 cuts YOU off, you beep, THEY give YOU the finger?! WTF?!

3. Some1 asks you to race, you deny them. They call you a pùssy for not being irresponsible.

4. a Pen that doesnt work!!!

5. People who tail gate when ur in the slow lane.


07-17-2008, 11:46 PM
people who have swapped car wiht like d16z6 d15b7 etc and say it came out of a 95 and older civic and be like it only has 28k miles and its a 15 year old car?

07-18-2008, 09:16 AM
The absolute worst thing is a person that smacks their lips while chewing or slops their lips while kissing in public. It hurts my ears and makes me physically ill. :2up:

07-18-2008, 09:30 AM
Indian customer care representatives. Not racist, I just can't understand when they try to speak english because of their pronunciation of our words. Drives me to the edge. I usually hang up after a few sentences lately.
One of our vendors had their Customer Care farmed out to India once and I just refused to even call them although I got a lot of trouble for refusing I just couldn't handle it. :eek: :crazy:

07-18-2008, 10:49 AM
Mine has to be when an old person is driving a crown victoria behind me at night and it makes me all paranoid because they are driving too slow to pass me, I slow down because I think it's a cop, and then when they pass me I see its just an old crown vic holy run on sentence batman and then I just get super irritated and go S HIT it was only a stupid old crownvic!

MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! THe days I dont feel like putting miles on my lude or using my gas I drive my grandmothers VIC..... every time I come up on someone at night they slow down! I am like F-in GO!!! Too funny!

07-18-2008, 12:16 PM
#1: racing stripes on my breeches and kias.
#2: smacking while chewing
#3: people that smell bad
#4: people that spell bad
#5: incorrect use of "rice" or "ricer"
#6: cocky people
#7: tailgaters (get brake checked)
#8: people that pull out in front of me
#9: stupid looking people
#10: babies that won't shut the hell up
#11: twin babies that won't shut the hell up
#12: annoying girl laughs
#13: body kits
#14: DTM tips
#15: liars
#16: up-tight people
#17: people that hold grudges
#18: one tire fire
#19: getting btched at for something I didn't do
#20: when I get 10 IM's, chat invite, and IA is hopping... then someone calls the cell
#21: complainers
#22: stupid trade offers
#23: people with the "i'm superior to you" attitude (not really cocky)
#24: leaving without saying 'bye' or a proper farewell
#25: WhEn SuMoNe TyPeZ lIkE tHiS n MiSpElLs WeRds
#26: HX rims
#27: steelies
#28: girls that act like they know a lot about cars when they don't
#29: schedule changes at work in the middle of the week
#30: people that never seem to lose a race... but it's because they don't let off until they pass you, even if you're out of the throttle and on the brake... and that's winning to them
#31: claiming to show up, then not. Just say you're not coming
#32: breaking plans within hours before


ummmmm.....yeah he pretty much nailed it :goodjob:

kelly marie
07-18-2008, 12:19 PM
i hate when driving on a two lane road someone pulls out in front of me, does ten miles under the speed limit, when there was absolutely no one behind me.. so annoying

i hate when people don't use their blinkers.. HELLO they were created for a reason.. you are not the only car on the road and i damn sure can't read your mind

i hate when girls talk like sailors (cursing a lot).. i think it's trashy

i hate when my co-worker starts a conversation with "again".. like she already told me once.. but really hasn't lol

ooo and i really, really, really don't like close talkers. especially when they don't know how to keep their breath fresh.. personal space is important, when i don't know you don't touch me :)

there are tons more :)

07-18-2008, 12:23 PM
People who cant understand Porsche is a 2 syllable word.

07-18-2008, 12:32 PM

07-18-2008, 02:14 PM

she does not look amused...not even a little bit...and the kid looks like he is about to drop turd on her shoes...

07-18-2008, 02:25 PM
make that brett's shoes!

07-18-2008, 07:57 PM
people that think vtec, ivtec, vvti, ect is the ****. and when import owners and and domestic owners cant get along. we all love cars. so stfu with your import bashing foxbodyforum.com

07-19-2008, 10:03 PM
OK. here are a few, but i'm sure as time goes on i'll think of more and add to my list.

1- people who refer to their driver's license as "them". for instance: "dude, how could you leave your driver's license at home when you know we're going out to drink?" "Ahhh damnit man, sorry... take me back to the apartment and i'll get THEM." I fail to see how these morons are getting plural use out of a single card. srsly.

2- when people can't shut the hell up during a movie... whether i've seen it already or not. i can't stand it when i'm at home or at a friend's trying to get into a film and somebody's constantly making stupid comments and asking a million questions about what's going on. Shut your mouth and watch the damn movie. I'm not Cliff's f*cking Notes.

3- people who type things and mis-use apostrophes. especially in dates... i.e: if abbreviating "1959-1969", it should be '59-'69.. not "59'-69'". That sh*t just doesn't make sense. The apostrophe is supposed to be replacing what you've taken away (the "19" in this case). Another prime example that i witnessed today was the use of the word Vette' to replace Corvette. stupid retards... i swear public schools have failed us.

4- ignorant, slanderous, closed-minded, misinformed people who still feel the need to bash Hyundai even now in 2008. 10 years ago, I would've agreed that Hyundai made cheap cars, but a lot can happen in a decade.

5- people who don't know what a damn Yield sign is. what's even worse is when morons who have the right-of-way yield for no apparent reason.

07-19-2008, 10:54 PM
People who cant understand Porsche is a 2 syllable word.
+whatever I give.

I have a sweet shirt that my dad got from a Porsche Club event where they actually spelled it "Porsha" to encourage people to say the name correctly.

EDIT: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to EJ25RUN again.

07-20-2008, 02:55 AM
i agree with vayda... double parkers

and uhh people who aren't on time.

07-20-2008, 03:34 AM
almost any walmart cashier, never ever in a good mood and always have an attitude like its my fault that they work at walmart.

yes ppl who talk during movies drive me crazy, i dont care if youve seen it, ive seen it whatever.

when your talking to someone and you say something, then the go "what i didnt hear you" mofo im talking to you, f'ing listen.

when a girl is obviously irritated/pissed at me, and i ask whats wrong and every damn time i get "nothing", then i say something like, "obviously" and then all hell breaks loose. WTF

and almost anything to do with highway driving. especially slow ppl in the left lane, bla bla bla. but i mean seriously look in your mirrors and see the damn line of cars that you are causing/holding up. and getting taligated in any other lane other then the left lane when there is room for them to go around and pass.

and ppl who arent really sure where they are or where they are going to, and feel the need to just slow down real quick and almost stop in the middle of the road to then realize that this isnt the street they are looking for and just start driving again like nothing happened.

and morons that are riding around with their friends in whatever car they may be in that love to yell **** at you and act like badasses, when they know damn well they wouldnt be doing **** like that if they were by themselves. that **** drives me nuts. especially when you get mean mugged by 2 dudes in any other type of "tuner" car, i love that. or when dude is with his girl and he has to act like a bad ass and fly by me.